满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: Read the following passage. ...

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

In the green hills of northern Thailand, a woman painstakingly picks coffee beans out of a pile of elephant dung (粪便). They are preparing for the ingredient of one of the world’s most expensive drinks.

This remote comer of Thailand is better known for drug smuggling (毒品走私) than coffee, but Black Dinkin decided it was a perfect place for him to combine wildlife conservation with business. 1. The company uses elephant dung to create a wonderful coffee.

Initially, Dinkin considered using a kind of cats to make coffee, but he found the cats were usually kept in cages and force-fed beans. 2. Eventually, Dinkin settled on elephants after discovering that the animals sometimes eat coffee. He also teamed up with an elephant rescue charity which saves the animals from the tourist trade.

3. “I thought it would be as simple as taking the beans, giving them to the elephants and out will come great coffee,” said Dinkin, adding that the initial result was “horrible”. It took him another nine years to actually succeed in doing what he wanted.

According to Dinkin, the enzymes () in the elephant, stomachs function as a kind of slow cooker and the stomach acid takes the bitterness out of the beans. The elephant riders’ wives collect the coffee beans from the dung before washing and drying them in the sun.

The rewards, however, are worth all the work. At around $1, 880 per kilogram, the coffee doesn’t come cheap. 4.This helps its sales a lot.

A.The 4-year-old Canadian founded Black Ivory Coffee.

B.The local elephant riders considered the project a crazy idea.

C.Its unique taste and special processing cycle give the product a romantic appeal.

D.Making coffee from elephant dung, however, turned out to be harder than expected.

E.To make a kilogram of coffee, the elephants have to cat about 33 kilos of the beans.

F.This is against the businessman’s desire to support rather than damage the environment.


1.A 2.F 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种以大象粪便做成的风味独特的咖啡。 1.结合后文The company uses elephant dung to create a wonderful coffee.(这家公司用大象的粪便制作了一种很棒的咖啡)可知,前文的介绍应该与公司有关。A. The 4-year-old Canadian founded Black Ivory Coffee.()岁的加拿大人创办了黑象牙咖啡)符合语境。故选A项。 2.结合前文This remote comer of Thailand is better known for drug smuggling (毒品走私) than coffee, but Black Dinkin decided it was a perfect place for him to combine wildlife conservation with business.(泰国这个偏僻的地方以毒品走私而不是咖啡而出名,但布莱克·丁金认为这里是他将野生动物保护和商业结合起来的完美之地)及Initially, Dinkin considered using a kind of cats to make coffee, but he found the cats were usually kept in cages and force-fed beans.(最初,丁金考虑用一种猫粪来煮咖啡,但他发现,这些猫通常被关在笼子里,强制喂养咖啡豆)可知,丁金的本意是要保护动物,保护环境,而这种养猫方式与他的想法背道而驰。F. This is against the businessman's desire to support rather than damage the environment.(这与这位商人支持保护环境而不是破坏环境的本意背道而驰)符合此处语境。故选F项。 3.结合后文It took him another nine years to actually succeed in doing what he wanted.(他又花了九年时间才真正成功地做到了他想做的事)可知,一开始用用咖啡豆喂大象来获取咖啡的想法没有那么容易。D. Making coffee from elephant dung, however, turned out to be harder than expected.(然而,用象粪煮咖啡却比预期的要难)与后文相对应。故选D项。 4.结合后文This helps its sales a lot.(这对它的销售有很大帮助)可知,C. Its unique taste and special processing cycle give the product a romantic appeal.(其独特的口味和特殊的加工周期,使产品具有浪漫的吸引力)与后文相对应。故选C项。

    It's hard to imagine a person today who would not be able to recognize at least one of Charles Schulz's beloved cartoon characters.

For the older generation, the beloved Peanuts strip continues to run in newspapers worldwide today. For the younger generation, Snoopy merchandise was part and parcel of growing up. For even younger fans the 2015 Peanuts movie will make sure that the memory of Charlie Brown, Lucy and Snoopy will not fade with time, like its pencil counterpart.

Peanuts is memorialized especially in Sonoma County California. The county is home to the Charles M. Schulz Museum, the well-known guardian angel of Schulz's memory. Schulz moved there in 1958 eight years after Peanuts made its debut in newspapers.

Although Schulz decided to put down lasting rots in the warm and sunny southwest, he often thought of his hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota. He remembered that in his childhood, every sidewalk in front of every school had a sheet of ice at least ten feet long, worn smooth from the kids sliding on it. Just over ten years later, Schulz purchased an old ice rink and opened Snoop's Home Ice, the Redwood Empire Ice Arena, which bordered the property housing his studio. Whenever the snowy days of his childhood crossed his mind, Schulz was eager to allow his children to enjoy the hobbies he pursued in his youth, and encouraged them to pick up ice hockey and figure skating. That's why the cold winters in his drawings always remind people of the Midwest.

Schulz spent the last thirty years of his life on this property. He wrote in his studio, ate in the Warm Puppy Café at the ice rink and enjoyed, as he described it "hanging out." The artist passed away in his sleep on February 12, 2002, one day before his final original Sunday strip appeared in newspapers around the world.

The Peanuts strip follows the lives of children but they were by no means Schulz's target audience. Instead, Schulz holds the camera at a child's level and observes the truths of adult life from their perspective. Themes of love, loss and failure were throughout his work, all of which were inspired by events in his own life. It is Schulz's gentle, humorous explanation of the world's hash realities that ensures Peanuts will be preserved in years to come.

1.What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 2 most probably refer to?

A.The Peanuts strips that appeared in newspapers.

B.The Snoopy patterns printed on clothes.

C.The animated cartoon adapted from the Peanuts strips.

D.The original manuscripts drawn by Charles M. Schulz.

2.Which of the following CANNOT be used to describe Charles M. Schulz?

A.Depressed. B.Creative.

C.Humorous. D.Clever.

3.What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?

A.Schulz moved to Sonoma County because he hated the cold climate in his hometown.

B.Schulz's childhood experiences in his hometown inspired the winter scenes in Peanuts.

C.Schulz's life in Sonoma County was the main source of inspiration for his drawings.

D.Schulz opened an ice rink because his children enjoyed ice hockey and figure skating

4.Which of the following with statements is TRUE according to this article?

A.Peanuts is popular with people of all ages around the world.

B.Schulz's hometown is the best place for Peanuts fans to memorize him.

C.Schulz created the Peanuts strip for his children

D.Peanuts reveals the truths of loss and failure through the eyes of adults.



    Welcome to our full-hotel hotel for dogs and cats. Here your cats can rest easy in comfortable quarters (住处)and dogs can enjoy playtime, salon services, training classes and more!


Standard Guest Rom

An open space that's cleaned daily and furnished with comfortable bedding

Private Suite

Large suits (套房) separated from the standard rooms for a more peaceful, private environment and they are perfect for multiple family pets. Rooms are cleaned daily and feature a raised cot (小床) and TV tuned to pet-themed shows.

Kitty Cottage

Cat cottages are kept separate from dog guest accommodation and they are cleaned daily. Boarding two cats? Cottages with connecting doors are available.


We serve meals for free. If you're bringing meals from home, please portion (分配) them into disposable (一次性的) sealed bags marked with your pet's name. Want to surprise your pet with a tasty snack? We also have treats and doggie ice cream available for purchase.


Our cozy rooms and private suites are stocked with comfortable bedding but please feel free to bring your pet's bed, blanket and toys to make them feel even more at home.

Boarding requirements


Vaccinations (疫苗) must be administered at least 48 hours prior to arrival under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian (持证兽医). However, we prefer that vaccinations should be administered 10 to 14 days before check-in to make sure maximum efficiency. Witten proof is required.

Fleas & Ticks

In addition to vaccinations, all pets should be flea and tick (虱子) free. Overnight "guests" with signs of fleas And/or ticks will not be allowed to check in.

Additional Requirements

All PetsHotel guests must be over four months old before we can offer hospitality.



1.According to the passage PetsHotel offers________.

clean and comfortable quarters

salon services and training classes

free meals for pets

tick and flea clean-up service

A.①②③ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.②③④

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Private suites in PetsHotel are only for guests with many pets

B.PetsHotel offers delicious snacks for pet guests for free.

C.Toys are not allowed into PetsHotel.

D.PetsHotel only accommodates pets aged four months and above.

3.Where can you probably find this passage?

A.On the website of an animal protection group. B.In the Life section of a newspaper.

C.On the leaflet of a hotel for pets. D.On the announcement board of a pet clinic.



    The novel coronavirus outbreak has greatly affected the lives of people across the world. It has challenged and changed people' lifestyles. It has also helped us think about our relationships with others.

Changing our lives

①COVID-19 has made people think harder about their relationship with nature. It has also raised questions about urban lifestyles. The sharing economy, working in open offices, living in crowded apartments and the food industry's use of reusable products have made the perfect storm for a pandemic.

②Although the sharing economy might be good it's cheaper to rent than to own sharing spaces and objects are great ways to spread the virus. How does one do “social distancing" when they are expected to share cars, bikes, apartments and even the same offices?

③The trend of using open offices, which can save space, is working against us. In this type of office, workers don't have their own desk - everything is shared. Sometimes, computers and chairs are also shared, which is not hygienic (卫生的). Fortunately, more workers are working from home during the pandemic, but that won't last forever.

④Reusability is a common practice in the restaurant industry. Reusable cups and chopsticks are often used. Unfortunately, reusable products increase the chance of spreading disease. For example, Starbucks recently stopped refilling customers' reusable cups in order to stop the spread of the virus.

⑤People like to be social. But the virus has made this more dangerous. We have to be careful about how we interact with others for now. Perhaps we need to rethink about our lifestyles to reduce the spread of future pandemics.

1.According to the author, the strong point of the sharing economy is that________.

A.it lasts longer B.it costs less

C.it's popular D.it's hygienic

2.Paragraph 4 is mainly about________.

A.how working at home won't last long B.how shared offices can save space

C.the hygienic problems of open offices D.the sharing economy trend

3.According to the author, restaurants can spread the virus easily because________.

A.everything is shared in many restaurants B.they use too much disposable tableware

C.many restaurants have poor hygiene D.cups and chopsticks are often reused

4.The author probably agrees that________.

A.we need to change some of our lifestyles B.the sharing economy won't last forever

C.no one can stay out of the sharing economy D.we shouldn't say away from shared products



    The huge thirst for jobs in the civil service has made the national civil servant exam one of China's most Competitive tests. The first exam was held in 1995, and since then more and more people have _________ for it, with applications reaching peak over the last two years.

The latest online _________, carried out by China Youth Daily and www.qq.com, _________that more than 73 percent of young people want to work as civil servants. Of the 17,330 participants, about 83 percent said they were attracted by the job's _________, guaranteed health care and pension(抚恤金). _________, 55 percent said it could bring “practical profits.”

Nearly 1 million people _________to take the exam last year, yet only just over 10,000 were finally _________.This year the stiff (severe) competition continued. The exact number of applicants is not known, with the final day for _________today.

But the influx of applicants has already broken the exam's website once. China Youth Daily _______ that the site was forced to close for maintenance due to __________ high traffic on the night of October 16. In a typical year several hundred applicants will apply for many of the jobs listed. For example, the five job vacancies __________by the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Party have this year __________more than3,880 applicants.

In general, the exam means 50 people competing for one post, the report said. __________as civil servants are attractive, not only because of the stable income and good health care, but also because of the low risks __________with the power and __________the positions enjoy. Among the total 6 million public servants, around 20,000 were dismissed between 1996 and 2003.

1.A.put up B.signed up C.made up D.taken up

2.A.discussion B.search C.survey D.project

3.A.found B.told C.spoke D.insisted

4.A.interest B.concept C.difficulty D.stability

5.A.But B.Otherwise C.Meanwhile D.Instead

6.A.entered B.adopted C.allowed D.applied

7.A.employed B.won C.succeeded D.dismissed

8.A.examination B.applications C.vote D.decision

9.A.declared B.translated C.praised D.reported

10.A.generally B.unusually C.commonly D.naturally

11.A.provided B.introduced C.supplied D.planned

12.A.grasped B.pulled C.attracted D.drawn

13.A.Spots B.Locations C.Work D.Positions

14.A.satisfied B.complained C.compared D.recognized

15.A.sources B.entertainments C.resources D.developments



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, almost everyone in China wears a face mask to protect themselves and other people 1. the virus. However, many people in the West feel reluctant to wear masks 2. there is an increasing number of their compatriots(同胞)being infected.

According to the Global Times, different attitudes toward 3. (wear) masks largely lie in the cultures. In the West, 4. people generally believe is that unless one is already ill, wearing a mask is simply unnecessary.

Siva Kumar from the US is one of them. “Masks can only protect you from particulate matter in the air you breathe, but they can't filter (过滤) out microbes (微生物), "Kumar told China Daily. “wearing a mask when you're healthy 5.(cause) tension for others."

US infection prevention specialist Eli Perencevich told Forbes, "The average healthy person 6. not wear masks." She added, “If they wear them incorrectly it can increase the risk of infection because they're touching their faces more often."

However, for people in Asian countries like China, wearing a mask is engrained (根深蒂固的) in their culture. 7. (Value) collectivism (集体主义), people in Asia always want to make contributions to the groups 8.they belong to. In such uncertain and potentially dangerous time, many people have taken the responsibility 9.(wear) face masks to ensure the safety of their communities.

Chen Xinjie, a media worker in Beijing said: "Wearing the mask for a long time is stuffy(闷热的) and uncomfortable…But as a member of the group, it's our duty to do so."

10.(Influence) by social cultures, the attitudes toward wearing a mask can be different in the East and West. But as US essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves."



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