满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I wasn’t particularly great at school. A...

    I wasn’t particularly great at school. And 1 wasn’t the _________ boy because was quiet and shy. Mrs Kerswell was my English teacher. It’s hard to _________ her exact age. When you’re a child, every adult is _________. She must be past middle age, with grey hair and a(n) _________ face. Her lessons were in a totally stress-free environment. However, I was really _________ because I went from a _________ school with 28 people up to the sort of bigger town junior high school.

I didn’t _________ anyone. No one from my _________ school went there because we all went to different schools. I really struggled in my first year to _________. Thanks to Mrs Kerswell she was really the sort of humorous teacher you could have chats with, who read materials that weren’t on the syllabus (教学大纲) just for ____________.

She managed to make Beowulf interesting to a number of ____________. She was key in keeping my love of reading going. It certainly wasn’t a ____________ thing for a boy of that age to love ____________ as an entertainment. Actually, I just treated it as a learning task. But she reminded me that books were fun and they weren’t just about learning or the ____________.

When I was 13, I wasn’t excellent at writing. But she allowed and ____________ me to write in a natural way. Unlike my other teachers, she told me not to use the fanciest ____________. “Writing is not about flowery language but about real communication. ____________, you’re having a conversation on a page,” she said. So it made me realize that I didn’t have to ____________ about it too much.

I saw her once, over 10 years ago. My writing career was going well, and she was proud of my achievements and ____________ as a writer, and I really ____________ her for keeping the fame on.

1.A.fattest B.quietest C.naughtiest D.loneliest

2.A.leave out B.work out C.adapt to D.amount to

3.A.old B.friendly C.innocent D.lively

4.A.blue B.honest C.guilty D.kind

5.A.relaxed B.disappointed C.stressed D.relax

6.A.city B.league C.village D.town

7.A.assign B.accept C.acknowledge D.know

8.A.junior B.primary C.senior D.social

9.A.fit B.give C.break D.check

10.A.defense B.fun C.victory D.fame

11.A.writers B.teenagers C.celebrities D.teachers

12.A.cool B.flexible C.major D.painful

13.A.speaking B.writing C.reading D.learning

14.A.courses B.progress C.entertainment D.hobbies

15.A.commanded B.forbade C.warned D.encouraged

16.A.words B.means C.ways D.ideas

17.A.Gradually B.Basically C.Ridiculously D.Awkwardly

18.A.enquire B.bring C.doubt D.worry

19.A.habit B.interest C.privilege D.reputation

20.A.promoted B.criticized C.thanked D.dismissed


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在Kerswel老师的引导和鼓励下,成为一名成功的作家的故事。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我不是最淘气的男孩,因为我很安静且害羞。A. fattest最胖的;B. quietest最安静的;C. naughtiest最淘气的;D. loneliest最孤独的。由下文的because was quiet and shy可知,作者不是最淘气(naughtiest)的男孩,因为他安静、害羞。故选C项。 2.考查动词短语辨析。句意:很难计算出她的确切年龄。A. leave out排除;B. work out计算出;C. adapt to适应;D. amount to总计。由下文语境可知,当你是个孩子的时候,每个成年人都是老的,说明很难计算出(work out)Kerswell老师的确切年龄。故选B项。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当你还是个孩子的时候,每个成年人都是老的。A. old老的;B. friendly友好的;C. innocent天真的;D. lively生动的。由上文语境可知,作者很难计算出Kerswell老师的确切年龄,是因为当你是个孩子的时候,每个成年人都是老的(old)。故选A项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她一定已过中年,头发花白,面容和善。A. blue蓝色的;B. honest诚实的;C. guilty愧疚的;D. kind和善的。由下文的Her lessons were in a totally stress-free environment可知,Kerswell老师的课程完全没有压力,她应该是一位和善的老师。故选D项。 5.考查语境理解。句意:然而,我真的很紧张,因为我从一所有28人的乡村学校升到了一所更大的镇初中。A. relaxed放松的;B. disappointed失望的;C. stressed紧张的、压力的;D. relax放松。由下文语境可知,作者从一所只有28人的乡村学校升入一所更大的城镇初中,所以作者很紧张(stressed)。故选C项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,我真的很紧张,因为我从一所有28人的乡村学校升到了一所更大的镇初中。A. city城市;B. league联盟;C. village乡村;D. town城镇。由下文的the sort of bigger town junior high school可知,作者是从一所只有28人的乡村(village)学校升入一所更大的城镇初中。故选C项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不认识任何人。A. assign分配;B. accept接受;C. acknowledge承认;D. know知道。由上下文语境可知,作者是从一所只有28人的乡村学校升入一所更大的城镇初中,并且他们村的学生没有人去这所学校,所以作者谁也不认识(know)。故选D项。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我小学没人去那里,因为我们都去了不同的学校。A. junior初中的;B. primary小学教育的;C. senior高中的;D. social社会的。由上文中的关键词junior high school可知,作者从乡村小学(primary school)升入一所城镇初中。故选B项。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我第一年真的很难适应。A. fit适应;B. give给予;C. break打破;D. check核查。由上文中的关键词struggled可知,作者在初中的第一年真的很难适应(fit)。故选A项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她读的材料不在教学大纲上,只是为了好玩。A. defense防御;B. fun乐趣;C. victory胜利;D. fame名声。由上文中的she was really the sort of humorous teacher you could have chats with可知,Kerswell老师很幽默,你可以和她聊天,她朗读教学大纲上没有的材料只是让学生觉得有趣(fun)。故选B项。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她设法使《贝奥武夫》引起了许多青少年的兴趣。A. writers作家;B. teenagers青少年;C. celebrities名人;D. teachers教师。由上文中的关键词junior high school和下文的When I was 13可知,此处应该选青少年(teenagers)。故选B项。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于那个年龄的男孩来说,喜欢读书作为娱乐当然不是一件很酷的事。A. cool冷酷的;B. flexible灵活的;C. major主要的;D. painful痛苦的。由上下文语境可知,对于那个年纪的男孩子来说,把读书作为一种娱乐当然不是一件很酷(cool)的事情。故选A项。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对于那个年龄的男孩来说,喜欢读书作为娱乐当然不是一件很酷的事。A. speaking说;B. writing写;C. reading读书;D. learning学习。由上下文语境可知,对于那个年纪的男孩子来说,把读书(reading)作为一种娱乐当然不是一件很酷的事情。故选C项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但她提醒我,书很有趣,不仅仅是关于学习或课程。A. courses课程;B. progress进步;C. entertainment娱乐;D. hobbies业余爱好。由上下文语境可知,她提醒我,书是有趣的,不仅仅是为了学习或课程(courses)。故选A项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但她允许并鼓励我用自然的方式写作。A. commanded命令;B. forbade禁止;C. warned警告;D. encouraged鼓励。由上文的I wasn’t excellent at writing可知,作者不擅长写作,但Kerswell老师鼓励(encouraged)他用自然的方式写作。故选D项。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:与我的其他老师不同,她告诉我不要用最花哨的词。A. words词,话语;B. means方式;C. ways方法;D. ideas想法。由下文中的Writing is not about flowery language but about real communication可知,写作不在于华丽的语言,而在于真实的交流,Kerswell老师告诉作者不要用最花哨的词(words)。故选A项。 17.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“写作不是华丽的语言,而是真正的交流。基本上,你是在一个页面上进行对话,”她说。A. Gradually渐渐地;B. Basically基本地;C. Ridiculously荒谬地;D. Awkwardly尴尬地。由上文中的Writing is not about flowery language but about real communication可知,写作不在于华丽的语言,而在于真实的交流,所以是基本上(Basically),你是在页面上进行对话。故选B项。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以这让我意识到我不必太担心。A. enquire询问;B. bring带来;C. doubt怀疑;D. worry担忧。由上文语境可知,Kerswell老师说,写作不在于华丽的语言,而在于真实的交流,只是在页面上进行对话,因此Kerswell老师的话使作者意识到不必过多地担心(worry)写作。故选D项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的写作生涯很顺利,她为我的成就和作为一个作家的声誉感到骄傲。A. habit习惯;B. interest兴趣;C. privilege特权;D. reputation名声。由下文中的关键词fame可知,此处应该选名声(reputation)。故选D项。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我真的感谢她让我的名声流传下去。A. promoted促进;B. criticized批评;C. thanked感谢;D. dismissed解雇。由上下文语境可知,作者非常感激(thanked)Kerswell老师让他的名声流传下去。故选C项。

    If you’re enjoying a cup of tea while reading this, you’re supporting just about every organ in your body. Unsweetened tea can prevent some diseases and help repair cells in the body. The popularity of Chinese tea cannot be separated from its medicinal value.

Your heart will thank you. Tea’s properties can keep your blood vessels (血管) relaxed and clear, putting less stress on your heart, and thus slow down block formation in vital blood vessels. 1..

Your risk of the brain disease could decrease. 2.. It’s important to know the early warning signs and do what you can to prevent it. Green tea can help you develop resistance against stress and potentially Alzheimer’s disease. The special substance in it protects cells from damage.

3.. If you spend your nights turnings try relaxing yourself with a cup of east-Asian medicinal tea before bed, which can improve sleeplessness. 4., it can help improve sleep and quality of life in those with mild sleeplessness according to a study in Integrative Medicine Research.

Your attention may improve. The caffeine in tea can improve your attention and awareness. The unique acid to tea may also improve attention by relaxing the brain, but stimulating it when it is time to focus. 5.. try making a warm cup of tea just before it’s time to work or consider these reasons you may not be able to focus.

A.Your sleep could improve

B.Your body becomes more energetic

C.When you have the habit of getting up early

D.Once you have formed the habit of drinking that kind of tea

E.you ever find yourself having difficulty with concentration

F.So drinking a proper amount of black tea can be beneficial to your heart

G.The thought of you being diagnosed with the brain disease is very scary



    Using modern technology, archaeologists (考古学家) have recently discovered about 200 Mayan artifacts (玛雅古器) in Mexico, which surprisingly, appear to have been untouched for up to 1,000 years. The artifacts were found inside a cave in ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

The lead researcher on the project is Mexican archaeologist Guillermo de Anda. He called the cave a “scientific treasure”.

The findings included bone pieces and burnt offering materials. In addition, incense burners, vases, plates and other objects were discovered. Some items included the portrait of Tlaloc, the rain god of central Mexico.

The cave where the objects were found is so unique. It is part of a cave system known as Balamku. The cave is long, narrow and dark. It is about three kilometers east of the main pyramid of Kukulkan. It sits at the center of Chichen Itza which is the stone city described by the United Nations as “one of the greatest Mayan centers of the Yucatan Peninsula.”

The cave sits about 24 meters underground, with areas connected by passages. Some of the passages were so narrow that researchers had to climb in or pull themselves through. The team has so far explored about 460 meters of the cave, and is unsure how far it stretches. The team plans to continue exploring the cave. The found artifacts will not be removed, but studied inside.

The team accidentally found the artifacts while exploring Chichen Itza in an effort to learn more about its underground water system. The new discovery will help scientists better understand the history, culture, lives and beliefs of people who lived in Chichen Itza, especially in the boom years.

Archaeologists believe there may be another cave hidden under the pyramid of Kukulkan that could be connected to the latest find. “Let’s hope God will lead us there,” Guillermo de Anda said. “That is part of the reason why we are entering these sites to find a connection to the natural well under the Kukulkan.”

1.What’s amazing about the Mayan artifacts discovered in Mexico?

A.The long history and perfect state.

B.The digging time and location.

C.The current high price.

D.The variety of usage.

2.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The features of the cave. B.The findings in the cave.

C.The ancient cave system. D.The origin of Mayan centers.

3.What is the significance of the new discovery?

A.It can help scientists register cultural relics.

B.It can encourage archaeologists to form work beliefs.

C.It can help scientists further learn about Mayan civilization.

D.It can arouse the interest of Mexicans in archaeology.

4.What will archaeologists do next according to the last paragraph?

A.Dig wells under the Kukulkan.

B.Move the findings to another cave.

C.Find the cause of groundwater disappearance.

D.Try to find another cave under the pyramid of Kukulkan.



    Back when the Mississippi River flowed wild, its ever-changing waters moved soil across the North American continent. It picked up sand and dirt in the north and brought it to the southern areas of what we now call the state of Louisiana. Thousands of years later, man-made barriers called levees (防洪堤) and flood-control systems control the powerful river. But Louisiana officials are making plans to use the Mississippi River’s ancient power to build new land as a way to ease the threat of rising seas.

Engineers hope to remake the destroyed low-lying lands by copying nature—digging into the levees and redirecting the water. The water holds a lot of small dirt sediments (沉淀物). The sediments can flow into coastal basins.

Some critics question whether the idea presents its own environmental risks. But if it does work, the project would rebuild an important protection against storm waves. It would also help the land provide new living areas for birds and fish that depend on wetlands.

Saltwater is destroying the coast. Pathways cut for oil and gas development, boat travel and logging have worsened the problem. The state estimates that it has lost about 518,000 hectares of land since 1932. If nothing is done, more than twice that much land could disappear over the next 50 years.

Experts and officials have discussed the idea of using the river to rebuild the coast for many years. But it was not until money became available from the 2010 BP oil spill that the plan began to really take shape. In 2010, an explosion killed 11 people on an oil rig (石油钻塔) off the Gulf Coast that energy company BP operated. Millions of gallons of oil then flowed into the water over the next three months.

One year later, the United States government ruled that BP was responsible for the accident,

The company was ordered to pay billions of dollars for the damage. Louisiana is putting much of its share of the money toward coastal restoration.

1.What advantage will the new land bring?

A.Preventing severe drought.

B.Creating habitats for animals.

C.Controlling the powerful river.

D.Increasing the northern farm land.

2.What can cause the coast to disappear faster?

A.Energy changes.

B.Destroyed levees.

C.Man-made disasters.

D.Man-made water protection systems.

3.What made the plan of rebuilding the coast land come into effect?

A.The restoration of an oil rig.

B.The payment of compensation by BP.

C.The strong demand from oil companies.

D.The special support from some local critics.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Use Nature Power to Stop Soil Losing

B.Let the River Go Back to Its Original State

C.Fight Coastal Destruction by Copying Nature

D.Remove the Man-Made Barriers from the River



    I feel ashamed to admit this, but in much of my past life, I pretended I knew what was going on when I didn’t, for fear of being “caught out”. In the school cafeteria, when people talked about TV shows, which I didn’t have the channels for, or on MSN Messenger, when I read unfamiliar song lyrics my friends had shared, I felt upset and I’d pretend to be calm and recognize what they were talking about, like everyone else.

I did this, as I didn’t want to be seen not to understand some things that people, I respected were good at. I thought that if I didn’t know what was going on, it betrayed a moral failing and exposed me as a boy who was deeply uncool and actually, a bit stupid.

And so I nodded along silently. I prayed I wouldn’t be found out what I really was, or I would feel embarrassed. I would follow up each incident with some diligent homework on the subject, trying to disguise myself. Unsurprisingly, it all became far too much and recently I’ve found myself overwhelmed by the number of things I didn’t know about. From politics to pop culture—even Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. I just felt exhausted by it all.

And so I made a decision. I decided to stop nodding frequently at the pub while crazily searching the relative information under the table. Instead, now I’m embracing saying what is really true when I don’t know what the other person is talking about. Instead of hurrying to make up some funny opinion about a show I’ve never seen, I’ll say something like: “I’ve heard of that show but I haven’t watched it yet” Saying “I don’t know” is such a simple thing. I’m sorry that it took me so long to start saying that. I’ve changed my attitude towards something I don’t know in life. I’ll never get caught in an embarrassing lie again.

1.What does the author tell us in paragraph 1?

A.His fear of making mistakes. B.The ways to make friends in the past.

C.School activities he and his friends loved. D.His sense of shame about lying in the past.

2.How did the author feel when he didn’t know about the topic m conversation?

A.Confused. B.Anxious and awkward.

C.Unconcerned. D.Calm and relaxed

3.What does the underlined word “disguise” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Hide. B.Beat.

C.Expose. D.Fool.

4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To show disadvantages of being ignored.

B.To show some embarrassing learning experiences.

C.To tell us what to do with the case of being “caught out”.

D.To tell us how saying “I don’t know” changed his life attitude.



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1.What can the “Facial” experience gift help you do?

A.Build up your muscles. B.Have a new look.

C.Relax your body completely. D.Reduce blood pressure.

2.Who may prefer the experience gift “Massage”?

A.Artists who want to meditate in nature.

B.Elderly women who want to live longer.

C.Businessmen who want to get rid of pressure.

D.Actresses who want to have a fresh appearance.

3.Which of the following can best improve mental health?

A.Facial. B.Massage.

C.Personal training session. D.Private meditation session.



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