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A designer is recently creating floral i...

    A designer is recently creating floral installations (花篮) on the streets of Manhattan, New York, that are meant to brighten the days of healthcare and other important workers.

Lewis Miller’s most recent creation is an arrangement popping out of a rubbish can at the corner of West 58th Street and 10th Avenue. “They were very simple. It was just cherry branches. ” Miller said. “ We didn’t disclose the location(位置) so nobody could necessarily go and find them. But plenty of people did find them and then they found his Inslagram information. A post with pictures of the “flower flash” as Miller calls them has gotten more than 16,000 likes in less than a day. “Listen, I’m kind of bored. I’m a creative person. I did something new and it took off,’’ Miller said. It still surprises me reading the comments from yesterday like really how much it feeds peopled souls.

Miller has been dotting Manhattan with floral sunrises for a few years with his arrangements popping out of those New York City hot dog carts (推车) and even construction equipment.

“ And the combination of which is so hard aggressive, compared with flowers which are the exact opposite of that,” Miller said.

Vogue magazine once wrote about him but it’s the reaction from the public many of whom have been restricted inside for weeks that he values most.

“If you can just stop, pause and just have one second of joy - that’s amazing because that’s one of the things that’s so lacking and it’s hard,” Miller said.

As one person on Instagram put it, New York City rubbish has never looked so pretty.

1.Who are the floral installations mainly intended for?

A.Medical workers. B.Busy pedestrians.

C.Cleaning staff. D.Very important persons.

2.What do the citizens think of Miller’s idea of the floral installations?

A.Boring. B.Hopeful.

C.Valuable. D.Admirable.

3.The design is creative because        .

A.it is simple B.it is made of rubbish

C.it pops out of a rubbish can D.it is the symbol of New York City

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Street Art B.A Big Surprise

C.Lewis Miller’s Creation Is Amazing D.Flower Flash Brightens Streets


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了Lewis Miller在纽约曼哈顿的街道上设计花卉装置,旨在照亮医疗保健和其他重要工作人员的工作日。文章还介绍了人们对此做法表示称赞,以及Miller对自己这一行动的态度。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段A designer is recently creating floral installations on the streets of Manhattan, New York, that are meant to brighten the days of healthcare and other important workers.可知最近,一名设计师在纽约曼哈顿的街道上设计花卉装置,旨在照亮医疗保健和其他重要工作人员的工作日。由此可知,花饰主要是为医护人员设计的。故选A。 2.推理判断题。根据第二段中A post with pictures of the “flower flash” as Miller calls them has gotten more than 16,000 likes in less than a day.可知一张Miller称之为“闪花”的照片在不到一天的时间里就获得了1.6万多个赞。由此可推知,市民们认为Miller的花卉装置的想法是值得赞扬的。故选D。 3.细节理解题。根据第二段中Lewis Miller’s most recent creation is an arrangement popping out of a rubbish can at the corner of West 58th Street and 10th Avenue.可知Lewis Miller最近的作品是从西58街和第10大道拐角处的一个垃圾桶里蹦出来的东西。由此可知,这个设计很有创意,因为它是从垃圾桶里蹦出来的。故选C。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段A designer is recently creating floral installations on the streets of Manhattan, New York, that are meant to brighten the days of healthcare and other important workers.可知最近,一名设计师在纽约曼哈顿的街道上设计花卉装置,旨在照亮医疗保健和其他重要工作人员的工作日。结合文章还介绍了人们对此做法表示称赞,以及Miller对自己这一行动的态度。由此可知,故D选项“花的闪光照亮了街道”最符合文章标题。故选D。

    Many students have trouble sitting quietly. They play with pencils, talk out of turn, and jump to do things before thinking. Others can sit still but find it hard to focus on classwork. They may daydream, struggle to organize their work and forget to do assignments.

Most people feel restless or unglued from time to time, but some feel this way almost all the time. Nearly one out of ten kids have ADHD ( Attention-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder ). But ADHD does not have to be a roadblock to achievement. Here, two professionals in their fields share the secrets of their success.

Astronaut Scott Kelly has flown on four space tasks, including one that lasted close to a year. But when he was growing up, he had trouble focusing in school. As a result, he earned low grades. I read a novel in college about the space program. The book motivated me to study harder and become a much better student and eventually, an astronaut. The lesson I learned was: Don’t give up on yourself. Find something or someone that motivates you and use that to help motivate yourself.

Figure skater Zachary Donohue placed fourth for ice dancing at the 2018 Winter Olympics. In elementary school, Zachary had a hard time making friends because his classmates thought lie was wild, overly excitable and lacking orderly continuity. “A lot of very successful people have ADHD, so wear it with pride. When I was 16, I realized that it was OK for me to be different than others. Now, at 27, I’m learning to understand my own feelings. I still struggle with ADHD, but I’ve learned that I’m responsible for more than just myself. I’ve learned how important it is to be organized and to be a step ahead. “

1.The author may agree that___________ .

A.failure is the mother of success B.nothing can stand in the way of success

C.the secrets of success should be shared D.people with ADHD are more likely to succeed

2.What contributes to Scott Kelly's success?

A.Living with ADHD. B.The lessons on astronomy.

C.His great interest in space. D.The motivation from his grades.

3.What does Zachary Donohue do with ADHD?

A.He faces it responsibly. B.He views it differently.

C.He takes advantage of it. D.He sees it as a disadvantage.

4.How is the passage mainly developed?

A.By examples. B.By comparison.

C.By explanation. D.By classification.



Services covered by Healthy Smiles Ontario

Healthy Smiles Ontario is a free dental program for children and youth 17 and under. Good oral health is important to the overall health of children and youth. It’s very important to start seeing a dentist when your child is 12 months old and to keep going regularly. Healthy Smiles Ontario covers regular check-ups, preventive care and treatment. With Healthy Smiles Ontario you can prevent oral health problems before they start!

Getting registered

Who is eligible (符合条件)

Children and youth 17 and under may be eligible if

They are residents (居民)of Ontario and they are members of a household that meets the income eligibility requirements.

How long is a client (当事人)eligible for service

Up to one benefit year (August 1st to July 31st) , or 12 months from the date of registration or up to their 18th birthday.

How to apply

Visit Ontario, ca/healthysmiles or visit your local Public Health Unit.

If you have any questions f please call the ServiceOntario INFOline toll-free at

ServiceOntario toll-free 1-844-296-6306

ServiceOntario TTY toll-free 1-800-387-5559 416-327-4282 (TTY Toronto only)

Once a child’s registration has been confirmed, they will receive a Healthy Smiles Ontario dental card. The dental card must be presented to a dental provider at each visit to receive dental care under the Program.

Who may apply online

To apply online you will have to

Enter your Social Insurance Number

Sign and mail a completed Consent Form within 30 days of submitting an online Application.

1.What can Healthy Smiles Ontario program offer?

A.Overall physical examination. B.Prevention of dental disease.

C.Regular check-up for babies. D.Life-long free oral treatment.

2.What is the age range required by Healthy Smiles Ontario program?

A.0-12. B.1-12.

C.0-18. D.1-17.

3.What must a client do at each visit to the dental care?

A.Apply online. B.Make an appointment.

C.Present the dental card. D.Enter Social Insurance Number.




1._______ n. a number of different things of the same general kind

2._______ adj. large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed

3._______ adj. with a lot of decorations or bright colors

4._______ adj. means involving or relating to the buying and selling of goods

5._______ v. to say that you are annoyed, unhappy, or not satisfied with something.

6._______ adv. a way of emphasizing that something is true and that there is no doubt about it

7._______ v. to speak very quietly to sb. so that other people cannot hear what you are saying

8._______ adj. amusing and making you laugh

9._______ adj. connected with money, possessions, etc. rather than with the needs of the mind or spirit

10._______ n. a single article or object



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Festivals are occasions that allow us to relax and enjoy life. Their 1. (origin) range from the seasons of the year to important events. When it comes to celebrating  festivals,  different  cultures  actually  have  a lot 2. common. People celebrate the harvest festival after all the crops 3. (gather) in. Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with businesses 4. (take) advantage of the celebrations.

At age 18, Dr Lin Qiaozhi chose to study medicine instead of marrying like the 5. (major) of girls. After graduation, she became the first woman ever  6. (hire) as a resident physician in the PUMC Hospital. When studying in the US in 1939, she impressed her American colleagues who invited her to stay. Dr Lin, 7., rejected the offer.

San Francisco was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that 8. (occur) in 1906.The Mission District, one of the oldest parts of the city, used to be a poor area of town, 9. is now a center for art, music, and food. When gold was discovered in 1848 near San Francisco, many people came to seek their fortune and some Chinese opened up shops and restaurants to earn 10. living.



Finding Home

“I hate New Orleans! I wanna go home!” I _______ to my mother as we moved boxes. _______, going home was not easy because my home was 1, 100 miles away.

I was born and _______ in northern Virginia. Virginia was my home, and I never expected that to _______ In 2014, my family experienced a tragedy (悲剧), so my parents decided to move to my mom’s hometown of New Orleans.

Only three months after my parents made the _______ to move, I found myself moving boxes into our new house. My announcement to my mother that I _______ the new environment was partly motivated by how hot it was, but it was mostly due to the fact that I felt like my entire life had been turned upside down. 1,100 miles away from everyone and everything I had ever known, I was _______. To make matters worse, I was starting high school in two weeks. Beginning high school is a scary _______ on its own.

I spent my first few months in New Orleans, _______ wanting to go home to Virginia. But after a few months of missing home, I _______ that I had a choice. I could continue thinking about how much I missed my old home, _______ I could start trying to build a new home right here. I chose the latter.

As soon as I stopped giving all my _______ to how much I missed Virginia, I was able to begin accepting the love that people were already giving me. I joined some clubs at school, which gave me the chance to make friends. My neighbor taught me how to cook some New Orleans food, and I found a wonderful _______ of fellow cooks and neighbors. Overall, I seized every possible opportunity to _______ myself and to rebuild my life.

Because of my resilience (复原力) in creating a new home for myself and the _______ that people have shown to me, home is right here.

1.A.announced B.replied C.turned D.pointed

2.A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Besides

3.A.trained B.raised C.promoted D.fed

4.A.develop B.continue C.exist D.change

5.A.command B.suggestion C.excuse D.decision

6.A.preferred B.missed C.hate D.imagined

7.A.surprised B.frightened C.delighted D.relieved

8.A.performance B.region C.presentation D.experience

9.A.partly B.badly C.slightly D.hardly

10.A.realized B.remembered C.observed D.complained

11.A.and B.but C.or D.so

12.A.attention B.patience C.trust D.confidence

13.A.generation B.community C.race D.school

14.A.teach B.accept C.judge D.better

15.A.belief B.freedom C.love D.interest



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