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The world of work is changing. Are peopl...

    The world of work is changing. Are people ready for the new job outlook? A survey of 15- year-olds across 41 countries by the OECD(经合组织) has found that teenagers may have unrealistic expectations about the kind of work that will be available.

Four of the five most popular choices are traditional professional roles: doctors, teachers, business managers and lawyers. Teenagers cluster around the most popular jobs, with the top ten being chosen by 47% of boys and 53% of girls.

This selection is partly due to wishful thinking on the part of those surveyed. Furthermore, teenagers can hardly be expected to have an in-depth knowledge of labour-market trends. They encounter doctors and teachers in their daily lives. Other popular professions, such as lawyers and police officers, are familiar from films and social media.

Some parts of the OECD survey are disturbing. More boys than girls expect to work in science or engineering. The problem continues in higher education; with the exception of biological and biomedical sciences, degrees in STEM Subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths ) are male-dominated. In America women earn just 35. 5% of undergraduate STEM degrees and 33. 7% of PhDs. Things are even worse in technology. In Britain only one in five computer-science university students is a woman. Women are underrepresented in some important fields of technology; they have only 12% of jobs in cloud computing, for example.

Women play a much bigger role in the health- and social-care sectors. The problem is that some of these jobs are not very well paid. Home-health and personal-care aides had median annual salaries in 2018 of just over 24,000. Some jobs in health care are extremely profitable, of course. But another gender imbalance emerges here: women make up only one-third of American health-care executives. In contrast, they tend to dominate the poorly paid social care workforce.

The biggest problem in the labour market, then, may not be that teenagers are focusing on a few well-known jobs. It could be a mismatch: not enough talented women move into technology and not enough men take jobs in social care. Any economist will recognise this as an inefficient use of resources. Wherever the root of the problem lies---be it the education system, government policy or corporate recruiting practices---it needs to be identified and fixed.

1.Many teenagers would like to choose some traditional jobs because_______.

A.they are ready for these jobs

B.these jobs are better known to them

C.these jobs live up to their expectations

D.they think these jobs are available to them

2.Where do most women work?

A.In engineering

B.In technology.

C.In health care.

D.In business.

3.What would-the author most probably agree with?

A.The mismatch of resources requires improving.

B.Not enough men and women take jobs in society.

C.Teenagers have unrealistic expectations about jobs.

D.It's the education system that causes the problem in the labour market.

4.In which section of a magazine may this text appear ?

A.Entertainment. B.Education.

C.Science. D.Career.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。这篇文章讲述的是关于青少年对工作的选择。工作的世界正在发生变化。经合组织(OECD)对41个国家15岁青少年进行的调查发现,青少年可能对未来可获得的工作抱有不切实际的期望。5个最受欢迎的职位中,有4个是传统的职业角色:医生、教师、企业经理和律师。并介绍了性别在工作中的不合理分配,建议改善资源的不合理分配。 1.推理判断题。根据第三段中This selection is partly due to wishful thinking on the part of those surveyed. Furthermore, teenagers can hardly be expected to have an in-depth knowledge of labour-market trends. They encounter doctors and teachers in their daily lives. Other popular professions, such as lawyers and police officers, are familiar from films and social media. “这种选择部分是出于被调查者的一厢情愿。此外,很难期望青少年对劳动力市场趋势有深入的了解。他们在日常生活中遇到医生和老师。其他受欢迎的职业,如律师和警察,在电影和社交媒体中很常见。”由此可知,许多青少年喜欢选择一些传统的工作,因为这些工作对他们来说比较熟悉。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第五段第一句Women play a much bigger role in the health- and social-care sectors.“妇女在保健和社会保健部门发挥更大的作用。”由此可知,大多数女性在卫生保健工作。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段中It could be a mismatch: not enough talented women move into technology and not enough men take jobs in social care. Any economist will recognise this as an inefficient use of resources. Wherever the root of the problem lies---be it the education system, government policy or corporate recruiting practices---it needs to be identified and fixed.“这可能是一种错配:没有足够多的有才华的女性进入科技行业,也没有足够多的男性从事社会福利工作。任何经济学家都会承认,这是对资源的低效利用。无论问题的根源在哪里——无论是教育体系、政府政策还是企业招聘实践——都需要找到并解决。”由此判断出,作者最可能同意的是“需要改善资源的不合理分配。”故选A。 4.推理判断题。根据第一段The world of work is changing. Are people ready for the new job outlook? A survey of 15- year-olds across 41 countries by the OECD(经合组织) has found that teenagers may have unrealistic expectations about the kind of work that will be available. “工作的世界正在发生变化。人们对新的工作前景做好准备了吗?经合组织(OECD)对41个国家15岁青少年进行的调查发现,青少年可能对未来可获得的工作抱有不切实际的期望。”和最后一段中Wherever the root of the problem lies---be it the education system, government policy or corporate recruiting practices---it needs to be identified and fixed.“无论问题的根源在哪里——无论是教育体系、政府政策还是企业招聘实践——都需要找到并解决。”由此判断出,短文出自报纸里的职业板块。故选D。

    My brother had, for years, a delightfully tame and lively blue-fronted Amazon parrot named Papagallo, which had an extraordinary talent for speech. Living with us in Altenberg, Papagallo flew just as freely around as most of my other birds. A talking parrot that flies from tree to tree and at the same time says human words, gives a much more comical effect than one that sits in a cage and does the same thing. When Papagallo, with loud cries of “Where’s the Doc?” flew about the district, sometimes in a real search for his master, it was funny.   

Still funnier, but also remarkable from a scientific point of view, was the following performance of the bird. Papagallo feared nothing and nobody, with the exception of the chimney sweep. Birds are likely to fear things which are up above. And this tendency is associated with the natural fear of the bird of prey diving down from the heights. So everything that appears against the sky, has for them something of the meaning of “bird of prey”. As the chimney sweep in black stood up on the chimney and became outlined against the sky, Papagallo fell into a panic of fear and flew, loudly screaming, so far away that we feared he might not come back. Months later, when the chimney sweep came again, Papagallo was sitting on the weathercock, quarrelling with other birds who wanted to sit there too. All at once, I saw him stretch his neck and peer down anxiously into the village street; then he flew up and away, crying out in tough tones, “ The chimney sweep is- coming!” “The chimney sweep is coming! The next moment, the man in black walked through the doorway of the yard !

Unfortunately, I was unable to find out how often Papagallo had seen the chimney sweep before and how often he had heard the excited cry of our cook, which meant his approach. It was, without a doubt, the voice and intonation of this lady that the bird copied. But he had certainly not heard it more than three times at the most and, each time, only once and at an interval of months.

1.It can be inferred that the author_______.

A.might be a bird expert

B.must set a lot of parrots free

C.could talk with Papagallo

D.did have Papagallo look for his brother

2.What does the underlined words “bird of prey” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Bird flying up high.

B.Bird hunting animals.

C.Bird having black feathers.

D.Bird diving down from the sky.

3.What confused the author?

A.Why Papagallo feared the chimney sweep.

B.What the chimney sweep did to Papagallo.

C.How Papagallo had learnt to say the exact sentence.

D.How often Papagallo was seen by the chimney sweep.

4.Which of the following best describes Papagallo?

A.Gifted B.Caring.

C.Shy. D.Talkative.



    There are plenty of things to do while at home, from watching heartwarming TV to indoor fitness, but if you want to do something with the whole family, a board game is the perfect activity.


It is like a combination of the whisper game Telephone and Pictionary. Players draw a word and pass their sketch to the player next to them, who writes down the word they think the first player draws. The next player draws the word the previous player writes down, and the game continues in this way until the final drawing or description comes out wildly different from the original one. It is most popular among kids.


A slightly more involved game than Risk or Monopoly, Catan, previouly known as Settlers of Catan or Settlers, has become popular in the past decade or so beyond board game enthusiasts. In the game, which has many expansions available if you get bored with the original, players become “settlers”, each trying to build up individual settlements while trading resources. The bigger your settlement, the more points, and the first to a set number wins.

Ticket to Ride

It is an easy-to-understand game that is about something as simple as trains. Players use colored train cars that they are able to obtain by collecting cards of the same color to create train routes across a map of the U. S. Expansion packs have many other maps to choose from. Bigger train routes give you more points, as do building the routes shown on the secret ticket cards you draw at the beginning of the game.

Lords of Waterdeep

This board game from the makers of Dungeons Dragons is definitely more complex but is one of the most enjoyable games once you understand all the rules. Beautifully designed in fantasy style, Waterdeep is a “worker placement game”, in which players use agents to gather resources to complete quests, which generate victory points. Whoever has the most at the end of the game wins.

1.In which of the following board games is drawing needed?



C.Ticket to Ride.

D.Lords of Waterdeep.

2.Who will be the winner in Catan?

A.The one becoming the first settler.

B.The one getting needed points first.

C.The one gathering the most resources.

D.The one creating the most train routes.

3.What do the four board games have in common?

A.They have many expansions.

B.They ask players to get points.

C.They involve more than one player.

D.They are easy to understand and play.




1. 写信目的;

2. 表达歉意,解释原因;

3. 期待明年造访东京。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:东京奥运会the Tokyo Olympics  订金deposit

Dear Mr. Abe,



Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I used to go fishing with my father. Initially, I consider fishing is a piece of cake—sitting or waiting for fish to bite. I sat in there for almost one hour, yet I got nothing. Impatiently and annoyed, I intended to quit. “Be focused and wait.” said my father. Have nothing else to do, I followed his advise. I calmed down and concentrated on the fishing pole. Another two hour passed and I finally gained his reward. The experience has taught me what all things are difficult at beginning. As long as you make efforts and hang on, you'll succeed.




In the ongoing fight against COVID-19, gritting one’s teeth and carrying on has characterized much about life in Wuhan these past months. “Wuhan people experienced it first-hand.” said Hui Yan, a Wuhan native 1. recovered from the coronavirus. “Our friends got sick. Our friends and relatives died. Right before our eyes, one 2. one, they left us. They have a deeper understanding of this disaster in 3. (compare) with people in other cities.” In February, Ms. Yan 4. (spend) 15 days fighting the virus in Huoshenshan, one of the city's newly built coronavirus hospitals.

During the past two months, with the lockdown lifted, growing numbers of families 5. (be) out to take in the sunshine and fresh air in parks along the Yangtze River. Older residents have started gathering again in small groups 6. (chat) or play chess. Children are a rare sight and always appear to be under the careful watch of parents. More shops have reopened, often 7. (set) up street-front counters so that customers can buy vegetables, alcohol, and other goods without entering. Companies in Wuhan have been 8. (caution) about calling their 9. (employ) back to work, contributing to the revival of the city life. Yet there still remains 10. tough test for the city to balance pandemic (疫情) control and economic growth.



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