满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What is the differen...


1.What is the difference between the first two sandwiches?

A.Toast beef. B.The tomatoes. C.Cheese.

2.Where does this conversation happen?

A.in a coffee shop. B.In a school canteen. C.In a fast food restaurant.


1.B 2.C 【解析】 【原文】 M: Number 106, please? W: I’m number 106. Here you are. M: Welcome to Geneva’s Deli. Just drop your number in the basket there. What can I get for you today? W: I need three sandwiches. The first two are both roast beef with cheese, but one has everything on it and the other has no tomatoes. M: What kind of bread for the roast beef sandwiches? W: White rolls, please. M: All right. What about the third one? W: That’s a turkey sandwich on sliced wheat bread with cheese, bacon, and onions. M: Nothing else on the turkey? W: No, just those three things. M: You got it. Anything else? W: Yeah, can I have three Cokes and a large bag of chips, please? M: The chips and drinks are just to your left. Just take whatever you want, and I’ll meet you over by the cash register.


1.What does the man care about most?

A.Spending less money. B.Being comfortable. C.Using the least time.

2.Which of the following is true according to the dialogue

A.The man needs to change trains.

B.The man doesn’t need to change trains.

C.The man needs to walk all the way to Grove Street.



Why did the girl run into the man?

A.She was running too fast.

B.She was looking at her phone.

C.She was holding too many papers.



What does the man do?

A.He is a manager. B.He is a driver. C.He is a repairman.



What will the man probably do next?

A.Check out of his hotel. B.Take some medicine. C.See a doctor.



Where might the speakers be?

A.In a restaurant B.At the man’s house. C.In a supermarket.



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