满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Yesterday I had a walk with a friend in ...

    Yesterday  I had a walk with a friend in the street. When we were passing by a house, I _____ a BlackBerry cellphone. I picked it up and it still _____ ! I started checking the contact   list and calling numbers. I wanted to  see _____ I could  get  some information  about  the  owner of the  phone. _____, only one  person  answered  and  she didn't  recognize the _____ that I was calling from. In the end, she said, "It is just so nice that  you are trying to _____ whose phone it is."

Since that lady didn't know whose phone it was, my friend _____ me to go back  to the  street. I _____ We went back to the street and to the house _____ which we had found the BlackBerry cellphone.  I _____ the door.  Two  college students _____ and said they hadn't    lost their phones. But when I told them the story and _____ some names on the contact list, one of them said that he _____ had those names so it must be the phone of one of his _____.

They said it was _____ that I took the time to find the _____. I really didn't have anything to say because  in  my mind  I was  just  doing the _____ thing.  I never  considered _____ the phone—it wasn't mine. I immediately tried to find the owner because that is exactly what I would want _____ to do if any of my family members _____ their phones.

1.A.bought B.dropped C.repaired D.found

2.A.rang B.sang C.worked D.shook

3.A.that B.if C.what D.how

4.A.Probably B.Interestingly C.Finally D.Unluckily

5.A.number B.street C.man D.name

6.A.talk about B.think of C.find out D.care about

7.A.advised B.pushed C.helped D.showed

8.A.laughed B.understood C.argued D.agreed

9.A.at the back of B.in front of C.on the top of D.far away from

10.A.turned to B.looked for C.knocked on D.broke into

11.A.answered B.shouted C.ran D.passed

12.A.spelled B.wrote C.mentioned D.remembered

13.A.sometimes B.also C.hardly D.always

14.A.kids B.parents C.students D.friends

15.A.exciting B.necessary C.wonderful D.impossible

16.A.phone B.information C.buyer D.owner

17.A.important B.right C.strange D.brave

18.A.giving B.borrowing C.mending D.keeping

19.A.them B.him C.someone D.myself

20.A.lost B.described C.needed D.lent


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在大街上捡到一部手机,为此不惜辛劳辗转寻找失主,用换位思考的方式表达出拾金不昧的意义所在。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我发现一个黑莓手机,我把它捡起来,竟然还能用。A. bought购买;B. dropped丢弃;C. repaired维修;D. found发现。这里指作者在大街上捡到一个手机。故选D项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我发现一个黑莓手机,我把它捡起来,竟然还能用。A. rang(铃)响;B. sang唱歌;C. worked工作;D. shook摇晃。从下文检查手机通讯录和本句的感叹语气可以推断,手机还能正常工作。故选C项。 3.考查连接词。句意:我想看看是否能找到一些关于手机主人的信息。A. that无实意;B. if是否;C. what什么;D. how如何。根据句意可知,作者想要弄清楚手机主人是谁,后句成分完整,这里用if引导宾语从句表示“是否”最为合适。故选B项。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,只有一个人接了电话,而她并不认识这个号码。A. Probably或许,可能;B. Interestingly有趣地;C. Finally最后地;D. Unluckily不幸地。根据“only one person answered and she didn't recognize the 5 that I was calling from.”可知,这里用unluckily更符合可惜、遗憾的语气。故选D项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,只有一个人接了电话,而她并不认识这个号码。A. number数字,号码;B. street街道;C. man人,男人;D. name名字。根据空白处后接的定语从句that I was calling from,用number作为先行词表示“我拨过来的号码”符合语境。故选A项。 6.考查动词短语辨析。句意:你能这么想办法搞清楚手机是谁的,真是个好人。A. talk about谈论……;B. think of想到,考虑;C. find out查明,搞清楚;D. care about关心。根据“I could get some information about the owner of the phone”与前文内容相符,这里是电话那边的女士对作者查明手机失主的行为表示赞扬。故选C项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的朋友建议我回到那条街上。A. advised建议;B. pushed推动;C. helped帮助;D. showed故展示。根据“Since that lady didn't know whose phone it was”可知,因为那位女士不知道那是谁的手机。所以朋友建议作者回到那条街上。选A项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我同意了。A. laughed嘲笑;B. understood理解;C. argued辩论;D. agreed同意。下文中作者和朋友回到了捡手机的街上,可见作者同意了。故选D项。 9.考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们回到那条街上,就在找到手机的那栋房子前面。A. at the back of在……背后;B. in front of在……前面;C. on the top of在……上面;D. far away from远离……。既然是在街上捡到的手机,从地理位置上判断应该是在某栋房子前面。故选B项。 10.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我敲了敲门。A. turned to转向,求助于;B. looked for寻找;C. knocked on敲击;D. broke into闯入。这里配合宾语the door应该指敲门询问房子主人。故选C项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:两个大学生开了门,回答说他们没有丢手机。A. answered回答;B. shouted叫喊;C. ran跑;D. passed通过。这里呼应上文作者敲门,表示房子里的人作出应答。故选A项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当我跟他们说明情况并且提到一些通讯录上的名字时,其中一个大学生说,他手机里也存了这些人的联系方式。A. spelled拼写;B. wrote写;C. mentioned提及;D. remembered回忆,记得。为了进一步确定,作者要详细说明手机的情况并且列举或说出通讯录上的一些名字。故选C项。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我跟他们说明情况并且提到一些通讯录上的名字时,其中一个大学生说,他手机里也存了这些人的联系方式。A. sometimes有时;B. also也;C. hardly几乎不;D. always总是。下文中对手机失主的身份有了一定的推断,可见通讯录名单成为了一条线索,即在其中一人的手机上也有相同的联系人。故选B项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以这肯定是他某个朋友的手机。A. kids孩子;B. parents父母;C. students学生;D. friends朋友。既然有共同的联系人,失主与这位大学生应该是认识的或是朋友关系。故选D项。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们说我能花时间来找失主真是太好了。A. exciting令人激动的;B. necessary必要的;C. wonderful极好的;D. impossible不可能的。与前文陌生女士夸奖作者类似,这里两位大学生也作者的热心行为给予肯定,需要一个正面积极的形容词。故选C项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们说我能花时间来找失主真是太好了。A. phone电话;B. information信息;C. buyer买家;D. owner主人。根据上句“the owner of the phone”以及整个文段的内容都在讲作者寻找手机的主人。故选D项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为在我的思想中只觉得自己是在做正确的事。A. important重要的;B. right正确的;C. strange奇怪的,陌生的;D. brave勇敢的。作者的价值观是比较端正的,所以捡到手机寻找失主归还手机完全是正确的、应该做的事。故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从没想过把手机据为己有。A. giving给予;B. borrowing借用;C. mending修理;D. keeping保持。捡到手机之后,作者一直在积极的寻找失主,所以从没想过把手机据为己有keep意为“持有,保持”,在这里就是据为己有的意思。故选D项。 19.考查代词词义辨析。句意:因为如果我家里有人丢了手机,这也是我最希望别人能做的。A. them他们;B. him他;C. someone某人;D. myself我自己。这里是作者的换位思考,自己或家人手机丢了,也希望捡到的那个人能归还。故选C项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为如果我家里有人丢了手机,这也是我最希望别人能做的。A. lost丢失,失去;B. described描述;C. needed需要;D. lent借给。这里是作者的换位思考,设想自己或家人手机丢了时的情况。故选A项。

How to Make a Friend


It’s the easiest way to let someone know that you’re nice!1. You may notice at first that it feels strange to smile a lot,but over time,you’ll find that one smile can really make a difference in your life.

Be fun!

2. Think about the people you most enjoy being with—usually they are always on the up and up.Being fun makes people happy and brightens the way they think of you.It makes you seem like you truly love life and you can deal with any problems that you have to face.


Good conversations are important when you want to make a new friend,and sometimes you just have to be quiet and listen.When you do get chatting,pay attention to what they’re saying.3. Phew! It’s hard work making new friends,but it’s worth it!


Ask people who take classes with you questions about what they study today.5. Other great conversation starters are upcoming events and holidays,sports,food,music,etc.If they’re listening to their iPods,ask what their favourite music is.It’s the best way to get a conversation started because it needs an answer and they have to answer you!


B.Ask a question!

C.Classwork is a great icebreaker.

D.Say “hello” and see what happens.

E.And don’t just talk about yourself all the time.

F.Even the shyest person can manage a little smile.

G.We all prefer spending time with people who make us feel happy.



    Mirroring body language is a way to bond and to build understanding. It is a powerful tool that we use without even knowing it.

The most obvious forms of mirroring are yawning and smiling. When you see someone yawn, you are likely to yawn immediately. Smiling is also pretty contagious-seeing a smiling person makes you want to smile too.

Mirroring body language is a nonverbal way to say “I am like you, I feel the same”. Research shows that people who experience the same feelings are likely to trust, understand and accept each other.

Women have the natural ability to pick up and understand body signals. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman is more likely to mirror another woman than a man is to mirror another man. That's why women are regarded as better talkers, even if they might not really have more close friends.

It is interesting that when a man tries to mirror a woman's body language while she is talking, he may seem to her as caring, intelligent and attractive.

Mirroring body language is an excellent way to build trust and understanding quickly. If you want to set up a connection with a new person, mirror his or her gestures, sitting position, tone of voice and talking pace. This will make them feel that there is something about you that they like.

While mirroring body language gains you acceptance, you still need to take into consideration your relationship with the person you are mirroring. If you are in a lower social position and are mirroring the body language of your boss, he will view you as arrogant. However, if you want to defeat those who are trying to prove superior to you, mirroring their body language will help defeat them and change their position.

1.What does the underlined word “contagious” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Affecting each other. B.Powerful to show one's feelings.

C.Attractive to the others. D.Being gentle to people around.

2.When copying others' body language, one usually can ______.

A.send wrong messages B.hide true feelings

C.win others' acceptance D.avoid misunderstanding

3.What might happen if you try to mirror your boss's body language?

A.You will appear very attractive. B.It will help to soften his position.

C.You will seem unacceptably proud. D.It will be a good way to build trust.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.It is important to copy the others' gestures.

B.Why women are regarded as better talkers.

C.Men is not good at nonverbal communication.

D.Mirroring body language can be a useful tool.



    Jane Goodall is best known for her 26-year study of the chimps in the wild. There, she made several revolutionary discoveries that made her one of the greatest field scientists of the 20th century.

Born in London in 1934, the expectations for Jane were standard for the time: a marriage to a nice man, followed by a few children. Fortunately, her mother never discouraged (劝阻, 使气馁) her interests: animals and the natural world. Once her mother discovered that little Jane had brought a handful of worms (幼虫) to bed; rather than screaming, she explained that her new little friends needed the soil to live, and together, they took them back to the garden.

Jane was a bookworm who admired Doctor Dolittle and loved the Tarzan novels. Reading did its usual quiet but life-changing thing: Jane developed a dream to go to Africa and live among the wild animals.

Jane realized her dream on July 14, 1960 when she arrived at Gombe Stream Game Reserve to study the chimps. However, for two months, the chimps escaped when they heard her coming. The only thing she saw was the back of a chimprunning away from her.

“The more I thought of the task I had set myself, the more discouraged I became,” Jane wrote in her first book, In the Shadow of Man.

Eventually, she became familiar with a male chimp and his big family. She observed them kiss, hug, pat each other on the back, shake their fingers at each other. She watched them act very human-like.

One day, moving quietly through the jungle, Jane saw the male chimp sit beside a large termite mound (白蚁土堆). He kept taking small braches from trees and putting them in the holes to fish the ants.

In any case, Jane’s discovery became the talk of the scientific world. Harvard’s Stephen Jay Gould observed, “We must now re-think what the words ‘tool’ (工具) and ‘man’ mean or accept chimps as humans.”

1.What did Jane’s mother do when she found the worms on the bed?

A. She studied them carefully. B. She shouted at her daughter.

C. She threw them into the garden. D. She explained they liked the soil.

2.Which is the major reason that made Jane dream to work in the wild?

A. Doctor Dolittle’s invitation. B. Her interest in chimps.

C. The reading in her childhood. D. Her mother’s encouragement.

3.How did Jane feel during the first two months in Africa?

A. Lonely. B. Frightened.

C. Hopeless. D. Content.

4.What did Stephen Jay Gould’s words imply?

A. Chimps should be accepted as humans.

B. Jane’s discovery is of great importance.

C. Only human beings know how to make use of tools.

D. The scientists should confirm the meaning of the words.



    I speak Spanish, because I was born in Spain. But then at primary school I had to learn Russian, and at high school, I was taught how to speak German. But I always wanted to speak English.

At last I came to America. Everywhere there was English! But even if I heard and felt its presence, it was hard for me to understand it and express myself in it. The few lessons of English that I had taken in Spain gave me only a chance to introduce myself, and I didn’t even know how to buy things and ask directions.

To talk to somebody, I went to a high school to take a course in English for foreigners. Disappointingly, it took almost an hour to get through the process of introducing ourselves. Everyone had to learn something that I had already known from my books – the English alphabet (字母表) and numbers. I thought it was a waste of time, so I quit.

After a month, I tried again, but this time at college. After 15 minutes of introducing ourselves, a teacher gave us a lecture about the history of English. Then we were told that it was very important to know English in an English-speaking country. It took three hours for the teacher to tell us this. Again, I quit.

But I didn’t stop looking for something or someone that would help me to achieve my goal, and I found a tutor from Literacy Volunteers of America. But I still wasn’t happy with the classes. And when it was my turn to give a speech, I was happy to use all the long, complicated words that I had learned from one of my English books. When I had finished, my tutor said “Well, I think I have to learn English before coming to teach you!” This time, the tutor quit!

1.How many languages has the writer learned?

A.Two. B.Four.

C.Three. D.Five.

2.Why did the author leave the high school?

A.Because no one wanted to talk to him.

B.Because everyone had to learn the English alphabet and numbers.

C.Because the lessons were too easy.

D.Because the courses were prepared for the natives.

3.Which of the following words can be used to describe the writer?

A.happy. B.crazy.

C.serious. D.friendly.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The writer learnt many foreign languages.

B.The writer tested the teachers’ English abilities.

C.The writer researched different ways of learning English.

D.The writer tried to look for a proper way to learn English.



    Use your American Express Card to enjoy a one-day visit to any one of America’s greatest museums below, and you will not want to miss their exciting special exhibitions (展览).


Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Chairs February 11 -- May 8, 2017

Italian furniture expert Fausto Calderai and Indian photographer Dayanita Singh present an exhibition of chairs from the museum’s collection and “chair photographs” from around the world. They are presented in a Venetian-style hall housing world-famous masterpieces. For more information: www.gardnermuseum.org

New York

The Noguchi Museum Noguchi and Graham May 1 -- December 1, 2017

Noguchi’s long-term co-work with dancer Martha Graham is regarded by many  as a high point in the history of both modern dance and art.The exhibition highlights nine of the sets created through this co-work. For more information: www.noguchi.org Philadelphia

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts January 11--April 10, 2017

Founded in 1805,the Pennsylvania Academy has been home to America’s artists for more than 200 years. The Academy collects and exhibits a great number of works of famous American artists, and it is also well-known for training fine artists.

2017 at the Academy begins with the largest American collection in history. For more information: www.pafA.org


Seattle Museum of Glass March 7- May 7, 2017

This exhibition includes over 200 pieces of beautiful glass from Murano, the island of glass-blowers near Venice,Italy.Watch live glass-blowing shows in the Hot Shop and see other modern glass exhibitions. For more information: www.museumofglass.org

1.Which of the following websites offers information about the furniture show?

A.www.gardnermuseum.org B.www.noguchi.org

C.www.pafA.org D.www.museumofglass.org

2.We learn from the text that Martha Graham is ______.

A.a glassblower B.a photographer

C.a painter D.a dancer

3.If you want to know the history of American painting, you may visit ______.

A.the Noguchi Museum

B.Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

C.Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

D.Seattle Museum of Glass



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