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Rick Guidotti put aside his career as a ...

    Rick Guidotti put aside his career as a fashioned Photographer to turn his lens (镜头) to people living with genetic, physical and behavioral differences.

He says what changed his perception of beauty was a chance encounter with an albino (白化病) girl .“1 was just tired of people telling me who was beautiful. Every season that face would change but1 was always told who was beautiful. As an artist, I don't see beauty just on covers of magazines. I see it everywhere. So that kind of was my initial kind of - that opened my eyes a little wider in the wider.”

Guidotti has created Positive Exposure, a not-for-profit organization that uses photography and video to transform public perceptions and promote a world where differences are celebrated. Guidotti and Positive Exposure are featured in a new documentary called On Beauty.

One of the women featured in the film is Jayne Waithera.“I never thought I was beautiful because nobody said that to me, but my meeting was my profound moment. I remember that particular day. He took my picture and I felt so good like I felt there s somebody who, really like, loves me and sees me for who I am and who sees me more than my condition.”

Rick is traveling from city to city to promote On Beauty. He says his tour is not about money, it's about the message:“As I travel from community to community, I'm taking photographs and I'm empowering individuals with a positive sense of who they are. They're seeing beauty in their reflection but I'm also empowering their families and they in turn are empowering their communities as well. All is based on the philosophy of change - how you see, see how you change.”

1.Why did Rick change his career?

A.Because he couldn't earn enough money from his former career.

B.Because the beauty on covers of magazines are not beautiful.

C.Because he wanted to create his own company.

D.Because his comprehension of beauty changed owing to an albino girl.

2.What can we know about Positive Exposure?

A.It brings a lot of money for Rick.

B.It makes the public more beautiful.

C.It welcomes differences in the world.

D.It makes photography more popular.

3.What does the author want to tell us by mentioning Jayne in paragraph 4?

A.Jayne was beautiful indeed.

B.Photographs gave Jayne a positive sense of who she was.

C.It was unfair nobody discovered Jayne's beauty.

D.Jayne's picture was more beautiful than herself.

4.What does the author mainly intend to tell us in the last paragraph?

A.We should travel frequently.

B.Community has a great influence on everyone.

C.We should make contributions to our community.

D.Your attitude to seeing the world decides your behavior.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。与一位白化病女孩的偶然相遇使里克·吉多蒂对美的看法发生了改变。他放弃了时尚摄影师的职业生涯,将他的镜头转向那些在遗传、生理和行为方面有差异的人,并拍摄了一部名为《何为美》的纪录片来努力推动一个赞美不同和差异的世界。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段“Rick Guidotti put aside his career as a fashioned Photographer to turn his lens (镜头) to people living with genetic, physical and behavioral differences.”和第二段中的“He says what changed his perception of beauty was a chance encounter with an albino (白化病) girl .”可知里克·吉多蒂抛开他时尚摄影师的职业生涯,将他的镜头转向那些在遗传、生理和行为方面有差异的人。他说,是一次与白化病女孩的偶然相遇改变了他对美的看法。也就是与白化病女孩的偶然相遇改变了他对美的看法这件事使得他改变了自己的职业。故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Guidotti has created Positive Exposure, a not-for-profit organization that uses photography and video to transform public perceptions and promote a world where differences are celebrated.”可知吉多蒂创办了一个非营利性组织,名为“正面曝光”。他们用照片和影像来改变公众的看法,并努力推动一个赞美不同和差异的世界。由此可知Positive Exposure(正面曝光)欢迎世界中的差异。故选C项。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段可知在看到照片后,Jayne说,“我从来没有想过我会是美丽的,因为没有人这样对我说过,遇见吉多蒂的时刻令我印象深刻。我记得他给我拍照的那天,我感觉非常开心,就好像有人是真的喜欢我,把我看成真正的我,不只是看到我身上的疾病。”通过Jayne的用词可以推断照片让Jyane对自己有了正面的认识。故选B项。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“All is based on the philosophy of change - how you see, see how you change.”可知吉多蒂认为这些都是基于改变的哲学,就是说,你怎么看一件事,你就会怎么做出改变。作者通过这一段告诉读者你看待世界的态度决定了你的行为。故选D项。

    Japan's biggest airline is betting that the future of travel isn't traveling at all. For the last month, a married couple has been interacting with a robot—called an Avatar—that's controlled by their daughter hundreds of miles away. Made by ANA Holdings Inc., it looks like a vacuum cleaner with an iPad attached. But the screen displays the daughter's face as they chat, and its wheels let her move about the house as though she's really there.

“Virtual travel” is nothing new,of course.Storytellers, travel writers and artists have been stimulating the senses of armchair tourists for centuries. It's only in recent decades that frequent, safe travel has become available to the non- wealthy.

Yet even as the world's middle classes climb out of the armchair and into economy-class seat, there are signs of a post-travel society emerging. Concerns about environmental sustainability cause loss to airlines which release much carbon. And the aging of abundant societies is both restricting physical travel and creating demand for alternative ways to experience the world. For the travel industry, virtual reality offers an attractive response to these trends.

Of course, new technologies encourage far-out claims. ANA doesn't plan to start selling Avatars until next year. Profits, too, will probably be difficult to make: By one estimate, the global market for this kind of technology will be worth only about $300 million by 2023. By contrast, ANA's traditional travel business brought in more than $19 billion last year.

But if the business value for virtual vacations is still weak, the market for technologies that bridge physical distances between families and coworkers seems likely to only expand. ANA's robots may not replace its airplanes any time soon, but they ll almost certainly be a part of travel's high-tech future.

1.Why does the author use the example of a couple interacting with a robot?

A.To show the Japanese are crazy about travel.

B.To indicate virtual travel begins to enter people's real life.

C.To show the couple are very enthusiastic over robots.

D.To express the close relationship between the couple and their daughter.

2.Which of the following is the possible reason for virtual travel's appearance?

A.Storytellers, travel writers and artists have been using it for centuries.

B.Frequent and safe travel has become available to the ordinary people.

C.People are worried about the air pollution caused by airlines.

D.More and more people lose interest in travel.

3.What can we learn about Avatars from the last two paragraphs?

A.They will be put on the market soon.

B.They will bring ANA a lot of money,

C.They will replace ANA's airplanes soon.

D.They are almost unavoidable in travel's future.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Your Next Travel May Be Virtual

B.Easy Travel in the Future

C.Virtual Travel Benefits

D.Air Travel Disappearing



    In lifeonce on a pathwe tend to follow itfor better or worse.What's sad is that even if it's the latterwe often accept it anyway because we are so used to the way things are that wed don't even recognize that they could be different This is a phenomenon psychologist call functional fixedness.

This classic experiment will give you an idea of how it works and a sense of whether you may have fallen into the same trap: People are given a box of tacks (大头钉) and some matches and asked to find a way to attach a candle to a wall so that it burns properly.

Typically, the subjects try tacking the candle to the wall or lighting it to fix it with melted wax. The psychologists had, of course, arranged it so that neither of these obvious approaches would work. The tacks are too short, and the paraffin (石蜡) doesn't stick to the wall. So how can you complete the task? The successful technique is to use the tack box as a candle-holder. You empty it, tack it to the wall. and stand the candle inside it. To think of that, you have to look beyond the box's usual role as a receptacle just for tacks and re-imagine it serving an entirely new purpose. That is difficult because we all suffer to one degree or another from functional fixedness.

The inability to think in new ways affects people in every corner of society. The political theorist Hannah Arendt coined the phrase“frozen thoughts”to describe deeply held ideas that we no longer question but should. In Arendt's eyes, the self- content reliance on such accepted “truths”also made people blind to ideas that didn't fit their worldview, even when there was plenty of evidence for them.

Frozen thinking has nothing to do with intelligence, she said,“It can be found in highly intelligent people.”

1.What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The experiment. B.Functional fixedness.

C.The path. D.The thinking.

2.Which way is hard to think of to complete the task?

A.Tacking the candle to the wall.

B.Fixing the candle with melted wax.

C.Using the tack box as a candle-holder.

D.Lighting the candle to stand it.

3.Which of the following statements will Hannah Arendt agree with?

A.People should question.

B.We should be used to the way things are.

C.People shouldn't accept the idea that doesn't fit their worldview.

D.The smarter people arethe more open to the new things they are.

4.What's the passage mainly about?

A.An interesting experiment

B.A psychological phenomenon.

C.A theory to be proved.

D.The opinion of Hannah Arendt.



    Movie theaters around the world have closed during the coronations outbreak. Fortunately, there's never been a better time to catch up on classic old movies. Below, read our picks for best travel movies:

‘Thelma and Louise'(1991)

“Thelma and Louise,” is a tale of female friendship, and the screen is dominated by the film's two lead females. The pals from small-town Arkansas hit the road on a weekend quest in search of fun and freedom from their jobs and their boredom.

Filmed in California and Utah, with the best Grand Canyon scenes filmed south of Dead Horse Point State Park, “Thelma and Louise”is a good option if you have never been out West or if you have and eager to return.

‘Grand Budapest Hotel' (2014)

It's one of the most satisfying films of director Wes Anderson all works. Set in a luxury ski resort in the fictional East European Republic of Zubrowka in the 1930s, the plot is supported by a murder investigation filled with stolen art, prison escapes and a secret concierge (看门人) society.

Though the hotel doesn't actually exist, much of the film was shot in the beautiful German town of Goerlitz, famed for its medieval streets.

‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone'(200)

When Harry Potter runs through a column at King's Cross railway station in London to get to Platform 9 3/4, we know it isn't real. And yet we want to visit.

The movie's locations are inspired by real places, as graduates of English private schools will tell you: rushing down narrow old streets to visit tea houses and sandwich shops, discovering books that are hundreds of years old.

‘The Trip to Italy' (2014)

In this film, you're on an extraordinary road trip along with two old friends. The route is from Piedmont via Rome to Amalfi, back to Naples and finally the tony island of Capri. Retracing the footsteps of romantic poets Byron and Shelley, they drive a Mini Cooper through the breathtaking country and alongside stiff seaside cliffs.

1.If you are interested in the scenery of American west, which film can you choose to watch?

A.Thelma and Louise. B.Grand Budapest Hotel.

C.Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. D.The Trip to Italy.

2.Which place mentioned in the films can't be found in real life?

A.Goerlitz. B.Grand Budapest Hotel.

C.Capri. D.Dead Horse Point State Park.

3.Why does the author write this passage?

A.To introduce some places to travel.

B.To introduce the newly released films.

C.To recommend some travel movies to watch.

D.To show the attractive scenery mentioned in the films.



请阅读下面有关我国短视频收入的柱状图及相关文字,按照要求写一篇150 词左右的文章。

The short video industry experienced explosive growth in 2018with its market value reaching 11.8 billion yuanup 110 percent. It is estimated that the figure will hit 35 billion yuan by 2020.

There are several ways for short video posters to make a profitfrom advertisementsvirtual gifts sent by fans which can be converted into cashselling products online or charging viewers for the content.

Some of the main video sharing platforms such as Douyinalso known as TikTokand Kuaishou have launched campaigns cooperating with local governments to help some rural residents out of poverty. In the past yearover 16 million vloggers gained income on Kuaishou of which 3.4 million people came from areas in poverty but with rich resources.


1. 用约 30 个单词概述柱状图信息的主要内容;

2. 短视频流行的原因有哪些,简要谈谈你的看法(原因不少于两点);

3. 谈谈你对如何规范短视频的建议。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。







Social anxiety is a type of anxiety problem. People with social anxiety can usually interact easily with family and a few close friends. Instead of enjoying social activities, they might fear them and avoid some of them altogether. Like other anxieties, it is a fear reaction to something that isn’t actually dangerous, although the body and mind react as if the danger is real. Because the physical sensations that go with the response are real and sometimes quite strong the danger seems real. With social anxiety, a person’s fears and concerns are focused on the social performance whether it’s a major class presentation or small talk at the lockers. People tend to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about being noticed or judged by others.

Social anxiety might prevent someone from chatting with friends in the lunchroom, joining an after-school club, going to a party, or asking someone on a date. It might keep a person from volunteering an answer in class, reading aloud, or giving a presentation. It might prevent someone from acting the school play, being in the talent show, trying out for a team, or joining in a service project. It also prevents them from making the normal, everyday mistakes that help people improve their skills still further.

Social anxiety develops because the genetic features from parents and other relatives can influence how the brain senses and controls anxiety, shyness, nervousness, and stress reactions. Meanwhile, some people are born with a shy character and tend to be cautious and sensitive in new situations and prefer what’s familiar. Naturally a person’s shy character can be influenced by what he or she learns from role models. If parents or others react by overprotecting a child who is shy, the child won’t have a chance to get used to new situations and new people. If people born with a cautious nature have stressful experiences, social anxiety can make them even more cautious and shy. Feeling pressured to interact in ways they don’t feel ready for, being criticized or insulted, or having other fears and worries can make it more likely for a shy or fearful person to develop social anxiety.

Sometimes, but not always, medicines that reduce anxiety are used as part of the treatment. Family or friends are especially important and the right support from a few key people can help those with social anxiety gather the courage to go outside their comfort zone and try something new. Dealing with social anxiety takes patience, courage to face fears and try new things, and the willingness to practice.

Social Anxiety

Passage outline

Supporting details

Some 1. involved with social anxiety

● Seldom get in touch with 2..

● Wrongly react to something without danger in fact because of strong physical sensations.

● Pay too much attention to others’ 3., feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Influences on people

● To make people feel lonely or disappointed over missed opportunities for 4.and fun.

● To avoid getting the most out of school.

● To miss a chance to share their talents and learn new5..

6.of developing social anxiety

● Have something to do with a person’s biological factors.

● Naturally get influenced by the 7.from role models especially parents.

● Live a life with stressful and worrying 8.or events.

Ways to overcome social anxiety

● Go to 9.according to the condition of illness.

● Try to be 10.by family or friends and look for a new life.

● Keep patient, courageous and willing to practice.






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