满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What is the man doin...


1.What is the man doing?

A.Asking for help. B.Making an appointment. C.Offering suggestions.

2.What will Jane and Helen do next weekend?

A.Enjoy themselves with Susan.

B.Go hiking in the mountains.

C.Do some holiday shopping.

3.When did the woman go climbing last time?

A.About two years ago. B.About a year ago. C.About a month ago.

4.What do we know about Susan?

A.She is familiar with Helen.

B.She has good organization skills.

C.She’s John’s girlfriend.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 M: Helen, will you be free next weekend? W: I will be busy. Jane is going to do some holiday shopping and she wants me to come with her. M: Okay, I am free both weekends. I fancy going hiking in the mountains. What do you think? W: I haven’t been to the mountains for almost two years so it will be nice to go there again. M: Good. I have some friends we could stay with overnight. W: I see you have things well organized, John. I will put myself in your hands. M: Do you think Jane would like to come as well? W: I’m not sure. I can ask. M: You see, Susan is thinking of coming, so it would be nice to have Jane as well. W: Is Susan the new girlfriend you told me about? M: That’s right. W: No problem. I will try to convince Jane to come with us.


1.How does the woman go to work?

A.By car. B.By running. C.By bus.

2.What feeling does the woman get from running?

A.Free. B.Peaceful. C.Tired.

3.How will the man train for the big race?

A.Run to work. B.Run at a gym. C.Run around a park.




1.What does Tina use to cure a cold?

A.Medicine. B.Ginger. C.Cold water.

2.How old is Tian’s grandmother now?

A.93 years old. B.94 years old. C.95 years old.




1.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student. B.Classmates. C.Strangers.

2.Where is the Language Arts building?

A.On the right of the bridge.

B.At the end of Campus Centre Walk.

C.Opposite the Physical Education building.



What does the man say about Sam?

A.He is now in America.

B.He will hold a goodbye party.

C.He has returned from abroad.



What did the woman do at the weekend?

A.She watched TV. B.She went for a ride. C.She climbed a mountain.



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