满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What kind of food do...


1.What kind of food does the man want to eat?

A.Beef. B.Ham sandwich. C.Chicken.

2.When will the man’s son receive his food?

A.In about ten minutes. B.In about two minutes. C.In about one minute.

3.Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A.In a restaurant. B.In a movie theater. C.On a plane.


1.C 2.A 3.C 【解析】 W: Would you like the beef and vegetables or the chicken and rice? M: I’ll have the chicken, and my wife will have the beef and vegetables. Also, do you have a kids’ menu we can order from? W: Sure. It’s in the pocket on the back of the seat. What would you like? M: My son will have a ham sandwich and some potato chips. Thank you. W: OK. You’ll have to wait until we finish serving the lunches. All our attendants are busy right now. I will be here in about 10 minutes. M: Can I get a Coke, two bottles of water, please? W: You’ll just have to wait a minute, sir. The drink cart is right behind me. Anything else? M: Yes, actually. I think my earphones are broken. I can’t hear the sound from the movie. W: No problem, sir. I’ll bring you a pair when I come back with the sandwich. Is that all? M: Yes, that’s it. Thanks.


1.How many dogs do the speakers have?

A.Two. B.One. C.Three.

2.Why does the woman change her mind about the cat?

A.She wants more animals.

B.She doesn’t want it to die.

C.She has enough money and room for it.



How does the man feel?

A.Hopeful. B.Worried. C.Happy.



When are the speakers waking up tomorrow?

A.At ten. B.Around nine. C.Before eight.



Why has the woman changed the boy’s seat?

A.Because he can’t see clearly.

B.Because he talks too much.

C.Because he has trouble in listening.



Which team will have to wait?

A.The yellow team. B.The red team. C.The blue team.



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