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Forest bathing is originally a Japanese ...

    Forest bathing is originally a Japanese practice, which is about soaking up(吸收) _______with all your senses. It_______ participants to get slowly and deliberately into nature. Guided forest-bathing sessions _______ include deep breathing exercises, suggestions for aspects of nature to_______, and invitations to share what you've noticed.

My first forest bathing _______ was with a guide called Josh Heath. He _______ a fistful of red-spruce tree needles, crushed(压碎)them between his bearlike hands and breathed deeply. I _______ his lead, rolled the _______ between my hands, brought my hands to my _______, and breathed in the smell. Then, Heath showed me how to do a fox walk, placing my foot down in a semicircular fashion. I struck the ________ with my heel, then my big toe, followed by my little toe. We crept(悄悄缓慢行进)down the path, and he asked me to notice what was moving. I had to ________ my skeptical inner words and concentrate on my ________. When I did, I noticed the plants bowing and waving. I ________a squirrel running across the path. As we approached the lake, I watched a dragonfly flying over the water. I realized that having something ________ to look for helps me focus and stay present.

Heath ________ he didn't think much of forest bathing at first. But he realized that whenever he felt   ________, he would go fishing or head out into the woods. He found that forest bathing encouraged more mindfulness.

The next night I attempted forest bathing on my own. I went back to the lake, looked up, and saw the full brilliance of a starry sky undisturbed by artificial ________. I lay down, listening to the wind and the waves. I caught sight of a shooting star ________ behind the trees. It was a(n) ________ natural display-and I ________ understood the need to soak it up.

1.A.air B.nature C.spirit D.water

2.A.forces B.persuades C.encourages D.urges

3.A.typically B.barely C.fortunately D.seriously

4.A.focus on B.deal with C.act on D.connect with

5.A.lesson B.demand C.intention D.experience

6.A.discovered B.took C.noticed D.threw

7.A.expected B.followed C.missed D.ignored

8.A.needles B.branches C.earth D.grass

9.A.guide B.friend C.feet D.face

10.A.squirrel B.fox C.ground D.trunk

11.A.quiet B.disturb C.absorb D.stress

12.A.feelings B.sufferings C.surroundings D.greetings

13.A.prevented B.spotted C.fancied D.heard

14.A.new B.attractive C.strange D.specific

15.A.believes B.regrets C.concludes D.admits

16.A.relieved B.bad C.uninterested D.inspired

17.A.intelligence B.color C.light D.language

18.A.disappearing B.shining C.hanging D.waving

19.A.promising B.motivating C.threatening D.astonishing

20.A.hardly B.actually C.fully D.basically


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的一次森林浴经历。在向导的带领下,通过这次森林浴他看到了从未见过的景象,也放松了身心,更重要的是他认识到了沐浴在自然中,吸收自然的必要性。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:森林浴是一项源于日本的习惯,它是用你所有的感觉去吸收大自然。A. air空气;B. nature自然;C. spirit精神;D. water水。根据下文的It___2___ participants to get slowly and deliberately into nature.可知此处用“自然”符合语境,nature是原词复现,故选B项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它鼓励参与者慢慢地、有意识地进入大自然。A. forces强迫;B. persuades劝说;C. encourages鼓励;D. urges催促。结合上下文可知森林浴对人有好处,故此处应用一个正向的词语,故选C项。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:有指导的森林浴活动典型地包括深呼吸练习、关注自然方方面面的建议,以及邀请别人分享你所看到的一切。A. typically典型地;B. barely仅仅;C. fortunately幸运地;D. seriously严肃地。根据下文的deep breathing exercises, suggestions for aspects of nature to___4___, and invitations to share what you've noticed.可知此处是指森林动通常包括那些典型活动,故选A项。 4.考查动词短语辨析。句意:有指导的森林浴活动通常包括深呼吸练习、关注自然方方面面的建议,以及邀请别人分享你所注意到的一切。A. focus on关注;B. deal with处理;C. act on对……起作用;D. connect with把……联系起来。根据上文的It___2___ participants to get slowly and deliberately into nature可知参与者应该进入森林,并且关注森林里自然的一切,故选A项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的第一次森林浴经历是和一名叫Josh Heath的指导一起进行的。A. lesson课程;B. demand要求;C. intention意图;D. experience经历。根据下文内容可知,从本段开始作者讲述自己第一次森林浴的经历,故选D项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他拿了一大把红杉的针叶,用他熊掌一样手把他们压碎,然后深吸了一口气。A. discovered发现;B. took拿;C. noticed注意到;D. threw扔。根据下文的crushed them between his bearlike hands可知此处用“拿”符合语境,故选B项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我照着他那样做,用手搓红杉的针叶,然后把手拿到我的脸旁,闻它的味道。A. expected期待;B. followed跟最,照着……做;C. missed错过;D. ignored忽略。根据上文的He ___6___ a fistful of red-spruce tree needles, crushed them between his bearlike hands and breathed deeply.和下文的rolled the ___8___ between my hands, brought my hands to my ___9___, and breathed in the smell.可知此处用“照着他那样做”符合语境,故选B项。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我照着他那样做,用手搓红杉的针叶,然后把手拿到我的脸旁,闻它的味道。A. needles针叶;B. branches树枝;C. earth泥土;D. grass草。根据上文的He ___6___ a fistful of red-spruce tree needles可知此处用“针叶”符合语境,needles是原词复现,故选A项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我照着他那样做,用手搓红杉的针叶,然后把手拿到我的脸旁,闻它的味道。A. guide向导;B. friend朋友;C. feet脚;D. face脸。根据下文的breathed in the smell可知此处用“脸”符合语境,故选D项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把脚后跟放在地上,然后我的大脚趾,接下来是我的小脚趾。A. squirrel松鼠;B. fox狐狸;C. ground地面;D. trunk树干。根据上文的Then, Heath showed me how to do a fox walk, placing my foot down in a semicircular fashion.可知作者在跟导游学狐狸走路,故此处用“地面”符合语境,故选C项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我必须要自己的内心怀疑的话语安静下来,才能集中注意力在周围环境上。A. quiet使……安静;B. disturb打扰;C. absorb吸收;D. stress强调。根据下文的and concentrate on my ___12___.可知要集中精力,就要让自己怀疑的声音安静下来,故选A项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我必须要自己的内心怀疑的话语安静下来,才能集中注意力在周围环境上。A. feelings感情;B. sufferings遭遇;C. surroundings周遭(环境);D. greetings问候。根据下文的I noticed the plants bowing and waving. I ___13___a squirrel running across the path.可知作者注意到了周围的环境,故选C项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看到一只松鼠穿过林间小路。A. prevented阻止;B. spotted看见;C. fancied喜欢;D. heard听见。根据上文的When I did, I noticed the plants bowing and waving可知此处用“看见”符合语境,notice和spot是同义词复现,故选B项。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到有一些特定的、可以寻找的东西能帮助我集中精力,保持在当下。A. new新的;B. attractive有吸引力的;C. strange奇怪的;D. specific特定的,具体的。根据上文的and he asked me to notice what was moving可知此处用“特定的事物”符合语境,故选D项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Health承认一开始他也不太认可森林浴。A. believes相信;B. regrets后悔;C. concludes总结;D. admits承认。结合上下文可知,此处是指导游“承认”自己最初也不认可林浴,后来通过自己接触自然的感受,认识到了这项活动的益处,故选D项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但他意识到,无论何时他感觉糟糕时,就会去钓鱼或者前往森林。A. relieved放松的;B. bad糟糕的;C. uninterested不感兴趣的;D. inspired受到鼓舞的。结合文章提到的森林浴的好处和下文的he would go fishing or head out into the woods.可推测,作者在感觉糟糕时会去钓鱼或者前往森林,故选B项。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我回到湖边,看到了满天星斗,没有人造光的打扰。A. intelligence智慧;B. color颜色;C. light光;D. language语言。根据上文的saw the full brilliance of a starry sky可知此处在谈论夜空的光,“星光”和“人造光”形成对比,故选C项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看到一颗流星在树后划过、消失。A. disappearing消失;B. shining闪烁;C. hanging挂;D. waving挥手。根据常识可知,流星是转瞬即逝的,故此处用“消失”符合逻辑和语境,故选A项。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一场令人震惊的自然展示,而我,也完全明白了吸收大自然的必要性。A. promising有前途的;B. motivating激励的;C. threatening令人恐惧的;D. astonishing令人震惊的。根据上文的I lay down, listening to the wind and the waves. I caught sight of a shooting star ___18___ behind the trees.可知,对于作者来说看见纯洁的星空和流星对于作者来说令人震惊的一幕,故选D项。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这是一场令人震惊的自然展示,而我,也完全明白了吸收大自然的必要性。A. hardly几乎不;B. actually事实上;C. fully完全;D. basically基本上。结合上下文可知,此处是指经过这次森林浴的经历,作者完全理解了沐浴在自然中,吸收自然的必要性,故选C项。

    The beginning of November means winter is well on its way. 1. It's great to stay indoors surrounded by people that make you happiest. I've always felt homes that have the warmest atmosphere are those that feel the most lived in. Here are my personal tips on how to feed that coziness(温馨)into your home this winter.

It makes sense to fill your home with textured(有纹理的)decorations which feel warm and easy.  You can throw a textured blanket on your couch or bed. I'm also a huge fan of carpets on top of the wooden floors. Of course, carpets will help to physically warm your space by offering a cozy spot for your feet. 2.

It's also a good idea to display your creations and collections in your home. My wall was feeling bare one day, so I filled the space with a simple wall hanging. 3. Simple, yes, and it makes me feel warm every time I see it. Do any of you have a love for windowsills(窗台)like I do? Make use of your windowsill by displaying decorations like feathers, candleholders, rocks... anything you've collected over the years.

4. There's a homey feeling that goes along with letting your bed stay unmade for the day, or slipping your shoes off in the middle of your bedroom. Leave your closet door half open; hang necklaces on your wall; leave your curtain over the top of a mirror instead of getting it neatly away. 5.

A.A warm home usually feels casual.

B.I made it from a stick and some string.

C.I'm proud of my gift for creating' wonderful artworks.

D.And the addition can make a space feel warmer, just by looking at it.

E.It's a good habit to take time to get everything well organized at home.

F.To me, there's nothing better than spending a cold evening in a warm home.

G.In a word, if you make your space feel lived in, you'll enjoy living there all the more.



    When Barzilay had a routine breast X-ray in her early 40s, the image showed a complex group of white spots in her breast tissue. The marks could be normal, or they could be cancerous-even the best doctors often struggle to tell the difference. Over the next two years Barzilay underwent a second X-ray, a MRI and a biopsy and she was finally diagnosed(诊断) with breast cancer in 2014.

Barzilay was treated and made a good recovery. But she remained terrified that the uncertainties of reading an X-ray could delay treatment so she made a career-changing decision.

A computer scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Barzilay had never studied health before. Her research used machine-learning techniques for natural language processing. But she had been looking for a new line of research and decided to team up with radiologists (放射科医生) to develop machine-learning algorithms (算法) that use computers' superior visual analysis to spot patterns in X-rays that the human eye might miss.

Over the next four years the team taught a computer program to analyze X-rays from about 32,000 women and told it which women had been diagnosed with cancer within five years of the scan.  They then tested the computer's matching abilities in 3,800 more patients. Their resulting algorithm, published last May in Radiology, was significantly more accurate at predicting cancer than practices generally used in clinics. When Barzilay's team ran the program on her own X-ray from 2012-one her doctor had cleared-the algorithm correctly predicted she was at a higher risk of developing breast cancer within five years than 98 percent of patients.

AI applications are entering clinics at a rapid rate, and physicians have met the technology with equal parts excitement about its potential to reduce their workload and fear about losing their jobs to machines. Algorithms also raise questions about how to regulate a machine that is constantly learning and changing and who is to blame if an algorithm gets a diagnosis wrong. Still, many physicians are excited about the promise of AI programs.

1.What advantage do Barzilay's algorithms take of computers to predict cancer?

A.Superior visual analysis.

B.Timely risk warning settings.

C.Natural-language processing techniques.

D.Large storage of radiological knowledge.

2.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Cancer. B.Research.

C.The team. D.The program.

3.How do physicians react to AI applications in clinics?

A.They doubt the accuracy of the applications.

B.They have mixed feelings about the applications.

C.They promise to make the best of the applications.

D.They expect to rapidly popularize the applications.

4.It can be inferred from the text that

A.Barzilay suffered from breast cancer for two years in her forties

B.at first Barzilay didn't think X-ray was a reliable way of checking cancer

C.with Barzilay's algorithms her cancer could have been diagnosed earlier

D.Barzilay failed to turn to the best doctors to have her breast checked



    An exhibition at the Harvard Museum of Natural History is around the theme of food plant disease, using early 20th-century glass models of rotting fruit.

Known as Harvard's "Glass Flowers", the Ware Collection of Blaschka Glass Models of Plants consists of over 4300 sculptures of plants and plant parts fashioned entirely in glass by the German father-and-son artists Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka between 1887 and 1936. Harvard originally used the models as teaching tools, showing plants' three-dimensional structure and color.

The "Fruits in Decay" shows a collection of models of diseased, rotting, and withering(枯萎的) fruiting plants. The rotting fruit series was intended specifically to educate the public about the danger of plant disease. These models were created by Rudolf, the younger Blaschka, in the early 20th century Harvard botanist Oakes Ames asked him to create these diseased fruit models. And he thought about these as a way to look at what we now call food security-or insecurity.

Though the models were made nearly a hundred years ago, the theme is as remarkable as ever. Most of the illnesses shown on Rudolf Blaschka's plant models still affect today's crops.

"In certain ways, global agriculture is more likely to be harmed than it has ever been to disease threats(威胁), largely due to the widespread practice of planting one crop over large production areas. Less genetic diversity means that crops have less resistance to disease," says Sheng Yang He, a professor at Michigan State University.

Climate change will make plants more vulnerable to disease because warming temperatures disable an important plant defense system against plant disease. Major crop loss from plant disease is already at a shocking 20 t0 40 percent. Food security threats from disease will almost certainly become more common so there's a lot to be done about convincing people of it.

1.What are shown on the exhibition?

A.Models of diverse crops. B.Models of withering flowers.

C.Models of rotting plant parts. D.Models of diseased fruiting plants.

2.By whom were the exhibits created?

A.Oakes Ames. B.Sheng Yang He.

C.Rudolf Blaschka. D.Leopold Blaschka.

3.Why is the exhibition meaningful?

A.It convinces people of the food security threats.

B.It reminds people of effects of global warming.

C.It helps people understand the history of fruit planting.

D.It provides people with knowledge of global agriculture.

4.What does the underlined word "vulnerable" in the last paragraph mean?

A.Weak and easily hurt. B.Resistant and protected.

C.Defensive and hard to attack. D.Sensitive and completely destroyed.



    Considered to be not only an outstanding businesswoman, but also a leader that all of us can learn from, Shazi Visram is a daughter of immigrants who took life-changing risks in order to create a better world for their children. For as long as she can remember, she has wanted to be a part of something bigger than herself. Ms. Visram has always sought to create abundance and pay it forward-the question was: how? Her journey took her to Columbia Business School, where she had an "Aha! Moment" while listening with a sympathetic ear to a friend's concern about the difficulty of finding the time to make her own baby food, and the lack of healthy options in traditional baby food. In that moment, Happy Family was born.

Ms. Visram made it her mission to create a progressive business that could positively affect the health of our children while giving back to those in need and also supporting sustainable(可持续的) agriculture. Under Ms.' Visram's guidance, Happy Family has continued to grow, announcing a partnership with Groupe Danone, a global company whose mission is to bring health through food to people everywhere. The partnership will raise the bar for children's nutrition in the US, combining their shared  devotion to social responsibility.

Ms. Visram's accomplishments have earned her the respect and admiration of her peers and colleagues. Happy Family was recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in the country by Inc. Magazine.

In addition to her MBA from Columbia Business School, Ms. Visram holds a BA in history from Columbia College. In addition, she works with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship as an instructor to young and ambitious entrepreneurs (企业家) from low-income communities.

1.What can be inferred about Shazi Visram?

A.She traveled a lot when she was young.

B.She has been ambitious since an early age.

C.She was born into a wealthy immigrant family.

D.She took risks to create a better life for her family.

2.What gave Shazi Visram the inspiration for Happy Family?

A.The concern of a friend.

B.Her journey to a big company.

C.Her concern about poor children.

D.The lack of traditional baby food.

3.What's Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.The nutrition levels of children.

B.Shazi Visram's contributions to society.

C.The importance of sustainable agriculture.

D.Happy Family's partnership with Groupe Danone.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.A woman who is recognized for running a business

B.A woman who holds two degrees and instructs others

C.A woman who raises the bar for children's nutrition

D.A woman who creates abundance and pays it forward



HG Wells Short Story Competition 2020

The competition is open to anyone. Your story can be set anywhere, feature any characters, and be written in any style. This year's theme is "Vision". There are no entry fees for those aged 21 and under. Over 21s must pay an entry fee of10 or5 for those with student ID.

There are two prizes:

1,000 for writers aged 21 and under

500 for writers aged over 21

NursinglnFocus Photo Contest 2020

This year we're celebrating the Year of the Nurse. The aim of the NursingInFocus Photo Contest is to put the spotlight on the work of nurses around the world. The competition is open to anyone 18 years old or older. The competition is free to enter.


Overall Winner: $ 1,000

Category Winners: $ 200

People's Choice: $ 500

2020 Posterheroes Contest

Posterheroes Contest is an international poster competition on social and environmental themes.  This year's theme is HUMANS AT WORK. The competition is free to enter.

The winner will receive a cash prize of 2500

Rijksstudio Design Award 2020

The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam invites everyone to create their own masterpiece inspired by the Rijksmuseum's collection. Alf art forms are possible, such as photos, videos, animations, products, fashion, collages or poems. The competition is free to enter.

The winner of the Rijksstudio Design Award will receive 7500.

1.What is special about HG Wells Short Story Competition 2020?

A.It's not open to everyone.

B.It limits stories to one style.

C.It accepts stories of all themes.

D.It's not free for all participants.

2.How much can the winner of 2020 Posterheroes Contest get as a prize?

A.$ 1,000. B.$ 2,000.

C.2,500. D.7,500.

3.Which competition may accept a poem?

A.2020 Posterheroes Contest.

B.Rijksstudio Design Award 2020.

C.NursingInFocus Photo Contest 2020.

D.HG Wells Short Story Competition 2020.



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