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Wanting to be more responsible is admira...

    Wanting to be more responsible is admirable. Being responsible can seem hard at first, but if you keep at it, it will become second nature to you!

1. But to show that you can care for yourself and others, you need to do things before you’re asked. That shows you are responsible enough to see what needs to be done and take care of it. When you have a family, friends, or pets, being responsible may mean placing their needs above your own. 2. But it does mean you may need to take care of yourself later if someone you love has a need right now.

Being consistent is of great importance. 3. If you want to be responsible, then you have to find a routine that works for you and stick to it. For instance, don’t just study for ten hours in a row and then give up on studying for three weeks; instead, spend one hour every day looking over the course material.

In daily life, problems come up in any relationship. 4. A responsible person looks for solutions instead of trying to decide whose fault it is. Similarly, don’t attack someone instead of dealing with the issue and you should take time to think your words through. 5. If you find it difficult to control what you’re saying, try counting to ten in your head as you take deep breaths.

A.Don’t let your anger get the better of you.

B.That doesn’t mean you don’t take care of yourself.

C.Doing just the things you are asked to do is responsible.

D.Your responsibility won’t mean much if it is hit or miss.

E.Instead of blaming the other person, try to find a way to solve them.

F.Where you show you’re responsible is when you can say you made a mistake.

G.Staying consistent also means keeping your word you make to yourself and others.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.E 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了,想要变得更有责任心是令人钦佩的,并针对如何成为一个有责任心的人提出了四条建议。 1.由下面两句“但是为了表明你能照顾好自己和他人,你需要在别人要求你之前做一些事情。这说明你有足够的责任感去看需要做什么并处理好它。”可知,承接下文,C选项“只做你被要求做的事是有责任的。”切题。故选C项。 2.由下一句“但这确实意味着,如果你爱的人现在有需要,你以后可能需要照顾好自己。”可知,承接下文,B选项“这并不意味着你不照顾自己。”切题;but表转折,前后意义相反,but后面说“it does mean you may need to take care of yourself later”,but前面应该是“That doesn’t mean you don’t take care of yourself”。故选B项。 3.由下一句“如果你想负起责任,那么你必须找到一个适合你的常规,并坚持下去。”可知,承接下文,D选项“如果你的责任是偶然的,那就没有多大意义了。”切题;该选项的句式与下一句句式对应,意义顺承。故选D项。 4.由下一句“负责人寻找解决办法,而不是试图确定是谁的错。”可知,承接下文,E选项“与其责怪对方,不如想办法解决他们。”切题;该选项中的Instead of blaming the other person, try to find a way to solve them对应下一句中的looks for solutions instead of trying to decide whose fault it is。故选E项。 5.由下一句“如果你觉得很难控制自己在说什么,试着在深呼吸时数到十。”可知,承接下文,A选项“别让你的愤怒占上风。”切题;该选项“不让愤怒占上风”对应下一句中的“深呼吸,控制自己(即不要愤怒)”。故选A项。

    There is good reason to believe that emerging digital technologies can improve the functioning of agriculture markets at a very low cost per farmer.

Mobile phones, particularly GPS-enabled smartphones, make the provision of tailored information much easier than before. Recommendations for agrochemical inputs that address specific soil conditions can improve yields while reducing environmentally harmful and wasteful use. Farmers can tailor their investment decisions to expected weather patterns and benefit from improvements in weather forecasting. As smartphone use continues to expand, farmers will increasingly have the means to watch videos demonstrating new agricultural techniques or take pictures of pests affecting their crops and either request automatic identification and recommendations or raise questions with agronomists. Finally, digital agricultural services can improve the functioning of agricultural supply chains. For example, these services could make it easier for farmers to check and compare input or output prices ; and facilitate coordination among farmers in an area and with traders.

However, despite the potential of digital agriculture, reasons for skepticism remain. Overcoming informational restrictions may not result in substantially increased agricultural productivity, given the existence of other barriers such as input shortages at local markets, and missing insurance markets. Informational barriers are also important, and mobile phone messages may not overcome them: some farmers ignore messages, especially from unknown sources. Some farmers are illiterate and have difficulty using voice menus. Senders may design obscure and confusing messages or may provide messages designed to target objectives at odds with farmer interests. Effective communication may require pictures or video. Smartphones are thus required to receive these messages, but few farmers currently have access to this technology in the poorest countries. Finally, farmers may begin to ignore reminders they are repeated too often, or they may be annoyed by unwanted messages,  which could lead to reduced trust in the messaging system.

1.According to Para 2, what can farmers do in digital agriculture?

A.They can use agrochemical to handle environmental problems.

B.They can adjust investment decisions based on weather forecasts.

C.They can identify pests on their crops by watching videos.

D.They can compete with others in prices in an efficient way.

2.What does the underlined phrase“at odds with”in the last paragraph mean?

A.In disagreement with. B.By means of.

C.In line with. D.Apart from.

3.Which of the following is NOT considered as an informational barrier?

A.Shortages of input in local markets and lack of insurance markets.

B.No access to digital technology in poorest countries.

C.Failure to read or use the voice menu on mobile phones.

D.Loss of interest and ignorance of the intended messages.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards digital agriculture?

A.Supportive. B.Doubtful. C.Objective. D.Negative.



    Since the time of Socrates, it has been widely said that art imitates life. In the case of literature, however, it would be more accurate to say that art reflects life. The writings of the Romantics were a natural result of life in 19th century America and American Romanticism was the first truly American literary movement, including a group of authors who wrote and published between 1820 and 1860.

The unique American history and landscape had a profound influence on the romanticists. Many were writing not long after the War of 1812. This was a time of growth and expansion and their idealism fueled high hopes for the infant nation. The country was moving westward into vast newly acquired territory. The frontier, both as a place and a concept, became an important representation of the American spirit.

While American Romanticism was a new attitude toward nature, it was also a new attitude toward people, promoting the solitary individual standing against society. Individualism is a typical American value and was central to their writings, which urged people to follow their inner knowing regardless of the pressure to conform.

Romantic writers rebelled against the idea that reason was the best tool for discovering truth. Instead, they deliberately explored feeling, imagination, fantasy, and belief. Their style took advantage of personal freedom in order to break through the wall separating the author and the reader, and gave the author the freedom to comment on the events in the story in novel ways.

Stylistically, the American romantics liked to experiment with form and the novel became an important vehicle for expression, unlike the European romantics who focused mainly on poetry. They also made clever use of symbols to refer to truths or knowledge that exist beyond rationality (合理性).

1.What increased hopes for the newly born America?

A.The War of 1812. B.The belief of romanticists.

C.The western territory. D.The history of America.

2.Which of the following is an ideal of American romantic writers?

A.Reason should be involved to find out truth. B.The author and the reader need to be separated.

C.Individuals should follow their heart. D.Nature is more important than humans.

3.What literary form did American romantics mainly adopt to express their ideas?

A.Poetry. B.Use of symbols. C.Novels. D.Drama.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Advances in American history. B.The rebellion of Romantic writers.

C.A new attitude to people. D.Romanticism in American literature.



    Nakushi didn’t tell her parents when the older boys started to harass (骚扰) her on her way from her home to school in south Delhi, seizing her hand and shouting kiss me”,because she knew she would get the blame. She was right: when her family found out, they banned her from going back to schoolworried about the effect on theirhonor. The plan now is to get her married. She is 16.

Sumena 35-year-old mother is battling for her child’s future too. Her nine-year-old son Kapil, has learning disabilities and she has tried and failed to get him into school every year. Finally, the authorities have agreed he should get some educationbut it’s only for one day a week.

In Indiaa free and compulsory education is guaranteed for all children aged between 6 and 14. But going to school is one thing; the quality of the education you get is another. Within government schoolspupils face many challenges: overcrowded classrooms, absent teachers and dirty conditions are common complaintswhich can lead parents to decide it is not worth their child going to school. Inside one of the schools, some of the classrooms have low benches and desks. In othersthe lttle girls sit on the floor books in their laps. In several, no teacher is present; one man appears to be responsible for three of the small rooms.

It is girls, the very poor and the disabled who are often left behind. Nakushi had imagined herself working for the police, or becoming a teacher.“ My parents are looking for a boy for me," she says. They say I can get married and then I can study. But I know that once I get married, it will become very difficult. My dream will never come true.

1.Why didn’t Nakushi tell her parents about the harassment?

A.She was unwilling to leave school. B.She didn’t want to get married.

C.She thought it wouldn’t help. D.She worried about the honor.

2.Why couldn’t Kapil have regular school education?

A.His family gave up on him. B.He had difficulty in learning.

C.His mother couldn’t afford it. D.The authorities treated him unfairly.

3.What can be inferred from the third paragraph?

A.All children must go to government schools.

B.Few parents choose government schools for their kids.

C.Facilities in government schools are far from satisfactory.

D.Shortage of teachers is the biggest problem in government schools.

4.Which could be the best title for the text?

A.Nakushi’s Impossible Dream

B.Big Challenges in Indian Children’s Education

C.Girls Facing Difficulty in Education

D.Hope for a Better Learning Environment



Summer Music Courses


SOCAPA’s Music Program provides development in music performance through the singing and songwriting courses with the singer or house band option. Students experience playing at the professional level, from song conception, writing and workshopping the lyrics and music-to-music video production and everything in between. Students write, arrange, perform, and record their own music. Studio writing and playing time is combined with experiencing live performances, meeting accomplished musicians, and more, all in the heart of New York City or Los Angeles, home to Beck, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Eagles, No Doubt, the Black Eyed Peas, Tom Waits, Weezer, the Beach Boys, Van Halen... the list goes on and on.

Course Name

Course Purpose

Course Details

Intended Learners

Core Music

Improve your skill through daily lessons in song writing and composition as a singer or songwriter, or as a member of the House Band in co-operation with your peers.

●Offered in New York Gity & Los Angeles

●Length: Two or Three Weeks

●Projects: Record a Song, live

Perfomanes, Music Video (3 weeks only)


to Advanced

●Ages 13-19

Music Boot Camp

Want to improve your chops as a Singer/Songwriter? Write multiple songs in a single week, with help from professional lessons in song conception, arranging and lyric composition, in this fast-paced SOCAPA music course.

●Offered in New York City and Los


●Length: One Week

●Projects: Live Performances


to Advanced

●Ages 13-19

Advanced Music

Retum singer-songwriters! Develop your songwriting skills while taking master classes and learmning to build up yourself as an emerging artist.

●Offered in New York City

●Length: Three Weeks

●Prjeats: Record a Song, live

Peformnes, Pess Kit, Syized Msic Video


●Ages 15-19





1.What is the purpose of this music program?

A.To attract more people to love music.

B.To promote students’ music performance.

C.To organize a professional music campaign.

D.To introduce famous musicians to the public.

2.Which of the following is included in all the three courses?

A.Writing songs. B.Recording live performances.

C.Joining the band. D.Working with musicians.

3.Who is the text intended for?

A.Singers seeking to improve professional skills.

B.Composers lacking in achievements.

C.Music lovers looking for live performances.

D.Students with certain experience.



据世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)统计,全球81%的青少年缺乏锻炼。假如你是李华,请根据以下要点用英语准备一篇发言稿,在一次国际中学生交流活动中发言。







Dear fellow students,

According to the World Health Organization, 81% teenagers are lack of exercising.


That's all. Thank you!



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