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Air pollution may be causing baldness, s...

    Air pollution may be causing baldness, scientists have shown for the first time. A new study found that fine particulate matter emitted by cars would damage the skin that holds hair follicles (毛囊) in place. A series of laboratory tests on human cells showed that levels of the crucial proteins needed for hair to grow and be retained decreased when they were exposed to pollution particles. While there is a growing body of evidence showing how these tiny particles can damage internal health, including by entering the bloodstream through the lungs, this is the first to demonstrate such a risk to the surface of the body.

The study was conducted by exposing cells from the human follicle dermal papilla cells(HFDPCs), to various concentrations of PM10-like dust and diesel particles (柴油颗粒). After 24 hours the researchers performed a process, known as western blotting, to detect the levels of specific proteins in the cells.

The results showed that the presence of PM10 and diesel particles decreased levels of B-catenin, the protein responsible for hair growth. The study also revealed that the levels of three other proteins — cyclin D1, cyclin E and CDK2, which are responsible for hair growth and hair retention, were decreased by PM10-like dust and diesel particles in a “dose-dependent” manner.

Dr Hyuk Chul Kwon, who led the study at the Future Science Research Centre, said, “While the link between air pollution and serious diseases such as cancer and lung diseases is well established, there is little-to-no research on the effect of particulate matter exposure on the human skin and hair in particular. Our research explains the mode of action of air pollutants on HFDPCs, showing how the most common air pollutants lead to hair loss.”

Sources of PM include the burning of fossil fuels — petrol and diesel, as well as other solid fuels,and other industrial activities such as building, mining and the manufacturing of building materials like bricks.

“While it is difficult to escape from the surrounding pollution, limiting the time for walking in busy streets, especially during rush hour, should help reduce exposure,” said Dr Kwon. “If you are exercising outdoors, try to do so in areas that are less polluted and do not spend too much time waiting at traffic hot spots such as traffic lights.”

1.What did the new study find?

A.Air pollution can do great harm to our lungs.

B.The color of our skin can be influenced by air pollution.

C.Serious air pollution can probably prevent hair from growing.

D.Air pollution can affect hair growth by entering the bloodstream.

2.What is western blotting used to do?

A.To discover the protein helpful for hair growth.

B.To show the protein contents in the cells.

C.To compare different proteins in the cells.

D.To analyze the composition of hair cells.

3.What can we learn from Dr Hyuk Chul Kwon’s words?

A.His new research is superior to previous research.

B.The research he conducted is really of great importance.

C.The results of his new research need to be further improved.

D.A link between air pollution and diseases needs to be established.

4.What does Dr Kwon advise us to do?

A.To do as much exercise as possible.

B.To take action to reduce air pollution.

C.To avoid being exposed to air pollution.

D.To take public transport to avoid traffic jams.


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一项科学研究,研究表明接触常见空气污染物与人类脱发有关。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段Air pollution may be causing baldness,scientists have shown for the first time. A new study found that fine particulate matter emitted by cars would damage the skin that holds hair follicles (毛囊) in place.(科学家首次表明,空气污染可能导致秃顶。一项新的研究发现,汽车排放的细颗粒物会损害保持毛囊位置的皮肤)可知,研究发现严重的空气污染可能会不利于头发生长。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段After 24 hours the researchers performed a process, known as western blotting, to detect the levels of specific proteins in the cells.(24小时后,研究人员进行了western blotting检测细胞中特定蛋白的水平)可知,western blotting(蛋白质印迹法)是用来检测细胞中蛋白质含量的。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段Dr Hyuk Chul Kwon 的话While the link between air pollution and serious diseases such as cancer and lung diseases is well established, there is little-to-no research on the effect of particulate matter exposure on the human skin and hair in particular. Our research explains the mode of action of air pollutants on HFDPCs, showing how the most common air pollutants lead to hair loss.(虽然空气污染与癌症和肺病等严重疾病之间的联系得到广泛的研究,但是几乎没有研究关注接触污染物对人类的皮肤和头发的影响。我们的研究解释了空气污染物对人类毛囊真皮乳头细胞的作用模式,显示了最常见的空气污染物如何导致脱发)可知,他实施的这个研究是有重要意义的。A、C、D选项内容文中均没有提到。故选B。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段Dr Kwon 说的话If you are exercising outdoors,try to do so in areas that are less polluted and do not spend too much time waiting at traffic hot spots such as traffic lights.(如果你要户外锻炼,尽量在污染较少的地方,不要在交通热点的地方,比如红绿灯路口,等待太久)可知,Dr Kwon建议我们尽量避免暴露在空气污染的地方。故选C。

    Cells in our brain usually send a “stop eating” signal when we've eaten enough. But in a study, researchers found that after mice ate fatty food for just two weeks, their brains brake on overeating failed.

Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle conducted the study.They shared their findings in Science.Garret Stuber is a professor at the University of Washington.He and his team mainly focused on one brain area known-to be connected with eating behavior.This brain area contains many different kinds of cells.Researchers noticed big differences between the glutamatergic nerve cells(谷氨酸神经细胞)of the fat mice and those of the thin mice.And the earlier work by Stuber's group had suggested that these cells act like a brake on overeating.When the researchers stopped these cells from working,mice suddenly overate.They also fattened up. But it wasn't clear how these cells' activity changed as the mice changed from being slim to being fat.

“Being fat doesn't just happen overnight,”notes Stuber.To study that gradual fattening up,his group did a new study.They fed mice with high-fat food.Now and again,they used a microscope to look at how well the animals 'glutamatergic nerve cells could send out signals.During the process,they found the activity of these glutamatergic nerve cells slowed,even before the mice became fat.That cell sluggishness(怠惰)continued as the mice grew larger over a 12-week period.

The results suggest that the high-fat diet is removing the brake on overeating and becoming fat,”says Stephanie Borgland,a professor at the University of Calgary in Canada. Stuber's group doesn't know whether these brain cells will go back to normal if the mice stop eating the fatty food and slim down.It would be hard to keep monitoring the same cells over the months it would likely take for the mice to return to a healthy body weight,”explains Stuber.And it's hard to say whether similar cells control the same thing in humans.

“Having high-fat diets probably affects a much wider family of cells than those studied here,” Stuber notes. “Changes,” he says, “are probably happening across the brain.” Understanding those things might help us find better ways of limiting overeating.

1.What did researchers find in the study?

A.Mice tended to become sluggish if they often overate.

B.Having high-fat diets affected many kinds of brain cells.

C.Mice began to overeat after eating fatty food for a period.

D.The number of brain cells would drop when mice overate.

2.Why was a new study conducted?

A.To prove that fatty food was bad for health.

B.To know more about that gradual weight-gain.

C.To collect more information about the mice 's cells.

D.To observe how long it would take for the mice to grow fat.

3.What does the last but one paragraph mainly show?

A.It's still difficult to answer some questions.

B.It's hard to find the similar brain area in humans.

C.It's wrong to apply what suits animals to humans.

D.It's necessary to keep monitoring the mice for long.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A personal diary.

B.A useful guidebook.

C.A science magazine.

D.An adventure novel



Fire Prevention Information

The University of Adelaide employs a full-time staff of fire prevention professionals. They inspect all campus buildings and test and maintain all sprinkler(喷水灭火装置)systems, fire alarms and fire extinguishers(灭火器).They also provide educational programs or fire safety in the residence hall. Whenever you move to a new area, you should locate the fire alarm purl stations and the two exits nearest your room.

Fire Alarms

The floors of all campus buildings are equipped with manual fire alarm systems which include fire alarm pull stations and pipes.Most are also equipped with automatic fire alarm systems consisting of heat detectors,smoke detectors and sprinklers.For your safety,never tamper with(胡乱摆弄)these systems.False fire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment.

Fire Drills

A fire drill will be conducted in your residence hall every semester.During a fire drill,please do the following:

Take your room key and ID,close and lock the door to your room.

Exit immediately from the nearest emergency exit;do not use a lift.

Meet outside of your residence hall and wait for further instructions.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are located on each floor and in each apartment.Use a fire extinguisher only if you have been trained to do so.Irresponsible use of a fire extinguisher can create a dangerous situation for other residents and could result in damage to personal property.Misuse of a fire extinguisher will result in fines.

Smoke Detector

A smoke detector is on the ceiling in your room.Some buildings also have heat detectors on the ceilings.Do the following to ensure the safe operation of your smoke detector:

If your smoke detector is working properly,the red light should be on.If the red light is not blinking(闪动)contact residence hall staff immediately.

Do not cover or block your smoke detector in any way.

If a smoke detector sets off an alarm and there is no fire or smoke,inform your hall staff.

1.What is the main duty of the fire prevention professionals?

A.To provide part-time jobs for students.

B.To lead the students to the nearest exits.

C.To check and maintain fire prevention equipment.

D.To train teachers to be fire prevention professionals..

2.What do the automatic fire alarm systems include?

A.Pipes and smoke detectors.

B.Smoke detectors and sprinklers.

C.Fire alarm pull stations and pipes.

D.Sprinklers and fire alarm pull stations

3.What do we know about the use of fire extinguishers?

A.Using them wrongly results in punishment.

B.Irresponsible use of them can damage them.

C.Improper use of them can destroy the apartment.

D.Using them without a trainer present is forbidden.




1.According to the passage,what were dogs trained for in the past?

A.For protection against other animals.

B.For protection against other dogs.

C.Just for fun.

2.Why were dogs used for hunting?

A.Because they did not eat other animals.

B.Because they were useful for protection.

C.Because they always obeyed their masters.

3.What is the most important reason for people in the city to keep dogs now?

A.For companionship.

B.For amusement.

C.For protection against robbery.




1.Where are the man and the woman going?

A.To the bus station. B.To the police station. C.To the railway station.

2.What does the woman think they should do?

A.Take a taxi. B.Walk slowly. C.Leave the bags with the police.

3.What does the man find out at last?

A.Fifteen minutes is too long.

B.The traffic is moving too slowly.

C.He is not able to carry two bags.




1.What is NOT true about the man?

A.Water is running down his leg.

B.He can not breathe well after a walk.

C.He hasn't been sleeping well because of the pain in his leg.

2.What has caused the trouble?

A.The woman doesn't know yet.

B.He was burnt by boiling water.

C.He has tired himself out in his work.

3.What's the woman's name?

A.Doctor Cook. B.Doctor Martin. C.The conversation doesn't tell us.



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