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When we are born,we are given names that...

    When we are born,we are given names that stay with us for our whole lives. Some names include good wishes and hopes from parents, while others may be unique and easy to remember.


According to International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, an organization responsible for naming new viruses,the task of naming a virus is no less important than naming a person.

When a disease breaks out, people focus on the public health response 2. But that may lead to many problems. The most obvious one is that different media organizations may use different names for the same virus in their reports. We are now in the internet era. 3. This means different names can take hold quickly and be hard to take back, which may confuse those who know little about the virus.

4. Over the past decade, some improper names have caused problems. In 2009, the “swine flu” was widely used before the official name, HINI virus, was announced. This led Egypt to kill all of its pigs. In 2015, MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)caused a backlash (强烈抵制)against the nations and people of this region. So in 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the names of viruses should avoid being named after geographic locations, people, species or classes of animals and foods.

5. The new coronavirus we are suffering from was named “COV-ID-19” on Feb 11. In this name, “CO” means “corona”, “VI” stands for “virus” and “D” means “disease”. Next time you read about a virus you don't know, you may get some clues about it from its name.

A.But naming a virus is never easy.

B.The WHO followed these principles this time .

C.News can spread to every household in seconds.

D.They often don’t know how to protect themselves.

E.The official naming of a new virus is often delayed.

F.Do you have a name which is easy to remember?

G.But do you know how the new coronavirus got its name?


1.G 2.E 3.C 4.A 5.B 【解析】 本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了病毒的命名。 1.根据后文According to International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, an organization responsible for naming new viruses,the task of naming a virus is no less important than naming a person. 根据负责命名新病毒的组织国际病毒分类委员会的说法,命名病毒的任务并不亚于给人起名字。可知后文介绍给病毒命名。G. But do you know how the new coronavirus got its name? 但是你知道新的冠状病毒是怎么得名的吗?符合此处语境。故选G项。 2.根据后文The most obvious one is that different media organizations may use different names for the same virus in their reports.最明显的一点是,不同的媒体机构可能在其报告中对同一病毒使用不同的名称。E. The official naming of a new virus is often delayed. 一种新病毒的官方命名常常是不及时的。后文解释官方对于命名新病毒不及时带来的后果。故选E项。 3.根据前文We are now in the internet era. 我们现在处于互联网时代。互联网时代的特征就是消息的传播速度快。C. News can spread to every household in seconds. 消息可以在几秒钟内传遍每家每户。解释前文处于互联网时代,引出下文造成很难收回的后果。故选C项。 4.根据后文Over the past decade, some improper names have caused problems. 在过去的十年里,一些不恰当的病毒命名引起了许多问题。不合适的病毒命名会导致许多问题,因此给病毒命名是没有那么容易的。A. But naming a virus is never easy. 但是给病毒命名从来都不容易。符合此处语境。故选A项。 5.结合后文The new coronavirus we are suffering from was named “COV-ID-19” on Feb 11. 2月11日,我们所遭受的新型冠状病毒被命名为“COV-ID-19”。新型冠状病毒的命名避免了以地理位置、人类、物种或动物和食物的类别命名,是遵守病毒命名原则的命名。B. The WHO followed these principles this time . 世卫组织这次遵循了这些原则。符合语境。故选B项。

    Today we know Antarctica as an extreme environment containing ice and snow. But new research provides evidence that the area was very different in the past.

The evidence was found inside a piece of earth sediment(沉积物) collected by researchers from a depth of about 30 meters below the ocean floor off the coast of Antarctica. In the sediment, they found forest soil estimated to be about 90 million years old. This would have been in the Cretaceous Period, when dinosaurs were the main land animals.

Johann Klages is a geologist, working in the Institute's Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research in Germany. He said an examination showed that the material formed on land, not in the ocean.

The researchers estimate that the area – about 900 kilometers from the South Pole – had average yearly temperatures of about 12 to 13 degrees Celsius. During the warmest summer months, average temperatures likely reached between 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. The average yearly temperature in that area is about 40 degrees below zero Celsius.

The examination results showed “a dense network of roots that spread through the entire soil layer,” the Helmholtz Center said in a statement.

The dark brownish-gray soil included fine dirt particles and hard clay, as well as substances linked to at least 65 different kinds of plants, the study found. Klages put that the plants included trees, ferns and flowering plants and while no animal remains were found, there were likely dinosaurs, flying reptiles and many insects in the environment.

The researchers said that the rainforest environment in Antarctica was especially surprising because each year, the area experiences a four-month polar night when there is no sunlight to fuel plant life.

1.According to the passage, we can learn that ________.

A.dinosaurs were from Antarctica

B.Antarctica was always extremely cold

C.the ocean floor is made up of sediment

D.the area has been experiencing climate changes

2.What surprised the researchers?

A.No animals left.

B.No fertilizer to fuel plants.

C.Roots spreading through the soil.

D.The rainforest experiencing polar night.

3.Which column is the passage probably from?

A.Science. B.Entertainment. C.Society. D.Fiction.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Antarctica, Once a Warm Rainforest

B.Earth Sediment Found in Antarctica

C.Antarctica - an Extreme Environment

D.New Antarctica Found by Researchers



    There are only a few truly pleasant smells to wake up to in the morning. It might be the aroma of freshly baked bread, or the scent of your partner’s freshly brushed teeth - but for me, it’s the smell of freshly cooked coffee. Just a sniff of it makes me jump out of bed and rush to the kitchen for a gulp(大口) of the hot black liquid.

I also know the experience when I walk into a cafe for my double espresso(浓缩咖啡) or flat white, my mouth begins to water in advance. Although it’s really the caffeine hit I’m after, it’s the smell that makes me feel good.

However, this feeling sometimes turns to disappointment when I actually start drinking my hot coffee - the taste just doesn’t match the smell. This is particularly the case when I order a coffee to go in a tall paper cup and sip the liquid through a hole in the lid. Yes, it’s convenient, but is it really the right way to appreciate it?

Tim Hayward, a food writer and coffee shop ownerdescribes this process as “strange”. He says, “You walk into the coffee shop, you get the smell, but when you actually take the drink out, you are drinking it from something that is designed to deliver the hot liquid directly past your tongue, but stop any smell coming up to your nose.”

As well as removing the smell, takeaway coffee cups create a lot of waste and a vast majority of them still don’t get recycled. In 2011, it was estimated that 2.5 billion coffee cups were thrown away each year in the UK, and that figure is likely to be higher now. So maybe now is the time to really wake up and smell the coffee by drinking from a cup or mug in a cafe, chatting with friends and saving the planet!

1.From the first two paragraphs we know ________.

A.the author loves coffee alone

B.the smell of coffee is pleasant

C.people smell one scent at a time

D.smells are used to wake up people

2.What sometimes disappoints the author when drinking coffee?

A.The way to enjoy coffee.

B.Coffee doesn’t taste tasty.

C.No partner shares coffee with him.

D.The type of coffee he likes isn’t available.

3.What made Tim Hayward feel strange

A.The smell of coffee.

B.Hot coffee without smell.

C.Treating coffee just as hot liquid.

D.Drinking coffee in the coffee shop.

4.What can be implied in the last paragraph?

A.People recycle coffee regularly.

B.Takeaway coffee is of high quality.

C.Pollution caused by coffee cups is growing.

D.A cup or mug is widely used for drinking coffee.



    Do you prefer reading an e-book or a physical version? It might be a surprise, but for most people, old school print on paper still wins.

Publishers of books in all formats made almost $26 billion in revenue (收益) last year in the U.S., with print making up $22.6 billion and e-books taking $2.04 billion, according to the Association of American Publishers’ annual report 2018. Those figures include trade and educational books, as well as fiction.

While digital media has developed quickly, people still love to own physical books, according to Meryl Halls, managing director of the Booksellers’ Association in the U.K. “I think the e-book bubble has burst somewhat. Sales are flattening off. The physical objects are attractive.” she said.

People love to display their books, Hall added. “The book lover loves to have a record of what they have read. It’s about signaling to the rest of the world and about decorating your home, because people want to use it to indicate something about themselves.” And for Halls, there is also a desire to escape the screen. Part of the reason is that it’s harder to have an emotional relationship with what you’re reading if it’s on an e-reader.

As for the future of books, all formats will continue to be in demand, says Jacks Thomas, director of the London Book Fair. “People always need knowledge and people always need stories, so from that point of view, the book industry, in whatever format, has a strong future,” she says.

1.What do we know from the passage?

A.E-books help escape the screen.

B.Publishers of books like e-books.

C.Details are more accurate in physical books.

D.Print books make a bigger profit than e-books.

2.What does the underlined phrase “flattening off” mean?

A.Cutting down.

B.Being controlled.

C.Stopping growing.

D.Keeping increasing.

3.Why do people prefer physical books?

A.They are a signal of the world.

B.They are used to build houses.

C.They help people record something.

D.They are good to strengthen a relationship.

4.Which is Jack’s idea about the book industry?

A.Its future promises to be good. B.Books won’t be needed.

C.No different formats coexist. D.Digital media will replace physical books.



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He knew that untreated hearing loss could lead to depression, social isolation, anxiety, and symptoms consistent with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In his practice he knew that many of his patients would benefit from new digital hearing aids but many couldn’t afford the expense, which is not generally covered by Medicare and most private health insurance policies.

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This new digital hearing aid is packed with the features of its $3,500 competitors at a small part of the cost. Now most people with hearing loss are able to enjoy crystal clear, natural sound-in a crowd, on the phone, in the wind --without “whistling” and annoying background noise.

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1.What is the best advantage of MD Hearing Aid AIR?

A.Fashionable. B.Low-priced. C.Visible. D.Risk-free.

2.From the passage, we know the new product _______.

A.satisfies all the customers B.is free to use for one year

C.can function without batteries D.is safe and reliable

3.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To prevent people’s hearing loss.

B.To promote a new hearing aid.

C.To compare two affordable hearing aids.

D.To collect customers’ advice about home trial.




1.What do you think The Voice is?

A.A volunteer center. B.A newspaper. C.An organization.

2.What’s the best reason for taking the job according to the speaker?

A.To make some money. B.To have fun. C.To learn to type.

3.When are volunteers expected to start working?

A.Immediately. B.Next week. C.Tomorrow.

4.What kind of volunteers do they need?

A.Those who need money.

B.Those who have rich experience.

C.Those who can manage their time well.



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