满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“If you could have any three things, wha...

    “If you could have any three things, what would you want?” Eleven-year-old  Ruby Kate Chitsey loves asking that question, but it’s not a game. She asks it at nursing homes in the Harrison, Arkansas, where she lives. Even more amazing, she then sets out to make the residents’ wishes come true.

Ruby Kate has long been close to older folks. Her mother, Amanda Chitsey works at nursing homes in northwest Arkansas, and Ruby Kate often stays with her in the summer. The Chitseys learned that many nursing home residents are unable to afford even the smallest luxuries. So Ruby Kate decided to do something about it. “I’ve never found them scary at all, so I’m able to just go up to them and ask if they need anything,” she says.

She started by asking residents what three things they wanted most in the world. Amanda worried that people would ask for cars and other things an 11-year-old wouldn’t be able to provide. Instead, they asked for chocolate bars, McDonald’s fries, and pants that fit properly.

“It broke me as a human,” Amanda says. “We left the nursing home that day and went straight to a store and bought as many items as we could.”

Using their own money, the Chitseys granted the wishes of about 100 people in three months. Then they started asking for donations.

The good people of Harrison responded enthusiastically, so much that Amanda set up a GoFundMe page, Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents, hoping to collect $5,000. They hit their goal in a month. After GoFundMe named Ruby Kate a Kid Hero and promoted her story nationwide this past January, Three Wishes raised $20,000 in 24 hours and more than $250,000 in five months. With those funds, the Chitseys were able to get more creative: One resident asked for a man cave, so they got him a Walkman and stocked his fridge with snacks. Another wanted to go to a friend’s out-of-state wedding; they gave her money for gas and food.

Earlier this year, Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents became a nonprofit and launched its first nationwide chapters. One of its new goals is to set up a communal laptop in one nursing home in each state. Ruby Kate doesn’t plan to stop there. Actually, besides Ruby Kate, more youngsters are involved in helping others as a hobby. At one high school, students turned a single dollar into a truly inspirational act.

1.Why did the Chitseys decide to ask and meet the residents’ wishes?

A.It was Amanda’s duty to do that. B.The residents’ stories moved them.

C.They wanted to do something for the poor there. D.They had a close relationship with the residents.

2.Amanda said “It broke me as a human,” in Para.4, probably because _______.

A.the wishes were simple B.the wishes were in her plan

C.she couldn’t realize the wishes D.she couldn’t help her daughter

3.From last two paragraphs, we know the Chitseys _______.

A.started a page to get profit B.wrote stories about nursing homes

C.appealed to more people to join them D.carried out their project across the world

4.The story mainly inspires people to _______.

A.accompany the senior B.deliver kindness to others

C.treasure what they have D.be optimistic toward life


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了Ruby Kate Chitsey和她的家人一起帮助养老院的居民实现他们的愿望,得到了许多同样好心的人的支持的事情。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中The Chitseys learned that many nursing home residents are unable to afford even the smallest luxuries. So Ruby Kate decided to do something about it. “I’ve never found them scary at all, so I’m able to just go up to them and ask if they need anything,” she says.可知Chitseys夫妇了解到,许多养老院的居民连最小的奢侈品都买不起。所以Ruby Kate决定做点什么。她说:“我从没觉得他们很可怕,所以我可以走过去问他们是否需要什么。”由此可知,Chitseys一家决定去询问并满足居民的愿望,是因为他们想为那里的穷人做些事情。故选C。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段中Amanda worried that people would ask for cars and other things an 11-year-old wouldn’t be able to provide. Instead, they asked for chocolate bars, McDonald’s fries, and pants that fit properly.可知Amanda担心人们会向她要汽车和其他一个11岁的孩子无法提供的东西。相反,他们要求要巧克力棒、麦当劳薯条和合身的裤子。由此可推知,Amanda说“It broke me as a human”,可能是因为这些愿望很简单。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents, hoping to collect $5,000. They hit their goal in a month. After GoFundMe named Ruby Kate a Kid Hero and promoted her story nationwide this past January, Three Wishes raised $20,000 in 24 hours and more than $250,000 in five months.可知“给Ruby居民的三个愿望”希望能募集到5000美元。他们在一个月内达到了目标。今年1月,GoFundMe将Ruby Kate命名为“儿童英雄”,并在全国推广了她的故事。之后,三个愿望在24小时内筹集到了2万美元,在5个月内筹集到了25万美元。以及最后一段中Earlier this year, Three Wishes for Ruby’s Residents became a nonprofit and launched its first nationwide chapters. 可知今年早些时候,“给Ruby居民的三个愿望”成为了一个非营利组织,并在全国范围内成立了第一个分会。由此可推知,Chitseys一家通过募集捐款和成立分会来呼吁更多的人加入他们。故选C。 4.推理判断题。根据文章内容记叙了Ruby Kate Chitsey和她的家人一起帮助养老院的居民实现他们的愿望,得到了许多同样好心的人的支持的事情。由此可推知,这个故事主要是激励人们向他人传递爱心和善意。故选B。

    Every summer, we invite young writers to join our team for our six-week summer program. Think of yourself as an extension of our team where you will be writing main Youngzine articles.

We will work with you and after the first 1-2 articles, most of our young writers are up and running on their own. We will be selecting 4-6 young writers to join our team this year and will guide you through the experience. Does this sound like a challenge you are up to? First, let’s answer some questions that you might have.

How Old Should I Be?

Most of our Young Editors are typically 13-17 years of age. You will be writing on politics, science, environment and other current events which will require you to read and understand the background material. If you have strong writing skills, are part of your school newspaper or see yourself as a future journalist, this is for you!

How Long Is the Program?

It is a six-week program from July to mid-August, where you will be writing one article a week. We understand summer is also a time for vacations, and we are flexible as long as you inform us in advance.

What Do We Expect from a Young Editor?

Good writing skills and the ability to communicate your thoughts clearly are most important since you are writing for other young readers. We  use current events to explain the underlying context or a concept, so you will need to put your research hats on. It is important that articles be unprejudiced and state all points of view of an issue. And of course, your articles have to be original—no copying! We will send you guidelines if you are selected. A few benefits of being a summer writer:

Your work will be seen by young readers all over the world.

Your knowledge of topics deepens, broadens and widens as you research and write articles.

Is that reason enough to want to join? Send us an email to editor@youngzine.org.

Please contact us by June 10 if you are interested.

1.What do we know about the summer program?

A.It is a vacation-free program.

B.It lasts for almost three months.

C.It is mainly designed for college students.

D.It asks participants to finish one article per week.

2.The summer program expects the editors who _______.

A.express their thoughts effectively B.understand all points of a concept

C.are curious about research methods D.have broad knowledge of many topics

3.The passage intends to _______.

A.hold a writing activity B.help sharpen writing skills

C.clarify the qualities of editors D.call for summer young writers



    A few days before Christmas 2012, I found myself in Walmart. It was the last _______I wanted to be, especially during the chaos of last-minute Christmas shopping. It had been a little more than a month since my husband was laid off.

The school my kids attended asked if we needed help for Christmas, and we _______. If not for them, our kids would not have had Christmas gifts.

My children were with me that day at Walmart. Our cupboards were bare, and I had only eighty dollars to _________  a family of six for a week. It’s not impossible to _______, but certainly not comfortable. It leaves little _______  for anything extra. Yet, it was Christmas, and my kids asked if they could buy a present for their dad. How could I say “no”? I found a gift box of their dad’s favorite cologne and hoped I could _______ it. Lucky for me, my husband doesn’t have expensive_______.

My husband worked very hard to_______ for us, and I stayed home. It wasn’t by _______ . Having two children on the autism spectrum makes it difficult for me to work. Doctors’ appointments, therapy schedules, and school meetings make it near impossible to __________  a regular work schedule. So, when he was laid off, things got very __________ quickly. He wasn’t without a job long, but the __________  of income for a couple of weeks certainly put a stress on our family.

As I chose my groceries, I kept a running total in my head. As my cart (手推车) filled, my __________  rose. The more I thought about it, the less ___________ it was that I would be able to buy a gift for my husband.

When I went to the checkout, I set aside the cologne gift box. My kids____________,    but I didn’t have much of a choice. My heart__________ when the grocery total was indeed too high for us to buy the gift, but an angel was waiting in the wings.

What happened left me speechless, and being the __________ type, speechless is rare for me. A man__________ us, put four twenty-dollar bills into my hand and happily exclaimed, “Merry Christmas!” He left so fast that I didn’t __________ have a chance to say, “Thank you.”

A wave of emotion came over me as I ___________the cologne gift set to the belt. We were thrilled, and my husband had a Christmas present. Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.

1.A.place B.moment C.season D.station

2.A.refused B.answered C.accepted D.ignored

3.A.warm B.feed C.help D.inspire

4.A.respond B.appreciate C.purchase D.accomplish

5.A.room B.excuse C.energy D.courage

6.A.offer B.afford C.owe D.earn

7.A.bill B.collection C.taste D.clothes

8.A.stand B.compete C.prepare D.provide

9.A.choice B.mistake C.heart D.nature

10.A.create B.design C.maintain D.discover

11.A.smooth B.tight C.unexpected D.simplified

12.A.increase B.discount C.steadiness D.absence

13.A.regret B.anxiety C.blame D.complaint

14.A.likely B.important C.necessary D.difficult

15.A.cheered B.followed C.protested D.supported

16.A.lost B.calmed C.beat D.sank

17.A.outgoing B.optimistic C.talkative D.hardworking

18.A.approached B.guided C.pleased D.trusted

19.A.ever B.even C.once D.already

20.A.threw B.cancelled C.recommended D.added



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Recycling paper is a great way to help the environment, but reusing things1. (make) from paper is even better. Take a copy of magazine, for example. Once you 2.  (finish) reading it, don’t put it in your recycling bin. Instead, consider sharing it 3.   people who haven’t read it,  or giving it to your school library so that your classmates can take a look. Alternatively, you could find a completely  4.(differ) use for the magazine’s pages. Some readers have  used  them to wrap gifts for their friends and family, picking pages with colourful pictures to make the presents look bright.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Bob1. (sort) through some of his old stuff. During the process, he came   across a box full of old toys and journals, as well as some old photos from his childhood. Holding one of the photos, Bob started to look back upon the very day this photo2. (take) 30 years ago, and he got really emotional. It was the day he first  learned how to ride a bike. In the park, his father patiently pushed his bike from behind as Bob had trouble riding on his own. Bob kept falling from the bike, but his father was always  there,3.  (encourage) him. Eventually, he got the hang of it.   Bob thought it was the best day of his life at the time.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Human beings love the world of nature that surrounds1. (we), and we enjoy  seeing the wild world up close. When people wish to interact with a wild creature, an easy method is to attract it with some food. However, feeding wild animals is dangerous and unwise. The first problem is that animals are not meant to eat the same foods as people do. Many cheap human snacks, like fries and bread, are just not good for animals. Also, animals 2.  are fed  by humans will lose their  fear  of people. This makes them easy targets for hunters,3. it’s also possible that they could  someday attack people.



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