满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.Who is listening to th...


1.Who is listening to the lecture?

A.Psychology teachers. B.Psychology majors. C.High school students.

2.How long does each lecture last?

A.One hour. B.Two hours. C.One and a half hours.

3.What does the speaker say about the exams?

A.There will be six of them.

B.They can be made up later.

C.They are harder than might be expected.

4.How can the speaker be reached outside of class time?

A.Mainly by email.

B.Only by calling him directly.

C.By coming to his office from 3:00-5:00 p.m.any day.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 【解析】 【原文】 Welcome to Psychology 101. This is the first course in psychology at the University of Washington, and it is required for all psychology majors. I know that many of you are just taking this class your first year to see if you like it, and that’s fine. But please take it seriously. As you can see, this class is very popular, and many folks did not get in. All right. Everyone should have a copy of the class schedule. We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00-11:30 a.m. If you miss a lecture, you can come to the Monday and Wednesday class, but please make sure you let me know so I can make a note of it. You are only allowed to miss one class, and after that, every time will affect your grade. We have two main exams, plus one paper of six pages. The amount of work is not too bad, but I will tell you that most students say that my expectations are higher than most of their other professors. I want to challenge you in here, and to do that, I need to make the tests harder than you may be expecting. If you need to reach me outside of class time, the best way is by email. You can also come by my office on Friday afternoons from 3:00-5:00 p.m. or set up another time to meet with me by calling my secretary. The number is on the board behind me. Any questions?


1.How does the woman feel about studying psychology?

A.It would be difficult. B.She would get good grades. C.It would be easy to find a job.

2.What is the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Father and daughter. B.Husband and wife. C.Professor and student.

3.How will the woman start her new career?

A.Go straight to Wall Street.

B.Start small and keep working.

C.Wait patiently for the perfect opportunity.

4.What may be the man’s attitude towards the woman’s idea?

A.supportive. B.disapproving. C.Positive.




1.How much does the man pay for car insurance?

A.S100 a month. B.S200 a month. C.$1,000 a year.

2.What is the woman’s point in the conversation?

A.She seldom uses her car.

B.The man is a great driver.

C.Men drive more carelessly than women.

3.How many accidents has the woman been in this past year?

A.Four. B.Three. C.Zero.




1.What is the difference between the first two sandwiches?

A.Toast beef. B.The tomatoes. C.Cheese.

2.Where does this conversation happen?

A.in a coffee shop. B.In a school canteen. C.In a fast food restaurant.




1.What does the man care about most?

A.Spending less money. B.Being comfortable. C.Using the least time.

2.Which of the following is true according to the dialogue

A.The man needs to change trains.

B.The man doesn’t need to change trains.

C.The man needs to walk all the way to Grove Street.



Why did the girl run into the man?

A.She was running too fast.

B.She was looking at her phone.

C.She was holding too many papers.



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