满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A group of students at Yale University h...

    A group of students at Yale University has set up a drone (无人机) delivery service on campus. Kiki Air_______to deliver candy, snacks and other small items to students who place orders_______an app. The service is being tested_______using a small group of student customers before being launched_______wide. Developers told the Yale Daily News that users_______items from a menu on their phones and receive them at one of several drop_______around campus in a padded envelope _______to a drone.

Kiki Air's founder, Yale senior Jason Lu, says his company_______from a class project and has_______a $150,000 grant(补助金) from a California-based investor in startups. “The convenience store business model hasn't been________in a hundred years,” Co-founder Cat Orman told the student newspaper. “Delivery is ________, inefficient and pays divers terrible wages. We created Kiki Air________we want to bring that model into the future in the ________that creates real jobs and reduces the carbon footprint.” Customers are notified when a drone is________the prearranged drop zone to ensure they are in the area to________a package.

The newspaper reported that a Kiki Air drone________last week onto a campuswalkway, but nobody was________. Oman described the incident as a “controlled landing” and said the company has increased________and will improve the service after the incident. Yale officials didn’t immediately return________left on Monday seeking comment. Company officials say they hope eventually to ________the service to other campuses.

1.A.prefers B.promises C.manages D.demands

2.A.for B.to C.through D.over

3.A.currently B.gradually C.sincerely D.fluently

4.A.nation B.world C.town D.campus

5.A.order B.require C.consult D.accept

6.A.directions B.locations C.environments D.devices

7.A.carried B.added C.attached D.accessed

8.A.grew B.dated C.benefited D.differed

9.A.raised B.gained C.saved D.donated

10.A.updated B.discovered C.operated D.explained

11.A.convenient B.necessary C.unpopular D.expensive

12.A.when B.if C.because D.though

13.A.way B.result C.case D.event

14.A.finding B.leaving C.nearing D.locating

15.A.do up B.pick up C.give out D.put out

16.A.stopped B.landed C.arrived D.fell

17.A.warned B.affected C.injured D.punished

18.A.delivering B.flying C.controlling D.training

19.A.items B.messages C.service D.drone

20.A.improve B.restore C.exchange D.expand


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了在耶鲁大学试用的无人机送货服务。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kiki Air承诺,只要学生通过应用程序下订单,就能给他们送去糖果、零食和其他小商品。A. prefers更喜欢;B. promises向(某人) 承诺 (给予他们某物);向(某人)保证 (他们获得某物);C. manages管理;(设法)做成某事;D. demands要求。根据前文“a drone delivery service”可知,主语“Kiki”应是无人机送货服务,结合后文“deliver candy, snacks and other small items to students who place orders”可知,其应该保证给与下单的学生提供糖果,零食和其他小物品。故选B项。 2.考查介词词义辨析。句意:Kiki Air承诺,只要学生通过应用程序下订单,就能给他们送去糖果、零食和其他小商品。A. for为了;B. to朝向;C. through通过;D. over在……之上。根据后文宾语为“an app”,可知,应是通过该软件下单订购。故选C项。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这项服务目前正在一小部分学生客户中进行测试,然后在全校范围内推出。A. currently当前;一般地;B. gradually逐渐地;C. sincerely诚恳地;真诚地;D. fluently流利地;通畅地。根据句中“The service is being tested ___3___ using a small group of student customers before being launched ___4__ wide.”含有的语法结构为现在进行时的被动结构,因此可知,在讲述当前的情况。故选A项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项服务目前正在一小部分学生客户中进行测试,然后在全校范围内推出。A. nation国家;民族;B. world世界;C. town城镇;D. campus校园。根据文章首句内容“A group of students at Yale University has set up a drone delivery service on campus.”可知,该服务是要在校园里开展的。故选D项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研发人员告诉《耶鲁每日新闻》,用户从手机上的菜单上订购商品,然后在校园附近的几个投递地点之一收到商品,商品装在附在无人机上的软垫信封里。A. order命令;订购;B. require要求;C. consult咨询;查阅;D. accept接受。根据后文宾语为items,意为“物品”,且主语为“users”,意为“用户”,可推知,应是用户通过手机订购物品。故选A项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:研发人员告诉《耶鲁每日新闻》,用户从手机上的菜单上订购商品,然后在校园附近的几个投递地点之一收到商品,商品装在附在无人机上的软垫信封里。A. directions方向;说明书;B. locations地点;准确位置;C. environments环境;D. devices仪器;设备。根据前文“receive them”可知,本句应是讲述收货地点。故选B项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研发人员告诉《耶鲁每日新闻》,用户从手机上的菜单上订购商品,然后在校园附近的几个投递地点之一收到商品,商品装在附在无人机上的软垫信封里。A. carried提;抱;携带;B. added增加;C. attached附; 贴; 系;D. accessed获取。根据前文“a padded envelope”,意为“软垫信封”,可知订购的商品被放在软垫信封里,而该信封应是附着在无人机上。attach to,固定结构,意为“依附,附属;使贴/粘在……上”,符合句意要求。故选C项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kiki Air的创始人、耶鲁大学大四学生Jason Lu说,他的公司是从一个课堂项目发展起来的,并从加州的一个创业投资者那里获得了15万美元的资助。A. grew生长;B. dated给……标注日期;C. benefited有益于; 得益;D. differed不同。结合句子“Kiki Air’s founder, Yale senior Jason Lu, says his company ___8___ from a class project and has ___9___ a $150,000 grant from a California-based investor in startups.”句意可知,本句在讲述Kiki Air的“创业”初始,起源于一个班级项目。grow from“由……发展起来”,符合句意要求。故选A项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kiki Air的创始人、耶鲁大学大四学生Jason Lu说,他的公司是从一个课堂项目发展起来的,并从加州的一个创业投资者那里获得了15万美元的资助。A. raised提高;筹集;B. gained获得;C. saved救助;储蓄;D. donated捐赠。根据后文“a $150,000 grant from a California-based investor in startups.”可知,150,000美元的补助金是从投资者那里获得的资助。gain sth from sb.“从某人那里得到某物”。故选B项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:便利店的商业模式已经有100年没有更新过了。A. updated更新;B. discovered发现;发觉;C. operated操作;D. explained解释。根据句子:The convenience store business model hasn’t been ___10__ in a hundred years,” Co-founder Cat Orman told the student newspaper. “Delivery is ___11 _ , inefficient and pays divers terrible wages.”句意理解可知,“a hundred years”,“inefficient”,“terrible wages”均可推测Cat Orman在讲述一百年以来便利店的“不便之处”,工作模式未曾得到更新。故选A项。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:运输成本高昂,效率低下,潜水员的工资也很低。A. convenient 方便的;B. necessary必要的;C. unpopular不受欢迎的;D. expensive昂贵的。根据后文“inefficient and pays divers terrible wages”可知,在讲述便利店的“不便之处”:送货效率低,给司机的工资也很低,因此可推知,“昂贵的”也可为其不便之处。故选D项。 12.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我们创造了Kiki Air,因为我们想把这种模式带入未来,以创造真正的就业机会和减少碳足迹的方式。A. when当……时候;B. if如果;是否;C. because因为;D. though尽管。分析可知,后文“we want to bring that model into the future in the ___13__ that creates real jobs and reduces the carbon footprint(我们想把这种模式带入未来,以创造真正的就业机会和减少碳足迹的方式)”应是之前句“We created Kiki”的原因,应用逻辑连词because引导。故选C项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们创造了Kiki Air,因为我们想把这种模式带入未来,以创造真正的就业机会和减少碳足迹的方式。A. way方法;道路;B. result结果;C. case情况;案例;D. event事件。分析可知,“that creates real jobs and reduces the carbon footprint”应是所填空名词的定语从句,根据该从句含义可知,这是一种未来的便利店经营的方法和模式。故选A项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当一架无人机接近预先安排好的投递区时,客户会收到通知,以确保他们在该地区取走包裹。A. finding找到;发现;B. leaving离开;C. nearing接近;靠近;D. locating定位;找到……的准确位置。根据后文“the prearranged drop zone to ensure they are in the area”可知,客户会收到通知,以确保能够在指定区域内拿到包裹,因此,无人机应是在接近/靠近该区域时才发出通知。故选C项。 15.考查动词词组辨析。句意:当一架无人机接近预先安排好的投递区时,客户会收到通知,以确保他们在该地区取走包裹。A. do up扣好;B. pick up拿起;取走;C. give out分发;D. put out熄灭。根据“the prearranged drop zone to ensure they are in the area to ___15__ a package”可知,无人机递送包裹,应是将其放在地上,客户应是将其拾起拿走,因此“pick up”符合句意和语境。故选B项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:该报报道称,上周,一架Kiki无人机坠落到校园走廊上,但无人受伤。A. stopped停止;B. landed着陆;降落;C. arrived到达;D. fell落下;坠落。根据后文“will improve the service after the incident”可知,应是发生了事故,因此可推知,本句在讲述该事故“无人机坠落”。故选D项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:该报报道称,上周,一架Kiki无人机坠落到校园走廊上,但无人受伤。A. warned警告;B. affected影响;C. injured伤害;使受伤;D. punished惩罚。根据前文“The newspaper reported that a Kiki Air drone ___16___ last week onto a campuswalkway”可知,报道了一件无人机坠落到校园走道上的事故,but表转折,应是无人受伤。故选C项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿曼称这是一次“可控着陆”,并表示公司已经加强了培训,并将在事故后改善服务。A. delivering递送;B. flying飞行;C. controlling控制;D. training训练。根据前文Oman described the incident as a “controlled landing”可知,负责人将这次事故描述为“受控降落”,因此可推知,该公司应加强无人机训练以便改善服务。故选D项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:耶鲁管理人员没有立即回复周一要求置评的留言。A. items项目;商品;B. messages信息;消息;C. service服务;D. drone无人机。结合句子“Yale officials didn’t immediately return ___19___ left on Monday seeking comment”含义可知,耶鲁大学官方没有立即对周一要求置评的留言进行回复。故选B项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:公司官员说,他们希望最终将这项服务扩展到其他校区。A. improve提高;改善;B. restore恢复;C. exchange交换;D. expand扩大。根据后文“to other campuses”可知,该公司希望将该项服务推广扩大到其他校园。故选D项。

    Many parents see business ownership as a better bet for their kids' future than a graduate degree. Some parents described it as the opportunity to control their fortunes and have a chance to get wealth.1.. In fact, setting a child up in business is surely one big test of that bond. It is probably risky: small-business failures are common, and parents risk losing their entire investment, their life savings, or more. They also risk having their relationships with young- adult children intent at this stage on independence.2.. Jon Kelecy's father set him up recently in a franchise (加盟店). Jon, 26, loves the work and appreciates his dad's support. But he dislikes "being in his father's pocket" in spite of all the anxiety of a start-up.

Many parents choose franchises for their kids because they seem to offer marketing, branding and management support.3.. One mother lost $250, 000 when a fast-food franchise she purchased for her son filed, Mr. Bundy says. In another case, parents lost 8350.000 on a coffee-shop business they financed for their daughter.4.. “As a parent, the best git you can ever receive is to see your children happy and successful, and equipped to make a living," Marvin Himel says.

5.. Some structured it as a loan and delayed repayment. Others took stock in the business, with an agreement that their child would use future earnings to buy it back. Some parents look farther ahead, hoping their children's business will support them in retirement.

A.I's hard for children to make a choice

B.A few viewed it as a long-term investment

C.The setups can be stressful for young adults, too

D.But start-up business costs quite a lot, and has high risks

E.Parents often say they would do anything for their children

F.Children are eager to get support from their parents in management

G.For some parents, however, the potential rewards seem worth all the risk



    Inaccessible Island is well named. It is an uninhabited rock in the South Atlantic ocean. Go there, though, and you will find its coast is covered with litter.

That has been the experience of Peter Ryan of the University of Cape Town, in South Africa. Since 1984 Dr. Ryan has been visiting Inaccessible, recording the litter stranded on the island's beaches. This week, he has published the results.

Though Inaccessible is indeed remote, the nature of oceanic circulation means that this is exactly the sort of place where floating rubbish tends to accumulate.

Dr. Ryan and his colleagues focused on one particular class of litter: bottles. Their definition of a bottle included jars and containers, and things made of metal, glass or polymer. Most, though, were of polyethylene terephthalate , a light plastic.

A particular advantage of picking bottles to investigate is that they are often stamped with their country of manufacture. That enabled Dr. Ryan to analyze the history of oceanic littering. He analyzed the proportions of bottles from various geographical sources. In 1989 the preponderance (优势) of them (67%) was South American. Twenty years later, in 2009, bottles made in Asia contributed more or less equally (44%) with South American ones (41%). By 2018 the overwhelming (压倒性的) majority (74%) were Asian.

This geographical shift speaks volumes. The first sample suggests most litter arriving on Inaccessible had been washed off the land or dropped from coastal shipping — South America being a relatively nearby continent. The other two, with their rising proportions of rubbish from Asia, which is too far from the island for it to have floated there, strongly suggest it was crews’ empties being flung from ships. Such littering is banned — which, ironically, came into force in 1989. But evidently a lot of ships’ captains do not care. They permit the dumping of rubbish over the side, regardless.

1.What leads to litter gathering on Inaccessible Island?

A.The natural phenomenon of ocean currents. B.Too many people’s activities on the island.

C.The litter’s floating around the island. D.The island’s remote location.

2.Why does Dr. Ryan choose bottles as subjects?

A.It is easy to analyze them. B.It is possible to figure out their sources.

C.There are stamps attached to them. D.They contribute most to oceanic littering.

3.What does the underlined word “flung” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Cast away. B.Given away.

C.Carried out. D.Put out.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Plastic Bottles Washed up on Inaccessible Island

B.Geographical Factors Accounting for More Rubbish

C.Plastic Pollution Worsening on Remote Atlantic

D.A Bottled up Rubbish Problem on Inaccessible Island



    The London Interdisciplinary School (LIS), scheduled to open in 2021 with a target of admitting 100 students, will abandon traditional academic subjects and offer a three year bachelor of arts and sciences degree designed to deal with real-world issues. The curriculum is built around interdisciplinary problems—knife crime, childhood obesity, plastic pollution, among others—as well as quantitative and qualitative research skills. Employers like the Met Police and Virgin will provide project ideas and offer five -week work experience for students.

“We’re going to try and create a really transformational educational experience where all the people in the institution are waking up every morning and saying, ‘How can we take these brilliant young people and give them an amazing learning experience?” says Ed Fidoe, a co-founder of the LIS. The idea is similar to a U.S. liberal arts (通识教育) degree but also more specifically focused on multiple subjects— economics, psychology, sociology, statistic, etc. — to solve complex problems like childhood obesity. In other words, the problem, not the subject, sits at the center of the curriculum. The skills students develop, the founders hope, will more closely come into agreement with what an Al-infused, automated world demands: collaboration(协作) between people and machines, critical thinking, speaking and writing skill, and data management, to name just a few things.

The challenges of building a new university from scratch are daunting(令人生畏的): students have to sign up for, and pay for, something untested; all the teachers will have to teach in a totally new and different way; and there’s a risk that an interdisciplinary curriculum will be interesting but thin. Fidoe says it’s a tall order. “Are any 17-year-olds going to be crazy enough to come to something that doesn’t exist yet against something that’s been around for 150 years?” he says.

In the U.K, students apply through an admissions service center, and exam results are more important than anything else. On the contrary, at the LIS, students will instead apply directly during a pre-determined “selection day” where everyone is invited to participate. This day will include a face-to-face interview so that the college can better understand a student’s background, motivations, and passions.

1.What is the aim of the LIS?

A.To provide more and more project ideas for students.

B.To take a real-world approach to higher education.

C.To help employers to develop the students’ skills.

D.To conduct qualitative and quantitative research.

2.What’s special about the curriculum the LIS sets up?

A.It is subject-centered. B.It is based on AI technology.

C.It centers around social concerns. D.It covers every aspect of society.

3.What does the sentence “it’s a tall order” underlined in Para.3 mean?

A.It’s interesting to teach in a new approach.

B.It’s bound to put the curriculum in order.

C.It’s exciting to take on new challenges.

D.It’s hard to build the new university.

4.What can we learn about the LIS from the last paragraph?

A.It pays more attention to exam results.

B.It focuses more on the face-to-face interview.

C.It emphasizes students’ personal experiences and qualities .

D.It stresses the importance of is pre-determined “selection day”.



    When Millet was a boy he worked on his needy father's farm. At the rest hour in the fields the other workers would all take naps, but young Millet would spend time drawing. Finally, the village where he lived gave him a little money to Paris to study art.

When Millet reached Paris, he had a tough time. Fortunately, when he was almost starving, someone bought one of his peasant paintings, which enabled his family to leave for Barbizon.

Millet's pictures of peasants at work were painted in a unique way. The painter would go out on the farms and watch them carefullydigging, hoeing, spreading manure, sawing wood, or sowing grain. Then he would come home and paint what he had seen. So astonishingly accurate was his memory that he could paint at home without models and get all the movements of his figures right. When he did need a figure to go by, he would ask his wife to pose for him.

One of his noted artworks is called “The Sower”, which shows a man seeding. He reaches into his bag for seed and then swings backward to scatter the seed, and with each swing of his hand the sower strides forward. In Millet's picture the sower has been working hard, but his swinging step and arm still move smoothly, like a machine. Only the man's head reveals his great tiredness.

Another masterpiece is called “The Gleaners”. A gleaner is someone picking up the leftover in the field after the wheat harvest. When farmers near Barbizon are extremely badly-off, even the little the gleaners can find is a help. You can see from Millet's picture what back-breaking work gleaning must be.

1.What do we know about Millet?

A.His wife supported him to be a painter. B.He was keen on painting as a kid.

C.He spent his whole life in Barbizon. D.He was brought up in Paris.

2.How did he paint the laboring farmers?

A.Asking models for help. B.Imagining figures in the field.

C.Remembering what he had observed. D.Recalling the days on his father's farm.

3.What do Millet's works convey?

A.The farmers' hardships. B.The scene of farming.

C.His love for the village. D.His anxiety about the farmers.

4.What painting style of Millet can be inferred from the text?

A.Impressionistic. B.Abstract.

C.Romantic. D.Realistic.



    Want to be more successful? If so, then you need to read a few self-help books. Here are four popular ones to get you going.

59 Seconds ( 2009) by Richard Wiseman

This is a self-help book with a difference. Wiseman, a scientist, uses science to prove many self-help myths(神话) are false. For example, self-help books say that if you want to achieve a goal, you should visualize it. But Wiseman says that's the worst thing to do. Studies show that you need to visualize the steps required to achieve the goal.

How to Win Friends& Influence People ( 1936) by Dale Carnegie

This is the book that launched the self-help type. Carnegie says financial success is 15% professional knowledge and 85% the ability to express ideas, assume leadership, and motivate people. The book is full of practical advice on how to influence people by making them like you.

The Millionaire Next Door (1996) by Thomas Stanley & Wlliam Danko

The authors of this book spent years interviewing American millionaires to figure out the secrets of their success. And they discovered that a majority of millionaires don't live luxury lifestyles. They're rich because they live below their means and reinvest what they earn.

Who Moved My Cheese? (1998)-by Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on September 8, 1998, is a motivational business fable. The text describes change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two “little people”during their hunt for cheese.

1.What is the key to achieving success in 59 Seconds?

A.To employ science. B.To follow examples.

C.To picture procedures. D.To visualize the goal.

2.What is Dale Carnegie's book mainly about?

A.How to master occupational knowledge. B.How to apply practical techniques.

C.How to gain strong management. D.How to become popular persons.

3.Which book can help you adapt to change in your life?

A.59 Seconds B.Who Moved My Cheese?

C.The Millionaire Next Door D.How to Win Friends& Influence People



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