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阅读下面材料,在空白处堆入适当的内容(1个单词)括号内单词的正确形式。 Beij...


Beijing has introduced new 1. (regulate) that ban uncivilized behavior, such as not covering one's mouth when coughing in public. Citizens are also required to dress 2.neat in public. Beijing bikini may 3.force out of style, which refers to the practice 4. men roll up their shirts and expose their stomachs during the hot summer months. Some citizens argue that the behavior would have been out of sight, if the government 5.pass the laws earlier. In my view, it's never too late to take action.


1.regulations 2.neatly 3.be forced 4.where 5.had passed 【解析】 本文是一篇新闻报道,介绍了北京出台新规定禁止不文明行为。 1.考查名词的数。句意:北京出台了新规定,禁止不文明行为,比如在公共场所咳嗽时不捂嘴。作动词introduce的宾语用名词,regulation当“规定、条例”讲时是可数名词,此处表示不止一项规定,用复数形式,故填regulations。 2.考查副词。句意:市民在公共场合也必须衣着整齐。修饰动词dress用副词,故填neatly。 3.考查语态。句意:“京版比基尼”可能会被强制淘汰,它指的是在炎热的夏季,男性卷起衬衫并露出肚子的行为。Beijing bikini 与force之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,情态动词may后用动词原形,故填be forced。 4.考查定语从句。句意同上,分析句子结构可知此处为定语从句,先行词为practice,指模糊地点,从句中缺少地点状语,故填where。 5.考查虚拟语气。句意:一些市民认为,如果政府早些时候就通过了这些法律,这样的行为就不会出现。根据“earlier”可知此处表示与过去事实相反的假设,从句谓语用had+过去分词,故填had passed。

    Liz Woodward worked as a waitress at the Route 130 diner in Delran, New Jersey. One Thursday morning around 5:30 am, she was serving two firefighters, Young and Hullings. Quite _______ she heard that they had been up all night putting out a _______warehouse fire, which took 12 hours to get under control.

Touched, Liz decided to honor these two heroes by picking up their _______ and writing them a heartfelt message of gratitude. It _______ "Your breakfast is on me today-thank you for all that you do. Fueled by fire and driven by_______, what an example you are! Get some rest. "

This simple act of kindness meant so much to the_______ firefighters. The firefighters _______ and thanked her before leaving the restaurant.

To return the young lady's kindness, upon his arrival home, Hullings posted a Facebook update _______ his friends to go eat at the diner, which was quickly _______ more than 3,000 times.

________, it was not until afterwards that they realized Liz was really the one that could use the help. When they found out that Liz was trying to ________ money for her paralyzed father to get a wheelchair-accessible van, Young posted with a ________ to a Go Fund Me page for Liz's dad, and the support ________.

The total donations reached $60,000 and went beyond Liz's wildest dreams. She had never expected that her small gesture would be paid in such a/an ________ way. "I'm truly blessed that those two walked through the doors today and ________ for the opportunity to be a part of something so positive and inspiring." Liz Woodward said on Facebook.

1.A.in private B.by accident C.in public D.on purpose

2.A.potential B.slight C.rare D.fierce

3.A.money B.uniforms C.check D.breakfast

4.A.replied B.went C.indicated D.read

5.A.concern B.courage C.confidence D.curiosity

6.A.exhausted B.brave C.modest D.anxious

7.A.ended up B.sat up C.teared up D.showed up

8.A.helping B.forcing C.reminding D.urging

9.A.shared B.collected C.examined D.removed

10.A.Thus B.Instead C.However D.Besides

11.A.raise B.donate C.change D.count

12.A.picture B.link C.note D.click

13.A.doubled B.rolled in C.declined D.spread out

14.A.generous B.conventional C.extreme D.rapid

15.A.greedy B.eager C.prepared D.grateful



    How to become happier is what most of us are after. The things that we think will make us happier—bigger paychecks, nicer homes, slimmer bodies— 1.But practices such as exercising more, socializing, getting enough sleep, and being kind to others do.


Exercise causes hormonal (荷尔蒙的)changes in the body that make us feel good and help interrupt negative thoughts. Anyone who has ever experienced a runner's high will surely agree.

Increase social connections

Reconnecting with a friend can boost happiness, but so can a meaningful encounter with a stranger. 3.. In fact, many studies have found that the more we use social media, the less happy we are.

Get enough shut-eye


Perform acts of kindness

Volunteering to help someone or helping others pay for their bus tickets can make us happy. Giving others a hand takes the focus away from our own worries and problems, which can boost happiness.

These constant practices arc really what's required to boost our happiness. It's like a tire that we put air into. Occasionally it leaks, and we have to put more air into it. It's not one-time thing where we learn it and we're good. 5.. Anyone who adopts and practices the strategies can truly become happier.

A.Burn some calories

B.Prioritize free time

C.don't really matter in our lives

D.But Facebook friends don't count

E.don’t actually add joy to our lives

F.We actually have to put the work in

G.We can set an alarm to signal ourselves to get ready for bed



    Educators today are more and more often heard to say that computer literacy is absolutely necessary for college students. Many even argue that each incoming freshman should have his or her own microcomputer. What advantages do computers offer the college students?

Any student who has used a word processor will know one compelling reason to use a computer: to write papers. Although not all students feel comfortable composing on a word processor, most find revising and editing much easier on it. One can alter, insert, or delete just by pressing a few keys, thus ridding students of the need to rewrite or retype. Furthermore, since the revision process is less difficult, students are more likely to revise as often as is necessary to end up with the best paper possible. For these reasons, many freshman English courses require the use of a word processor.

Computers are also useful in the context of language courses, where they are used to drill students in basic skills. Software programs strengthen ESL (English as a Second Language) instruction, as well as instruction in French, German, Spanish, and other languages. By using these programs on a regular basis, students can improve their skills in a language while proceeding at their own pace.

Similarly, business and accounting students find that computer spreadsheet (电子表格) programs are all but important to many aspects of their work, while students pursuing careers in graphic arts, marketing, and public relations find that knowledge of computer graphic (绘图) is important. Education majors learn to develop grading systems using computers, while social science students use computers for analyzing and graphically displacing their research results.

It is no wonder then, that educators support the purchase and use of microcomputers by students. A useful tool, the computer can help students learn. And that is, after all, the reason for going to college.

1.What does the underlined phrase “computer literacy” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.The purchase of computers. B.The ability to use computers well.

C.The computer hardware and software. D.The computer science and technology.

2.According to the author, a word processor can be used to___________.

A.revise and edit papers B.rewrite or retype papers

C.complete a freshman’ course D.improve students’ writing skills

3.According to the author, the reason for students to go to college is__________.

A.to learn something B.to perfect themselves

C.to improve computer skills D.to find one's passions

4.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.Educational experts have developed grading systems.

B.The computer has fund its way into social science.

C.Rarely do accounting students use computers.

D.Computers benefit various majors in college.

5.Which of the Allowing is TRUE according to the passage?

A.More college students should major in computer science.

B.Machine learning and big data is the future of computer application.

C.Some computer progams can be employed to aid language learning.

D.Educators are reluctant to increase computer use in their own classroom.



    The Wuhan Institute of Shipbuilding Technology was used as a quarantine site (隔离区) from Feb 8 to March 28. Cheng Shining, a junior of Central China Normal University in Wuhan, was responsible for collecting and distributing supplies for quarantined people and medical staff. As the youngest volunteer at this site, he also chose to live there so that he could show up whenever he was needed.

One day Cheng and two other volunteers took more than 3 hours to move all 1,462 boxes of mineral water to storage with 50 firemen's help. Cheng says. "A single person's strength is limited, but we know the whole country is helping us."

Cheng was a volunteer for the Military World Games held in Wuhan last October. It was the first time he saw his hometown under the world's spotlight. "I've experienced the highlight of Wuhan, and now when my hometown touched a low point, I want to get through the difficulty together with the city," Cheng says.

Like Cheng, 28-year-old Wuhan local Zhu Aobing also volunteered to help his home city. He signed up right away to be a volunteer for the vaccine. A total of 108 Wuhan locals became the first group of COVID-19 vaccine volunteers in March. They are healthy adults aged from 18 to 60 selected from thousands of people who applied.

"Since the lockdown, I've always been thinking what I can do for my hometown during the epidemic," he says. Zhu is a freshman of Hubei University of Technology in Wuhan. He joined the army when he was 18 years old and served for five years. However, Zhu didn't want to miss the chance to study further, so he decided to go to college last year.

"No matter how long I have finished my military service, I always have the responsibility to go to the front line when the country needs me, and when facing this pandemic(疫情),being a vaccine volunteer is what I should do," he says.

1.How does Cheng sound when talking about the help from the firemen?

A.Descriptive and serious B.Generous and exciting

C.Appreciative and optimistic D.Cautious and supportive

2.How can Zhu help his home city?

A.By serving the Military World Games. B.By helping run a quarantine site.

C.By studying further in college. D.By being a vaccine volunteer.

3.What do Cheng and Zhu have in common?

A.They are Wuhan locals. B.They served in the army.

C.They are of the same age. D.They graduated from university.

4.Which of the following is most likely said by President Xi to them during the epidemic?

A.Diligence is crucial for the development of our country.

B.Chinese dream is what pushes the whole country ahead.

C.Life is a book and you are responsible for your own page.

D.The Chinese youth of the new era can shoulder great missions.

5.What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To compare two people. B.To tell two volunteers' stories.

C.To present an argument. D.To report a piece of news.



    I have been worrying for weeks now about what to give my mother for Mother's Day. For most people, this is a modest problem, solved by the purchase of a bathrobe or a box of candy. For me, however, Mother's Day represents an annual challenge to do the impossible---find a gift that will make neither Mama nor me feel terrible.

Expensive gifts—which Mama defines as costing over $1. 98—are out, because they make Mama feel terrible. (“This is awful," she says, examining an apron(围裙)). "I feel just terrible. You shouldn't have spent the money on me Inexpensive presents---under $1. 98---please Mama, but they make me fell terrible. There is always the danger that a gift given to Mama will bounce swiftly back to the giver. If I give her a plant, she cuts off the top for me to take home. If I give her something edible (可使用的),she wants me to stay for lunch and eat it.

Papa, a sensible man, long ago stopped trying to shop for Mama. Instead, on Mother's Day, her birthday, and other appropriate occasions, he writes a short epic poem in which he tells of their meeting, courtship, and marriage. After nearly 30 years of poems, Papa sometimes worries that the edge of his poetic inspiration has dulled, but Mama doesn’t complain. She comes into the room while he is struggling over a gift poem and says, "It doesn’t have to rhyme(押韵)as long as it's from the heart. "

This year, finally, I think I, too, have found a painless gift for Mama. I am going to give her a magazine article, unrhymed but from the heart, in which I wish her “Happy Mother’s Day" and tell her there's nothing Papa or I could ever buy, find, or make her that would be half good enough anyway.

1.The author considers finding a Mother’s Day gift a yearly problem because______________.

A.it is impossible to find a gift B.it represents a modest problem

C.it is hard to make both sides happy D.it has to be a bathrobe or a box of candy

2.What does the author's mom feel about gifts over $1. 98?

A.They are out. B.They are awful.

C.They cost too much. D.They are from the heart.

3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A.The author's mom is picky. B.Giving gifts can be dangerous.

C.Picking gifts might be terrible. D.The author's mom will share the gift.

4.What does the author's Dad do for his mom on various occasions?

A.He composes a poem. B.He writes a love letter.

C.He struggles over a gift. D.He stops to shop for her.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A.A Loving Daughter B.A Special Mother’s Day Gift

C.How to Pick a Gift for Moms D.What to Do on Mother's Day



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