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If you thought the toilet paper shortage...

    If you thought the toilet paper shortage was bad, just wait. Meat may be next in America.

1., John H. Tyson, chairman of the board of Tyson Foods, warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing the company to shut all the stores across the country.

“This means one thing,” he wrote. “2. As pork, beef, and chicken plants are being forced to close, even for short periods of time, millions of pounds of meat will disappear from the supply chain.”

The ripple effect will make its way to consumers, Tyson noted, as “There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed.”

The Tyson plant in Waterloo, Iowa, was one that closed, having been linked to 182 cases of the coronavirus, which is nearly half the entire county's total. In addition to that facility, pork processing plants for Smithfield Foods in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and JBS in Worthington, Minnesota, also closed indefinitely earlier this April.3.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported record-high red meat, beef, and pork production in March. However, according to the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, representatives of more than 250,000 industry workers, slaughter(屠宰) capacity is trending down 25% for pork and 10% for beef as 13 plants have closed. 4.

In a report, Julie Niederhoff, an associate professor of supply chain management at Syracuse University, was optimistic. “We’re not going to run out of food. 5.

Also, Niederhoff claimed that the state of the food chain remains enough, despite shortage of a particular brand or type of food.

A.Demand from consumers is rising as many are sheltering at home.

B.The food supply chain is fragile.

C.The government will take some measures.

D.Because some of its 100,000 workers have fallen ill.

E.The COVID-19 pandemic is very serious.

F.These three plants make up about 15% of pork production in the U.S..

G.We’re going to run out of maybe your one particular favorite food.


1.D 2.B 3.F 4.A 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了因为新型冠状病毒的影响,美国很多肉类工厂被迫关闭,导致肉类供应出现短缺甚至断绝,但是锡拉丘兹大学的副教授朱莉·尼德霍夫认为人们不会耗尽食物,可能会没有自己最喜欢吃的一种食物而已。 1.考查段首句。空格后的句子意为:泰森食品董事会主席约翰·泰森警告说,新冠肺炎大流行正迫使该公司关闭全国所有门店。下文提到肉类的供应会短缺。因此D项(因为公司的100,000名工人中有一部分生病了。)与下文连接通顺。故选D。 2.考查段中句。空格前的句子意为:“这意味着一件事,”他写道。空格后的句子意为:随着猪肉,牛肉和鸡肉工厂被迫关闭,即使在很短的时间内,数百万磅的肉也将从供应链中消失。因此B项(食品供应链变得脆弱。)与上下文连接通顺。故选B。 3.考查段尾句。空格前的句子提到“今年四月初,有三家工厂也无限期关闭”。因此F项(这三家工厂约占美国猪肉产量的15%。)与上文连接通顺。故选F。 4.考查段尾句。空格前的句子提到“由于13家工厂已经关闭,屠宰能力正在下降,猪肉的屠宰能力下降25%,牛肉的屠宰能力下降10%”。因此A项(由于许多人在家中躲避疫情,因此消费者的需求正在上升。)与上文连接通顺。故选A。 5.考查段尾句。空格前的句子提到“锡拉丘兹大学的副教授朱莉·尼德霍夫在一份报告中对目前的局面表示乐观。这位教授认为我们不会耗尽食物”。因此G项(我们可能会没有自己最喜欢吃的一种食物而已。)与上文连接通顺。故选G。

He looked like a pirate.

With his handkerchief tied in a knot behind his little nine-year-old head, he looked like a pirate, a sad pirate. The first time little David came to our camp, he was hairless and worn out from medical treatments. He was also very angry.

Paul Newman's camp counselors (指导老师  ) were hoping to fill David's days with fun and laughter. But David stayed inside himself, wanting to be alone, or in a corner of the cabin. At this camp for children with life-threatening illnesses, we had seen some pretty tough children worn out by cancer recover full of energy despite their illness. But we saw little progress in David no matter what we tried with him. Five days into the eight-day session saw a quiet, sad little pirate.

Then something happened on that fifth night. Something at camp that we would call "huge". It was cabin night. That's the time when campers and counselors spend lime together in each individual cabin instead of an all-camp activity. Campers love cabin nights because there's always a bedtime snack. On the cabin table that night were bags of potato chips.

David slowly walked over to the table, leaving his comer to join the rest of us. He took one of the bags of the potato chips and started smashing(弄碎) it with his little fists, as all the other campers looked on in disbelief, I wondered what the cabin counselor would do.

The college-age volunteer counselor positioned a bag of chips on die table in front of himself, and he, too, started smashing it with his fist. The campers went crazy as everyone ran to the table to get in on the fun of smashing potato chips with their fists.

Somehow everyone knew, everyone sensed, that anger within him was now being released.

For the last couple days of the session, David was a different kid. He was a little nine-year-old boy again, trying to fill the hours of each remaining day at camp with as much fun as could be possible.

Several days after the session, David came back again. This time, there wasn't anything he wouldn't try to fit in to his day. He sure was having a great time at camp. David asked me if I needed an altar(祭坛)boy when I celebrated Mass in the woods. Sure enough, he was my altar boy. I remembered how carefully he listened to me when I talked about death. 1 said it's only a doorway. You walk through the door and there's the Lord God and behind God a whole line of people waiting to hug you.

After Mass, he said to me, "Hey Fatha, a door, huh?"

A couple more days of fun passed and tonight was the talent show. The tradition is that campers and counselors dress up in costumes, and everyone gets a standing applause for singing and dancing or simply just acting like fools on stage.

The show had begun: lights, camera, action.

Unfortunately, the only action taking place in our row of seats was little David making his way from counselor to counselor to say an early good-bye to camp. He had become quite ill and had to go to the hospital because of this new crisis.

When this little nine-year-old pirate stood in front of me, he gave me a hug and a big wet kiss on my cheek. 1 was crying. He was crying. A whole row of counselors was in tears. After the hug and kiss, he put his hands on my shoulders, and tears still in his eyes, said: "See you on the other side of the door, Fatha."

1.The camp counselors failed to fill David's beginning days with fun and laughter, mainly because David_____.

A.behaved like a pirate

B.remained in a bad mood

C.was left alone at the camp

D.was teased by other campers

2.Seeing David smashing the potato chips, the counselor did the same thing in response because he _____.

A.would like David to eat more of them

B.hoped all the other campers would join

C.found it possible to help David release anger

D.wanted to show that he was as angry as David

3.What can we learn from this article?

A.The camp was intended for those talented in singing and dancing.

B.The purpose of the camp was to give diseased children caring love.

C.The camp was popular among the children who enjoyed their vacation here.

D.Medical treatment could be provided to diseased children at the camp.

4.Which of the following does NOT show the change in David?

A.David came back to the camp for a second session after the first ended.

B.David had become quite ill and had to go to the hospital because of this new crisis.

C.David made his way from counselor to counselor to say an early good-bye to camp.

D.David stood in front of me and gave me a hug and a big wet kiss on my cheek.

5.What do you think the theme of the story is?

A.Children with deadly diseases are usually difficult to get along with.

B.People should have patience with children with life-threatening illnesses.

C.People should tell children with life-threatening illnesses to care nothing about death.

D.Love and proper guidance can help people look at something negative in a positive way.



    Summer brings flowers and dirt and barbeque smoke. In the most wintery places, there isn’t much outside on cold days except snow, strong wind and cars warming up. Pine needles, wood smoke and snow---these are the smells of winter, and for people who live with different seasons, wintry weather brings its own set of olfactory(嗅觉的) experiences. But why does the cold of winter smell different from the heat of summer?

One reason is that odor (气味) molecules move much more slowly as the air temperature drops, said Pamela Dalton, an olfactory scientist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. That means that there are simply fewer smells to smell on a cold, crisp day than there are on a hot and humid one. It’s the same reason why hot soup smells more than cold soup does and why the garbage truck leaves behind the strongest smells on steamy summer days.

What’s more, our noses don’t work quite well when the surrounding air is cold, Dalton said. In experiments that require biopsies(活组织检查) of olfactory receptors that lie deep inside the nose, researchers at Monell have discovered that the receptors “bury themselves a little more deeply in the nose in winter,” she said, “possibly as a protective response against cold, dry air.”

There is a strong psychological factor in our sense of smell, Hirsch added, and what we expect to smell has a big influence on what we actually smell. In The Invalid’s Story by Mark Twain, for example, a man is stuck on a train next to what he thinks is a rotting dead body but is actually a box of cheese that smells extremely unpleasant. So strongly affected by the smell, he spends too long looking for fresh air on the freezing platform and develops a fever that ends up killing him. “What you think of a smell have powerful effects on you whether you like it and whatever you think it to be,” Hirsch said. “So, if you go outside in winter and you are used to smelling snow or nuts in the fire or whatever you happen to smell outside, that’s what you will interpret smells to be.”

To cope with lack of smells in winter, many people try to burn more candles with pleasant smell, cook more sweet stews(炖菜) and bake more cookies, which creates a greater contrast between the indoor and outdoor environments. “You’re probably fond of indoor smells in the winter,” Dalton said. “Homes are closed up, and windows are closed. We concentrate on the smells of cooking and living.”

1.According to the second paragraph, Pamela Dalton will probably agree that _________.

A.air temperature affects smells’ spreading direction greatly

B.hot soup is more popular with people in winter than cold soup

C.there are not many smells available to be smelled in winter

D.a garbage truck is easier to break down in cold winter

2.The author used the story written by Mark Twain to show that _________.

A.one can easily feel terrible smell in a small space

B.one’s mind and thoughts can affect the sense of smell

C.no one can survive when there is lack of fresh air

D.one’s opinion on smell is quite different from others

3.Which of the following is NOT the measure people take to deal with lack of smells in winter?

A.Closing doors and windows B.Cooking stews

C.Burning candles D.Baking cookies



Bruny Island and the D' Entrecasteaux Channel

*Duration: 4 days, 3 nights

*From AU$1, 200.00 per person

Sail aboard Yukon on “the channel”, a favorite cruising ground for the Tasmanian sailor. This partially sheltered water way between the Tasmanian mainland and Bruny Island has a lot of anchorages (锚地) and beaches. An ideal passage for a short break, this 3-night voyage is a good introduction to coastal cruising aboard Yukon.

This is an excellent opportunity to take a comfortable low-impact holiday and feel the amazing experience of a wooden ship under sail at sea.

Indicative Itinerary (旅行路线)

*Waterloo Bay

*Egg and Bacon Bay

*Mickeys Bay (Bruny Island)

*Partridge Island

*The Quarries

*Great Taylors Bay

Possible Wildlife Encounters (相遇)

Seals, dolphins, whales and birdlife.

All destinations are considered with regard to weather and an individual’s capacity. The prime objective of the voyages is to enjoy “the channel” and Bruny Island’s coastal surrounds, whilst taking advantage of Yukon’s roomy comfort. A series of short guided/unguided walks will be a part of the daily program.

Please contact us for availability.


All meals from Lunch on day 1 to Lunch on day 4

All accommodation on board the Yukon

The return trip to Franklin


0447 972342or 0498 578535


Franklin Marina

3333 Huon Highway Franklin

The Yukon is at the jetty (码头) near the Franklin Wooden Boat Centre.

1.What will the tourists probably do during the travel?

A. Learn to sail.    B. Watch whale hunting.

C. Go downtown Tasmania.    D. Enjoy Yukon’s large space.

2.What can we learn about the cost of the trip?

A. It is flexible.    B. It is fairly high.

C. It includes daily three meals.    D. It offers only a one-way ticket.




1.What did the speaker like best?

A.Big Ben. B.Tower Bridge. C.The Tower of London.

2.Where did the speaker take a photo?

A.At Trafalgar Square.

B.At Madame Tussauds.

C.At the Royal Shakespeare Theater.

3.How old are the houses in Stratford?

A.About 500 years old. B.About 1,000 years old. C.About 2,000 years old.

4.Why does the speaker give the message?

A.To introduce his blog.

B.To tell about his trip in England.

C.To recommend people to visit London.




1.What is the man?

A.A salesman. B.A teacher. C.A student.

2.What is the second point being talked about?

A.The man’s education. B.The man’s marriage. C.The man’s demand.

3.How does the man find the job?

A.Challenging. B.Relaxing. C.Interesting.

4.What will the man do?

A.Have another interview. B.Wait for the reply. C.Think about the business trips.



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