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Put "crottin de chevre," into Google Tra...

    Put "crottin de chevre," into Google Translate, and you'll be told it means goat dung (waste). So if it appears on a menu, you may pass. Alas! You will rule out a delicious cheese made of goats5 milk that is often served as a starter in France.

Such misunderstandings are why Google Translate is not intended to replace human translators. Tourists might accept a few misunderstandings because the technology is cheap and convenient, but when in business, law or medicine, these services often fall short. " Using Google Translate can lead to some serious errors, especially when words have multiple meanings, which is often the case in fields such as law and engineering, " says Samantha Langley, a court-approved French — to — English legal translator in France.

That is not to say professional translators do not use computer assisted translation (CAT) tools. One of the most popular new tools is the translation earpiece. Usually paired with a smart-phone app, they pick up spoken foreign languages and translate them. For conferences, wearable translation tools like Waverly's are undoubtedly popular. But even this new generation tech has limitations. Users must wait at least a few seconds for a phrase to be translated, or more if the Internet connection is poor. And computers still lack the subtlety (微妙之处)of human communication.

"If you want to create a relationship with the user, you need a human translator to make sound natural and capture the sentiment, which often involves restructuring a sentence completely, says Zoey Cooper, director at Wordbank. "I believe CAT tools get in the way of creativity, " says Antonio Navarro Gosalvez, an English-to- Spanish translator in Spain.

Mr. Ochoa Spencer, chief executive of US start-up Waverly Labs, thinks this problem could be resolved within the next 10 years. "When it comes to expressing emotion and intonation, we need sentiment analysis, which may well be in ten years time, " he says. Yet, nowadays foreign language skills are still in demand in the labour market.

1.The writer uses the example of "crottin de chevre" to ______.

A.criticize Google Translate B.regret missing the cheese

C.bring in the main topic D.introduce a starter in France

2.How is Google Translate according to Paragraph 2?

A.Precise and cheap. B.Cheap but inaccurate.

C.Convenient and effective. D.Fast but incorrect.

3.Who might have a different opinion on Al translation?

A.Samantha Langley. B.Zoey Cooper.

C.Antonio Navarro Gosalvez. D.Ochoa Spencer.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The various disadvantages of Google Translate.

B.The chances of human translators being replaced by AI.

C.The difference between computer and human translation.

D.The disappearance of human translators in the near future.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。本文主要讲述了随着技术的发展,智能翻译越来越精确,但也很多产生误解的时候。而人工翻译有自身的优势。那么,智能翻译在将来替代人工翻译的可能性有多大呢? 1.推理判断题。文章开头使用的例子一般有两个作用:引出主题和吸引读者注意。根据下文内容可知,本篇第一段的例子是为了引出主题,即智能翻译是否会替代人工翻译。C. bring in the main topic(引出主要话题)符合以上推测,故选C项。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段的the technology is cheap and convenient, but when in business, law or medicine, these service often fall short. 可知,谷歌翻译廉价方便, 但涉及到商业、医务、法律等方面时翻译质量达不到要求。即谷歌翻译价格便宜,但准确率不高。B. Cheap but inaccurate.(便宜但不准确)符合以上说法,故选B项。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段的Mr. Ochoa Spencer thinks this problem could be resolved within the next 10 years可知,Ochoa Spencer认为前面大家提到的问题是可以在10年内得到解决的,其对人工智能翻译的前景充满希望。而其他三人都认为智能翻译不如人工翻译。D. Ochoa Spencer.符合以上说法,故选D项。 4.主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第二段的Such misunderstandings are why Google Translate is not intended to replace human translators. (这些误解就是为什么谷歌翻译不会代替人工翻译),和最后一段的When it comes to expressing emotion and intonation, we need sentiment analysis, which may well be in ten years time, " he says. Yet, nowadays foreign language skills are still in demand in the labour market.(这个问题可能在未来10年内得到解决。“在表达情感和语调方面,我们需要进行感情分析,这在10年后实现。”然而,如今外语技能仍然在劳动市场被需求)可知,本文主要讲述智能翻译存在很多让人误解的情况。那么,在将来它可能替代人工翻译吗?B. The chances of human translators being replaced by AI.(人工翻译被智能翻译替代的可能性)符合以上说法,故选B项。

Let’s play a word game. What word can be put in front of the words “stick, maker and point” to make three new compound words? Ready for the answer? Match. Match will combine to make the words “match-stick, match-maker and match-point”. And the point of tasks like this is to measure creativity.

Maybe you have music playing as you think about the words. And, of course, many listen to music while they work. So Emma Threadgold, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Central Lancashire in England, and her colleagues recently used such word puzzles to investigate whether listening to music affects creativity. They asked volunteers to solve 19 puzzles, while listening to either a foreign-language tune, an instrumental version of the same song, a familiar English-language tune, or silence. In every case, volunteers listening to music solved fewer puzzles than their counterparts in total quiet, suggesting that background music does not really aid this kind of creative task. Besides, the researchers tested library noise as well, like the sounds of typing and rustling papers. None of those noises decreased volunteers’ performance at all, compared to the silent control group.

The results are in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology. Still, if you do insist on listening to music while working, you might try something a little more low-key than Lady Gaga, says Threadgold’s colleague John Marsh. A sound with a lot of changes in state information or pitches is more disruptive (干扰的) than one with fewer of those changes. So if you compared a modern pop song with some classical music, you’d expect less disruption from that classical music, just as in actual silence.

1.What is the purpose of the word game mentioned in the passage?

A.To make fun with others. B.To test memory.

C.To evaluate creativity. D.To create new words.

2.Why can the volunteers in total quiet solve more puzzles?

A.Because they can concentrate on the problems.

B.Because other groups are not as clever as them.

C.Because other groups are into listening to music.

D.Because they are better at word puzzle games.

3.What can we infer from Emma Threadgold and her colleagues’ experiment?

A.Volunteers in library can do as well as the ones in quiet.

B.Library noises can affect the volunteers’ performance.

C.Sound has a negative influence on one’s creativity.

D.Those who listen to foreign songs perform worse.

4.If you do insist on listening to music while working, which one is the best?

A.Fast-paced songs. B.High-key songs.

C.Pop music. D.Classic music.



    It was Christmas Eve 1949. I was 15 and feeling sad because there was not enough money to buy the dress I wanted. After supper, I was still feeling sorry for myself. It was a cold, clear night, and Pa came in. "Come on, Elizabeth,” he said. "Get dressed. It's cold out. " Pa was dragging me out in the cold. Ma gave me a mysterious smile as I opened the door.

Outside, I asked, "Pa, what are you doing?” Have you met Mrs. Clark lately?" he asked. Mrs. Clark lived about two miles down the road from us. Her husband had died the year before, leaving her with three children to raise on her own." Yeah, " I said. "Why?” "I rode by just today, " Pa said. Little Jake was trying to find a few woodchips. They're out of wood. " That was all he said. Pa then loaded the truck with a big ham, a sack of flour and a smaller sack of something in his left hand. "What's in the smaller sack?" I asked. "Shoes. They're out of shoes. I got the children a little candy too."

We rode the two miles to the Clarks' place in silence. I tried to think through what Pa was doing. I knew we didn't have much money. The Clarks had closer neighbors than us. Why was it our concern?

When Mrs. Clark realized what was happening, she bit her lower lip to keep it from trembling as tears ran down her cheeks. She looked at Pa as if she wanted to say something, but it wouldn't come out. I wasn't the same person when I got the wood unloaded. We gave each of the kids a hug and said goodbye. Thank you, Brother Cotton,"  Mrs. Clark said.

On the way back, Pa explained that he and Ma had saved all year long to buy me a dress for Christmas. 441 spent that money on some shoes and a little candy for those children. I hope you understand, he said. I understood very well. My father had given me a gift much greater than a dress.

1.I felt sorry for myself because ______

A.I didn't get the present I desired

B.Pa forced me to go out in the cold

C.Pa didn't have money for Christmas

D.I did a lot of housework after supper

2.What can we learn about Mrs. Clark?

A.She lived on others' help.

B.She was our closest neighbor.

C.She led a hard life that winter.

D.She was a warm-hearted woman.

3.What does the underlined sentence "I wasn't the same person..." in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.I understood what Pa was doing then.

B.I helped with unloading the wood.

C.Mrs. Clark didn't recognize me.

D.Mrs. Clark noticed my change.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Christmas Gifts from Heart B.A Cold Christmas Eve

C.Helping Our Neighbors D.Clark and Her Children



    Not sure how to treat the special person in your life who has a daily chocolate requirement? We pulled together a list of different gifts ranging from traditional hot chocolate kits to chocolate soaps that will take their favorite to a whole new level.


Rather than traditional powder, inside you'll find eight different chocolate sticks with flavors like peanut butter, peppermint, and salted caramel. All your giftee needs to do is steam some milk, stir in their preferred flavor, and enjoy the sweet, warm goodness.

Buy it: Amazon


The secret to the right chocolate texture is finding the perfect temperature. This one promises to bring the professional temperature control technique to the home cook. And your giftee won't even have to stay in the kitchen to reap the benefits. The tool's iPhone and Android apps allow users to control the temperature and time from far away.

Buy it: UncommonGoods


The magic of chocolate goes beyond the kitchen. Help your favorite chocoholics start their day off right —— with the smell of warm chocolate. Each of the soaps, which include Amber Chocolate, Chocolate Bar, and Raspberry Drizzle, are made from olive oil, coconut, refined sweet almond oil, fragrance, and cocoa butter.

Buy it: Amazon


This kit is easy to use, so even if someone has never made chocolate before, they can experiment with all sorts of flavors and combinations without any previous experience. Inside the kit is a thermometer, two bags of dark chocolate chips, organic cocoa powder, organic coconut flakes, sea salt, peppermint extract, and vanilla extract.

Buy it: UncommonGoods

1.What is special about PRECISION COOKER?

A.It can teach users temperature control technique.

B.It can be controlled from a distance by its users.

C.It can make chocolate of different flavors.

D.It can cook dishes with better smell.

2.Which one is suitable for a chocolate making beginner?





3.You can find this webpage on ______.

A.the website of UncommonGoods B.the website of Amazon

C.a website for chocolate recipes D.a website for gift shopping













假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






When my father left a store and returned to his car yesterday, he suddenly realised that he' d lock his keys and cell phone inside and didn't know why he could get his spare key. A teenager ride a bike saw him kick about a tire and asked what was wrong. My father explained his situation. The teenager handed my father his cell phone, "Call your wife but tell her I'm coming get the key.” That was a round trip of seven mile, but the teenager didn't mind. An hour late, he returned with the key. My father offers him some money, but they refused. Then, like a cowboy in movies, he rode off into the sunset.



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