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The term "quiet stress” is gathering pac...

    The term "quiet stress” is gathering pace among experts, who say it's an often overlooked form of the more widely known version, which is characterised by visible outbursts: losing tempers, swearing, shouting, and anger.

"We quietly hold our stress within: we don't speak up about how we feel. And very importantly, we become inactive. We stay in unhappy relationships and unfulfilling jobs. We feel overwhelmed(被压倒的), yet ignore important administration tasks. Quiet stress creates a form of emotional paralysis (麻痹)that keeps us ' stuck' in unhappy situations, says Jillian Lavender, who runs the London Meditation Centre.

Cary Cooper, a professor of psychology and health at the University of Manchester, likens the effects of quiet stress to shrapnel(榴弹):“You can learn to quieten your stress responses, but eventually the stress will emerge: as well as a suppressed immune system, you may withdraw socially, isolate yourself and begin to engage in unhealthy habits like comfort eating or drinking too much. Despite getting a bad rap over the years, expressing anger or frustration is far healthier than smiling sweetly while feeling quietly stressed."

A recent study from Stanford University in the US backs this theory up. The researchers found that seeing stress as a helpful part of dealing with life's challenges, rather than as something to be avoided, was associated with better health, emotional well being and productivity at work.

“Stress isn't always harmful,” said Kelly McGonigal, a business school lecturer at Stanford who worked on the study. "Once you appreciate that going through stress makes you better at it, it can be easier to face each new challenge.”

1.Which behavior belongs to “quiet stress”

A.Reacting slowly. B.Speaking up.

C.Smiling sweetly. D.Scolding others.

2.What is the best way to relieve from quiet stress according to Cary Cooper?

A.Developing a good habit. B.Eating much junk food.

C.Finishing tasks on time. D.Making your feelings known.

3.According to Paragraph 4 stress is.

A.something beneficial sometimes B.something harmful to health

C.something to be kept D.something affecting work

4.Which of the following statements can describe stress according to the text?

A.Silence is gold. B.Life is not easy.

C.One coin has two sides. D.Stress is everywhere.


1.A 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了安静的压力的表现和危害,同时也指出有压力不代表就是坏事,如果你能够克服压力使自己变得更好,那么你就会更从容地面对挑战。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段内容尤其是第二句中的“we don't speak up about how we feel. And very importantly, we become inactive”可知,处于“安静的压力”下的人会不愿意说出自己的感受,变得不活跃,即反应慢。 A项切合题意。故选 A。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句中的“expressing anger or frustration is far healthier than smiling sweetly while feeling quietly stressed”可知,当你感受到安静的压力时,表达愤怒或沮丧远比面带微笑要健康得多。由此可推知,表达自己真实的感受才能帮助我们从安静的压力中解脱出来。 故选 D。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段内容“The researchers found that seeing stress as a helpful part of dealing with life's challenges, rather than as something to be avoided, was associated with better health, emotional well being and productivity at work”可知,有压力不总是坏事,研究发现,当把压力看做是应对生活的挑战的一个有益部分,而不是需要避免的事情时,你就会更健 康、快乐和高效地工作。所以压力有时也是有益的。故选A。 4.推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章阐述了压力的坏处,但同时指出如果能够把压力看做是应对生活挑战的一个有益部分时,那么压力就是一件好事。C项“任何事情都有正反两面”准确地对压力进行了描述。故选C。

    A trick question: Can you name the only three writers who have won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction twice? Faulkner, yes Updike. And? Hats off if you came up with Booth Tarkington.

And yet his two prize-winners——"The Magnificent Ambersons" and " Alice Adams”, just reissued in one volume by the Library of America—are not even the most commercially successful novels of his extraordinarily successful career. Nine of his books were ranked among the top ten sellers of their year, and the strangely dissimilar The Turmoil and Seventeen were the No. 1 sellers in consecutive(连续的)years. And then there's Penrod, probably the most beloved boys' book since Tom and Huck, though I can't recommend a stroll down that particular memory lane.

There are thirty or so novels, countless short stories and serials, a string of hit plays. And there were countless honors: Tarkington was not only commercial but literary—not just the Pulitzers but in 1933 the gold medal for fiction from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, which Edith Wharton and William Dean Howells had won previously. As early as 1922, the Times had placed him twelfth on a list of the twelve greatest contemporary American men.

As for booksellers, in 1921 they voted him the most significant contemporary American writer. Nothing ever changes. How to explain this remarkable career—the quick rise to fame, the unaffected reputation over several decades, and then the pronounced fall into shadowiness? If you read all his fiction, you find a steady although uninspired hand at the helm. Slowly, painstakingly (费力地),Tarkington had taught himself to write reliable prose (散文)and construct appealing fictions he was modest—always literate but never showy. You could count on him to catch your interest even if he failed to grasp your imagination or your heart. And he was always a gentleman.

1.What does "Hats off" underlined in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Show respect. B.Feel nervous.

C.Throw away hats. D.Take off hats.

2.Which book is possibly popular among boys?

A.The Magnificent Ambersons. B.Alice Adams.

C.Penrod. D.Seventeen.

3.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Tarkington's works and honors. B.Tarkington's personality.

C.Tarkington's social position. D.Tarkington's achievements.

4.What's the authors attitude to Tarkington?

A.Doubtful. B.Objective.

C.Negative. D.Admiring.



    The following books have been published recently, and maybe you would like to read them.

This Atmosphere of Love

Franklin Bass Jr.




This Atmosphere of Love shares Franklin Bass Jr.’s poetry collection from 2008 to 2012 that speaks about his true feelings and experiences of love.

An Irish Girl

Marilyn Hering




Inspired by true events of the Irish famine(饥荒), An Irish Girl combines a tale of the famine with a heart-broken story of love and loss.

The Prison Planet


Denis Goodwin




Sometimes, the reality prescribed to us doesn’t explain what we experience. If you too know something isn’t right and want to see the bigger picture, the bottom line is here.

A Deadly Homecoming

Jane Bennett Munro




When her mother asks her to investigate a friend’s disappearance, Toni Day heads to her hometown to solve a complex murder case that leaves her own life hanging in the balance.

1.Who is a poet among the following writers?

A.Jane Bennett Munro B.Marilyn Hering.

C.Denis Goodwin. D.Franklin Bass Jr.

2.What kind of book is An Irish Girl?

A.A biography B.A storybook

C.A documentary. D.A reference book.

3.Which book will you read if you like a thriller?

A.The Prison Planet. B.A Deadly Homecoming.

C.An Irish Girl. D.This Atmosphere of Love.



I was responding to a call from a small brick flat(用砖做的公寓) in a quiet part of town. I assumed I was being sent to pick up some party-goersor someone who had just had a fight with a loveror a worker heading to an early shift at some factory for the industrial part of town.

When I arrived at 230 a.m., thebuildingwas dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. Under such circumstances, manydriversjust honk(按喇叭) once or twicewait a minutethen drive away. But I had seen too many weak people who depended on taxis as their only means of transportation.

Unless a situation smelled of dangerI always went to thedoor.

This passenger might be someone who needsmy assistanceI reasoned to myself. So I walked to the door and knocked. “Just a minute” answered a frailelderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. After a long pausethe door opened.A small womanin her 80s stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hatlike somebody out of a 1940s movie. By her side was a small nylon suitcase.

The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. There were no clocks on the walls, noequipmenton the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.

“Would you carry my bag out to the car” she said. I tookthe suitcaseto the cab, then returned to assist the woman. She took my arm, and we walked slowly toward the cab.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. “It's nothing,” I told her. “I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated.”






Paragraph 1:

Having given me an address, a hospice, she asked. “Could you drive through downtown?” _______________________________________________________________________________






Paragraph 2: we drove in silence to the address she had given me , and it…









1. 表示理解并给予安慰;



Hi Worried

I’ m sorry to know that you’ re having such a had time at the moment.







1. 听说你进入高中后感觉不太好我很抱歉。你可以做些调整以改变现状。

2. 邀请一些同学一起参加课后活动,有助于你们通过交流互相了解。

3. 你们可以在彼此有困难时相互帮助。

4. 随着时间的推移,你与别人接触越多,他们对你就有更好的了解。

5. 我相信你会结交到很多朋友,拥有快乐的校园生活。




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