满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Where will The Magic...


1.Where will The Magic Flute be on this weekend?

A.At the Orpheum theatre. B.At the Caldonion theatre. C.At the Poseidon theatre.

2.What will the man do tonight?

A.Invite Joan to dinner. B.Give Joan a call. C.Buy tickets.


1.B 2.B 【解析】 【原文】 W: There’s a new musical at the Orpheum theatre this weekend. Would you like to go? M: I don’t really care for musicals. Are there any Shakespeare plays on? W: There’s just A Midsummer Night’s Dream on at the Poseidon. But, we just saw that last year. M: What’s playing at the Caldonion theatre? W: An Italian opera named The Magic Flute. M: We could go to see that. I do like operas. Maybe we should invite Joan to go with us. I remember once that she said she loves operas. W: That’s a good idea. We haven’t seen her for a while. That would be fun. M: I’ll give her a call tonight after dinner. And you call for tickets. OK? W: Great!


1.What could the man be?

A.A taxi driver. B.A policeman. C.A hotel clerk.

2.Where does the woman think she lost her cell phone?

A.In a park. B.In a supermarket. C.On her way to the hotel.



What do we know about the woman?

A.She is fired.

B.She didn’t work hard.

C.She can take a day off tomorrow.



In which country does Jane want to spend her holiday?

A.America. B.Korea. C.Japan.



When will the speakers meet?

A.At 6:20. B.At 6:10. C.At 5:40.



Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In an office. B.In a store. C.In a hotel.



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