满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 写信的意图;

2. 自己目前的英文水平;

3. 你希望他推荐书籍类型及原因。



Dear Steve,



Li Hua


Dear Steve, How is everything going on? Recently, I want to improve my English by reading English books that interest me. But I don't know what kind of book is suitable for my current level. So I am writing this letter to ask for help. My current English level can only do some simple communication. At the same time, I can't speak out my ideas fluently in English. As for the books, I hope I can read some books related to daily communication. Because I want to improve my spoken English as soon as possible so that I can convey what I want to say freely I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求给李华的朋友Steve写一封求助信。请他推荐一些关于提高英语水平的书。 第一步:审题 体裁:应用文。 时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。 结构:总分法。 要求: 1.写信的意图; 2.自己目前的英文水平; 3.你希望他推荐书籍类型及原因。 第二步:列提纲(重点短语) improve my English;is suitable for;ask for help;related to; 第三步:连词成句 1.Recently, I want to improve my English by reading English books that interest me. 2.But I don't know what kind of book is suitable for my current level 3.So I am writing this letter to ask for help. 4.As for the book, I hope I can read some books related to daily communication. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇 1.表示文章结构顺序:提出写信目的;阐述自己现状和要求;最后希望得到回复。 2.表示并列补充关系:At the same time;As for; so that 第五步:润色修改







Dear Sir,

I think it important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with houseworks. Children these days, depend on their parents too much. They are always asked, "Could you get this for me? " or"Could you help me with that? " Doing chores help to develop children's independence and teach them how to look after themselves. It also helps them to understand idea of fairness. Though they live in one house with their parents, but they should know that everyone should do their part in keep it clean and tidy. Our neighbor’s son got into college but during his first year, he had no idea how to take care of him. As a result, he often fall ill and his grades dropped. The earlier kids learn to be independence, the better it is of their future.





For teacher Suzanne Cohen, film is a powerful tool to build 1. understanding of the world. She 2. (run) film-making projects with young people for two decades, and has made a point of addressing difficult and sensitive topics. Documentaries have looked at the refugee crisis, mental health, and 3.(live) with a disability.

" I didn't have this when I was a kid, "she says:" It’s quite an 4.(impress) thing to be able to do. Often I,m not sure 5. they are going to like the topic, but they just seem to love to get their teeth 6.an issue and doing something controversial."

Cohen, 7.is also a lecturer at London Metropolitan University, 8. (award) educator of the year at the Into Film Awards for her work with young people in London last year. The film-making courses is open to those 9. (age) between 13 and 19, as part of Camden Summer, University (CSU). All courses at CSU are free and run by 10. (volunteer), and range from music production and singing workshops to woodwork for young people with learning disabilities.



    I am the youngest of three children and have two older brothers. My family was always fortunate and we had a very _______ life in Shanghai. My _______ were focused on our education, but also on giving us more control over our own life so that we could move ahead _______. To use a car analogy (类比), I was the _______, but they were _______ in the passenger seat in case I needed support. So they didn’t _______ my homework but, whenever I had a question, I could _______ to them. I remember _______ my mom telling neighbors, “My daughter is very smart. She knows how to play _______.” The fact that my mother thought I was smart because I could play a sport, and not just because I was good at school work, was a huge ________. I grew up feeling ________ and had a “can do” attitude.

Shanghai is different from the rest of China as it has a more westernized environment. So, in the late 70s, when my family moved to San Francisco to ________ my grandparents, from a lifestyle point of view it was not much different. What was really ________ was my English. I love to ________ with people but I could ________ say in English, “How do you do?” “Thank you.” and “Don’t mention it.” When we arrived, my grandfather said, “Oh, Weili, living here is going to be wonderful ________ you don’t speak much of the language, because Americans are very friendly.” My parents taught us to be ________and when I went to school or the supermarket, I would say, “Thank you.” ________ the expected reply, “Don’t mention it,” ________ said, “You’re welcome.” So one day, I told my grandfather, “You were ________— people here always say I am welcome here.”

1.A.difficult B.comfortable C.busy D.sad

2.A.grandparents B.neighbors C.brothers D.parents

3.A.lightly B.slowly C.confidently D.cautiously

4.A.passenger B.owner C.conductor D.driver

5.A.sitting B.sleeping C.waiting D.resting

6.A.hand in B.help with C.learn from D.ask for

7.A.turn B.respond C.explain D.lie

8.A.stopping B.imagining C.hearing D.minding

9.A.basketball B.tricks C.roles D.music

10.A.achievement B.encouragement C.movement D.argument

11.A.burdened B.frightened C.valued D.excited

12.A.invite B.leave C.love D.join

13.A.confusing B.challenging C.tiring D.inspiring

14.A.quarrel B.live C.communicate D.compete

15.A.hardly B.firmly C.slowly D.only

16.A.even though B.in that C.in case D.ever since

17.A.careful B.patient C.polite D.modest

18.A.Instead of B.By means of C.In spite of D.due to

19.A.nobody B.somebody C.anybody D.everybody

20.A.wrong B.right C.nice D.funny



    Do you think you got enough sleep this past week? Can you recall the last time you woke up without an alarm clock feeling refreshed, not needing caffeine ? 1.. Two-thirds of adults throughout all developed nations fail to obtain the recommended eight hours of nightly sleep.

2.. Routinely, sleeping less than six or seven hours a night destroys your immune system, more than doubling your risk of cancer. Insufficient sleep is a key lifestyle factor determining whether or not you will develop Alzheimer’ s disease. Inadequate sleep, even moderate reductions for just one week, disrupts blood sugar levels so profoundly that you would be classified as pre-diabetic.

Perhaps you have also noticed a desire to eat more when you’re tired? 3.. Too little sleep increases- concentrations of a hormone that makes you feel hungry while stopping a companion hormone that otherwise signals food satisfaction. Despite being full, you still want to eat more. It's a proven recipe for weight gain in sleep-deficient adults and children alike. Worse, 4., it is in vain, since most of the weight you lose will come from lean body mass(丢脂体重), not fat.

Add the above health consequences up, and a proven link becomes easier to accept: the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life will be. The old maxim “I’ll sleep when I m dead” is therefore unfortunate. Adopt this mindset, and you will be dead sooner and the quality of that (shorter) life will be worse. 5..

A.This is no coincidence

B.It is a tragedy to cost you your family

C.If the answers are“no, you are not alone

D.when you push yourself too hard before you go to sleep

E.The rubber band of sleep loss can stretch only so far before it breaks

F.should you attempt to diet but don't get enough sleep while doing so

G.I doubt you are surprised by this fact, but you may be surprised by the consequences



    The second little pig was unlucky. He built his house from sticks. It was blown away by a huffing, puffing wolf, which quickly ate him up. His brother, by contrast, built a wolf-proof house from bricks. The fairy tale could have been written by someone hired by the building industry, which strongly favours brick, concrete and steel. However, in the real world it would help reduce pollution and slow global warming if more builders copied the wood-loving second pig.

In 2015 world leaders meeting in Paris agreed to move towards zero net greenhouse-gas emissions in the second half of this century. That is a tall order, and the building industry makes it even taller. Cement- making(水泥制造) alone produces 6% of the world 's carbon emissions. Steel, half of which goes into buildings, accounts for another 8%. If you factor in all of the energy that goes into lighting, heating and cooling homes and offices, the world's buildings start to look like a giant environmental problem.

However, buildings can become greener. They can use more recycled steel and can be made in sections that can be put together later in off-site factories, greatly reducing lorry journeys. But no other building material has environmental credentials (证书) as exciting and overlooked as wood.

The energy required to produce a wooden beam is one-sixth of that required for a steel one of comparable strength. As trees take carbon out of the atmosphere when growing,wooden buildings contribute to negative emissions by storing the stuff. When a mature tree is cut down, a new one can be planted to replace it, capturing more carbon. After buildings are torn down, old beams and panels are easy to recycle into new structures. And for improving older buildings to be more energy efficient, wood is a good insulator(隔热材料). A softwood window frame provides nearly 400 times as much insulation as a plain steel one of the same thickness and over a thousand times as much as an aluminium equivalent.

Wood alone will not bring the environmental cost of the world's buildings into line. But using wood can do much more than is appreciated. The second little pig was not wrong, just before his time.

1.Why is the second little pig with his brother mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A.To attract readers. B.To share a story.

C.To support the main idea. D.To introduce the topic.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The world’s buildings are the biggest environmental problem.

B.The goal set by world leaders in Paris in 2015 is difficult to achieve.

C.The wooden house is not only exciting but also overlooked for a long time.

D.The building industry produces 14% of the world's carbon emissions totally.

3.How can buildings become eco-friendly?

A.Restoring them.

B.Planting more trees in them.

C.Recycling old wooden structure.

D.Substituting steel windows for wood ones.

4.What is the best title  for the text?

A.The benefit from wood

B.The building industry

C.The lesson from fairy tales

D.The house made of wood



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