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Where does the conversation probably tak...

Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a library. B.At a bookstore. C.At a grocery store.


A 【解析】 【原文】 M: Here are my books, and here’s my card. W: Oh, OK. But we don’t check out books here anymore. We only give out information. You should use the self-checkout booths by the exit. M: Sometimes I long for the good old days!  








Dear Tom,



Li Hua









Recently I read a English newspaper for the first time. Al first, I hardly know where to start. Most headlines confused myself and the writing style was very different from which I was familiar with. However, before looking up some words in the dictionary, I finally had a better understanding more or less. Reading newspapers were not as easy as I had expected, but it offered me a sense of achievement and raised my interests in English. Then I tried to read other parts the paper, like the editorial and local news. Through by this experience, I feel I have found another better and newer channel of learn English.




The world of fashion seems far away1.middle school students. But Aya Dixon, 15, was2.luckto have a close cnnection to the fashion industry before it eventually became her dream job.

On Oct. 8, together with another nine students from Baltimore Design School, US, Dixon attended the White House's first Fashion Education Workshop,3.students had the chance to talk with Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine Vogue.4.leadby American first lady, the workshop focused on topics such as inspiration, wearable technology and clothing 5.construct.

According to White House officials, the goal of the event6.beto "show young people what it takes to succeed in the fashion industry. ""Fashion is7.just about catwalks and red carpets," the first lady told students during a lunchtime speech. She said that real fashion is the product of a long, complex and difficult process, as she has learned working with many8.designer.

Like many other students, Dixon also got the opportunity to talk to her idols(偶像)."I9.realhad a fun time interviewing Zac Posen, and it was a great experience," said Dixon. From the famous designer and founder of fashion brand Zac Posen, Dixon learned how10.sewand "build from her heart. "



    The other day, I was shopping at a local store and came upon a lady kneeling(跪下)down for a product on the bottom shelf. When she saw me, she quickly__________up as if to get out of my way. She was very sorry and explained that she was a__________at a nearly store. She was on her lunch break and was only trying to get a few items before her__________was over.

I__________her: "I am in no rush. Go ahead and do what you need to do." While she was__________a particular brand, she said that customers at the store were sometimes__________to her, so she really appreciated my kindness. I told her that I had noticed cashier(收银员)were often__________badly by some people and that those people needed to be more__________. It is stressful for cashiers when people are staring at them while waiting for__________to get done. I explained that I was a retired__________and understood the way she felt. Sometimes, patients, their family members or doctors would be very rude to__________.

She, asked, "So how would you__________to the people who were rude to you?" My__________was simple. She, "I would just smile. Then I would tell them that I was doing my best and to be__________. I would not let it bother me and__________my nursing work. They were probably just having a__________day. " "Thank you," she said and gave me a truly big__________.

It felt so good that I may have helped her__________the pressure for even a few seconds. In a brief__________, I showed her that there are good and kind people in the world. I would like to think that I helped her to strengthen__________in humanity(人性).

1.A.sat B.got C.showed D.looked

2.A.cashier B.saleswoman C.guard D.cleaner

3.A.break B.work C.sale D.plan

4.A.scolded B.threatened C.urged D.comforted

5.A.writing down B.turning down C.praying for D.looking for

6.A.strange B.rude C.kind D.polite

7.A.beaten B.trained C.paid D.treated

8.A.considerate B.responsible C.diligent D.intelligent

9.A.something B.nothing C.somebody D.nobody

10.A.chemist B.surgeon C.nurse D.doctor

11.A.you B.us C.me D.her

12.A.promise B.respond C.turn D.point

13.A.advice B.wish C.reply D.Topic

14.A.passive B.aggressive C.generous D.patient

15.A.continue B.arrange C.abandon D.pause

16.A.busy B.short C.bad D.dangerous

17.A.welcome B.smile C.lesson D.surprise

18.A.realize B.consider C.measure D.reduce

19.A.interview B.lecture C.exchange D.activity

20.A.research B.faith C.knowledge D.theory



When to Change Your Mindset

Allowing negative thoughts and problems to control your mind will stop you achieving happiness and success. But how do you know when you need to change your mindset(心态)? Below are some pointers.

1.To enjoy the moment, you need to choose not to pay attention to negative thoughts—whether, yours or someone else's. This does not mean that you ignore problems,. but it does mean that you choose not let problems kill your dreams and hopes.

You worry all the time. Worry is using your imagination to create problems, rather than solve them. Worring about problems does not solve them.2.Most of what you worry about never takes place.

You complain about life.3.Do you find yourself complaining about your situation, or what other people have said or done? If you do, it means that you do not accept the reality of your situation or past. That causes stress. Rather than complain, you should change your situation.

You want a pain-free life. Don't fear pain. Pain is a part of living. You cannot travel new paths and attain success without the pain of hard work, taking risks and making mistakes.4.

You blame others for your problems. If you feel anger and resentment(恐惧)against others, blaming them for your problems, then you need to change your mindset.5.They only make you bitter. Instead of being angry, choose to learn and grow from negative experiences, and then let them go.

A.It only makes you upset.

B.Sooner or later, it makes you stronger.

C.You see more negatives than positives.

D.Watch what you say to yourself, and others.

E.It starts with caring abou other people's opinions.

F.These negative thoughts do not change other people.

G.You just pay much attention to your own thoughts and problems.



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