满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What is the woman doing now? A.Watching ...

What is the woman doing now?

A.Watching TV. B.Taking part in an activity. C.Preparing for an exam.


C 【解析】 【原文】 M: Mary, why won’t you watch the 56th Annual Grammy Awards on TV? W: Oh, I’m studying for a Spanish test.  


About ten years ago, my wife and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. I didn't like to carry all my keys in my pocket during a hike, so I took away the key to the car and left the rest in the car. When we came back, I put the key somewhere in the car without reattaching it to the key ring. Then we made a fire, cooked some food, and went to sleep in the back of the SUV.

The next morning, we were cleaning up our campsite when I saw a bird inside my car. I walked over, and it flew away. When we got in the car to go home, I couldn't find the key. We searched and searched even emptying out the car completely, but it was gone.

Then it hit me that the bird must have taken it. After all, those birds are known for stealing shiny things and decorating their nests with them. Keys are shiny. The bird was the thief! It made perfect sense to me. So I decided to find its nest.

But there is a problem: As everyone knows, the Grand Canyon is a little large in area, so I didn't like my chances of actually finding a certain nest belonging to a certain bird in a certain tree in all that space. But what other choice did I have?

My wife was not encouraging me. She said, “Are you crazy? You'll never find it! The Grand Canyon is the biggest hole on Earth!” I didn't answer and walked steadily forward until her laughter died away.

I struggled to keep hope as I searched dozens of trees and tracked every singing bird. It was like searching a needle in the sea. But, oh, how great my victory would be when I held the missing key from the bird's nest.






Paragraph l:

After two hours of searching, I finally gave up and returned to the car.



The next day, we stopped at a service centre for lunch.





1.This kind of plant has a wide_____________(分布)

2.It was an_________________(不可思议的)moment when Chris won the gold medal.

3._______________(假设)you get a place at university, how are you going to finance your studies?

4.The article made no____________(提及)to previous research on the subject.

5.He was known for his____________(慷慨)to his colleagues.

6.A_____________from a novel,the film was a hit after its release.

7.Laurie finds it difficult to r______________to children, which accounts for their frequent quarrels.

8.Rumours began to c____________that the chairman was going to resign.

9.The man is involved in a dispute over the o_____________of the land.

10.This kind of shark will never i________________hurt human beings unless it is cornered.




There is potentially good news for coffee-lovers  1.drinking three or more cups of coffee a day may help people live longer.Researchers suggest that drinking more coffee contributes 2. a lower risk of death, particularly from heart diseases. This study shows that people who have a daily minimum of three cups of coffee are 8-18% less likely 3.(die)from health problems than non-coffee drinkers. This is 4.first time that the beneficial effects of coffee on human health have been proved by researchers,5.(base)on scientific figures.Not all experts agree with the research findings.Health experts suggest that those people benefiting from drinking coffee may have more money,as a result of 6.,they are able to live a healthier lifestyle 7.non-coffee drinkers.They say concrete health benefits of drinking coffee haven't been proved.When 8.(refer)to the upper level of safe caffeine intake,experts say that more than 400 mg will 9.(probable)increase the risk of suffering from panic attacks,heart problems,and insomnia(失眠症)Do follow the 10.(instruct)from experts if you want o enjoy coffee more.



    My eldest son Simon and a group of his good friends were going to a snowfield and go skiing.

However, their car wouldn’t _______, so I offered to _______ them out by taking them there in my car.

A round trip was 900 kilometers and it would take 10 hours to finish it._______I was happy to make the trip, I thought such a _______drive within one day was a tiring one, especially when I wanted to _______ and make preparations for the coming busy week.

That morning as we_______to the snowfield, Simon and I talked about everything under the sun. I found it_______ to have this time with him as we hardly had spent five continuous _______ together.

As I made the_______ trip back home, I had strange sense of __________without them in my car, so I spent the next five hours listening to my favorite CDs and __________ the issues I had in my business and how they should be __________.

By the time I __________ home I had developed a plan for one important issue I had deal with next week.__________, after my long trip home I was refreshed, even though I was physically tired.

This unplanned trip to the snowfield gave me two unexpected __________. The first was that we can__________from spending quality time with our loved ones. The second was that a(n) __________in our environment, even for a short time,can provide us with the opportunity to look at something in a__________way and come out with a resolution.

I look forward to my next__________ event and many more opportunities to spend quality time with those who are important to me and make my life more __________.

1.A.change B.follow C.pass D.start

2.A.help B.make C.pick D.let

3.A.Because B.Before C.Though D.If

4.A.free B.long C.terrible D.lonely

5.A.recover B.escape C.relax D.quit

6.A.Looked B.referred C.walked D.drove

7.A.natural B.great C.hard D.strange

8.A.weekends B.weeks C.days D.hours

9.A.return B.sightseeing C.group D.family

10.A.achievement B.pride C.regret D.loneliness

11.A.dealt with B.thought of C.came across D.worked out

12.A.created B.solved C.assessed D.accepted

13.A.examined B.hurried C.reached D.cleaned

14.A.Surprisingly B.Generally C.Probably D.Gradually

15.A.cases B.relations C.choices D.lessons

16.A.benefit B.result C.suffer D.keep

17.A.event B.change C.visit D.attitude

18.A.abstract B.mysterious C.predictable D.different

19.A.unexpected B.incredible C.predictable D.specific

20.A.personal B.familiar C.rewarding D.social



    A gratitude journal is a great way to keep yourself in a positive state of mind.This article will offer some tips for starting and keeping one.

Make it a rule to write down things you are thankful for per day1.This will make writing the journal more challenging as time goes on, but that's how your awareness and thankfulness will grow. You'll find new things to be thankful for that you hardly noticed before.

Write about extended material things in your life. 2.For example,if you love to paint, you maybe grateful for the paints that you have.Or,if you like music,you may be grateful for your CD collections.

3.You can start by feeling grateful to be alive.Avoid the trap of being grateful for something that is better than what others have.Instead,compare whatever you are grateful for with how you would feel if you didn't have it.

Think about your abilities.You may start with basic abilities,like your ability to see and hear. 4.Think about skillful things like dancing and singing,and your character like your skills in cheering up people or your skills in being a good friend.

Consider the people in your life.Think about all the people you are grateful to and write down the reasons.It's also good to write about the people that you don't really like and find a reason to appreciate them.5.After all,there is good in everyone.

A.Avoid repeating the same things.

B.Describe how you are grateful for what you have.

C.This can be difficult but very uplifting.

D.Then progress to those that are unique to you.

E.Feel grateful for any advantage you may have.

F.These things vary greatly depending on your interests.

G.In this way,everything will become more heartwarming.



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