满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If you are reading this, you were probab...

    If you are reading this, you were probably born in the 2000s. The oh-ohs. The 21st century. That would make you young, creative, connected, global, and no doubt smart. Maybe good-looking, too. Right? But what do other people think about your generation?

Some adults worry that you’re more interested in the screen in front of you than the world around you. They think of you as the “face-down generation” because you use your phone so much and they wonder how you will deal with school, friends, and family. Are today’s teenagers too busy texting and taking selfies to become successful in real life—or “IRL”, as you would say?

Other adults worry that today’s youth are spoilt and don’t want to face the challenges of adult life. Many children born in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by “helicopter parents", who were always there to guide and help their children with a busy schedule filled with homework and after-class activities such as dancing, drawing, or sports. With parents who do everything for them, today’s youth seem to prefer to live like teenagers even when they are in their 20s or 30s.

With these taken into account, does the face down generation need a warning? Well, probably not. The fact is that many of today’s teenagers are better educated and more creative than past generations. They seem to be enthusiastic and willing to be become leaders. More young people than ever volunteer to help their communities. There are also brave young people such as Malala Yousafzai, the teenager who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for pushing girls’ rights to go to school.

So if you’re one of the oh-ohs, there are reasons to be hopeful about the future. Things are looking up for the face-down generation. Chances are that you will do GR8 (great) and LOL (laugh out loud).

1.Which of the following words can not be used to describe the oh-ohs?

A.Creative. B.Caring.

C.Ignorant. D.Intelligent.

2.What does the underlined phrase “helicopter parents” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.parents who are rich and travel by helicopter.

B.parents who always watch over their children.

C.parents who have a very busy schedule.

D.parents who only turn up when necessary.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The writer is a member of the face-down generation.

B.The writer is optimistic about the future of the oh-ohs.

C.The oh-ohs are more good-looking than their parents.

D.The oh-ohs care about nothing other than their phones.

4.What can be a best title for the passage?

A.The “helicopter parents” B.The over-worried parents

C.The spoiled generation D.The face-down generation


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文,论述了成年人对于00后的担忧。作者认为00后受过更好的教育和更有创造力,也能关爱他人,对他们的未来充满了希望。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中“That would make you young, creative, connected, global, and no doubt smart. ”以及第四段中“More young people than ever volunteer to help their communities. ”可知,作者认为00后有创造力、聪明、关爱他人。文中没有关于00后ignorant的描述。故选C项。 2.词句猜测题。根据第三段中关于helicopter parents后定语从句的描述“… who were always there to guide and help their children with a busy schedule filled with homework and after-class activities such as dancing, drawing, or sports. ”可知,“直升机父母”是指总是在那里指导和帮助他们的孩子,让孩子的日程安排充满了家庭作业和课后活动。从guide and help可知,“直升机父母”是总是监管孩子的父母。故选B项。 3.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“So if you’re one of the oh-ohs, there are reasons to be hopeful about the future. ” 可知,作者认为00后的未来充满了希望。作者对00后的未来还是很乐观的。故选B项。 4.主旨大意题。文章第一段最后一句提出“But what do other people think about your generation? ”,下文论述了成年人对于00后的种种担忧,认为他们经常使用手机,称他们是“脸朝下”的一代,也担心“直升机父母” 将他们宠坏了。作者认为00后受过更好的教育和更有创造力,也能关爱他们,对他们的未来充满希望。 因此文章是讨论关于00后的不同的看法。故选D项。

    We've certainly seen a dog nursing a wound, or a deer calling out in pain. But many animals suffer in silence. The most silent sufferers in the animal world may be fish.

Do fish feel pain? A new study from the University of Liverpool has found that fish feel pain in a way that's "strikingly similar" to humans. For the study, Lynne Sneddon, from the university's Institute of Integrative Biology, reviewed the existing body of research 98 studies in all and concluded that they feel pain just as sharply as we do."

When subject to a potentially painful event, fish show changes in behavior such as stopping feeding and reduced activity, which are prevented when a pain-relieving drug is provided. In fact, like us, they breathe heavily and stop eating when they're hurting. They will even rub the part of their body that aches." Sneddon notes in a university release.

To understand pain in other species, scientists look at nociceptors (疼痛感受器), which send signals to the brain when the body is being damaged. Humans have them throughout their skin, bones and muscles. Nociceptors have also been found in many other species, including even those tiny fruit flies.

Fish have the same means to detect pain signals and the equipment to receive them. Besides, the fishermen's opinion that fish feel no pain just doesn't add up from an evolutionary view. Pain is an efficient messenger that tells, us that we've got a problem. An animal that can't feel it won't get that memo (ER), even if it hurts itself.

"If we accept fish experience pain, then this has great significance for how we treat them," Sneddon says. "Care should be taken when handling fish to avoid damaging theirs sensitive skin and they should be humanely caught and killed."

1.What can we learn about fish?

A.They are insensitive to pain. B.They are able to sense pain.

C.They won't react to painkillers. D.Their brain is the first to send pain signals.

2.What will a fish do when its lips get hurt?

A.It might rub its lips. B.It will keep its mouth open.

C.It will swim around like crazy. D.It will keep eating to forget pain.

3.What is the significance of the study according to Sneddon?

A.People will treat fish in a kinder way.

B.People can understand evolution better.

C.People can develop more drugs to save fish.

D.People will think of more ways to catch fish.

4.What does the underlined part "add up" probably mean?

A.Disappear. B.Put forward.

C.Make sense. D.Happen.



    I needed to get some money so, after Christmas, I took a job in the clothes department at Graham’s for the first fortnight of the January sale. I can’t say that I enjoyed it, but it was an experience I’ll never forget. I could never understand why there were so many things in the sales; where did they all come from? Now I know the secret! Firstly, there is the special winter stock and the stock that people buy all the year round; some of these things are slightly reduced. Secondly, there are the summer clothes they couldn’t sell last year; these are heavily reduced to clear them. Thirdly, there are cheap clothes bought in specially for the sales; these are put out at high prices ten days before the sale begins and then are reduced by 60% in the sale. Clever! Lastly, they buy in “seconds” (clothes not in perfect condition) for the sale and they are sold very cheaply.

When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale, there was already a queue around three sides of the building. This made me very nervous. When the big moment arrived to open the doors, the security guards, looking less confident than usual, came up to them, keys in hand. The moment they had unlocked the doors, they hid behind the doors for protection as the noisy crowd charged in. I couldn’t believe my eyes; this wasn’t shopping, it was a battlefield! One poor lady couldn’t keep her feet and was knocked over by people pushing from behind. Clothes were flying in all directions as people searched for the sizes, colors and styles they wanted. Quarrels broke out. Mothers were using their small children to crawl(爬行) through people’s legs and get hold of things they couldn’t get near themselves.

Within minutes I had half a dozen people pushing clothes under my nose, each wanting to be the first served. Where had the famous English Queue gone? The whole day continued like that, but I kept my temper! I was taking money hand over fist and began to realize why, twice a year, Graham’s were happy to turn their expensive store into a battlefield like this. In the sale fever, people were spending money like water without thinking whether they needed what they were buying. As long as it was a bargain it was OK. You won’t believe this but as soon as I got home I crashed out for four hours. Then I had dinner and went back to bed, fearing the sound of the alarm which would tell me to get ready for the second day of the sale.

1.What kind of clothes is likely to be sold 5% cheaper?

A.Last summer’s clothes. B.Clothes not in perfect condition.

C.Clothes bought in specially for the sales. D.Clothes for winter.

2.In the author’s opinion, why were Graham’s happy to make their expensive store into “Battlefield”?

A.There were too many clothes and they wanted to clear them in the sales.

B.They were eager to show that they were clever at doing business.

C.They could take the chance to raise the prices of all their clothes.

D.They wanted to make more money by having sales.

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The customers gave up the queuing for which the English are famous.

B.The customers kept their temper while looking for clothes they wanted.

C.Small children enjoyed crawling through people’s legs.

D.The security guards were fearless of the crowd.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.The Best Bargain. B.Hunting For a Job.

C.Sale Fever. D.A Pleasant Fortnight.



    Requirements for foreigners to be employed in China

In accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations, any foreigners seeking employment in China must meet the following conditions:

(1) be 18 years of age or older and in good health;

(2) have the professional skills and job experience required for the intended employment;

(3) have no criminal record;

(4) propose to work for a clearly-defined employer;

(5) have a valid passport or other international travel document in lieu of a passport.

Procedures for foreigners working in China

(1) Foreigners who want to work in China should first get in touch with a valid Chinese employer who has an employment license for foreigners issued by a labor administrative bureau.

(2) Foreigners with permission to work in China should apply for employment visas at the Chinese embassies.

(3) Employers of foreigners should get work permits for their foreign employees within 15 days after their entry into China by providing related documents.

(4) Foreign employees who have received their work permit should, within 30 days after their entry, apply for a residence permit from their local public security bureau. The term of validity of the residence certificate may be determined in accordance with that of the Work Permit. If a foreigner's residence is canceled for violating Chinese laws or the contract is terminated, his or her employment permit will be canceled.

1.The foreigner ________ cannot be employed in China.

A.with a valid passport B.with criminal record

C.in good health D.with experiences and skills

2.Where should foreigners apply for employment visas?

A.In the local public bureau B.In a labor administrative bureau

C.In the security bureau D.At the Chinese embassies

3.A foreigner’s employment permit will be canceled for ________.

A.violating Chinese laws B.lack of money

C.staying in China for over five years D.being short of experience




1. 写信目的;

2. 简单介绍茶叶市场;

3. 期待回复。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was traveling by myself in Mumbai, India. I enjoyed the free of going anywhere as I liked. However, I was confused to seeing the many choices of restaurants. I could see French restaurants, Japanese restaurants, Mexican restaurants and so on. After trying aimless for a few days, I began to miss Chinese food and went into Chinese restaurant. To my surprising, I found crowds of people in it. I haven't expected Chinese food could be so popular in India. The food was not exactly like which I ate at home and it was familiar enough to be comforting. An Indian customer share one table with me told me Chinese food is so popular that even restaurants serving for Indian food will usually include a Chinese section on the menu. But when he said, "We don't even think it's Chinese. It's very familiar and comforting.” I couldn't help feeling shocked.



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