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阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 I was i...


I was in Shenzhen, China, and a family stopped me and my wife and asked us if they could have their children take a photo with us. They were 1.(tour) from the inland of the country, and had never seen an American before.

2. similar thing happened in Shanghai. This time I was alone wandering across the Waibaidu Bridge, and a group of teenage girls asked me3.I could pose with them for a photo. I was happy, and I returned them all my smiles as the photo4.(take)

Another surprise: I was in Pudong and I couldn't find the entrance to the subway. I approached a man 5. (walk) near me, showing him the ride ticket, and he nodded6.(smart). Then he indicated I should follow. We went about 4 blocks. He pointed to the entrance, smiled, turned and walked away. I had no time7. (offer) him a trip, which was a good thing because it might have been taken 8. an insult (侮辱). I couldn't believe that he had taken so much trouble for a stranger.

Again, similar experiences repeated 9. (them) across China. The friendliness of the people, their kindness, and their eagerness to help was10. (condition). I don't know if that should be classified as "cultural shock", but it made me think about the Us, and how I rarely experience such kindness in my own country.


1.tourists 2.A 3.if/whether 4.was taken / was being taken 5.walking 6.smartly 7.to offer 8.as 9.themselves 10.unconditional 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个外国人在中国所遇到的人和事,让作者感到它所经历的礼貌待人要比自己国家好一些。 1.考查名词。句意:他们是来自内地的游客,之前从来没有见过外国人。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处应用名词tourist“游客”作表语,由they were判断为复数形式,故填tourists。 2.考查冠词。句意:一件相似的事情发生在上海。根据句意可知,此处泛指“一件形似的事情”,应用不定冠词,又similar是辅音音素开头,故填A。 3.考查连接词。句意:这次,我独自穿过外白渡桥,一群十多岁的女孩问我是否可以摆个姿势让她们拍照。分析句子可知,此处是宾语从句连接词,从句成分完整,但缺少“是否”之意,故填if/whether。 4.考查时态和语态。句意:我很高兴,(正)在拍照片时我用所有的微笑回馈她们。分析句子可知,此处是时间状语从句的谓语动词,事情发生在过去,主语photo和take之间是被动关系,根据句意可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态,或过去进行时的被动语态,故填was taken / was being taken。 5.考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,此处应用非谓语动词作后置定语,逻辑主语man和walk之间是主动关系,应用现在分词,故填walking。 6.考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词nod,故填smartly。 7.考查非谓语动词。句意:我没有给他提供小费的时间,这是一件好事,因为给小费会被看作一个侮辱。根据句意和句子结构判断此处应用不定式作后置定语,have no time to do sth.“没有做某事的时间”,故填to offer。 8.考查介词。句意:我没有给他提供小费的时间,这是一件好事,因为给小费会被看作一个侮辱。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处用介词as“作为”符合语境,take…as…“把……看作”,故填as。 9.考查代词。句意:类似的经历在中国各地再次上演。主语与宾语为同一个人或者事物时,宾语用反身代词,此处应用反身代词作宾语,指代上文的experiences,故填themselves。 10.考查形容词。结合上下文可知,此处意为“人民的友好,他们的善良,他们的热心帮助是无条件的”,故此处用unconditional“无条件的”作表语。故填unconditional。

    Chase and Nicole McKeown are both police officers in Elizabeth town in Kentucky. One night, the two off-duty officers ____ a robbery at a restaurant chain.

When they were eating dinner in the restaurant, a man came in______a mask and went up to the counter.

“I think we both saw him at the same time,”Nicole said during a news conference.______ she thought the man may be sick, given _____ season, but soon she knew the mask was for a less innocent _____, according to CNN. Nicole added they saw the employees behind the counter______their hands and that' s when we both ____ what was happening.

The monitor video ____ what happened next. The officers drew their weapons and _____the suspect. On the video, the suspect can be seen _____ his weapon and running out of the door, CNN reported. The couple_____ to pursue (追赶) him a few blocks away from the restaurant and ._____him at gunpoint until the Louisville Metro Police arrived and______ him .

"It is my belief that if not for the_____ actions of these two officers, the robber's actions inside the _____would have escalated (升级), they acted_____ , ”said Deputy Dan Mason of the LMPD 's robbery unit.

The couple said the officer instinct (本能) just________as the situation worsened.“We both looked at each other and said‘Let's go, '"Chase said.“When it _____people's life in danger, any other officer would have done the _____thing," Nicole said.

The suspect is now in________ in Louisville, according to the police.

1.A.acted B.made C.found D.prevented

2.A.waving B.wearing C.holding D.carrying

3.A.Later on B.Right away C.At first D.Once more

4.A.flu B.peak C.harvest D.holiday

5.A.aim B.result C.victim D.reason

6.A.put up B.drew back C.took off D.turned over

7.A.decided B.feared C.realized D.wondered

8.A.spread B.showed C.copied D.changed

9.A.left B.asked C.seized D.chased

10.A.hiding B.ruining C.dropping D.returning

11.A.agreed B.started C.continued D.offered

12.A.held B.killed C.punished D.searched

13.A.hurt B.arrested C.examined D.threatened

14.A.heroic B.extra C.sudden D.final

15.A.game B.fight C.business D.situation

16.A.crazily B.luckily C.surprisingly D.honorably

17.A.took in B.joined in C.moved i D.kicked in

18.A.goes for B.comes to C.deals with D.fights against

19.A.same B.opposite C.common D.different

20.A.mercy B.prison C.silence D.hospital



    Good gift giving is an art. The perfect present can lift mood or improve a relationship. It can repair a wrong

doing, or simply remind a loved one that you care.1. ? We spoke to some experts to help us make a simple guide to gifting.

Don't add a small gift to a big gift

2.? Some flowers to go with a bottle of grand French champagne (香槟)? Don’ t .When we receive gifts, we tend to unconsciously average out their value, so a small gift attached to a big one will  hurt the latter’s influence.

Gift experiences rather than things

A brand new iPhone becomes old fast. But a dream vacation or seeing your favorite artist in concert will give you memories that last forever. “Experiences often have more thought gone into them.3.. We might remember the tablet that a friend or a loved one has bought us, but not as much as a two-week holiday to Florida- the memories and the emotional attachment are greater than to a physical object,”explained Farrelly.

Think like the receiver

Let s put it very simply: buy things that your receiver would buy for themselves. That might seem obvious.4.. People tend to use gifts as jokes, encouragements to change one's ways, or to signal something about themselves rather than providing happiness to the receiver.

The best way to get it right is to ask the frank question, "what would you like?"


The last rule is a no-brainer: remember the gift of giving. A study finds that spending money on others promotes happiness. The good feelings you may experience from giving someone a gift they love may also last longer than spending money on ourselves.

A.Be generous enough

B.Is that always the way people do

C.So are there a set of rules to follow

D.And they create more vivid memories

E.But it happens far less than we' d like

F.Spend more on others than on yourself

G.Do you attempt to add a tie to an expensive shirt



    If our bodies actually suffer from eating too much sugar, then why do we like it? And why don 't we have such a strong eager for food like, say, broccoli (西兰花)which is a great source of Vitamin C,Vitamin K iron, all things our body actually needs? If it's so bad for us, then why does sugar taste so good? There are hundreds of journal articles trying to answer that very question. Let' s take a look at what they' ve come up with.

Studies have shown that the love children have for sugar may be born with. In other words, kids may have a built-in love of all things sweet. The preference for sweet foods is found to be already evident in newborns, who prefer sweeter formulas (配方). It also seems to be shared by children globally across cultures and climates. There’s further evidence that kids’ taste buds (味蕾) are more sensitive to bitter-tasting foods, further pushing them to reach for the sweets. One study showed that adults tend to maximize their sugar preference at about the level of sugar in a can of soda, but older children still liked drinks that were twice as sweet. The scientists couldn't find a limit to the concentration of sugar younger children preferred. It turms out that the kids still liked the sugary drink even past the point where there was too much sugar to be dissolved (溶解) in water anymore.

Sugar gets a bad fame, but it isn't all bad. Sugar provides our bodies with calories, which we can then change into energy. Children, in particular, need this energy to fuel their rapid growth. Sugar also helps us store fat, which can be drawn on later if needed. Our body knows to pursue the things it needs as two way of signaling our brain to start eating what we’re missing.

As a vegetarian (素食主义者)I know that when I start thinking about stealing the peanut butter sandwich that's been floating around in my kid' s backpack, it' s probably not because the sandwich is so delicious. It' s more likely that I haven't gotten enough protein for the day.

1.What makes so many people study sugar?

A.High sugar intake.

B.Curiosity about Sugar.

C.The love for sugar.

D.The magic effect of sugar.

2.What do the studies show about eating the sweets?

A.Loving sugar is human's nature.

B.A vegetarian doesn't like sugar so much.

C.The older one is, the more sugar one needs.

D.The love for sugar depends on living habits.

3.How does sugar impress us according to the text?

A.Deadly but irresistible.

B.Beneficial but harmful.

C.Necessary but not welcome.

D.Useful but not nutritious.

4.Why does the author steal his kid's food?

A.To store more protein,

B.To treat his illness.

C.To avoid his kid eating more.

D.To meet body' s needs.



    One of the most critical roles forests play is relieving climate change. Trees suck enormous amounts of carbon dioxide out of the air and fix the carbon in their wood and the soil. A recent study found that planting new trees over an area the size of the US could suck away two thirds of all the carbon dioxide discharge that humans have pumped into the atmosphere.

“Without animals, it is harder for forests to absorb carbon, as tree species (种类) important for protecting the climate could be lost without animals", Susanne Winter, a program director said at the WWF.

In Africa, many of the tree species that absorb the most carbon rely on large birds and primates (灵长类动物) to eat their fruits and spread their large seeds, according to the report. Without them, those trees would have difficulty reproducing and forests would lose their best carbon-storing trees.

“Forests are our greatest natural ally in the fight against global warming, ”Winter said.“If we want to hold back the worldwide decline in biodiversity and prevent the climate crisis,s we need to protect the forests and the species living there.

Forests also filter (过滤) water-- as water makes its way to lakes or groundwater reserves, the roots and soil separate it from deposits and pollution that it collects along the way. What' s more, forests regulate the global water cycle, since trees' leaves, branches, and roots store or send out water vapor.

Climate models show that forest-cutting down in Central Africa could lead to a 15% drop in rainfall in the US Midwest, and Amazon deforestation (森林滥伐) could cut Texas rainfall by 25%.

Humans also get food, wood, and medicine from the abundance of plants and animals in forests. Worldwide, 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their livings, according to the United Nations. About 300 million people live in forests, according to WWF.

1.What's the purpose of Paragraph 3?

A.To tell where the large seeds go.

B.To show the tree species in Africa.

C.To draw reader' s attention to Africa.

D.To support Susanne Winter’s opinion.

2.What does the underlined word“ally" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?





3.How do forests change climate according to the passage?

A.By affecting air and water.

B.By feeding birds and animals.

C.By providing life necessities.

D.By increasing the variety of trees.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Water should be filtered.

B.The more forests, the more rain.

C.Forests should be globally protected.

D.Half the carbon dioxide is sucked away by trees.



    In a world facing increasing conflict and instability, a Chinese Canadian is sending messages of love and peace through his artwork.

William Ho, 60, who arrived in Canada from Hong Kong 42 years ago, teaches Chinese brush-painting near Toronto. The United Nations invited Ho to exhibit his art and his masterpiece at its headquarters in New York in 2006, and he then became a UN global partner. Ho has been doing Chinese art and Chinese brush-painting for more than 50 years and teaching for over 30. He has more than 3, 000 students from around the world.

“I actually started in Western art when I was younger, working in pencil drawing, oil painting, water color, etc. However, after I met Chinese brush-painting a couple of years later, my eyes and mind were enlightened,”Ho recalled. Chinese and Western artists should respect, appreciate and learn from each other. Ho said one of his missions (使命) is to bring Chinese culture“back to”the centre stage of the world, as it had been for thousands of years.

So one of the themes in Ho' s speeches delivered at UN Headquarters was“position well China, and position well the world". Ho said that some countries demand special treatment from the world or the international court in the name of democracy (民主) and freedom.“This mentality is sick, selfish and bad. The people of the world and Mother Nature are saying no to the greedy. In fact, the whole world cannot afford these types of demands. We as a global family wouldn' t allow this to happen."Ho said. Contrary to greed, Chinese culture believes that“less is more'”.

“Chinese culture has been enlightening the world through our art, literature, philosophy, medicine, technologies in astronomy, navigation and four great inventions,”Ho said.

1.What did Ho wish to do when he learned Chinese art?

A.To be UN's partner easier and earlier.

B.To make his artwork more enthusiastic.

C.To regain its leading position in the world.

D.To combine Chinese and Western culture in art.

2.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?

A.Democracy and freedom.

B.Some country 's special demand.

C.A famous Chinese proverb.

D.Ho's opinion about cultural exchanges.

3.What does Ho think of artwork according to the passage?

A.A tool for glory and money.

B.The carrier of culture.

C.A way to the world center.

D.A stage for artists.

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.An Artist Whose Heart Beats for World

B.A Chinese Painting Lover

C.A Pioneer Who Promotes Chinese Culture

D.A Famous UN Global Partner



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