满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When two ninth-grade students found smok...

    When two ninth-grade students found smoke coming out of the back of their school bus early Tuesday morningtheir bus driver knew just what to do. Thanks to her_______thinkingmore than 50 students' lives were_______.

While_______a group of 56 students to their middle school in DuncanSouth Carolinaon Tuesday Teresa Stroble noticed the heavy_______ rising from the back of her bus. She_______pulled the bus overevacuated (疏散)the student, and radioed the transportation office to ask_______to call 911. Firefighters arrived at the scene shortly after the fire began and quickly_______the fire, which CBS News reports was so_______that people driving by were able to feel its heat inside their cars.Parents of the children on the bus were_______the fire, but thanks to Stroblethe news they received was all________not a single child had been hurt.

Since then Stroble who has been a bus driver for seven years ________also works as a teacher's assistant(助教)has been________for her brave actions. " We are so ________of our bus driver, "headmaster Scott Turner told local CBS News.“She was________.She also kept the students calm.She made sure they were safe.She didn't leave the bus ________they all left .She is our ________today.”

The local fire department is still unsure what________the firebut some say that this 1995 ________has been known to have wiring and electrical problems. ________we were so happy that Stroble was able to ________on her feet and keep everyone safe and sound.

1.A.careful B.deep C.kind D.quick

2.A.saved B.shown C.gotten D.checked

3.A.bringing B.driving C.inviting D.walking

4.A.gas B.water C.smoke D.heat

5.A.gradually B.suddenly C.finally D.immediately

6.A.anyone B.someone C.everyone D.another

7.A.found out B.turned down C.put out D.cut down

8.A.large B.wide C.fast D.bright

9.A.tired of B.angry about C.surprised at D.worried about

10.A.new B.simple C.good D.active

11.A.or B.and C.but D.so

12.A.praised B.encouraged C.helped D.supported

13.A.sure B.fond C.certain D.proud

14.A.serious B.mad C.calm D.positive

15.A.after B.until C.if D.because

16.A.hero B.friend C.teacher D.leader

17.A.controlled B.fixed C.ordered D.caused

18.A.base B.bus C.source D.detail

19.A.Also B.Besides C.However D.Later

20.A.think B.run C.stand D.look


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.A 【解析】 本文是记叙文,讲述了校车司机Teresa Stroble在校车尾部起火后,反应迅速,及时疏散学生,挽救了56个学生生命的故事。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于她的快速反应,50多名学生的生命得救了。A. careful小心的;B. deep深沉的;C. kind善良的;D. quick快的。根据下文“She 5 pulled the bus over,evacuated (疏散)the student, and radioed the transportation office to ask 6 to call 911.”可知,当发现校车后面冒烟时,校车司机马上就反应过来,迅速采取措施。 故选D项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于司机的快速反应,50多名学生的生命得救了。 A. saved拯救,挽救;B. shown表明,显示;C. gotten得到,取得;D. checked检查。根据文章最后“…keep everyone safe and sound”可知 ,车上的学生都得救了。故选A项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:星期二,开车载着56名学生前往南卡罗来纳州邓肯市的一所中学时,Teresa Stroble注意到从车后冒出的浓烟。A. bringing带来;B. driving开车;C. inviting邀请;D. walking步行。根据上文 “school bus”,可知是开接送孩于们上学。故选B项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:星期二,开车载着56名学生前往南卡罗来纳州邓肯市的一所中学时,Teresa Stroble注意到从车后冒出的浓烟。A. gas煤气;B. water水;C. smoke烟;D. heat热。根据上文中“When two ninth-grade students found smoke coming out of the back of their school bus”可知,Teresa Stroble看到车后部冒烟。故选C项。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她立即把车停下,疏散学生,发无线电给交通部门,让人拨打911。A. gradually渐渐地;B. suddenly突然地;C. finally最后;D. immediately立即。 根据生活常识,看到车冒烟,司机应该马上停车。故选D项。 6.考查代词词义辨析。句意:她立即把车停下,疏散学生,发无线电给交通部门,让人拨打911。A. anyone任何人;B. someone某人,有人;C. everyone每个人;D. another另一个。此处指她让别人打91l。故选B项。 7.考查动词短语辨析。句意:火灾发生后不久,消防员就赶到了现场,并迅速将火扑灭。A. found out发现;B. turned down拒绝,调低;C. put out扑灭;D. cut down砍倒。消防队员到来,迅速扑灭了大火。故选C项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:据哥伦比亚广播公司新闻报道,火势非常大,以至于开车经过的人都能感觉到车内的热度。A. large巨大的;B. wide宽的;C. fast快速的;D. bright明亮的。根据“people driving by were able to feel its heat inside their cars”可知,火势非常大。故选A项。 9.考查形容词短语辨析。句意:车上孩子们的父母都担心这次火灾。 A. tired of厌烦; B. angry about对……生气; C. surprised at对……感到惊讶; D. worried about对……担心。 按照常理,孩子乘坐的校车发送了火灾,家长肯定担心。故选D项。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但多亏了Stroble,他们收到的消息都很好,没有一个孩子受伤。A. new新的;B. simple简单的;C. good好的;D. active积极的,活跃的。 根据“not a single child had been hurt. ”可知,传来的消息是好消息。故选C项。 11.考查连词词义辨析。句意: Stroble已经做了七年的巴士司机,而且也是一名助教。自那以后,因为她的勇敢行为,她受到称赞。A. or或者;B. and和;C. but但是;D. so所以。 Stroble既是巴士司机,而且也是一名助教。and 表示并列关系。故选B项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Stroble已经做了七年的巴士司机,而且也是一名助教。自那以后,她为她的勇敢行为而受到称赞。A. praised赞扬,赞美;B. encouraged鼓励;C. helped帮助; D. supported支持。根据“her brave actions”可知, Stroble的英勇行为受到人们的赞扬。故选A项。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我们为我们的司机感到骄傲,”校长Scott Turner告诉当地的哥伦比亚广播公司。A. sure确信的;B. fond喜爱的;C. certain肯定的;D. proud骄傲的。上文提到“more than 50 students' lives were saved.”,Stroble救了孩子们,所以学校为她感到自豪。故选D项。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“她很冷静。她还让学生们保持冷静。她确保了他们的安全。”A. serious严肃的,认真的;B. mad疯狂的;C. calm冷静的;D. positive积极的。 根据“She also kept the students calm.”可知,她自己也很冷静。只有在头脑冷清的情况下,Stroble才能迅速处理问题。故选C项。 15.考查连词词义辨析。句意:直到学生们全部离开,她才离开校车。A.after在……以后;B.直到;C.if如果,是否;D.because因为。分析句意,可知是短语not …until“直到……才……”。故选B项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“现在她是我们的英雄。”A.hero英雄;B.friend朋友;C. teacher老师;D. leader领导。她挽救了学生们的生命,所以她是英雄。故选A项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当地消防部门仍不确定起火的原因。A. controlled控制;B. fixed固定;C. ordered命令;D. caused造成,导致。是什么引起了火灾还不确定。故选D项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但有人说,已经知道这辆1995年的公交车有电线和电路问题。 A.base基础;B.bus公共汽车;C.source根源;D.detail细节。根据上文的“school bus”可以推知。 故选B项。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们很高兴,Stroble能够迅速反应,让每个人都安然无恙。A. Also也,和; B. Besides此外,而且;C. However然而;D. Later后来。上一句提到“…have wiring and electrical problems.”,后一句提到“…keep everyone safe and sound.”,前后两个句子之间语义转折。故选C项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而我们很高兴,Stroble能够迅速反应,让每个人都安然无恙。A. think想;B. run跑;C. stand站;D. look看。短语think on one's feet “头脑反应很快,才思敏捷”。故选A项。

Girls can easily get sad. If your friend is feeling blue and calls you, what will you do? Here are some tips on how you can make her smile again.

Listen to her. When people feel sad, they often have the feeling of needing to be heard. So, listen carefully to what she is saying and do nothing else. Your friend will surely thank you for being the shoulder she can cry on.

Once you are done with listening, you can offer some advice or remain silent and let her feel everything and let it all out by crying. As a friend, you might think you should give her some advice. But if you have no idea about what to say, just remain silent and be there for her.

In order to be able to help your friend in need, don’t be sad for yourself. How can you help your friend when you are also feeling down?

A hug can make a difference in the word. It makes you feel warm and special. A hug makes you feel safe. So give your friend a hug when she needs it the most.

Spend more time with your friend who wants to be happy. Do things together like washing dishes, cleaning, or going out for fun. The more time you spend together, the stronger your friendship will become.

Sometimes, it is much better that you avoid a crying friend in your life. But by doing so, you are also keeping your friend at a distance and will make her wonder if you are her true friend. If you are there when she needs you, your friendship will be much stronger.

1.The writer wrote this passage mainly to tell us_______.

A.why girls can easily get sad.

B.what to do when we are sad.

C.how to make new friends with girls.

D.how to make a sad female friend happy again.

2.According to Paragraph 2, when a female friend is sad, what should we do?

A.We should ask her why she feels sad.

B.We should say something nice to her.

C.We should spend time listening to her.

D.We should give her some good advice.

3.We can learn from the passage that______.

A.Hugging a sad friend can make you feel warm and special.

B.Your sad friend may feel much better if you also sad.

C.It’s not a good idea to be silent facing a sad friend.

D.Giving a hug to a sad friend is very helpful.

4.In paragraph 6, the writer mainly suggests that we_____.

A.spend more time with your friend.

B.help our friends with their housework

C.spend time with our friends everyday

D.ask our friends to take part in activities




1.You’ re________(使糊涂)him! Tell him slowly and one some countries thing at a time.

2.My father has cut back on smokingthough he hasn't given it up_________(彻底).

3.It was a good opportunity for young people to improve their performance under the guidance of the professional__________(教练).

4.I'm not quite sure what my__________(职能)is within the company.

5.We_________(辩论)for several hours on it before taking a vote.

6.At the conference the Chinese foreign minister s_______his opinion that China was strongly against the terrorism.

7.It is bad manners to leave your food on the p________ in some countries.

8.It’ s p_________ cold this morning.you’ d better put on your coat.

9.Whenever we have trouble in studyingour teachers always help us p___________

10.Do you know the d__________he had in keeping five orphans at school?
















4.__________vi.起作用,正常运转 n.作用,功能;职能




8.__________adv.,相当,非常 adj.漂亮的,可爱的


10._________n.耐心_________n.病人 adj.有耐心的_________adv.耐心地






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