满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Michael Evans was standing in line at th...

    Michael Evans was standing in line at the Treasurer’s Office last August, waiting to pay his taxes, when he heard a(n)____sound ahead of him. The elderly woman at the window was crying. He heard the cashier ____the woman that her house was in foreclosure( 丧失抵押品赎回权) and headed for auction(拍卖). He also heard the woman tell the cashier that her daughter had recently died. Evans, a businessman who had just buried his father, couldn’t____the idea of this woman losing her home ____after losing her child. He ____the window. “I don’t mean to butt in,” he said to the cashier, “but ____you can get her house back, I’ll pay for her taxes.” The amount added up to $5,000.

The old woman was shocked. Her despair turned to ____. The cashier left for a moment to___ that it was all right for Evans to pay it. Evans promised to go ____to the bank and come back with the money. But when he returned to the treasurer’s office, he asked  someone else waiting in line to hand the $5,000 check to the cashier. Evans was trying to ____quietly and, preferably, anonymously(匿名地).

“I didn’t want this attention,” he explained.

___, attention found him. It’s not every day that someone pays a stranger’s tax bill. As is reported, Evans often finds himself on the giving end of charitable situations, though for years he went unrecognized for it. ____ paying the elderly woman’s taxes, Evans said he did it for ____ but to make sure the lady stayed in her own house.

A few weeks after the tax____, Evans received the Spirit of Detroit Award for his lifetime of ___. Again, he didn’t want the attention, but his son felt the honor was overdue. “It was good to see my dad finally get the____ he deserves,” his son said. Michael Evans is nearing 60 and will retire soon. Before he does, he hopes that his son will ____ him in a fund-raiser to pay for a wheelchair for a boy with an incurable bone disease. And he’ll continue to___ the local youth football league team, paying for their equipment, uniforms, and out-of-state travel. His son is willing to___ the business, saying that he ____ his life after his father.

1.A.disturbing B.frightening C.appealing D.exciting

2.A.ensure B.inform C.talk D.state

3.A.hand B.stomach C.eye D.finger

4.A.even B.quite C.right D.only

5.A.approached B.passed C.accessed D.marched

6.A.because B.unless C.if D.before

7.A.disbelief B.sorrow C.guilt D.fright

8.A.conduct B.confirm C.compensate D.comprehend

9.A.constantly B.frequently C.outside D.straight

10.A.run away B.slip away C.pass away D.put away

11.A.Consequently B.Unfortunately C.Otherwise D.However

12.A.As for B.According to C.Owing to D.In case of

13.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

14.A.accident B.coincidence C.incident D.event

15.A.generosity B.courage C.optimism D.modesty

16.A.concentration B.recognition C.passion D.pride

17.A.attend B.instruct C.serve D.join

18.A.train B.promote C.sponsor D.offer

19.A.get on B.hold on C.go on D.carry on

20.A.copies B.models C.imitates D.reproduces


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了Michael Evans在财务办公室排队缴税时,听说了一个上了年纪的妇女因为没钱缴税导致房子将被拍卖。Evans主动为那名老妇人缴税从而帮助她拿回了房子的故事。他也因此得到了底特律精神奖,以表彰他一生的慷慨。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:去年8月,Michael Evans在财务办公室排队等着缴税,这时他听到前面有一个令人不安的声音。A. disturbing令人不安的;B. frightening令人恐惧的;C. appealing吸引人的;D. exciting激动的。根据后文The elderly woman at the window was crying.可知Evans听到了一个老妇人哭泣,这一令人不安的声音。故选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他听到出纳员告诉那位妇女,她的房子丧失了抵押品赎回权,将被拍卖。A. ensure确保;B. inform告诉,通知;C. talk说话;D. state声明。结合后文the woman that her house was in foreclosure(丧失抵押品赎回权) and headed for auction(拍卖).可知出纳员告诉那位妇女,她的房子丧失了抵押品赎回权,将被拍卖。故选B。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Evans是一个商人,他刚刚埋葬了他的父亲,对于这个女人在失去孩子之后又失去了自己的家,他感到难以接受。A. hand传递;B. stomach接受,忍受;C. eye注视;D. finger用手指拨弄。结合可知刚失去父亲的Evans很同情这个女人,认为这个女人在失去孩子之后又失去了自己的家,他感到难以接受。stomach此处为动词,表示“接受,忍受”。故选B。 4.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Evans是一个商人,他刚刚埋葬了他的父亲,对于这个女人在失去孩子之后又失去了自己的家,他感到难以接受。A. even甚至;B. quite相当;C. right直接地,正确地;D. only仅仅。结合后文after losing her child可知就在女人失去了孩子之后,又要失去自己的家了。短语right after“就在……之后”。故选C。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他走近窗口。A. approached接近;B. passed通过;C. accessed进入;D. marched前进。结合后文window. “I don’t mean to butt in,” he said to the cashier,可知Evans走近办事窗口了解情况。故选A。 6.考查连接词辨析。句意:“我并不想插嘴,”他对收银员说,“但如果你能把她的房子拿回来,我就替她交税。” A. because因为;B. unless除非;C. if如果;D. before在……之前。此处为条件状语从句,表示“如果”应用if。故选C。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她的绝望变成了怀疑。A. disbelief怀疑;B. sorrow悲伤;C. guilt内疚;D. fright惊吓。根据上文The old woman was shocked.可知对于Evans这么个陌生人要给自己支付税金的做法,女人感到惊讶,绝望变成了怀疑。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:出纳员走了一会儿,确认Evans付帐是否合适。A. conduct组织;B. confirm确认;C. compensate赔偿;D. comprehend理解。根据后文that it was all right for Evans to pay it.可知出纳员离开是为了去确认Evans为女人付钱是否合适。故选B。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Evans答应直接去银行把钱拿回来。A. constantly不断地;B. frequently频繁地;C. outside在外面;D. straight直接地。结合后文to the bank and come back with the money.可知Evans答应直接(straight)去银行把钱拿回来。故选D。 10.考查动词短语辨析。句意:Evans试图悄悄溜走,完全地匿名。A. run away逃跑;B. slip away溜走;C. pass away去世;D. put away抛弃。结合后文quietly and, preferably, anonymously.可知Evans试图悄悄溜走,不被人发现。故选B。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,他引起了人们的注意。A. Consequently因此;B. Unfortunately不幸地;C. Otherwise否则;D. However然而。结合上下文语境可知为转折关系,应用连接副词however。故选D。 12.考查介词短语辨析。句意:至于支付老妇人的税金,Evans说他这样做只是为了确保老妇人呆在自己的房子里。A. As for至于;B. According to根据;C. Owing to由于;D. In case of万一。结合后文paying the elderly woman’s taxes, Evans said he did it for可知此处是指至于(As for)支付老妇人的税金的事情,故选A。 13.考查代词词义辨析。句意:至于支付老妇人的税金,Evans说他这样做只是为了确保老妇人呆在自己的房子里。A. nothing没有什么;B. anything任何事;C. something某事;D. everything一切。结合后文but to make sure the lady stayed in her own house.可知Evans说他这样做只是为了确保老妇人呆在自己的房子里。短语nothing but“只是”。故选A。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:税务事件发生几周后,Evans获得了底特律精神奖,以表彰他一生的慷慨。A. accident事故;B. coincidence巧合;C. incident事件;D. event大事,事件。根据上文A few weeks after the tax可知此处指Evans为妇女支付税金的事件发生几周后。incident是指偶然发生的、不太重要的小事。event是指重大而引人注目的事情。此处是偶然事件应用incident。故选C。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:税务事件发生几周后,Evans获得了底特律精神奖,以表彰他一生的慷慨。A. generosity慷慨;B. courage勇气;C. optimism乐观;D. modesty谦逊。Evans为妇女支付了税金,是慷慨的行为,因此是表彰他的慷慨(generosity)。故选A。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“很高兴看到我爸爸终于得到了他应得的认可,”他的儿子说。A. concentration集中;B. recognition认可,识别;C. passion激情;D. pride自豪。结合上文but his son felt the honor was overdue.可知Evans的儿子认为父亲应该得到这份认可(recognition)。故选B。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在此之前,他希望儿子能加入为一个患有不治之症的男孩购买轮椅的募捐活动中。A. attend参加;B. instruct指导;C. serve服务;D. join加入。结合后文him in a fund-raiser to pay for a wheelchair for a boy with an incurable bone disease.可知Evans在此之前就希望儿子能加入为一个患有不治之症的男孩购买轮椅的募捐活动中。故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他还将继续赞助当地的青年足球联盟球队,为他们的装备、制服和州外旅行买单。A. train训练;B. promote促进;C. sponsor赞助;D. offer提供。根据后文paying for their equipment, uniforms, and out-of-state travel.可知Evans赞助了当地的青年足球球队。故选C。 19.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他的儿子愿意继续做生意,说他以父亲为榜样生活。A. get on上车;B. hold on不挂断电话;C. go on继续;D. carry on从事,继续。根据后文the business可知儿子愿意继续做生意,go on表示做完某事接着做某事,carry on有坚持之意,Evans本来就是商人,因此此处指的是儿子坚持继续做生意,应用carry on。故选D。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的儿子愿意继续做生意,说他以父亲为榜样生活。A. copies复制;B. models以……为榜样;C. imitates模仿;D. reproduces复制。结合后文his life after his father.可知Evans的儿子以父亲为榜样。故选B。

Culture Shock

Moving to a new country can be an exciting experience. In a new environment, you somehow feel more alive. Soon, however, the new and delightful feeling turns into stress and discomfort.1. Although not everyone experiences culture shock in exactly the same way, many experts agree that it has roughly five stages.

In the first stage, you are excited by your new environment. Your feelings about the new culture are positive, so you are eager to make contact with people and to try new foods.

2.This is the second stage of culture shock. Because you do not know the social customs of the new culture, you may find it difficult to make friends. For instance, you do not understand how to make “small talk,” so it is hard to carry on a casual, get-acquainted conversation. These are not minor challenges; they are major frustrations.

In the third stage, you no longer have positive feelings about the new culture. You feel that you have made a mistake in coming here. Making friends hasn’t been easy, so you begin to feel lonely and isolated. 3. You begin to spend most of your free time with students from your home country, and you eat in restaurants that serve your native food.

You know that you are in the fourth stage of culture shock when you have negative feelings about almost everything. 4. You become critical, suspicious, and irritable. You believe that people are unfriendly, that your teachers do not like you, and that the food is making you sick.

Finally, you reach the fifth stage. As your language skills improve, you begin to have some success in meeting people and in negotiating situations. 5. After realizing that you cannot change your surroundings, you begin to accept the differences and tolerate them.

A.Your self-confidence grows.

B.You’ll regret making the decision.

C.These are the causes of culture shock.

D.In this stage, you actively reject the new culture.

E.This is the phenomenon known as culture shock.

F.Now you want to be with familiar people and eat familiar food.

G.Sooner or later, differences in behavior and customs become noticeable to you.



    Across the United Kingdom, as the COVID-19 crisis has bitten deeper, its citizens have started a new practice: Emerging from self-isolation every Thursday night at 8 p.m. to clap, cheer, and bang pots and pans to show support for the country’s front-line doctors and nurses.

But as the death toll today hit a single-day U.K. record of 980-and with the peak death rate still estimated to be two weeks away-the crisis caused by the scale of the pandemic has been worsened here by a new degree of political uncertainty. Prime Minister Boris Johnson was admitted to the hospital on Sunday and has spent his days and nights in intensive care fighting the virus, surrounded by the doctors and nurses of the National Health Service.

The U.K. is not alone in showing new found public affection for key workers, nor in facing an unprecedented public health emergency that has, in Europe, especially affected Italy, Spain, and France. A recent U.K. government appeal for 250,000 volunteers to help the NHS (National Health Service) yielded an army of 750,000 would-be helpers.

But the pandemic finds the U.K. at a politically uncertain moment, as a nation finally emerging from three and a half years of political issue over its chaotic departure from the European Union. A December election that gave a decisive victory to Mr. Johnson and the ruling Conservative Party added clarity to a Brexit mandate and was seen by many as a potential first step in healing deep divisions in Britain’s political and social structure.

Acknowledging the impact of the coronavirus on daily lives, Queen Elizabeth II, in a rare address  on Sunday, praised the “national spirit” and thanked NHS and care workers, whose “every hour” of hard work “brings us closer to a return to a more normal time.” Calling on citizens to “remain united and resolute” to overcome the pandemic, she sought to provide comfort. “While we may have still more to endure, better days will return We will meet again,” she said.

1.What contributed to worsening the current crisis in the U.K?

A.The pandemic of COVID-19. B.Political instability.

C.The vote for Brexit. D.The December election.

2.The British showed widespread support to the fight against coronavirus EXCEPT by  .

A.clapping, cheering, and banging pots and pans every Thursday night

B.advocating volunteers to help the NHS

C.organizing 750,000 helpers to join the army

D.praising the “national spirit” in Queen’s speech

3.It can be inferred from the passage that  .

A.The death toll set a new single-day record and the peak death had arrived

B.Prime Minister Boris Johnson was receiving good medical treatment

C.the COVID-19 has been found in European history

D.Conservative Party has healed the deep political and social divisions

4.Where might the passage come from?

A.A noticeboard. B.A private e-mail.

C.A research paper. D.A newspaper.



    Feeding bread to the ducks is a fond pastime for many of us, reminding us of our happy childhood trips to the local park. But did you know that bread actually poses a danger to birds, as well as the environment? Eating it can cause our feathered friends to develop a condition called Angel Wing, which is when too much bread makes birds’ feathers grow too quickly. This additional weight puts a strain on their muscles, causing their wings to twist and drop open, and if not treated fast, they can lose the ability to fly.

“Angel Wing can be remedied if we reach birds before it has developed too severely,” says Caroline Simpson, a trustee of UK charity Swan Lifeline, which has rescued and treated more than 30,000 birds over the last 20 years. “Otherwise the consequence can be awfulsuch as amputations(截肢)of the wing.” Adult swans can also develop gut and heart disease, so it’s important we do our bit to prevent this by feeding wild birds with the right kind of food.

Bread can also cause harmful changes to the natural ecosystem. Rotting bread at the bottom of  rivers and lakes allows bacteria to breed, spreading disease and attracting rats and other vermin to our waterways. It can result in algal(藻类的)blooms and the presence of a mould(霉菌)called Aspergillus too, which has the potential to kill waterfowl(水禽)and other wildlife if it gets into their lungs.

But this doesn’t mean we have to stop fun trips to feed the ducks. Giving birds the right food-like frozen peas, sweetcorn and lettuce leaves-is good for both them and the environment. So, next time  you visit your local park, take a healthier alternative with you and do your bit to protect our precious wildlife.

1.The underlined word “remedied” in Paragraph 2 probably means  .

A.reduced B.expected C.caused D.corrected

2.Which of the following is NOT a consequence of feeding waterfowl with bread?

A.Harmful creatures will be drawn to waterways.

B.Water birds will be overfed and risk losing their bodily functions.

C.The water will be enriched thanks to the nutrients in bread.

D.The eco-balance at the bottom of rivers or lakes will be disturbed.

3.The purpose of writing this passage is to  .

A.stop people from feeding waterfowl.

B.instruct people how to raise waterfowl.

C.warn people of the danger threatening waterfowl.

D.promote a safe and healthy way to feed waterfowl.



    I’m originally from Orange County, California, where I had the pleasure and honor of serving as a Newport Beach ocean lifeguard. Whenever I could, I got shifts working the Point. The Point was known for its massive rip currents(退潮流).

So, late in a shift, I was working Tower 15. Two blocks to my right was another guard named Mike, working Tower 17. He called me, “Hey, I got a couple of kids. I gotta go and give them a warning. Keep an eye on us.” I said, “Sure.”

And sure enough, as soon as he hung up the phone and grabbed his buoy(航标), a rip was snapped up under these two kids, and they were getting sucked out. All I saw was two small noses bobbing in the water. Mike was dashing toward the ocean.

By now, the mother of the two kids realized what was happening. She was screaming. I started rushing toward her, but before I was even halfway there, Mike reached the kids.

Mike swam sideways out of the rip current into the clear water and started bringing them in. When I reached their mother, Mike was in waist-deep water. The kids were so exhausted, so Mike was carrying them, one under each arm.

I turned to their mom, “Hey, it’s OK. They’re safe.” I saw her terror start to fade.

She glanced back and got her first good look at Mike. He had a number of really scary tattoos( 纹身), and his shaved head showed the scar he got from a broken beer bottle.Then a crazy thing happened. I saw a new kind of panic wash over her as though there was some new, equally dangerous threat on her kids’ lives. She rushed up to Mike and snatched her kids. Not even a thank-you.

Mike just glanced at me, shrugged, and jogged back to his tower.

If any other guard had worked at that night, including me, there would be a very real chance that that mother wasn’t going home with both her kids.

1.Which of the following words can best describe “ Mike’s reaction to the two kids in danger” ?

A.Rude and aggressive. B.Quick and brave.

C.Careless and risky. D.Slow and cautious.

2.Why didn’t the woman say “ thank you” to Mike?

A.He was rude to her kids.

B.She was too exhausted to say any words.

C.He got tired of being highly thought of.

D.He looked like a threatening guy with tattoos and scars.

3.What information does the author want to convey in the story?

A.Be a friendly and easy-going lifeguard.

B.Watch out for your kids playing on the beach.

C.Don’t let fear or prejudice prevent you recognizing a hero.

D.Never judge a hero by his way of rescuing.




1.Who got a new phone?

A.Daniel. B.The man. C.The man’s father.

2.What was the main problem of Daniel?

A.He wanted to have a phone like the speaker.

B.He didn’t want the speaker to leave for college.

C.He was sad that the speaker spent less time with him.

3.How old was the speaker when he realized his mistake?

A.15 years old. B.17 years old. C.19 years old.

4.What did Daniel probably want the speaker to do?

A.Think about what he was missing.

B.Turn his phone off for a day.

C.Stop playing games on the phone.



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