满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I’ve done almost every sport I can think...

    I’ve done almost every sport I can think of, so I’ve had a lot of coaches. And my best coach was my _______ teacher, Mrs. Lane. It seemed she knew everything, _______ about you.

One Wednesday I practiced _______ a balled-up sheet of paper into the wastebasket from ten feet out. _______ it left my fingertips, Mrs. Lane came in and said, “_______!”

She pulled my ball of paper out from the wastebasket and _______ it to me. Then she walked to the _______ of the room and set the wastebasket in the comer.

“You did so well that I’d like to see some more,” she said “Get up and join me.”

We _______ the door. “I'd like to see 10 more shots, from here. Every time you miss, you _______ me one hour of detention(放学后留校)”.

The class became ____________. Any kid who's ever thrown a balled-up sheet of paper knows that there’s barely enough ____________ to get it all the way across the room, let alone accurately.

I ____________ the ball as tightly as I could and took my first shot. Enough ____________ but wide left. The class ____________ One hour of detention. Next shot: short. Two hours. At last I made three shots and ____________ seven. Seven hours of one-on-one with Mrs. Lane.

Later I ____________ why she was my best coach. I was ____________ to the school, having moved from Miami this summer. I was significantly ____________ in math, but I' d been able to hide what I didn’t know. Actually Mrs. Lane had ____________ what I didn’t know. Each detention was tailored to address a ____________ that she had spotted. It was thrilling to finally understand the things that I’d pretended to know. I grew comfortable with her.

1.A.football B.language C.science D.math

2.A.normally B.especially C.generally D.usually

3.A.throwing B.breaking C.rolling D.cutting

4.A.Each time B.Since C.If D.The instant

5.A.Terrible B.Nice C.Careful D.Casual

6.A.donated B.folded C.handed D.changed

7.A.back B.front C.middle D.entrance

8.A.closed B.answered C.approached D.watched

9.A.offer B.lend C.send D.owe

10.A.empty B.noisy C.crowded D.lonely

11.A.weight B.skill C.shape D.strength

12.A.squeezed B.caught C.kicked D.played

13.A.range B.height C.distance D.force

14.A.shouted B.agreed C.jumped D.sighed

15.A.added B.missed C.avoided D.found

16.A.set down B.showed off C.figured out D.made sure

17.A.small B.local C.new D.young

18.A.well B.behind C.quick D.around

19.A.discovered B.predicted C.ignored D.remembered

20.A.business B.sadness C.kindness D.weakness


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了“我”的数学老师莱恩对新到这所学校的“我”非常关注,这让“我”很感动的故事。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我最好的教练是我的数学老师莱恩太太。A. football足球;B. language语言;C. science 科学;D. math数学。由最后一段的math可知,莱恩太太是数学老师。故选D。 2.考查副词词义辨析。句意:看起来她什么都知道,特别是关于你的事。A. normally正常地 B. especially 尤其;C. generally 大体上;D. usually通常。especially表示语气进一步加强,说明莱恩老师特别善于了解学生,符合语境的需要。故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个星期三,我练习从十英尺远的地方把一张揉成团的纸扔进废纸篓。A. throwing 扔;B. breaking折断;C. rolling滚动;D. cutting切下。由下文的“10 more shots”可知,此处选择throwing表示投掷纸团。故选A。 4.考查连词词义辨析。句意:它一离开我的指尖,莱恩太太就进来了,她说,“不错”。A. Each time 每次;B. Since自从;C. If如果;D. The instant一……就……。此处表示“我”刚投掷出纸团,老师就进来了,the instant引导时间状语从句。故选D。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它一离开我的指尖,莱恩太太就进来了,她说,“不错”。A. Terrible可怕的;B. Nice 宜人的,好的;C. Careful 小心的;D. Casual随便的。因为从较远处“我”将纸团投进了纸篓,因此莱恩老师做出了肯定的评价。故选B。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她把我的纸团从废纸篓拿了出来,然后把它递给我。A. donated捐赠;B. folded 折叠;C. handed 递交;D. changed改变。下文提到莱恩老师让“我”再次投掷纸团,因此她拿出纸团后递给了“我”。故选C。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后她走到教室的后面,把废纸篓放在墙角处。 A. back后面;B. front 前面;C. middle 中间;D. entrance入口。莱恩老师走进教室,为了让“我”再一次投掷纸团,因此她把纸篓拿到更远的教室后面。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们走到门口。A. closed关闭; B. answered 回答;C. approached 靠近;D. watched观看。莱恩老师让“我”再一次投掷纸团,我们来到了教室门口,这样离纸篓是最远的了。故选C。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一次投不中,你就欠我一个小时的留校时间。 A. offer 提供;B. lend 借出;C. send 发送;D. owe欠。由下文可知,“我”一次投不中,就要留下一个小时,这是“欠”老师的时间。故选D。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:全班都在窃窃私语。A. empty空的; B. noisy 吵闹的;C. crowded拥挤的;D. lonely孤独的。听到莱恩老师的话,学生们自然而然要议论纷纷。故选B。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:任何一个曾经扔过纸团的孩子都知道,这样的纸团几乎没有足够的重量能穿过房间,更不用说精确命中了。A. weight重量;B. skill 技巧;C. shape形状;D. strength力量。纸团的重量比较轻,很难穿越那么远的距离命中目标。故选A。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我尽可能地把纸球捏紧,然后进行第一次投掷。A. squeezed挤压;B. caught抓住;C. kicked踢;D. played玩耍。为了使纸团飞得足够远和尽可能命中目标,“我”自然要将纸团捏紧。故选A。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我扔的距离足够远,但太偏向左边。A. range范围;B. height高度;C. distance 距离;D. force力量。由but表示转折可知,扔的方向偏差较大,不过扔的距离倒是足够了。故选C。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:全班学生为我叹气,留校一小时。A. shouted叫喊;B. agreed同意;C. jumped 跳跃;D. sighed叹气。“我”第一次没投中,同学在为“我”叹气。故选D。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后我投中了三个,七个没进去。A. added 增加;B. missed错过,想念;C. avoided 避免;D. found发现。此处需要填入表示没投中的词语,与“made three shots”构成对比。故选B。 16.考查短语辨析。句意:后来我弄清楚了为什么她是我最好的教练。A. set down写下;B. showed off炫耀;C. figured out 想出;D. made sure务必。下文是“我”的反思,即“我”明白了莱恩老师为什么让“我”投掷纸团。故选C。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我那年夏天刚从迈阿密来到这里,只交了几个朋友。A. small小的;B. local 本地的;C. new新的;D. young年轻的。“我”刚来到这所学校,认识的人少。故选C。 18.考查形容词和副词辨析。句意:我在数学方面也明显落后,但我能隐藏我所不知道的东西。A. well 好,情况良好;B. behind 在……后面;C. quick 迅速的; D. around大约,周围。由下文可知,“我”假装自己懂很多东西,实际上在数学上落后于其他同学。故选B。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:实际上,莱恩太太发现了我不知道的东西。A. discovered 发现;B. predicted 预测;C. ignored忽视;D. remembered记得。莱恩老师找理由把“我”留下来是为了给“我”单独辅导,即她发现了“我”不懂的东西。故选A。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她每次把我留下都是为了辅导我的弱项。A. business生意,商务,公事;B. sadness 悲伤;C. kindness善良;D. weakness弱点。由“what I didn’t know”可知,这是“我”的弱项。故选D。

    With high rents and low wage growth, it's hardly surprising that young adults increasingly rely on parents for financial support. 1. A survey last year estimated that the $500 billion in financial help that parents give adult children is double what those same parents manage to save for retirement. Nearly 75% parents reported they put their adult kids' needs ahead of retirement.

2. The less you have saved for retirement, the more likely you will feel money-stressed in retirement---that' s not the goal, right? —and you may end up needing to rely on your kids for help in your later years. That' s surely not an outcome the entire family wants.

The decision to provide financial support for an adult child is, of course, personal. That said, if you have even the tiniest worries about retirement security, you owe it to your entire family to reconsider your support. Not overnight, but by setting a timeline expectation for when your child will be independent. 3.

Let adult kids contribute to family expenses. Once an adult child has a job, even if they are still living at home, it's time to have them participate in paying bills. At least, they should pay their share of a family cellphone plan.

4. Helping an adult child get established is one thing, but often help can extend into financing a nicer — than — needed lifestyle. For example, give money for groceries so they don't exist on a poor diet. 5. However, buying for a new car (which should be a used car) or contributing to rent for their own place (rather than shared) is you not setting smart limits.

Anyway, you must have enough savings to take care of yourself.

A.Set limits on what you will help with.

B.Make a major financial sacrifice for adult kids.

C.Besides, helping rent a shared apartment is also reasonable.

D.While the support is financial, we' re not talking pocket money.

E.And most importantly, you can also establish clear financial boundaries.

F.You should reduce your budget to come up with the extra cash to help.

G.Parents who make that choice could set everyone up for a difficult future.



    I’ve been teaching college for many years, long enough to note the steady relaxation of attention in matters of student dress. I’ve long grown used to the tom jeans, flip-flops, shorts in the dead of the Maine winter, and ball caps worn backward. Still, I took note recently when one of my students showed up in pajama bottoms. I couldn’t help stopping him and remarking, “Did you just roll out of bed?”

His response: “Five minutes ago.”

I'm familiar with the school of thought that says that how students dress is irrelevant, so long as they’re learning. I deposit it in the same category as “Grammar and spelling don’t matter, so long as they’re expressing themselves.” Perhaps. But I also wonder about the wisdom of confusing the line between bed and desk. I should think that dressing properly before entering a formal environment, such as a college lecture hall, is a sort of visible reminder to oneself (and one’s teachers) that impressions are important and that we have come together to get down to business.

I smile when I think back on the occasions that my parents associated with needing to look presentable. Once, when I was 11 and my brother 9, my father announced that he was taking us into Manhattan (just a subway ride away) to see the film of “2001: A Space Odyssey.” My brother and I were happy at the prospect, but were soon deflated when my father directed us to put on our best clothes, including jackets and ties. “But why?” I begged, not wanting to change out of my comfortable jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers.

“Because,” he said, “we’re going to New York. Other people would observe and assess us based on our appearance.”

So yes, I’m all for freedom of choice in matters of dress, and yes, I do want my students to be comfortable. But I also want to pay my respects to those students who believe that appearances count.

1.Why did the author stop the student?

A.He got up too late.

B.He was late for class.

C.He disobeyed the rules.

D.He wore pajama bottoms.

2.What does the underlined word “deflated” in the fourth paragraph mean?

A.Discouraged. B.Relaxed.

C.Surprised. D.Worried.

3.Why does the author mention his childhood experience?

A.To introduce the topic.

B.To entertain the reader.

C.To remember his father.

D.To support his argument.

4.What does the author argue in the passage?

A.Students should have a dress code.

B.Pajama bottoms should be banned.

C.Bad behavior leads to poor learning.

D.School uniforms matter to students.



    Shanghai, the first Chinese mainland city to carry out a compulsory garbage classification regulation in July, is using intellectual platforms that can count the amount of garbage residents dump(倒)to promote recycling.

A residential area in Shanghai's Baoshan district is using 10 sets of such smart bins. Through data shown on the screen, staff of the platform will know the amount of garbage collected and when and who dumped them. The smart bin can also help social workers. For example, for elderly people living alone, a social worker will go to their home to check if the elderly people failed to dump garbage.

The "green fortune can!'' issued in 2016 by Shanghai environmental authorities is the base of the big data platform. The card is meant to encourage daily garbage sorting and to build an eco-friendly way of life in the city, according to the city government's website. Residents can swipe (刷)the card after selecting the waste type on a screen above the smart bins, and the bin will open automatically. After the trash is dumped, residents will receive corresponding points which they could exchange for small gifts.

The city government said more than 7.28 million Shanghai families have joined the project, and 6.31 million cards have been distributed.  Residents and experts welcomed the use of high-tech equipment in garbage recycling, saying it is more convenient than expected.

But proper garbage handling and necessary construction should catch up to avoid such a good idea from becoming a formalism project, Luo Yameng, a Beijing-based urban-planning and eco-city expert, told the Global Times on Thursday.

In the future, the community's management company would also issue garbage bags attached with QR codes, which would make it convenient for management departments to track residents who break garbage recycling regulations.

The Global Times reporter found that similar measures have been applied in some areas in Beijing, which is drafting its own garbage recycling regulations.

1.How does the smart bin help social workers?

A.By signaling when garbage is dumped.

B.By offering data about where garbage is put.

C.By tracing the people who dumped garbage.

D.By showing how much garbage is collected.

2.Which of the following is the first step for residents to use the dustbin?

A.Swiping the card.

B.Dumping the garbage.

C.Selecting the waste type.

D.The bin opens automatically.

3.What can be learned from the expert Luo Yameng?

A.More and more families will be likely to join the project.

B.Garbage classification needs to be open to further discussion.

C.The use of high-tech equipment is much better than expected.

D.Follow-up measures should be taken to guarantee the success.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Green fortune carda card for your family

B.Shanghai gets tough with incorrect trash sorting

C.Big data, smart devices help Shanghai sort garbage

D.Compulsory garbage classification regulation in Shanghai



    At first, Michael Surrell didn't see the black smoke or flames shooting from the windows of his neighbor's home. He had just parked around the comer from his own house when he got a call from his daughter: "The house next door is on fire!" He went to look. That's when he saw an old woman crying outside.

"The baby's in there!" she cried. Though the fire department had been called, Surrell, then 64, ran inside without hesitation. Entering the burning house was like "running into a bucket of black paint," Surrell says. The thick smoke burned his eyes and made it impossible to breathe. The conditions would have been dangerous for anyone, but for Surrell, who had lung disease, they were life-threatening.

After a few minutes in the smoke - filled house, he retreated outside to catch his breath. "Where is Tiara?" he asked desperately.

“The second floor," the old woman shouted back.

Taking a deep breath, Surrell went in a second time. Because the house had a similar layout to his, he found the stairs and made it to the second floor.

“Baby girl, where are you?”

His throat and lungs burned as if he'd breathed fire instead of the smoke in the air. He couldn't open his eyes. All he could hear was the crackling (破裂声)of burning wood. Then a soft sound came out. Still unable to see, Surrell fell to his knees on the hot wood floor and climbed toward the sound, feeling around for any sign of the girl.

Finally, he touched something. A shoe, then an ankle. He pulled the baby toward him. Her body was weak and she wasn't breathing. He carried her into his arms and ran blindly into the blackness. The next thing he knew, he was at the front door, then outside.

1.Why was the old woman crying outside?

A.She lost the baby in the fire.

B.The baby was hurt in the fire.

C.The baby was in the burning house.

D.She couldn't call the fire department.

2.What can be learned from the first two paragraphs?

A.Surrell's daughter worked in a fire department.

B.Surrell would probably have been killed by the fire.

C.The smoke blanketed Surrell' s house from next door.

D.A bucket of black paint blocked Surrell's way to the house.

3.How did Surrell find the baby on the second floor?

A.By searching on his knees.

B.By opening the back door.

C.By shouting repeatedly'

D.By turning on the light.

4.Which of the following best describes Surrell?

A.Determined and patient.

B.Independent and devoted.

C.Generous and reliable.

D.Courageous and caring.



The Best Destinations for Cheap Flights In 2020

Cheap flights are the secret sauce of travel. Whether it' s a luxury destination or a backpacker's paradise, finding airfare for less means you can spend more on the road, so use this list as a jumping off point for your 2020 travels.


Where to find cheap airfare


As Southwest continues to expand routes to Hawaii, fare competition is continuing to increase to this tropical island in 2020. Traditionally there are more deals from the West Coast.

Buenos Aires,


Scott's Cheap Flights is seeing great prices out of Miami, with airlines like American, LATAM, GOL and Aerolineas Argentinas.

Nairobi, Kenya

This East African nation is seeing an increase in deals thanks to Kenya Airways joining the Air France/KLM partnership in 2018 which lead to more connecting flights from hubs of Paris and Amsterdam.


As Alaska Airlines and Delta Air Lines battle for dominance from Seattle, travel hackers are seeing tons of bargains on flights from US Delta hubs to Alaska.

Kuala Lumpur,


Thanks to All Nippon Airways as well as United, look for deals to this Southeast Asian hub from Chicago, New York City, Washington, D.C., Houston, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Jose and San Francisco via Tokyo.


Although this archipelago often spells luxury travel, in 2019 there were some amazing flight deals to the island paradise that experts expect to continue into 2020.

Look for deals from the West Coast, as well as smaller airports like Eugene, Boise, Kalispell and Reno. There are also some 2-in-l deals with Australia which offer stops in both countries on the same ticket.



1.If you intend to travel to Hawaii, which airline should you check?

A.West Coast. B.Aerolineas Argentinas.

C.American. D.LATAM.

2.If you travel from Seattle, which destination can you choose to go to?

A.Nairobi. B.Buenos Aires.

C.Kuala Lumpur. D.Fiji.

3.Which airline offers tickets accessible to stops in both countries?

A.United. B.Eugene.

C.Kalispell. D.Australia.



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