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Chicken is America’s most popular meat. ...

    Chicken is America’s most popular meat. Many people assume chicken follows a simple rule-of-thumb: Pink chicken turned white means “done.” It’s similar to how we cook other meats. But is this true? To study how cooks at home follow safety recommendations, researchers filmed 75 households in five European countries. From a random but nonrepresentative sample, they also conducted an online survey of nearly 4,000 households in the same countries that say they cook chicken.

Worried that chicken would dry out, most home cooks determined doneness by color and texture (口感) inside the meat, they found. Few bothered with thermometers (温度计), claiming they took too much time, were too complicated to use, didn’t fit in the chicken or weren’t necessary (although easy-to-use thermometers are inexpensive and widely available).

In additional lab experiments, the scientists injected raw chicken breast with bacteria (细菌), which cause millions of sicknesses, thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths each year in the United States. They cooked the breasts until they reached core temperatures ranging from 122 to 158 Fahrenheit, and they discovered something surprising. At 158 degrees, but not lower, bacteria inside the chickens’ cores was reduced to safe levels, and when cut open its flesh appeared dull and fibrous, not shiny like raw chicken. But meat began changing from pink to white far below this, and most color change occurred below 131 degrees Fahrenheit. Sometimes, the chicken’s core would be safely cooked, but unsafe levels of bacteria still existed on surfaces that hadn’t touched the grill plate.

So what are you supposed to do?

Dr. Bruno Goussault, a scientist and chef, recommends buying and cooking breasts and legs separately. Bring the breast’s core to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, he said, and the leg to between 168.8 and 172.4 Fahrenheit. If you really want to safely measure temperature for a whole chicken, insert a pop-up thermometer into the thickest part of the leg before roasting it, Dr. Goussault suggests. By the time it pops, the breasts will have long cooked. They will likely be dry and far from his standards of culinary (烹饪的) perfection. But you’ll be sure to, as Dr. Goussault says in French, “dormir sur ses deux oreilles,” or, figuratively, “sleep peacefully.”

1.Why didn’t home cooks measure temperature with a thermometer?

A.They could not afford it. B.It affected the taste of the meat.

C.It was not available in supermarkets. D.They thought it was too much trouble.

2.In lab experiments, when the temperature reached 158 Fahrenheit, the meat         .

A.was free of bacteria B.still remained pink

C.appeared to dry out D.was reduced in size

3.What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A.The meat does not taste best when bacteria free.

B.The leg becomes fully cooked before the breast.

C.A whole chicken requires a higher temperature.

D.The thermometer should be placed inside the breast.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Food safety. B.Simple lifestyle.

C.Cooking skills. D.Kitchen equipment.


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文,文章通过描述科学家所做的鸡胸和鸡腿的烹饪温度的测量实验,说明如何烹饪鸡肉才是安全的。 1.细节理解题。由文章第二段Few bothered with thermometers (温度计), claiming they took too much time, were too complicated to use,didn’t fit in the chicken or weren’t necessary.很少有人为温度计费心,宣称他们花费了太多的时间,太复杂而不能使用,不适合鸡肉也没必要。可知,人们会觉得用温度计比较麻烦,与选项D内容相符,故选D项。 2.细节理解题。由文章第三段At 158 degrees, but not lower, bacteria inside the chickens’ cores was reduced to safe levels, and when cut open its flesh appeared dull and fibrous, not shiny like raw chicken.在158度时,但不是更低,鸡核心的细菌降到了安全水平,当被切开时,鸡肉显得枯燥和纤维状,不像生鸡肉肉质那么光滑。可知,到了158度时,鸡肉会显得干燥和纤维状,与选项C内容相符,故选C项。 3.推理判断题。由最后一段Bring the breast’s core to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, he said, and the leg to between 168.8 and 172.4 Fahrenheit.鸡胸的核心温度要达到165度,他说,鸡腿的温度要达到168.8度和172.4度之间。和They will likely be dry and far from his standards of culinary (烹饪的) perfection.他们可能会干燥,而且与完美的烹饪标准也相去甚远。可知,鸡胸和鸡腿的安全烹饪温度分别为165度,168.8度和172.4度之间,这时细菌几乎被杀死了,所以食用是比较安全的,但此时口感和味道却不那么好了。与选项A内容相符,故选A项。 4.主旨大意题。由文章第一段To study how cooks at home follow safety recommendations, researchers filmed 75 households in five European countries.为了研究在家烹饪如何遵守安全的建议,研究者们在5个欧洲国家拍摄了75个家庭的烹饪情况。可知,文章讲述的是在家烹饪时的食品安全问题,与选项A内容相符,故选A项。

    A struggling Waffle House employee who was trying to serve nearly 30 people by himself after midnight got a full serving of kindness when some customers jumped behind the counter to help him.

Ethan Crispo, 24, witnessed the inspiring scene in the early hours of Nov. 3 at a Waffle House in Birmingham, Alabama.

Crispo told TODAY’s Kerry Sanders that he had come to the 24-hour restaurant from a friend’s birthday party and saw the struggling employee, identified only as Ben, trying to cook the food, serve it, bus tables and wash dishes while more than 25 people were waiting to eat.

“The look on his face was just confusion,” Crispo told Sanders.

An unidentified male customer then decided to help him out, grabbing an apron and going behind the counter to wash dishes.

Another customer, Alison Stanley, went behind the counter to make some coffee—still dressed from a night out on the town.

“I don’t think it’s anything special,” Stanley told Sanders. “He needed help, so I got up and helped out.”

Crispo took some photos of the scene as multiple customers worked to bus tables and wash dishes while Ben focused on taking orders and preparing the food.

Waffle House told TODAY that Ben was left to support himself due to a scheduling issue.

“We had two associates scheduled to leave, however, due to a communication mix-up, their relief did not show up on time,” Waffle House director of PR Pat Warner said in a statement. “That left Ben, our cook, alone in the restaurant with hungry customers. He worked the grill (烤架) and got the orders out.”

The company was also thankful for the customers who joined in and helped Ben out.

“We are grateful that many of our customers feel like they are part of our Waffle House family,” Warner said. “There is a sense of community in each and every one of our restaurants, and we appreciate the fact that they consider our associates like family.”

“We are also very thankful for Ben, who kept the restaurant open. He is a representative of our Waffle House culture by always putting the customers first.”

Crispo had his usual order, double plain waffle, as he took in the scene of strangers helping out Ben on his shift.

“Humanity truly isn’t good, it’s great!” he said.

1.Ben was left to work alone during his midnight shift because ________.

A.his associates asked for a leave B.there was a scheduling mistake

C.few customers needed to be served D.the restaurant was scheduled to close

2.Some customers helped Ben out by ________.

A.washing dishes B.taking photos

C.taking orders D.cooking food

3.Why did the customers lend a helping hand according to Pat Warner?

A.They shared the same community spirit. B.They were family members of Ben.

C.They wanted to serve themselves. D.They were too hungry to wait.

4.How did Crispo feel as a witness of the scene?

A.Lucky and excited. B.Moved and inspired.

C.Relieved and hopeful. D.Content and unbelievable.





The IOC Olympic Studies Centre is the world source of reference for Olympic knowledge. Our mission is to share this knowledge with professionals and researchers through providing information, giving access to our unique collections, enabling research and stimulating intellectual exchange.

As part of the IOC, we are uniquely placed to collect and share the most up-to-date and accurate information on Olympism. Our collections include the IOC archives (档案), the official publications of the IOC and the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games as well as books, articles and journals.


Whatever your interest in the Olympic Movement—academic or professional—we will help you find the information you need, quickly and easily. We’re here to:

Answer your questions: share factual and historical information, Games results and statistics

Give personalized guidance: help you find what you need in our extensive library and archives

Lend you books and publications, even internationally

Give you online access: to our electronic documents

Award research grants: to PhD students and established researchers

Connect you to our network: of academic experts in Olympic studies

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One of our key roles is to facilitate communication and cooperation between the IOC and the international academic community in order to promote research and stimulate intellectual exchange.

This worldwide community is mainly composed of over 40 Olympic Studies Centers and hundreds of individual scholars and university students working on academic projects related to the field of Olympic studies.

Thanks to this regular exchange and the work conducted by the academics, we enrich the world’s Olympic knowledge, share new analysis on key topics related to the Olympic Movement and can provide guidance to universities wishing to launch initiatives on Olympic studies.

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University professors and researchers are invited to join our academic mailing list to be informed about our future activities and other updates concerning Olympic studies initiatives. To join, email us with a brief description of your academic status and your full contact details.


You’ll find us next door to the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. We’re open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, except on public holidays and on Christmas. You don’t need an appointment to use the library and the study rooms. If you would like to see the historical archives or need personal guidance to find your way around our collections, please fill out our visitor request form.

1.The Olympic Studies Center mainly aims to ________.

A.give personalized guidance

B.provide resources on the Olympics

C.receive Olympic fans across the world

D.update information on Olympism for officials

2.What can be learned about the academic community?

A.It is organized by Olympic officials.

B.It launches projects at universities.

C.It promotes academic exchanges.

D.It provides electronic documents.

3.If you want to visit the center, you have to ________.

A.fill out a visitor request form B.enter the Olympic Museum

C.make an appointment D.arrive on workdays



My Boxing Experience

This year I joined boxing class. My friend Lea and I were the only ________ in the class.     We got to throw our first punches (拳击) and learned how we should stand. I still didn’t know how to do it well, but I felt that choosing the boxing class was the right decision. Mr. Vernon, our boxing teacher, made us work hard and sweat. The boxing pads (拳击护具) were my favorite, but my punches weren’t ________ enough.

After participating in more practices, we had learned how to punch in six different ways. The boys were improving a lot on their strength, and Lea with her speed, and me? Well, I had a hard time seeing the ________. Mr. Vernon would always tell me that practice would make me stronger, and this is what helped motivate me to ________.

Each practice there was at least one boy who would ________ me and say, “Oh you’re too short to box. Mr. Vernon has to ________ down when you are on the boxing pads; oh you’re not strong enough; you punch like a mouse.”

I know those comments were not to ________ me, but just to have fun. It’s true, I’m a small and short person and I did lack confidence; but hearing those comments can either bring you ________, or make you feel motivated to show them they are ________. In my case, they started to discourage me. I didn’t have the strength to think they were wrong, and a part of me thought that they were speaking the ________. I hid it inside my heart because I thought that showing that I was ________ myself would make it worse.

I remember one particular practice where I was mad and angry, and my punches suddenly felt stronger and faster. I was ________, yet I had a feeling in me that it was there all along. I just didn’t have that ________ in me. After practice, Mr. Vernon pointed out that I was getting stronger and better, which really made me feel more ________ and showed me that what the others were saying about me was wrong. I had ________ found the strength I needed. The following practices, Mr. Vernon was impressed with my hooks and uppercuts, because they were getting ________.

This experience taught me that boxing requires a lot of work and effort, but it also taught me not to feel ________ about what people say. If you focus on your strong points and improve on your ________ ones, there is no reason for you to feel disappointed. Boxing taught me how to fight, and defend myself physically and mentally, and show that short girls can do anything if they have the ________ to prove people wrong. Being short doesn’t ________ me and definitely does not limit me from doing things that tall or stronger people can do.

1.A.girls B.boys C.teenagers D.adults

2.A.large B.strong C.accurate D.quick

3.A.difference B.grade C.point D.judgement

4.A.relax B.change C.return D.continue

5.A.wave goodbye to B.take advantage of C.pay attention to D.make fun of

6.A.look B.sit C.bend D.turn

7.A.teach B.hurt C.amuse D.warn

8.A.down B.back C.along D.in

9.A.rude B.wrong C.funny D.simple

10.A.result B.word C.truth D.reason

11.A.fooling B.doubting C.convincing D.criticizing

12.A.surprised B.worried C.moved D.disappointed

13.A.relief B.fear C.anger D.interest

14.A.regretful B.comfortable C.embarrassed D.confident

15.A.eagerly B.finally C.gradually D.gratefully

16.A.normal B.reliable C.harmful D.powerful

17.A.discouraged B.ashamed C.annoyed D.confused

18.A.small B.old C.weak D.shining

19.A.experience B.curiosity C.attention D.motivation

20.A.want B.help C.define D.forgive




Nearly two decades have passed since China sent the first Beidou satellite into space in 2000. During that time, more Beidou satellites were sent into orbit (轨道), 1. (form) the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). In late 2012, it began providing positioning, navigation, timing and messaging 2. (service) to people in China and other parts of the Asia-Pacific region. At the end of 2018, BDS started to serve users worldwide. Now with two more Beidou satellites 3. (launch) on Dec 16, 2019, BDS has 53 satellites in orbit.




The red-crowned crane () is one of the 1. (large) cranes in the world, standing at about 150cm tall. Its feathers are as white as snow, except for some black ones on its face, neck and wings. Its unique feature, from which it gets its name, is the bright red skin on the top of its head. The red-crowned crane 2. (find) in China, Russia, Mongolia, Japan and the Korean Peninsula (半岛). In China, it spends the warmer months in the rivers and wetlands in the north-east. 3. the weather gets cold, it migrates to east-central China. The red-crowned crane is a symbol of long life and good luck in Chinese culture.



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