满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In life,once on a path,we tend to follow...

    In lifeonce on a pathwe tend to follow itfor better or worse.What's sad is that even if it's the latterwe often accept it anyway because we are so used to the way things are that wed don't even recognize that they could be different This is a phenomenon psychologist call functional fixedness.

This classic experiment will give you an idea of how it works and a sense of whether you may have fallen into the same trap: People are given a box of tacks (大头钉) and some matches and asked to find a way to attach a candle to a wall so that it burns properly.

Typically, the subjects try tacking the candle to the wall or lighting it to fix it with melted wax. The psychologists had, of course, arranged it so that neither of these obvious approaches would work. The tacks are too short, and the paraffin (石蜡) doesn't stick to the wall. So how can you complete the task? The successful technique is to use the tack box as a candle-holder. You empty it, tack it to the wall. and stand the candle inside it. To think of that, you have to look beyond the box's usual role as a receptacle just for tacks and re-imagine it serving an entirely new purpose. That is difficult because we all suffer to one degree or another from functional fixedness.

The inability to think in new ways affects people in every corner of society. The political theorist Hannah Arendt coined the phrase“frozen thoughts”to describe deeply held ideas that we no longer question but should. In Arendt's eyes, the self- content reliance on such accepted “truths”also made people blind to ideas that didn't fit their worldview, even when there was plenty of evidence for them.

Frozen thinking has nothing to do with intelligence, she said,“It can be found in highly intelligent people.”

1.What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The experiment. B.Functional fixedness.

C.The path. D.The thinking.

2.Which way is hard to think of to complete the task?

A.Tacking the candle to the wall.

B.Fixing the candle with melted wax.

C.Using the tack box as a candle-holder.

D.Lighting the candle to stand it.

3.Which of the following statements will Hannah Arendt agree with?

A.People should question.

B.We should be used to the way things are.

C.People shouldn't accept the idea that doesn't fit their worldview.

D.The smarter people arethe more open to the new things they are.

4.What's the passage mainly about?

A.An interesting experiment

B.A psychological phenomenon.

C.A theory to be proved.

D.The opinion of Hannah Arendt.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。作者介绍了一种心理学家称之为功能固着的现象的实验。 1.代词指代题。根据前一句This is a phenomenon psychologist call functional fixedness.可知这是一种心理学家称之为功能固着的现象。根据划线词所在句子This classic experiment will give you an idea of how it works and a sense of whether you may have fallen into the same trap:可知这个经典的实验将让你了解它是如何起作用的,还会让你知道你是否会掉入同样的陷阱。结合上文可知这里的it就是前文的“(functional fixedness)功能固着”,故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的The successful technique is to use the tack box as a candle-holder. ..from functional fixedness.可知成功实现的方法就是把钉盒用作烛台。你需要把盒子清空,把它钉在墙上,然后把蜡烛放在里面。要考虑到这一点,你必须超越盒子通常的作用,不再把它看作是一个仅仅是为了图钉而设计的盒子,而是把它重新想象成一个有全新的用途的工具。这是困难的,因为我们都或多或少地承受着功能固着的痛苦。也就是说把钉盒用作烛台这个方法是很难想到的。故选C项。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The political theorist Hannah Arendt coined the phrase…also made people blind to ideas that didn't fit their worldview, even when there was plenty of evidence for them.”可知政治理论家汉娜·阿伦特创造了“冻结思维”一词,它用来描述我们不再质疑、但应该质疑的根深蒂固的想法。阿伦特认为,自满的依赖这些公认的事实使人们对不符合他们世界观的想法视而不见,即使有足够的证据支持这些想法。由此可以推断汉娜·阿伦特会赞同“人们需要质疑”这个想法。故选A项。 4.主旨大意题。文章第一段提出存在着一种心理学家称之为功能固着的现象。后几段介绍了一个经典实验让读者了解功能固着这种心理现象是如何起作用的,最后介绍了汉娜·阿伦特创造了“冻结思维”一词,用来描述我们不再质疑、但应该质疑的根深蒂固的想法。全文都围绕着功能固着这一心理现象在描写。故选B项。

    Movie theaters around the world have closed during the coronations outbreak. Fortunately, there's never been a better time to catch up on classic old movies. Below, read our picks for best travel movies:

‘Thelma and Louise'(1991)

“Thelma and Louise,” is a tale of female friendship, and the screen is dominated by the film's two lead females. The pals from small-town Arkansas hit the road on a weekend quest in search of fun and freedom from their jobs and their boredom.

Filmed in California and Utah, with the best Grand Canyon scenes filmed south of Dead Horse Point State Park, “Thelma and Louise”is a good option if you have never been out West or if you have and eager to return.

‘Grand Budapest Hotel' (2014)

It's one of the most satisfying films of director Wes Anderson all works. Set in a luxury ski resort in the fictional East European Republic of Zubrowka in the 1930s, the plot is supported by a murder investigation filled with stolen art, prison escapes and a secret concierge (看门人) society.

Though the hotel doesn't actually exist, much of the film was shot in the beautiful German town of Goerlitz, famed for its medieval streets.

‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone'(200)

When Harry Potter runs through a column at King's Cross railway station in London to get to Platform 9 3/4, we know it isn't real. And yet we want to visit.

The movie's locations are inspired by real places, as graduates of English private schools will tell you: rushing down narrow old streets to visit tea houses and sandwich shops, discovering books that are hundreds of years old.

‘The Trip to Italy' (2014)

In this film, you're on an extraordinary road trip along with two old friends. The route is from Piedmont via Rome to Amalfi, back to Naples and finally the tony island of Capri. Retracing the footsteps of romantic poets Byron and Shelley, they drive a Mini Cooper through the breathtaking country and alongside stiff seaside cliffs.

1.If you are interested in the scenery of American west, which film can you choose to watch?

A.Thelma and Louise. B.Grand Budapest Hotel.

C.Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. D.The Trip to Italy.

2.Which place mentioned in the films can't be found in real life?

A.Goerlitz. B.Grand Budapest Hotel.

C.Capri. D.Dead Horse Point State Park.

3.Why does the author write this passage?

A.To introduce some places to travel.

B.To introduce the newly released films.

C.To recommend some travel movies to watch.

D.To show the attractive scenery mentioned in the films.



请阅读下面有关我国短视频收入的柱状图及相关文字,按照要求写一篇150 词左右的文章。

The short video industry experienced explosive growth in 2018with its market value reaching 11.8 billion yuanup 110 percent. It is estimated that the figure will hit 35 billion yuan by 2020.

There are several ways for short video posters to make a profitfrom advertisementsvirtual gifts sent by fans which can be converted into cashselling products online or charging viewers for the content.

Some of the main video sharing platforms such as Douyinalso known as TikTokand Kuaishou have launched campaigns cooperating with local governments to help some rural residents out of poverty. In the past yearover 16 million vloggers gained income on Kuaishou of which 3.4 million people came from areas in poverty but with rich resources.


1. 用约 30 个单词概述柱状图信息的主要内容;

2. 短视频流行的原因有哪些,简要谈谈你的看法(原因不少于两点);

3. 谈谈你对如何规范短视频的建议。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。







Social anxiety is a type of anxiety problem. People with social anxiety can usually interact easily with family and a few close friends. Instead of enjoying social activities, they might fear them and avoid some of them altogether. Like other anxieties, it is a fear reaction to something that isn’t actually dangerous, although the body and mind react as if the danger is real. Because the physical sensations that go with the response are real and sometimes quite strong the danger seems real. With social anxiety, a person’s fears and concerns are focused on the social performance whether it’s a major class presentation or small talk at the lockers. People tend to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about being noticed or judged by others.

Social anxiety might prevent someone from chatting with friends in the lunchroom, joining an after-school club, going to a party, or asking someone on a date. It might keep a person from volunteering an answer in class, reading aloud, or giving a presentation. It might prevent someone from acting the school play, being in the talent show, trying out for a team, or joining in a service project. It also prevents them from making the normal, everyday mistakes that help people improve their skills still further.

Social anxiety develops because the genetic features from parents and other relatives can influence how the brain senses and controls anxiety, shyness, nervousness, and stress reactions. Meanwhile, some people are born with a shy character and tend to be cautious and sensitive in new situations and prefer what’s familiar. Naturally a person’s shy character can be influenced by what he or she learns from role models. If parents or others react by overprotecting a child who is shy, the child won’t have a chance to get used to new situations and new people. If people born with a cautious nature have stressful experiences, social anxiety can make them even more cautious and shy. Feeling pressured to interact in ways they don’t feel ready for, being criticized or insulted, or having other fears and worries can make it more likely for a shy or fearful person to develop social anxiety.

Sometimes, but not always, medicines that reduce anxiety are used as part of the treatment. Family or friends are especially important and the right support from a few key people can help those with social anxiety gather the courage to go outside their comfort zone and try something new. Dealing with social anxiety takes patience, courage to face fears and try new things, and the willingness to practice.

Social Anxiety

Passage outline

Supporting details

Some 1. involved with social anxiety

● Seldom get in touch with 2..

● Wrongly react to something without danger in fact because of strong physical sensations.

● Pay too much attention to others’ 3., feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Influences on people

● To make people feel lonely or disappointed over missed opportunities for 4.and fun.

● To avoid getting the most out of school.

● To miss a chance to share their talents and learn new5..

6.of developing social anxiety

● Have something to do with a person’s biological factors.

● Naturally get influenced by the 7.from role models especially parents.

● Live a life with stressful and worrying 8.or events.

Ways to overcome social anxiety

● Go to 9.according to the condition of illness.

● Try to be 10.by family or friends and look for a new life.

● Keep patient, courageous and willing to practice.






    A few weeks ago, a 71-year-old man pulled his car to the roadside in Northwest Portland and  stopped. He rolled down the window, turned off the engine and stared at a house.

The place, distinguished by three gables, is partially hidden by hedges and trees. Most people who pass by would never notice it. And if they  did give  it a glance, they’d probably think it’s a nice house  in  a nice neighborhood. Nothing more.

The house, in the 2500 block of Northwest Westover Road, is known as  the  Bessie  &  Louis Tarpley House. Built in 1907, it’s listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The current owner is Barbee Lyon, 79.

He and his first wife took possession in 1975. When they divorced, he bought out her share.

A retired lawyer, Lyon learned Louis Tarpley, the home’s first owner, had also been a Portland lawyer. Setbacks in Tarpley’s life led to the house auction(拍卖) in the late 1920s.

“I’m only the fifth owner of the home,” Lyon said. A previous owner was Frank Masco.

He and his wife, Esther, and their nine children had lived across town in a tiny house needing  constant repairs. In the mid-1950s, the elder Masco wanted to move to a bigger house and one closer to work. A docker ( ), he was on-call 24 hours a day and had to quickly get to the Willamette River docks.

He found a home on Westover Road. At the time, many people  wanted to live  in new  construction in the suburbs. The Westover house was offered at a deep discount.

And later the family moved on several times, finally living in Vancouver.

One Sunday in July 2019, Charley Masco drove to Portland for an appointment at a computer store.

When it ended, he traveled the familiar route to Westover Road, pulled over and looked at that home.

He decided to do something bold. He got out of his car and walked up the steps and  rang  the doorbell. He waited. No response. Nervous, he thought it was a mistake to  do  this  and  considered turning around and walking back to his car.

Barbee Lyon opened the door and saw a stranger.

“I’m not selling anything,” Masco said quickly. “I just want you to know I once lived here.” Lyon opened the door wide.

“Come in.”

And for the first time since 1966, Masco stepped into his childhood home.

Every room looked as Masco had remembered it: The built-in china hutch in the dining room, the hanging lights above the table and, in the kitchen,  a massive  wood-burning  stove  where  his  mother used to cook family meals. It was as if he had walked into his own museum.

Lyon told Masco he’d never done major structural remodeling, which meant Masco knew his way around the home.

It was as if he had never left.

There, on the top floor, was the window he and  his  siblings  quietly opened  to sneak out  at night and return before their parents knew they were gone. The loft where  friends  daydreamed  about  the future. The living room – no TV ever allowed – where the family gathered to share music, play cards or just talk with each other.

Then they all walked to the basement.

In the far corner, Masco saw his father’s old wooden workbench. And above it, baby food jars.

Masco had forgotten about them.

He explained that his father had nailed lids from the jars to a rafter, filling the glass  with different size screws, nuts and bolts, and then screwing the jars back into the lids to give him easy access while working.

Masco thought about his father, his mother and three of his siblings who have died.  He thought  about his father, tinkering in the basement, while his mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

He thought about the 71-year-old man he was and the boy he had once been.

Kruse, Lyon’s wife, reached up and unscrewed a jar. She handed  it  to  Masco,  believing  it  belonged to this stranger.

Masco thanked her.

He clutched the  small bottle to his chest. “My dad,” he said quietly. “This is my dad.”

1.Why did Charley Masco come to visit the Westover house?

A.He wanted to review his past and hold memories.

B.He attempted to buy back his childhood house.

C.His friend invited him to be a guest at his newly-bought house.

D.He came to the house where his father lived to seek roots.

2.What made  Frank Masco decide to buy the  house?

A.The house’s owner  had been  a Portland lawyer.

B.The house was auctioned at a very low price.

C.He desired to improve his family’s living conditions.

D.The house was equipped with a basement.

3.What do we know about Barbee Lyon?

A.He bought the house from Louis Tarpley.

B.He took possession of the house at about 35.

C.He lived in the house with his first wife Kruse.

D.He disliked being disturbed by strangers.

4.Why did Charley Masco feel nervous when he rang the doorbell?

A.He knew the house owner was a bad-tempered man.

B.He thought it was improper to pay an unexpected visit.

C.He might not hold back his feelings when he went in.

D.He feared the house owner would take him for a salesman.

5.After Masco entered  the  house, he found that  _.

A.every room was not as he had remembered it

B.the house had experienced great structural changes

C.the childhood home was where his heart was

D.he couldn’t recall anything about baby food jars

6.What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.Collision of Two Hearts B.Experiences of Two Families

C.An Unexpected Meeting D.The Harbour of the Heart



    I came home one day recently and, for reasons I don’t quite understand, my living room smelled like my grandmother’s house. Suddenly I felt as if I were 12 years old, happy and relaxed, sitting in her kitchen. I can remember what her house looked like, though it was sold 20 years ago – her three-level plant stand, the plates lining the walls, the window over her sink – but these visual memories don’t have the power that smell does. The funny thing is, I can’t even begin to describe the odor(气味) that was so distinctively hers. The best I can do is this: “It smelled like my grandmother’s house.”

It’s a common experience, and a common linguistic( 语言学的) problem. In cultures worldwide, people have powerful olfactory memories. This odor-memory link is also called “the Proust phenomenon,” after Marcel Proust’s famous description of the feelings aroused by a cake dipped in tea in “Remembrance of Things Past.”

Olfactory memories seem to be more closely bound up with emotions than are visual or auditory ones.

Not all these memories are pleasant, of course, and smells can also trigger feelings of pain.

It is surprisingly hard for English-speakers to describe the odors that occasion such strong emotions, however. English possesses almost no abstract smell words that pick out links or themes among unrelated aromas(芳香).

We have plenty of these in the visual field. “Yellow,” for example, identifies a characteristic that bananas, lemons, some cars, some flowers, old book pages, and the sun all share.

But for odors, we don’t have many more than the vague “musty” (smells old and stale) and “musky” (smells perfumey). We usually have no choice but to say that one thing smells like another – like a banana, like garlic, like diesel fuel.

A few languages, though, do have a rich odor vocabulary. Linguist Asifa Majid has found that the Jahai, the Semaq Beri, and the Maniq, hunter-gatherer groups in Malaysia and Thailand, employ a wide range of abstract smell words and can identify aromas as easily as we can colors. The Jahai have a word, for example, that describes “the seemingly dissimilar smell of petrol, smoke, bat poop, root of wild ginger and wood of wild mango.”

Last year my cat got sprayed by a skunk(臭鼬), and the vet told me to wash its face with coffee to cover the bad smell. Until then, I had never realized that coffee, which I find delicious, smells remarkably like skunk spray, which I do not.

Science has identified the chemicals that both share. They are called mercaptans (硫醇). But in oral English, we have no word for the underlying note that connects these two odors. If the Jahai drank coffee and encountered skunks, I bet they would.

1.The opening paragraph is mainly intended to  .

A.express the writer’s affection for his grandmother

B.direct the readers’ attention to a linguistic problem

C.tell us the odor of the grandmother’s house stayed the same

D.prove smell has a greater power than visual memories

2.Which of the following is related to olfactory memories?

A.Forming an image in mind after seeing the word “injury”.

B.Feeling sympathetic when seeing a sick cat.

C.Dancing to the music upon hearing it played.

D.Missing fried eggs with garlic cooked by mum.

3.The example of the Jahai suggests that  .

A.the Jahai don’t have many words in the visual field

B.English possesses many vague words like “musty” and “musky”

C.the Jahai has more abstract smell words than English

D.skunk and coffee have the same smell, but different functions

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The author feels pity about the limitation of his language.

B.English has a wide range of visual and odor vocabulary.

C.Olfactory memories can bring nothing but pleasant feelings.

D.Cultures worldwide always collide with each other.



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