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美国孔子学院( Confucius Institute)准备筹办“中国文化周"活...

美国孔子学院( Confucius Institute)准备筹办中国文化周"活动正在征求活动策划方案。假定你是新华中学的学生李华打算应征。请你通过邮件给主办负责人Mr. Smith写一封信:









Dear Mr. Smith, I ‘m Li Hua, a Chinese student from Xinhua Middle School. Knowing that the American Confucius Institute is preparing to host the Chinese Culture Week and seeking plans for the event, I ‘m writing to sign up for it. First of all, colorful activities , such as art exhibitions ,classics reciting contests, Kung fu shows ,opera performances and folk music concerts, might be organized to not only spread traditional Chinese culture but show the contemporary Chinese style. Besides, a Chinese culture ambassador might be recruited openly to promote more people’s participation in the activities. Should my carefully worked-out plan gain your favorable consideration, it would be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封信; 美国孔子学院( Confucius Institute)准备筹办“中国文化周"活动,正在征求活动策划方案。假定你是新华中学的学生李华,打算应征。请你通过邮件给主办负责人Mr. Smith写-一封信,内容包括:1.写信目的;2.活动方案;3.表达期待。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组) , 如: host 主办;seeking plans 寻找方案; sign up for报名;spread traditional Chinese culture传播传统中国文化;participation in参加等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ˆ) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线( \)划掉。




When I was a little boy, the dinner in the eve of Spring Festival is what I looked forward to most. It was not only for the delicious food, and for the opportunity for our whole families to get together. I would run around the house, listened to the adults chatting about their year. I'd get under my mother's feet in the kitchen, watching her to make dumplings. In the evening, all of them would sit around the table , enjoying the food and being together again. We toasted each other and laughed easy. The simple, homemade dishes tasted delicious than anything cook by a top chef.




As schools close and millions of people across the United States work from home, the promise of companionship is prompting(促使) some to take in animals. The1.(decide) to adopt pets flies in the face of some conventional wisdom that discourages adding a new animal 2.a household during a stressful or busy time of the year, such as the holidays. But so far the novel coronavirus3.( create) an almost parental leave-like situation for many people.

"There's no doubt4.animals provide incredible comfort and companionship, especially during times of crisis- and they5.(certain) appreciate the attention- so we encourage people 6.(continue) to adopt animals in need," said Malt Bershadker, president and chief executive of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

People are bringing home all kinds of living creatures for companionship during an unprecedented(空前的) time of social isolation(隔离), and they're sharing7.(photo) or social media to provide a break from darker news.

Pets can also entertain younger family members at home- -Kenneth Lynch and Lauren Wakefield bought a blue-and-silver betta fish for their two young children to help develop8.strong sense of responsibility with feeding it and9.( clean) the tank. This will help them "occupy some of their time in a more10. ( health) manner" while they are home from school, Lynch said.



    A group of students at Yale University has set up a drone (无人机) delivery service on campus. Kiki Air_______to deliver candy, snacks and other small items to students who place orders_______an app. The service is being tested_______using a small group of student customers before being launched_______wide. Developers told the Yale Daily News that users_______items from a menu on their phones and receive them at one of several drop_______around campus in a padded envelope _______to a drone.

Kiki Air's founder, Yale senior Jason Lu, says his company_______from a class project and has_______a $150,000 grant(补助金) from a California-based investor in startups. “The convenience store business model hasn't been________in a hundred years,” Co-founder Cat Orman told the student newspaper. “Delivery is ________, inefficient and pays divers terrible wages. We created Kiki Air________we want to bring that model into the future in the ________that creates real jobs and reduces the carbon footprint.” Customers are notified when a drone is________the prearranged drop zone to ensure they are in the area to________a package.

The newspaper reported that a Kiki Air drone________last week onto a campuswalkway, but nobody was________. Oman described the incident as a “controlled landing” and said the company has increased________and will improve the service after the incident. Yale officials didn’t immediately return________left on Monday seeking comment. Company officials say they hope eventually to ________the service to other campuses.

1.A.prefers B.promises C.manages D.demands

2.A.for B.to C.through D.over

3.A.currently B.gradually C.sincerely D.fluently

4.A.nation B.world C.town D.campus

5.A.order B.require C.consult D.accept

6.A.directions B.locations C.environments D.devices

7.A.carried B.added C.attached D.accessed

8.A.grew B.dated C.benefited D.differed

9.A.raised B.gained C.saved D.donated

10.A.updated B.discovered C.operated D.explained

11.A.convenient B.necessary C.unpopular D.expensive

12.A.when B.if C.because D.though

13.A.way B.result C.case D.event

14.A.finding B.leaving C.nearing D.locating

15.A.do up B.pick up C.give out D.put out

16.A.stopped B.landed C.arrived D.fell

17.A.warned B.affected C.injured D.punished

18.A.delivering B.flying C.controlling D.training

19.A.items B.messages C.service D.drone

20.A.improve B.restore C.exchange D.expand



    Many parents see business ownership as a better bet for their kids' future than a graduate degree. Some parents described it as the opportunity to control their fortunes and have a chance to get wealth.1.. In fact, setting a child up in business is surely one big test of that bond. It is probably risky: small-business failures are common, and parents risk losing their entire investment, their life savings, or more. They also risk having their relationships with young- adult children intent at this stage on independence.2.. Jon Kelecy's father set him up recently in a franchise (加盟店). Jon, 26, loves the work and appreciates his dad's support. But he dislikes "being in his father's pocket" in spite of all the anxiety of a start-up.

Many parents choose franchises for their kids because they seem to offer marketing, branding and management support.3.. One mother lost $250, 000 when a fast-food franchise she purchased for her son filed, Mr. Bundy says. In another case, parents lost 8350.000 on a coffee-shop business they financed for their daughter.4.. “As a parent, the best git you can ever receive is to see your children happy and successful, and equipped to make a living," Marvin Himel says.

5.. Some structured it as a loan and delayed repayment. Others took stock in the business, with an agreement that their child would use future earnings to buy it back. Some parents look farther ahead, hoping their children's business will support them in retirement.

A.I's hard for children to make a choice

B.A few viewed it as a long-term investment

C.The setups can be stressful for young adults, too

D.But start-up business costs quite a lot, and has high risks

E.Parents often say they would do anything for their children

F.Children are eager to get support from their parents in management

G.For some parents, however, the potential rewards seem worth all the risk



    Inaccessible Island is well named. It is an uninhabited rock in the South Atlantic ocean. Go there, though, and you will find its coast is covered with litter.

That has been the experience of Peter Ryan of the University of Cape Town, in South Africa. Since 1984 Dr. Ryan has been visiting Inaccessible, recording the litter stranded on the island's beaches. This week, he has published the results.

Though Inaccessible is indeed remote, the nature of oceanic circulation means that this is exactly the sort of place where floating rubbish tends to accumulate.

Dr. Ryan and his colleagues focused on one particular class of litter: bottles. Their definition of a bottle included jars and containers, and things made of metal, glass or polymer. Most, though, were of polyethylene terephthalate , a light plastic.

A particular advantage of picking bottles to investigate is that they are often stamped with their country of manufacture. That enabled Dr. Ryan to analyze the history of oceanic littering. He analyzed the proportions of bottles from various geographical sources. In 1989 the preponderance (优势) of them (67%) was South American. Twenty years later, in 2009, bottles made in Asia contributed more or less equally (44%) with South American ones (41%). By 2018 the overwhelming (压倒性的) majority (74%) were Asian.

This geographical shift speaks volumes. The first sample suggests most litter arriving on Inaccessible had been washed off the land or dropped from coastal shipping — South America being a relatively nearby continent. The other two, with their rising proportions of rubbish from Asia, which is too far from the island for it to have floated there, strongly suggest it was crews’ empties being flung from ships. Such littering is banned — which, ironically, came into force in 1989. But evidently a lot of ships’ captains do not care. They permit the dumping of rubbish over the side, regardless.

1.What leads to litter gathering on Inaccessible Island?

A.The natural phenomenon of ocean currents. B.Too many people’s activities on the island.

C.The litter’s floating around the island. D.The island’s remote location.

2.Why does Dr. Ryan choose bottles as subjects?

A.It is easy to analyze them. B.It is possible to figure out their sources.

C.There are stamps attached to them. D.They contribute most to oceanic littering.

3.What does the underlined word “flung” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Cast away. B.Given away.

C.Carried out. D.Put out.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Plastic Bottles Washed up on Inaccessible Island

B.Geographical Factors Accounting for More Rubbish

C.Plastic Pollution Worsening on Remote Atlantic

D.A Bottled up Rubbish Problem on Inaccessible Island



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