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I was asked to deliver the speech before the whole class at the age of 9. I felt shy the moment when I thought of that. Therefore, I had no choice but to prepare for it. The real moment began when I stood on the platform with so many eyes fixing on me. My listener were waiting patiently. I gradual found myself back, giving my speech. My audience applauded at last, that meant I made it.

Since then, my fear of talking before lots of people disappeared. The greatest difficulty on our way to success is your fear. Overcome it, or we will be able to achieve our goals.


1.the→a 2.去掉when 3.therefore→however 4.fixing→fixed 5.listener→listeners 6.gradual→gradually 7.that→which 8.disappear前加has 9.your→our 10.or→and 或will→won’t 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在一次演讲中战胜恐惧的故事。 1.考查冠词。句意:9岁的时候,我被要求在全班同学面前发表以此演讲。此处的speech泛指一次演讲,不是特指,且speech首字母的发音为辅音音素,故speech前的the要改为a。 2.考查时间状语从句。句意:我一想到那件事就觉得不好意思。此处的the moment 译为“一…...就”而when译为“当…...时”。两者都连词,都可以引导时间状语从句。但该处句意表示“一想到那件事就觉得不好意思”。故去掉when。 3.考查副词。句意:然后,我别无选择,只能准备它。此句和前句不表示因果关系而应表示转折关系。故将Therefore改为However。 4.考查非谓语动词。句意:真正的时刻开始了,当我站在讲台上,那么多的眼睛盯着我。此处的fix和逻辑主语eyes之间表示被动关系,非主动。故将fixing改为fixed。 5.考查名词的数。句意:我的听众在耐心地等待着。根据“were”可知,此处的listener表示听众,是可数名词。可数名词要表示单复数。故将listener改为listeners。 6.考查副词。句意:我渐渐找回了自我,开始演讲。此处的gradual译为逐渐的,词性是形容词。形容词不能修饰动词found,所以用副词修饰动词。故将gradual改为gradually。 7.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:我的观众终于鼓起掌来,这意味着我成功了。此处是一个非限制性定语从句,而that不能引导非限制性定语从句。which可以引导“非限”指代前面“观众终于站起来鼓掌”这件事。故将that改为which。 8.考查时态。句意:从那以后,我害怕在很多人面前说话的恐惧消失了。此处的disappeared所处的简单句已有时间状语“since then”。该时间状语是现在完成时的时间状语。又因disappeared的逻辑主语是“说话的恐惧”。 不可数名词做主语。故在要在disappeared前加助动词has。 9.考查代词。句意:成功路上最大的困难是恐惧。此处前后的人称代词不一致,前面是our way后面却是your fear。根据句意,此处要表达是,我们的恐惧是我们成功之路最大的困难。故将your改为our。 10.考查连词/否定句。句意:克服它,我们就能实现我们的目标/克服它/否则我们将无法实现我们的目标。此处两句话之间表示承接关系,克服它我们就能成功。故将or改为and。/ 根据句意,还可以表示“克服它,否则我们是不会成功”。故将will改为won’t。  


I was driving home late at night1.my car lost momentum(冲力) and got slower and slower. Nothing I did seemed to make any2.(different). “It can't be the fuel”I thought.“The petrol gauge(汽油量表)was showing I had plenty3.( leave).”Then my car died completely after I managed to roll to the side of the road. It was an4.(extreme) dark, lonely country road. Neither a single person5.any traffic was insight at all. I felt like an idiot. I should not have left without charging my cell phone. The battery was dead and I was alone without any way6.(contact) my family. Time dripped slowly like a leaking tap. “God, help me!" I begged anxiously. “Is there someone who will be kind enough to stop and help me out?" However, there was no sign of anyone. I was starting to panic,7.(feel) completely abandoned. Suddenly I saw a faint light8.the distance. I waved my white scarf as hard as possible. It was a huge lorry. The driver stopped and kindly drove me to the nearest hotel,9. I had a rest, and then I called my family and explained10.had happened. How lucky I was! When he stopped for me, I felt as if I had just found a million dollars.



    That day, I followed my Beijing daily routine of coming home from Tsinghua University. I was______enough to experience a friendly casual meeting. When entering the______I heard “Wait! Wait!". As I held the lift doors open, a woman______rushed in and thanked me. When I _____in Chinese, she was surprised. After chatting, she______to help me with my Chinese, and then we______names and numbers.

As 1 told my flatmates about the experience, they didn't hesitate to express their_____. From the western point of view, experiences like these are dangerous.______to be “more Chinese”, I stayed in touch with my lift friend.

The following week she______me to go for milk tea with her and her______. I thought that the girl would________the opportunity to practice English. However, most of our _____was in Chinese! They even went to great length to help me practice______my Chinese is only middle level. Our next_______was when we gathered together to make dumplings. They made me______completely at ease in their home.

After these______meet-ups I have spent lots of time with the family, and I feel that they have become my own______abroad. Fortunately, I didn't let our western point of view act as a______. This experience has made my stay in China______. I feel like this simple difference in______is something we in the west can learn from Chinese culture.

1.A.satisfied B.lucky C.brave D.eager

2.A.lift B.dormitory C.apartment D.office

3.A.madly B.swiftly C.blindly D.elegantly

4.A.apologized B.clarified C.opposed D.replied

5.A.compromised B.offered C.struggled D.refused

6.A.gave B.mentioned C.remembered D.exchanged

7.A.admiration B.desire C.concern D.interest

8.A.Therefore B.Yet C.Also D.Thus

9.A.forced B.invited C.allowed D.expected

10.A.daughter B.colleague C.relative D.flatmate

11.A.abandon B.seize C.get D.own

12.A.description B.conversation C.speech D.argument

13.A.as B.so C.if D.unless

14.A.performance B.vacation C.trip D.meeting

15.A.behave B.pretend C.look D.feel

16.A.initial B.recent C.difficult D.familiar

17.A.parent B.community C.family D.group

18.A.challenge B.barrier C.signal D.message

19.A.unforgettable B.embarrassing C.changeable D.disturbing

20.A.privilege B.restriction C.competence D.attitude



    Do you have any problem with time? Start doing these and you will see the difference.

● Write it down

Don’t rely on your memory to keep track of every little detail. 1.. Write down the things you need to do in a small notebook, or use online tool to create and update your “to-do” list.


Working for long periods without a break can waste your time. It is more efficient to work or study for a shorter period of time, take a break, and then go back to work. You may get more done in a focused 45-minute session.

● One thing at a time

3.. Do one thing at a time, and do it well. As the Chinese proverb says, “One cannot manage too many affairs. Like pumpkins in the water, one pops up while you try to hold down the other.”

● Schedule email time

On your cell phone you get a notification every time someone sends you an email. If so, you have to check your email many, many times a day.4.. Schedule time to check your email. It doesn’t matter when.

● Choose to say “No”.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed if we say “yes” to everything. Think about the task before you commit to it. Do you need to do it? Can someone else do it? Avoid saying “yes” to every request.5..

● Keep a goal journal

Write down your goals in a journal and evaluate them regularly. Mark your progress for each goal. Be sure to take the necessary step to achieve your goals.

A.Make a list first.

B.Don’t ignore the breaks.

C.Turn that notification off.

D.This takes time away from more important tasks.

E.Don’t forget to focus on your task.

F.Memory may make mistakes sometimes.

G.Every time we switch from one task to another, we lose focus.



    To have a second child or not, this is a question.

A concern about only one child is whether one child necessarily means a lonely child. Many parents of only one child feel guilty of their decision to have only one child. There are no other children in the family for the child to associate with, which may lead to the child feeling lonely at times.

Another common argument against having just one child may be more spoiled than one with sisters or brothers. Many people believe that a single child will not have learned to negotiate with others, and respect the give-and-take involved in many relationships. Some think this may leave the child unable to get along well with people of his or her own age.

Despite these arguments, the number of parents choosing to have only one child is increasing in the world. For some single-child parents, the pressures of devoting time and energy to raising a second child can result in them selecting to have no more children. For other parents, the financial burden of having a second child may be the major consideration. Another important consideration is the increasing age at which women give birth to children.

Advocates of single-child families argue that there are advantages for the child as well as the parents. With just one child, the parents can give, and the child can receive, more quality time and attention,

However, there is no simple answer to the question of whether or not to have a second child. The circumstances affecting each set of parents are unique. The important thing, in the end, is to make a decision that both the wife and the husband feel confident.

1.What are the advantages of children with brothers or sisters?

A.Less loneliness and better social abilities. B.Less pressure and better energy.

C.More respect and greater family wealth. D.Higher intelligence and more attention.

2.What prevent some parents from having a second child according to the passage?

A.Work pressure. B.The disagreement between parents and children.

C.Limited time, energy and money. D.The health and wealth of the first child.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The birth of a second child makes many parents guilty.

B.The number of single-child parents is decreasing.

C.Family circumstances have little effect on parents’ decision.

D.Nowadays women delay giving birth to children.

4.How is the passage developed?

A.By providing examples. B.By listing suggestions.

C.By offering descriptions. D.By analyzing reasons.



    I don't think I can recall a time when I wasn't aware of the beauty of the ocean. Growing up in Australia, I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side. The first time I went to Half Moon Bay, I suddenly had the feeling of not being able to feel the ground with my feet anymore.

For my 10th birthday, my sister and I were taken out to the Great Barrier Reef. There were fish in different colors, caves and layers of coral. They made such an impression on me. When I learned that only 1 percent of Australia's Coral Sea was protected, I was shocked. Australian marine life is particularly important because the reef have more marine species than any other country on the earth. But sadly, only 45% of the world's reefs are considered healthy.

This statistic is depressing, so it's important to do everything to protect them. The hope that the Coral Sea remains a complete eco system has led me to take action. I’ve become involved with the Protect Our Coral Sea activity, which aims to create the largest marine park in the world. It would serve as a place where the ocean's species will all have a safe place forever.

Together, Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire people to be a part of the movement. Angus also shares many beautiful childhood memories of the ocean as a young boy, who grew up sailing, admiring the beauty of the ocean and trying to find the species.

1.From the underlined sentence in Para.1, we can learn the author_______

A.had a wonderful impression of Half Moon Bay B.seldom went surfing at the sea

C.forgot his experiences about the ocean D.never went back to his hometown

2.According to the second paragraph, Australian marine life________

A.is protected better than that in other oceans

B.is escaping from the Coral Sea gradually

C.depends on reefs for living greatly

D.may be faced with danger

3.The Protect Our Coral Sea activity is intended to_______

A.raise more teenagers environmental awareness

B.contribute to a complete eco-system

C.prevent more marine species being endangered

D.set up a large nature reserve for reefs

4.Angus and the author created a little video to__________

A.bring back to people their memory of ocean species

B.urge more people to take action to protect the marine species

C.inspire more people to explore the secret of the ocean

D.share their childhood experiences about the ocean



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