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The Jiangsu TV station is very popular w...

The Jiangsu TV station is very popular with many people in China, as it deals with ______ subjects such as music, entertainment and fashion.

A.precise B.diverse C.casual D.efficient


B 【解析】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:江苏电视台在中国很受人欢迎,因为它涉及多样化的主题,如音乐,娱乐和时尚等。A. precise准确的;B. diverse不同的;多样的;C. casual不在乎的;D. efficient效率高的。根据下文的举例“music, entertainment and fashion.”可知,主题的多样的。故选B。  

The present system no longer meets the changing needs of our customers; we have to make a(n)______ management system.

A.contradictory B.flexible C.endless D.concrete



The manager’s confident words have   our doubts about how the plan will be carried out.

A.gotten up B.taken up C.cleared up D.given up



Nowadays, basic health care services are ______ to almost all the Chinese people, contributing to a rise in average life expectancy.

A.alternative B.abundant C.accessible D.creative



The school dining room ______ as a meeting place for teachers and students.

A.treats B.admits C.uses D.functions



    Our 13-year-old son won a local “Hoop (篮球)Shooting" competition and entered the regional competition. So on Saturday morning we _______ our bags and headed down to Green Bay, Wisconsin to _______ many other basketball shooters for an _______ to move forward to the state championships.

In the competition, my son _______ waited his turn. Nearly an hour later, he went to the hoops. His first basket was a _______ .  We could see the frustration(沮丧)in his eyes. He tried _______ to shoot another hoop. Then another failure -- he shook his head in _______ . But he continued. Finally, he _______ to shoot a few balls and scored 20 points. My son _______ from his hoop, frustrated and disappointed, being ________ that he didn't make it because there were several guys getting over 40 points, already ________ his.

If it had been up to our ________ son to decide, he would have left before watching the game and ________ himself in our hotel. Instead, we took this chance to help him ________ this life disappointment: giving him time for frustration and then sharing our opinion on this ________. We told him: It's because of his earlier ________ that we were able to watch this game; it's ________ to fail. We all fail at some point in our lives. We were proud of him though he didn't ________ the prize.

In the end, we ________, watched the game, and had a great time! When you are ________ by life, don’t let it keep you down. As the old saying goes, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade!”

1.A.pulled B.drew C.tidied D.packed

2.A.contact B.join C.gather D.visit

3.A.invitation B.instruction C.opportunity D.announcement

4.A.desperately B.anxiously C.casually D.politely

5.A.success B.burden C.shame D.miss

6.A.in vain B.on purpose C.by accident D.in public

7.A.trouble B.silence C.disbelief D.discomfort

8.A.expected B.attempted C.offered D.managed

9.A.recovered B.excused C.withdrew D.dismissed

10.A.relieved B.astonished C.aware D.doubtful

11.A.doubling B.improving C.guessing D.ignoring

12.A.nervous B.guilty C.worried D.embarrassed

13.A.cheered B.blamed C.encouraged D.trained

14.A.work through B.carry out C.go over D.reflect on

15.A.occasion B.practice C.dilemma D.situation

16.A.arrangement B.accomplishment C.preparation D.persuasion

17.A.acceptable B.easy C.awkward D.annoying

18.A.deserve B.desire C.reject D.receive

19.A.left B.remained C.agreed D.arrived

20.A.acknowledged B.welcomed C.raised D.beaten



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