满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“What kind of stuff do you write?" one s...

    “What kind of stuff do you write?" one student asked on my first day at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. After a decade away from the classroom, I was back to ___________

“Creative non-fiction,n I said.

It was a _______ I couldn't remember when I’d last written a creative essay. It must have been before my volatile(喜怒无常的)mother fell ill, leaving me resigned to the idea that our story of family dysfunction would not end _______. It seemed that nothing I wrote could _________ that.

With too much time and lack of _________ , I accepted a position to teach creative non-fiction. Although I couldn't get myself to tell my own _______, I could require that my students tell theirs.

“You're going to be keeping a _______ in this class, ” I said. "And I want you to tell your stories like they _______."

"Why?” a boy named Michael asked. "I mean, who _________ about our stories?"

Looking out at the roomful of students, I realized I didn't have an __________.

No one said a word. I ________ that most didn't know their stories were storiesas beautiful and hard——as their own lives.

Finally , I said, “ Because it's what you have. Stories allow us to make meaning of what we've been through. When you shape your ________ into a story, it becomes yours and not just something that ________to you."

Michael didn't look ________, but he didn't challenge me either.

In his first essay, Michael wrote about how he grew up in one of the ________ neighborhoods in Boston. He wrote about the night he was out with two friends. The feeling of numbness(麻木)shot through my body as a car came zooming towards us. At that moment everything went blank. Both of my two mates were hit down, drenched in blood. Minutes after I witnessed that, I decided I was leading the dangerous neighborhood and going to college.

He went on to write about how his high school teachers, who saw his ________, helped him get into this school.

I had Michael __________ his essay out. After he finished, the class went so ________that we could hear the sound of each other's breath. After a moment, I said, “ That's why you tell your stories. ”

I went home that night and picked up my journal, ________and untouched. I found a pen and for the first time in months, I had to ________ .

1.A.studying B.teaching C.visiting D.consulting

2.A.lie B.fact C.task D.dream

3.A.slowly B.naturally C.happily D.violently

4.A.prove B.explain C.destroy D.change

5.A.control B.support C.inspiration D.security

6.A.jokes B.stories C.thoughts D.faults

7.A.list B.note C.record D.journal

8.A.exist B.succeed C.matter D.spread

9.A.cares B.worries C.debates D.inquires

10.A.argument B.opportunity C.influence D.answer

11.A.assumed B.predicted C.ignored D.checked

12.A.choice B.performance C.progress D.experience

13.A.applied B.happened C.belonged D.appealed

14.A.interested B.astonished C.convinced D.concerned

15.A.biggest B.quietest C.safest D.worst

16.A.potential B.creativity C.anxiety D.confusion

17.A.read B.bring C.figure D.point

18.A.relaxed B.still C.nervous D.friendly

19.A.clean B.special C.dusty D.marked

20.A.wonder B.write C.compete D.practise


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者在马萨诸塞州从事教学工作,本文讲述了作者如何鼓励他的学生们进行写作的故事。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:离开教室十年之后,我又回来教书。A. studying学习;B. teaching教;C. visiting拜访;D. consulting咨询。根据one student asked on my first day at the University of Massachusetts可知,在作者进入马萨诸塞大学的第一天一个学生问他,可知作者在马萨诸塞大学教书,故选B。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它是一句谎言。A. lie谎言;B. fact事实;C. task任务;D. dream梦想。根据I couldn’t remember when I’d last written a creative essay(我记不起我什么时候最后写一个创造性的论文,)可知此处作者说了谎言,故选A。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但一定是在我喜怒无常的妈妈生病前,让我屈服于这样的想法,我们的家庭功能障碍的故事不会幸福地结束。 A. slowly慢慢地;B. naturally自然地;C. happily快乐的;D. violently暴力地。因为妈妈生病了,所以故事不会很幸福。故选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我写的任何东西都不能改变这一点。 A. prove证明;B. explain解释;C. destroy毁坏;D. change改变。妈妈生病了,我的家庭故事不幸福,没有什么可以改变那些。故选D。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意: 由于时间太多,缺乏灵感,我接受了一个教授创造性非小说类文学作品的职位。A. control控制;B. support支持;C. inspiration灵感;D. security安全。根据下文I accepted a position to teach creative non-fiction.可知,缺乏灵感,作者接受了教授创造性非小说类文学作品的职位。故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:即使我不会写自己的故事,但我要求我的学生讲述自己的故事。A. jokes笑话;B. stories故事; C. thoughts思想; D. faults错误。根据下文,作者让学生写日记,可知作者要求学生讲自己的故事。故选B。 7.考查名词词义辨析.句意:我说:“你可以在班上写日记,然后我希望你可以讲述你的故事,就像他们很重要一样”。A. list名单;B .note笔记;C. record记录;D. journal日志;日记。日记记录的内容才是自己的故事。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我说:“你可以在班上写日记,然后我希望你可以讲述你的故事,就像它们很重要一样。”A. exist存在;B. succeed成功;C. matter重要;D. spread传播。根据下文可知,这里要填matter意为“重要”。故选C。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的意思是,谁在乎我们的故事?A. cares关心;B. worries使担心;C. debates辩论; D. inquires询问。从下文可知,他们大多数都不觉得自己的故事重要,所以学生问谁在乎他们的故事。care about在乎。故选A。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:看着满教室的学生,我意识到我没有答案。A. argument争论;B. opportunity机会;C. influence影响;D. answer答案。根据下文No one said a word. 可知,作者没有答案,不知道如何回答学生的问题。故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我认为大多数人不知道他们的故事和他们自己的生活一样——美丽和艰难。A. assumed认为;假定;B. predicted预测;C. ignored忽视;D. checked检查。根据下文作者说的话Because it's what you have. Stories allow us to make meaning of what we've been through.可知 ,作者认为大部分人不知道知道我们经历的事情的意义。故选A。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你把你的故事塑造成一个故事时,它就变成了你的,而不仅仅发生在你身上的故事。 A. choice选择;B. performance表演;C. progress进展;D. experience经历;经验。根据上文Because it's what you have. Stories allow us to make meaning of what we've been through.可知,记日记是你拥有的故事,故事使我们能够理解我们所经历的一切。因此推断,是把你的经历写进故事。故选D。 13.考查动词词义辨析。 句意同上。A. applied申请;B. happened发生;C. belonged属于;D. appealed恳求。你的故事是你的经历,因此是发生在你身上的东西。故选B。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:迈克尔看起来并没被我说服,但他也没有挑战我。A. interested感兴趣的;B. astonished吃惊的;C. convinced确信的;相信的;D. concerned关心的。根据下文but he didn't challenge me either.可知,迈克尔不相信我。故选C。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在他的第一篇文章中,麦克写了他如何在波士顿的一个最糟糕的社区热河成长的。A. biggest最大的;B. quietest最安静的;C. safest最安全的;D. worst最糟糕的。根据下文I decided I was leading the dangerous neighborhood 可知,这个社区是非常糟糕的。故选D。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他继续写了他的高中老师是怎样的,看到了他的潜能,帮助他进了这个学校。A. potential潜能;B. creativity创造性;C. anxiety焦虑; D. confusion困惑.根据下文helped him get into this school.可知,是高中老师发掘他的潜能,帮助他上了大学。故选A。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我让迈克尔读出了他的文章。A. read读;B. bring带来;C. figure计算;D. point指向。根据下文That's why you tell your stories.可推断,迈克尔读了他写的文章。故选A。 18.考查形容词词义辨析.句意:在他读完后,教室里很安静,我们几乎能听见彼此呼吸的声音。A. relaxed放松的;B. still安静的;C. nervous紧张的;D. friendly友好的。这里是麦克读完自己的故事后,班上同学的反应,下文能听到呼吸声,说明很安静。故选B。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那晚我回家,把我布满灰尘且从未碰过的日记本拿了出来。A. clean干净的;B. special特别的;C. dusty布满灰尘的;D. marked加印记的。日记很久没碰了,所以布满灰尘。故选C。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我找到了一只笔,数月来第一次,我写东西。A. wonder奇迹;B. write写;C. compete比赛;D. practise练习。前文说我很久没写日记了,而现在因为迈克尔的事情,我拿出日记本,因此是想写点发生的故事。故选B。

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

The European Parliament(议会)voted for 1.( cancel) the summer time by 2021. The next step is to discuss the issue with EU countries.

The current law 2.( make) EU countries move their clocks forwards on the last Sunday in March and move them backwards on the last Sunday in October.

Some people say that the summer time saves energy, 3. the European commission (委员会) says that the 4. (save) are small. Also, most people in the EU want to cancel the summer time.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

A US astronaut, Christina Koch, spent 328 days in space, which is a record for a female astronaut. She completed her mission, landing in a remote area of Kazakhstan.

Koch concluded six space walks and she did some experiments that studied 1.  people are able to live outside Earth. Her time in space allows researchers 2.( study) the effects of a long-term spaceflight on the female body. NASA says the findings 3.( help) the agency during its future missions to the moon and Mars.



阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

A man called Andy set out for the Pacific Crest Trail, 1.stretches from the borders of Mexico to Canada. He decided to take a selfie(自拍)every single mile along the 4,286-kilometre journey.

Andy created a time-lapse (延时的)video from his five-month hike and he was almost unrecognisable towards the end of the videohe had lost 23 kilograms.

2. (sad) , he never finished the journey, as he 3. (trap) by a snowstorm about 418 kilometres from the end.



假设你是李津,从互联网上看到一个国际中学生家教组织将面向中国招聘兼职中文家教 (tutor) 的广告,欢迎中国学生参加。请你写一封电子邮件申请参加。









Dear Sir or Madam,


Yours sincerely,

Li Jin



    When I was in school, the class I dreaded most was my eighth grade art class. The teacher put down my every attempt at completing an assignment. I simply couldn’t produce art the way she wanted it. Luckily, I’d already proven myself in other creative areas. Yet, that art teacher was successful in convincing me that I had no talent for painting, drawing, or anything related to them. Imagine my surprise when I published my nature photography and became a volunteer art teacher!

Unfortunately, my story is all too familiar to many people who come through my workshops and practice. Even more unfortunately, the vast majority of people were so discouraged in childhood that they cut off the creative impulse (冲动) in most areas of their lives. Their teachers, parents, or classmates convinced them they had no talent, so they gave up. The pain of failure was simply too great.

Why have we forgotten creativity is an experience, not a result? Let’s consider why we express creativity in first place. To be creative is to be human. Everything we’ve at our disposal (处理) is the result of someone’s creative expression and willingness to take a risk. Even so, for creativity to flower and feel free of encumbrance (累赘), it needs to be about the joyful moments spent creating, not just about what we’ve to show for those moments. Whatever pattern you need to break, try to make it about the pleasure and not about the outcome.

Therefore, I’d urge you to curb your perfectionism not enthusiasm! Perfectionism is the leading killer of artistic expression. Relax a little and bring back your childlike nature when you create. Children instinctively (本能地) know how to give over to the joy --- until someone teaches them otherwise! Let your creation be whatever it wants to be. See if it can lead you rather than the other way around. Let your unconsciousness come through, and let the expression of yourself be beautiful regardless of how it compares to anything else. After all, it’s yours, and no one but you could create it!

1.What made the author give up his dream of art? (no more than 15 words)

2.What does the third paragraph mainly tell us? (no more than 10 words)

3.Please explain the underlined word “curb” in English. (no more than 5 words)

4.According to the passage, what is necessary for a creative person? (no more than 10 words)

5.Do you think you are more creative as a student? Please give an example. (no more than 25 words)



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