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Teen Summer Camps Abroad Adventure, Volu...

Teen Summer Camps Abroad

Adventure, Volunteer, Study &Travel Programs

Educational Travel for High School Students and Groups

Celebrating 26 years of community-service-based adventure travel programs for high school students and groups! Choose from Community Service, Global Action and Adventure travel opportunities.

Location: Worldwide

Dates: 1-4 week programs; June through August

Cost: $1,950 per week (10% off book before May l0th)

Tel: 403-545-2202

ARCC Programs: Meaningful Service. Real Connections. True Adventure.

ARCC provides international adventure programs in 20 countries and 4 western states. With over 30 years of experience, ARCC has remained a pioneer of adventure travel and teen summer programs for young people.

Dates: 2-5 week programs; June through August

Cost: $1,900 - $2,200 per week

Tel: To get more information or request a catalog, call our headquarters at 415-332-5075.

French Summer Camp in the French Alps

High-quality Teenage French Summer program in Morzine in the French Alps, just an hour’s drive from Geneva. Combine language learning with great cultural and outdoor activities in a fun, safe mountain village environment.

Dates: July 8th - August 19th

Cost: $2,412 for 2 weeks

Tel: 450-790-0838

Abbey Road High School Summer Program in Florence, Italy

Spend this summer learning about Italian art history, language, cuisine, film, and fashion in the beautiful and historic city of Florence. Enjoy delicious authentic pastas, and go on weekly trips to discover Italy.

Dates: 2-5 week programs; June l st-August 30th

Costs: $4,095(2 weeks) | $6,295(3 weeks) | $7,095(4 weeks)


1.If you choose a two-week program with the lowest cost, which number would you call?

A.450-790-0838 B.888-462-2239

C.403-545-2202 D.415-332-5075

2.What most probably makes ARCC Programs special?

A.Its provider. B.Its location

C.Its dates. D.Its cost.

3.What do we know about French Summer Camp in the French Alps?

A.It lasts the whole summer.

B.It provides different week options.

C.It offers chances to learn the history of Geneva.

D.It helps participants learn French and have fun.


1.A 2.A 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。主要介绍了几家国外青少年夏令营的活动。其中包括活动的具体内容,地点,时间,联系方式等。 1.细节理解题。题目询问:If you choose a two-week program with the lowest cost, which number would you call? 意为:如果你选择一个成本最低的两周课程,你会打哪个号码?根据文章,我们可得,四个项目都有两周的课程。那么就来看价格。Educational Travel for High School Students and Groups两周的价格是(1950+1950)*(1-10%)=3510美元。 ARCC Programs 最便宜的价格是:1900*2=3800美元。French Summer Camp in the French Alps的价格是2412美元。Abbey Road High School Summer Program的价格是4095美元。因此,选择French Summer Camp in the French Alps是最合适的选择。French Summer Camp in the French Alps的联系电话是450-790-0838。故选A。 2.细节理解题。What most probably makes ARCC Programs special? 什么是ARCC项目最特别之处。A. Its provider. 它的提供者B. Its location 它的位置 C. Its dates. 它的日期D. Its cost. 它的成本。从文章中第八段:ARCC provides international adventure programs in 20 countries and 4 western states. With over 30 years of experience, ARCC has remained a pioneer of adventure travel and teen summer programs for young people. 意思为:ARCC在20个国家和4个西方大洲提供国际冒险项目。凭借30多年的经验,ARCC一直是年轻人冒险旅行和青少年暑期项目的先驱。可以得出ARCC的最特别之处,就是提供了很多国家和地区的冒险项目。可得他的提供者比较特殊一点。故选A。 3.细节理解题。题目询问关于French Summer Camp in the French Alps, 选项中正确的是。A. It lasts the whole summer. 这个项目会持续一个夏天。B. It provides different week options. 不同的周,这个项目提供不同的选项。C. It offers chances to learn the history of Geneva. 它提供了学习日内瓦历史的机会。D. It helps participants learn French and have fun. 它有助于参与者学习法语并获得乐趣。从French Summer Camp in the French Alps具体的内容可得,High-quality Teenage French Summer program in Morzine in the French Alps, just an hour’s drive from Geneva. Combine language learning with great cultural and outdoor activities in a fun, safe mountain village environment. 在法国阿尔卑斯山的莫兹,距离日内瓦仅一小时车程的高质量法国青少年暑期课程。在一个有趣、安全的山村环境中,将语言学习与伟大的文化和户外活动结合起来。可得,这个户外活动可以让参与者更有趣的,更深入的学习法语。故选D。

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

David knew the waterfall was coming. It wasn't his first visit to the river in central California. He figured he would hop out of his raft into the sallow water, rappel down the rocks (沿岩壁下降)on either side of the fall, and continue on his way, as he had on a previous trip.

But this year was different. Heavy snow and spring rains had turned the usually manageable falls into something fierce. And this year, instead of his friends, David's companions were his girlfriend, Sara, and his l3-year-old son, Hunter. As the three of them approached the falls late in the afternoon of the third day of their camping trip, David could tell from the increasing roar of water in the narrowing valley that they were in serious trouble. There was no way they 'd be able to rappel down the rocks as planned.

They could wade (蹚水) to the shore, but would anyone find them there? They had no phone service, and they hadn't seen a single person in the past three days. And David knew they'd be sharing the ground there with snakes and mountain lions.

As he wondered what to do, David hit on a bit of luck he heard voices coming from the other side of the fall. He yelled, but the sound of the rushing water drowned him out.

We had to do get these people a message, David thought. He caught a branch and pulled out his pocketknife to carve“Help" in it. Then he tied a rope to it so the people would know it wasn't just any branch. He tried flying it over the falls, but it floated away in the wrong direction.

Then he spotted his green water bottle David grabbed it and carved “Help!” on it Sara also reminded him that he had a pen and paper, which she'd brought to play games with, in his backpack.

David knew it was just an attempt. But he wrote down“6- 15-19 We are stuck here at the waterfall. Get help please”and pushed the note into the bottle.

Paragraph l:

This time, his throw over the waterfall was perfect.


Paragraph 2:

The next morning. they heard a helicopter hovering (盘旋) above them.





1. 运动会比赛项目介绍;

2. 报名方式和截止时间;

3. 注意事项。


1. 词数80词左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





Chinese museums may have been1.(temporary) closed to battle the coronations outbreak,2.many are still open to online visitors.A3.(grow) number of Chinese museums are presenting their collection of artifacts (史前古器物) on the Internet. Since February, online platforms including Taobao and Douyin4.(hold) live-streaming (直播) events from China’s museums. The programs,5.have received more than 10 million 6.(day) visits, have proved popular according to media reports. Some live-streaming hosts have become internet celebrities. Bai Xuesong, the host of Xi’an Beilin Museum’s live-streaming event on Sunday, received more than 1.75 million “likes.” Avoiding boring description while introducing exhibits, his humorous tone and funny stories won the 7.(heart) of his audience. Instead of being laid aside and 8.(ignore), cultural heritage should 9.(rich) the public’s knowledge and expand their outlook. The live-streaming events during the coronations outbreak are 10.step forward in achieving that goal.



    Noah had never once been on his family's back porch(门廊)Because of his______condition, he has very limited mobility- _____ the backyard wasn't possible., For Noah, having a door from his bedroom to the back porch meant he could finally see the trains he ______ from his room and watch his mom toss the ball with their dogs. For Noah, it meant______.

Abe, one of his neighbors, decided to do something____Without hesitation, he gathered the owner of the construction company, friends and neighbors-even drove several hours to Nebraska to______ his mother, a fellow carpenter (木匠), for support.

Noah's_______ would finally become a reality, thanks to Abe's great idea and the generosity of neighbors.

In one week, the community came together to_______it. What once was a blank wall was transformed into two beautiful French doors_______out to a wheelchair accessible ramp (斜坡) and an updated porch. Abe and his mother even______redecorated Noah's room with all his favorite characters, and neighbors_______their helping hands to yard work.

The day finally came for Abe, his mother, all their friends, family and other volunteers to______Noah.When his mother______Noah out of the doors and down the ramp Noah's smile was______.Sometimes we can construct a small door that will lead to a big______for someone else.

1.A.emotional B.housing C.physical D.financial

2.A.accessing B.spotting C.building D.repairing

3.A.approached B.sensed C.heard D.imagined

4.A.company B.freedom C.love D.growth

5.A.costly B.challenging C.fun D.big

6.A.call B.pick up C.contact D.reply to

7.A.idea B.plan C.choice D.wish

8.A.take B.risk C.get D.make

9.A.leading B.making C.reaching D.stepping

10.A.personally B.originally C.occasionally D.directly

11.A.brought B.found C.lent D.arranged

12.A.treat B.invite C.thank D.surprise

13.A.led B.pushed C.supported D.pulled

14.A.amusing B.priceless C.thoughtful D.shocking

15.A.dream B.ability C.world D.chance



    Laboratory studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high intensity blue light damages retinal (视网膜的) cells in mice.1.So, why is there the disconnect between blue light's effects on rodent(啮齿类动物) eyes and human eyes?

2.We have protective elements, such as macular pigments (黄斑色素) and the natural blue-blocking ability of the crystalline lens (晶状体). These structures absorb blue light before it reaches the delicate retina.

Just because blue light isn't harming your retina, it doesn't mean your electronic devices are harmless.3.Mounting evidence suggests that screen time before bed increases the time it takes to fall sleep. It also robs you of restorative rapid-eye movement seep, dulls focus, and reduces brain activity the next day.


First, turn off your electronic devices before bed. Outside of the bedroom, when you do look at your screens, lower the brightness.

Second, follow the“20-20-20”rule The American Optometric Association(美国验光学会) defines this rule as taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet in the distance. 5.

Third, use lubricating eye drops before extended computer use. This method will build up the body's natural tears and keep the eye's surface water-bearing.

A.This will allow your eyes to relax.

B.Human eyes are different from rodent eyes.

C.That's why it's so important to have your eyes tested regularly.

D.Because of is wavelength, blue light dos disrupt healthy sleep physiology (生理机能).

E.But epidemiological (流行病学的) studies on real people tell a different story.

F.Consumers often don't think about the impact digital devices might have on their vision.

G.There are ways to make your screen viewing more comfortable and more helpful to seep.



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