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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错 误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。




As an adolescent boy, I am told not to pay many attention to my physically appearance by my parents. She always think that character-building matter more. However, many of my friends have got in shape and built themselves up by go to the gym regularly. Influenced by them, I come to found myself increasingly concerned about my body image, which makes me confused. On the one hand, I agree with my parents what I should develop my inner strength and just to keep healthy. On the other hands, I'm afraid to be teased by my friends because my body shape.


1. many much 2. physically physical 3.She They 4.matter matters 5.go going 6.found find 7.what that 8.删去keep前的to 9.hands hand 10.在because后加of。 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了青春期少年对身体形貌的关注。 1.考查形容词。句意:作为一个青春期的男孩,我的父母告诉我不要太在意我的外表。此处要用much修饰不可数名词attention。故将many改为much。 2.考查形容词。此处要用形容词physical修饰名词appearance。故将physically改为physical。 3.考查代词。句意:他们总觉得塑造性格更重要。此处要用代词They指代前句中的parents。故将She改为They。 4.考查动词的时态。分析句子成分可知,that 引导宾语从句,此处matter作从句的谓语,其主语是character-building,因此要用第三人称单数形式。故将matter改为matters。 5.考查动名词。句意:然而,我的很多朋友都通过定期去健身房健身来锻炼身体。介词by表示“通过”,后要用go的动名词形式作宾语。故将go改为going。 6.考查动词。句意:受到他们的影响,我发现自己越来越关注自己的身体形貌,这让我感到困惑。come后为动词不定式,to后接动词原形find。故将found改为find。 7.考查宾语从句的引导词。句意:一方面,我同意我的父母,我应该发展我的内在力量,并保持健康。此处是一个宾语从句,宾语从句成分结构完整,因此要用that引导,that不充当成分。故将what改为that。 8.考查介词。根据should develop可知keep与前面的develop并列,放在should后用原形。故将删去keep前的to。 9.考查名词的单数。on the other hand为固定搭配,表示“而另一方面”。 故将hands改为hand。 10.考查介词。句意:另一方面,因为我的身材我害怕被朋友嘲笑。根据my body shape是名词短语,其前要用because of一起构成原因状语。故在because后加of。  


As COVID-19 gets worse in Japan, many companies are taking steps 1.reduce the chances of infection. Recently teachers of Tokyo COSMO School has used Chinese office software to hold video conferences with the students. With the 2.arrive of a minor vacation in Japan, the teachers have used it to remind the students 3. self-protection and planned to open long-distance teaching through it.

4. is reported that DingTalk is Alibaba's free intelligent mobile office platform, playing 5. huge role in telecommuting and teaching of Chinese enterprises and schools during the outbreak. It currently covers 10 million 6.business in China and has 200 million users. During the outbreak, more than 50 million Chinese students attend classes online through DingTalk.

DingTalk 7. apply for more than 2 years in Tokyo COSMO School, and has greatly improved its management. During COVID-19, DingTalk can help us deliver 8.late news to the students at the first time, 9. is very efficient and convenient, ” said the school's principal, Tetsuya Matsuka. In order to prevent COVID-19, the long-distance teaching can be opened through the DingTalk at any time 10. base on needs, so that more than 300 students can attend classes at home.



    Michael Evans was a successful businessman ready to help others. One day, he was standing in line at a treasurers office waiting to pay his _______ when he heard a _______ sound. An elderly woman was crying and so was the cashier helping her. Then from their dialogue, Evans learned _______ : the woman's house was in foreclosure (取消抵押赎回权)and headed for auction (拍卖),and her daughter had recently _______ .

Evans, who had just buried his father, couldn't _______ the idea of this woman losing her home right after losing her child. He approached them. "I don't mean to _______” he said to the cashier, "but if you can get her _______ back, I'll pay for her taxes.” The _______ due: $5,000.

The two women were _______ Their despair turned into disbelief. The cashier left for a moment to ________ the amount and that it was all right for Evans to pay for it. Evans ________ to go straight to the ________ and come right back with the money. And he did But when he ________ he asked someone else waiting in line to hand the $5, 000 check to the cashier. Evans was trying to slip away ________  “I didn't want the ________“, he explained.

Of course, attention found him -- it's not every day that someone pays a stranger's ________tax bill. A few weeks after the tax ________ Evans received the Spirit of Detroit Award for his ________Again, he didn't want the attention, but his son felt it good to see his dad finally got the recognition he ________.

Michael Evans will retire soon, and his son will carry on with his dad’s charity as well as the business. ________ my life on his," the young man says. "When I have kids, I want them to look at me the way I look at my dad."

1.A.bills B.debts C.taxes D.fees

2.A.distant B.familiar C.unique D.disturbing

3.A.where B.how C.when D.why

4.A.got fired B.passed away C.given birth D.got divorced

5.A.bear B.understand C.forget D.reject

6.A.give in B.cut in C.call in D.pull in

7.A.cash B.child C.house D.check

8.A.amount B.worth C.fine D.salary

9.A.terrified B.annoyed C.impressed D.astonished

10.A.confirm B.determine C.believe D.find

11.A.pretended B.applied C.failed D.promised

12.A.office B.house C.bank D.booth

13.A.returned B.settled C.hesitated D.compromised

14.A.abruptly B.willingly C.quietly D.permanently

15.A.award B.attention C.praise D.remark

16.A.vast B.annual C.controversial D.special

17.A.reform B.argument C.incident D.plan

18.A.sacrifice B.honesty C.bravery D.generosity

19.A.required B.deserved C.accepted D.expected

20.A.focus B.model C.spend D.build



Distinguish Between Work and Home Modes

When working at home, slowly moving from bed to the sofa five minutes before you start can also be your biggest challenge. 1.. It is necessary that you should set yourself up the right way.

* Be realistic

A wide, open day working from home can feel full of possibilities. 145 things on the to-do list? No problem! 2. Instead, be realistic and then possibly achieve more than you set out to, and feel satisfied, rather than feeling disappointed, if you didn't do everything.

* 3.

In the office your day is broken up by everything from meetings to lunch breaks and even toilet breaks, but when you are at home, it can be easy to just work for long, unbroken periods. In order to be productive, you should impose structure on yourself, for example, 45-minute to 60-minute chunks of focused work followed by a short break. 4.

* Take some breaks

It can be difficult to tear yourself away from your laptop, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take breaks. Leave your desk for lunch and take advantage of being at home to walk the dog for half an hour in the afternoon. You'll return feeling refreshed and more productive for the rest of the day.

* Be sociable

5. Unless you're self-isolating, working from home shouldn't mean that you don't leave the house at all or don't see anyone for two weeks. Ensure you still keep up social interaction. If you're the kind of person who'll miss your colleagues when you work from home, build opportunities for socializing into your day.

A.Work in short bursts

B.Manage disturbances

C.Don't fall into the trap of being over-ambitious

D.However, don't forget that you are there to work

E.Try to call your friends rather than send messages

F.It's hard to maintain concentration in a new environment

G.This can be effective to break the day up and keep focused



    Put "crottin de chevre," into Google Translate, and you'll be told it means goat dung (waste). So if it appears on a menu, you may pass. Alas! You will rule out a delicious cheese made of goats5 milk that is often served as a starter in France.

Such misunderstandings are why Google Translate is not intended to replace human translators. Tourists might accept a few misunderstandings because the technology is cheap and convenient, but when in business, law or medicine, these services often fall short. " Using Google Translate can lead to some serious errors, especially when words have multiple meanings, which is often the case in fields such as law and engineering, " says Samantha Langley, a court-approved French — to — English legal translator in France.

That is not to say professional translators do not use computer assisted translation (CAT) tools. One of the most popular new tools is the translation earpiece. Usually paired with a smart-phone app, they pick up spoken foreign languages and translate them. For conferences, wearable translation tools like Waverly's are undoubtedly popular. But even this new generation tech has limitations. Users must wait at least a few seconds for a phrase to be translated, or more if the Internet connection is poor. And computers still lack the subtlety (微妙之处)of human communication.

"If you want to create a relationship with the user, you need a human translator to make sound natural and capture the sentiment, which often involves restructuring a sentence completely, says Zoey Cooper, director at Wordbank. "I believe CAT tools get in the way of creativity, " says Antonio Navarro Gosalvez, an English-to- Spanish translator in Spain.

Mr. Ochoa Spencer, chief executive of US start-up Waverly Labs, thinks this problem could be resolved within the next 10 years. "When it comes to expressing emotion and intonation, we need sentiment analysis, which may well be in ten years time, " he says. Yet, nowadays foreign language skills are still in demand in the labour market.

1.The writer uses the example of "crottin de chevre" to ______.

A.criticize Google Translate B.regret missing the cheese

C.bring in the main topic D.introduce a starter in France

2.How is Google Translate according to Paragraph 2?

A.Precise and cheap. B.Cheap but inaccurate.

C.Convenient and effective. D.Fast but incorrect.

3.Who might have a different opinion on Al translation?

A.Samantha Langley. B.Zoey Cooper.

C.Antonio Navarro Gosalvez. D.Ochoa Spencer.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The various disadvantages of Google Translate.

B.The chances of human translators being replaced by AI.

C.The difference between computer and human translation.

D.The disappearance of human translators in the near future.



Let’s play a word game. What word can be put in front of the words “stick, maker and point” to make three new compound words? Ready for the answer? Match. Match will combine to make the words “match-stick, match-maker and match-point”. And the point of tasks like this is to measure creativity.

Maybe you have music playing as you think about the words. And, of course, many listen to music while they work. So Emma Threadgold, a cognitive psychologist at the University of Central Lancashire in England, and her colleagues recently used such word puzzles to investigate whether listening to music affects creativity. They asked volunteers to solve 19 puzzles, while listening to either a foreign-language tune, an instrumental version of the same song, a familiar English-language tune, or silence. In every case, volunteers listening to music solved fewer puzzles than their counterparts in total quiet, suggesting that background music does not really aid this kind of creative task. Besides, the researchers tested library noise as well, like the sounds of typing and rustling papers. None of those noises decreased volunteers’ performance at all, compared to the silent control group.

The results are in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology. Still, if you do insist on listening to music while working, you might try something a little more low-key than Lady Gaga, says Threadgold’s colleague John Marsh. A sound with a lot of changes in state information or pitches is more disruptive (干扰的) than one with fewer of those changes. So if you compared a modern pop song with some classical music, you’d expect less disruption from that classical music, just as in actual silence.

1.What is the purpose of the word game mentioned in the passage?

A.To make fun with others. B.To test memory.

C.To evaluate creativity. D.To create new words.

2.Why can the volunteers in total quiet solve more puzzles?

A.Because they can concentrate on the problems.

B.Because other groups are not as clever as them.

C.Because other groups are into listening to music.

D.Because they are better at word puzzle games.

3.What can we infer from Emma Threadgold and her colleagues’ experiment?

A.Volunteers in library can do as well as the ones in quiet.

B.Library noises can affect the volunteers’ performance.

C.Sound has a negative influence on one’s creativity.

D.Those who listen to foreign songs perform worse.

4.If you do insist on listening to music while working, which one is the best?

A.Fast-paced songs. B.High-key songs.

C.Pop music. D.Classic music.



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