满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The present system no longer meets the c...

The present system no longer meets the changing needs of our customers; we have to make a(n)______ management system.

A.contradictory B.flexible C.endless D.concrete


B 【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在的系统已经不能满足客户不断变化的需求,我们必须建立一个灵活的管理系统。A. contradictory相互矛盾的;B. flexible灵活的;C. endless无止尽的;D. concrete确实的;具体的。根据上文可知,现在的系统不能满足顾客不断变化的需求,因此我们需要一个灵活的管理系统。故选B。  

The manager’s confident words have   our doubts about how the plan will be carried out.

A.gotten up B.taken up C.cleared up D.given up



Nowadays, basic health care services are ______ to almost all the Chinese people, contributing to a rise in average life expectancy.

A.alternative B.abundant C.accessible D.creative



The school dining room ______ as a meeting place for teachers and students.

A.treats B.admits C.uses D.functions



    Our 13-year-old son won a local “Hoop (篮球)Shooting" competition and entered the regional competition. So on Saturday morning we _______ our bags and headed down to Green Bay, Wisconsin to _______ many other basketball shooters for an _______ to move forward to the state championships.

In the competition, my son _______ waited his turn. Nearly an hour later, he went to the hoops. His first basket was a _______ .  We could see the frustration(沮丧)in his eyes. He tried _______ to shoot another hoop. Then another failure -- he shook his head in _______ . But he continued. Finally, he _______ to shoot a few balls and scored 20 points. My son _______ from his hoop, frustrated and disappointed, being ________ that he didn't make it because there were several guys getting over 40 points, already ________ his.

If it had been up to our ________ son to decide, he would have left before watching the game and ________ himself in our hotel. Instead, we took this chance to help him ________ this life disappointment: giving him time for frustration and then sharing our opinion on this ________. We told him: It's because of his earlier ________ that we were able to watch this game; it's ________ to fail. We all fail at some point in our lives. We were proud of him though he didn't ________ the prize.

In the end, we ________, watched the game, and had a great time! When you are ________ by life, don’t let it keep you down. As the old saying goes, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!”

1.A.pulled B.drew C.tidied D.packed

2.A.contact B.join C.gather D.visit

3.A.invitation B.instruction C.opportunity D.announcement

4.A.desperately B.anxiously C.casually D.politely

5.A.success B.burden C.shame D.miss

6.A.in vain B.on purpose C.by accident D.in public

7.A.trouble B.silence C.disbelief D.discomfort

8.A.expected B.attempted C.offered D.managed

9.A.recovered B.excused C.withdrew D.dismissed

10.A.relieved B.astonished C.aware D.doubtful

11.A.doubling B.improving C.guessing D.ignoring

12.A.nervous B.guilty C.worried D.embarrassed

13.A.cheered B.blamed C.encouraged D.trained

14.A.work through B.carry out C.go over D.reflect on

15.A.occasion B.practice C.dilemma D.situation

16.A.arrangement B.accomplishment C.preparation D.persuasion

17.A.acceptable B.easy C.awkward D.annoying

18.A.deserve B.desire C.reject D.receive

19.A.left B.remained C.agreed D.arrived

20.A.acknowledged B.welcomed C.raised D.beaten



    Family conflict (冲突)affects everyone.1., you may want to mediate (调解)to make everyone's life easier. It's worth it to try to smooth things over.

* 2. . It can be difficult to look at family situations objectively, so before trying to mediate disagreement, make sure you look at all sides of the argument. While you shouldn't take sides when trying to mediate, you don't want anyone to think you're overlooking their point of view. Take some time to think about why every one feels wronged or hurt in the situation

*Encourage everyone to control their feelings. It's not uncommon for tensions to run high when discussing family conflict3.. Try to control the emotional outbursts as much as you can. While everyone has a right to their personal feelings, make it clear their feelings must be expressed in an appropriate, productive way.

*Try hard for forgiveness. Even if you were not directly involved in the argument, you were probably affected by the atmosphere in some way. Choose forgiveness. Remember, you can't control someone else's actions but you can control your own response. You can also encourage other family members to forgive.4..

*Work on fixing the relationships. 5.. you can offer suggestions how family members could better treat one another in the future. Think about what has been said during mediation. Look for areas where change is needed. You should also agree to work actively on letting go of the conflict. For example, "For the next couple of monthslets agree not to bring this up."

A.Have a healthy discussion

B.Think about everyone's view

C.Though it's not your job to offer exact courses of action

D.There may be times when people get sensitive and angry

E.If there is an ongoing argument between family members

F.If a family member reacts very violently to an unimportant affair

G.However, remember you cannot force someone to feel a particular way



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