满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Anyone who knew Jack knew him well. He w...

    Anyone who knew Jack knew him well. He was the first to hide under the bed covers every time the sky grew grey and thunder was heard in the distance. He was in great fear of storms. However, that day changed it all.

With dark clouds in the morning, Jack was in the car with his sister, Emily, who was driving them home. Jack was holding the sides of his seat tightly. As a result, his knuckles (指关节) turned white. Suddenly, the treacherous road conditions sent the car into a slide. The vehicle went off the wet and slippery road, rolled several times and finally rest upside down. Fortunately, both of them were wearing seat belts. Head bleeding heavily, Emily was conscious but unable to move. Thankfully Jack was unhurt.

Water poured through the broken windows of the car. Suddenly, Jack recalled something. He quickly unfastened the seat belt and moved out of the passenger window. With rain beating against his face and arms, Jack made his way to the driver’s side with great difficulty. He managed to pull her through the window. Suddenly, he felt a strong pain on his arms. It was only later that Jack realized the broken pieces of the window had cut them while he was pulling his sister through the window. Finally Jack dragged Emily up to the road. They were soon rescued.

Emily later recalled her terrifying experience and was truly amazed by his courage. Jack’s act of courage was motivated by his favourite book: The Little Engine That Could. In it, when everyone had given up hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy toys and candies over the hill to the children waiting on the other side. The Little Engine had shown courage and taken action.

Obviously, we cannot attribute Jack’s bravery to that one story but without doubt, the book had left a deep impression on him and inspired him to respond positively in a difficult situation.

1.What made it difficult for Jack to go over to the driver’s side?

A.His fear. B.The heavy rain.

C.His injuries. D.The bad road condition.

2.What does the underlined word “treacherous” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Dangerous. B.Strange.

C.Special. D.Fantastic.

3.How did Emily feel about Jack’s change?

A.Annoyed. B.Embarrassed.

C.Surprised D.Puzzled.

4.What can we infer about the book mentioned in the text?

A.It was once a bestseller. B.It once inspired Emily.

C.It was intended for kid. D.It was a horror story.


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 【解析】 本文是记叙文。认识杰克的人都知道他非常害怕暴风雨。但是在一次大雨中,他勇敢地救出了妹妹Emily。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段中“With rain beating against his face and arms, Jack made his way to the driver’s side with great difficulty.”因为雨很大,雨水打在杰克的脸上和手臂上,杰克过去到驾驶座那边就很困难。故选B项。 2.词义猜测题。根据第二段中划线词所在的句子“…road conditions sent the car into a slide. The vehicle went off the wet and slippery road”,可知,路况不好,路面又湿又滑,这样汽车就打滑。因此可以猜测“treacherous”意思为“危险的”。故选A项。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Emily later recalled her terrifying experience and was truly amazed by his courage.” Emily真的被Jack的勇气惊呆了。surprised 与amazed是同义词。因此可知Emily对Jack的变化感到惊讶。故选C项。 4.推理判断题。根据第四段中关于Jack 最喜欢的书“The Little Engine That Could”的介绍“In it, when everyone had given up hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy toys and candies over the hill to the children waiting on the other side.”,通过其中“the heavy toys,candies,the children”等词可以看出,这本书是写给孩子看的。故选C项。


About us

Fables and Fairytales.com is a non-profit site for visitors from all over the world to share and read fables and fairy tales.

Our main objective is to promote the importance of such stories in developing culture, imagination and creativity. We believe that reading the fables and fairy tales from different cultures allow us to build a greater understanding and appreciation of the diversity around the world.

We organise storytelling sessions around the world. Watch out for our monthly “Fable and Fairy Tale” writing competition for different age groups. We also run the permanent “Fable and Fairy Tales” museum in Hanau, Germany, at the home of the Brothers Grimm.

Contact us at museum@fablesandfairytales.com to arrange your visit!

The museum is open to all individuals and school groups with a booking. A multilingual guide is available on request. No charges for guides and admissions but donations are much appreciated.


Ongoing Event: Find a Storyteller

Listen to a story come to life with some of best storytellers in the world. Choose from enthusiastic performers who will sing and act out a famous story for you, or an elderly grandmother who will charm the audience with her voice alone. We have more than 150 amateur and professional storytellers in our list.

Join us as a storyteller!

If you are passionate about being a storyteller, send us a video of a reading to storyteller@fablesandfairytales.com.

Most of our storytellers are amateurs who do it for the love of the stories. Some are professionals who do charge for their services. Do contact to find out the cost, if any, for their services.



Put up a great performance and we will include you in our list!




1.What is the main goal of Fables and Fairytales.com?

A.It provides visitors with teaching resources.

B.It promotes the reading of fables and fairy tales.

C.It promotes various writing competitions around the world.

D.It conducts tours and lessons at the Fables and Fairy Tales Museum.

2.How does the Fables and Fairy Tales Museum support itself?

A.It charges for admissions and guides.

B.It makes profits from advertisements.

C.It receives money from the Brothers Grimm.

D.It relies on the donations given by visitors to the Museum.

3.What can we learn about the storytellers?

A.They get paid from the website by the hour.

B.They are expected to be above sixty years old.

C.They will receive professional training in acting.

D.They are chosen by the videos they have provided.




1. 表示欢迎    2. 推荐内容    3. 你的祝愿

参考词汇:recommend(v.) 推荐

注意:  1.词数100词左右;



Dear Jack,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




1.Sometimes ________ we do is different from what we say.

2.The brothers’ doubt is ________ Mr. Li can stay out of jail.

3.Miss Yang promised to attend my birthday party, but she hasn't turned ____ so far.

4.The policeman can't have the thief getting away ______ stealing people's money.

5.Sometimes he found ______ very hard to fall asleep at night, so he went to see the doctor.

6._______ (seek) to find out the real cause of the accident was what he was eager to do.

7.She ________(stare) at the sky when she spotted some sparrows flying.

8.The day we looked forward to ________(came) at last.

9.It is hard to imagine how the universe first came into ________(exist).

10.Cycling is highly ____________(benefit) to health and the environment.




1.To meet their________ (好奇心), we'd better answer them.

2.He often says that every one is free to believe in any ________(宗教).

3.We are always _______(钦佩) the old scientist for his great contribution to the country.

4.John admitted that it was his ________(过失)that we were late.

5.To tell you the truth, I am deeply ________(印象深刻) by its beautiful scenery.

6.S________  by many trees, the building seems in a forest.

7.You should make an a_________ to Kate for being so rude.

8.It’s of great importance to know your own s_______ and weaknesses.

9.Children shouldn’t be allowed to watch v________ movies.

10.Large a_______ of money have been spent on education in the past ten years.




The tourists’ favorite visiting places vary from person to person. No matter 1. they travel, the museum is often 2. the top of their visiting list.

Why are the tourists 3. interested in visiting museums? First of all, museums are the treasure houses of mankind’s 4. (history) achievements.In the museum we can learn a great deal about the people of the past. We can also learn about cultures 5. than our own and gain a better understanding of new culture. Secondly, people choose 6. (visit) museums abroad in order to see things that they cannot see at home.They may 7. (know) of famous works of art and look forward to the chance to see them 8.their own eyes.

Visiting museums is 9. activity that will provide the traveler with a better understanding of the world. That is 10. most people choose to visit museums when they travel to a new place.



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