满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均只限一词;


I was exciting and nervous to start a new adventure abroad. Therefore, the excitement started to fade after small number of weeks. Homesickness started to be set in, But I started to change after meeting some new friends and have a good time with them. We shared our view on many things, ate together and visited new places as a group. I suppose we should never forgot how important it is to have good people in their life. They can make such a different. To travel and visit other places is one of the best things you can do in life. My advice from my experience are to travel and try new things whenever you get the opportunity.


1.exciting → excited 2.Therefore → However 3.number前加a 4.删除to后的be 5.have → having/ had 6.view → views 7.forgot → forget 8.their → our 9.different → difference 10.are → is 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者通过认识新朋友度过在国外旅行时那段思念家乡的日子。通过这个故事作者告诉我们,在有机会的时候一定要旅行并且尝试新鲜事物。 1. 考查形容词。 此处修饰主语I,应用v-de形式形容词,故将exciting改为excited。 2. 考查副词。此处前后句是转折关系,故将Therefore改为However。 3. 考查介词。此处是固定短语a number of“大量”,故在number前加a。 4. 考查动词语态。此处set in是不及物动词词组,没有被动语态,故删除to后的be。 5. 考查动名词。此处与前面的meeting保持一致,作 after的宾语。也可理解为与started保持一致,用一般过去时。故将have改为having/had。 6. 查名词单复数。此处指分享各自的人生观,view要用复数形式,故将view改为views。 7. 考查动词。此处动词与情态动词连用,要用原形,故将forgot改为forget。 8. 考查物主代词。句意:我认为我应该不会忘记我们的生活中有好人相伴是非常重要的。根据句意,此处应与主语we保持人称一致,故将their改为our。 9. 考查词性转化。此处是固定短语make a difference“有影响”,要用名词形式,故将different改为difference。 10.考查主谓一致。此处句子的主语my advice是不可数名词,谓语动词应用is,故将are改为is。  


Hannah, 14, had a science fair project last year 1.detailed mathematical analyses of musical tones were performed. The project qualified her to become a finalist in 2. ninth annual Broadcom MASTERS competition. Hannah's project was 3. (impress). After all, it allowed the girl 4. (make) it through a screening process that knocked out at least 2,200 other applicants.

Hannah 5. (play) the violin since she was eight. For her project, she asked a simple question: Does a high-cost violin produce 6. (good) music than an inexpensive one? To answer that, she turned to math, which she used to compare the tones 7. (produce) by different instruments.

The teen recorded the same notes on her smart phone as she played on different violins. Computer software then switched those recorded 8. ( sound) into graphs. This is the same sort of software that scientists use to analyze the songs of birds and whales. Hannah used these graphs to assess each violin's overall sound quality.

9.average, each of the eight most expensive violins that Hannah tested cost more than $8,000. The cheapest 16 averaged just a bit more than $ 1,250 each. Maybe it's no surprise, but the costliest instruments tended to produce better tones, Hannah found. Yet some low cost instruments sounded 10.(near) as good as the pricey violins.



    I am what you would describe as introverts (内向的人). I can sit in absolute _______and write all day long. Thinking about going to a(n)_______event gives me endless anxiety. I always _______those who can bounce around the room, talking to anyone and everyone and _______making friends. That would never be me, and I _______ that fact.

But that_______ twelve years ago. I was a busy mom of four and had just been diagnosed with depression. I _______ did want someone to talk to. I had never just gone up and _______myself to anyone before and wasn't sure I could, but I had a strong feeling I should_______.

It took me two weeks to ________ myself into doing it. I headed over to a neighbor Jane and knocked on her door,________ she would think I was some sort of ________standing at her door, but I was quite ________when she answered with a big smile. I introduced myself. We stood there ________ our kids as well as the town and baseball. Before I knew it, an hour and a half had gone by. Talking to her was like talking to an old friend. There was no awkward silence, just a great________.

We made plans to take the kids to the ________ after school. This was the ________ of hundreds of trips to that park.

I am still quiet and________,but now I understand we need to try new things to discover the beautiful ________ the world can offer, like my ________ Jane.

1.A.despair B.pain C.silence D.comfort

2.A.social B.historical C.international D.political

3.A.hate B.admire C.tolerate D.ignore

4.A.luckily B.patiently C.hurriedly D.easily

5.A.refused B.enjoyed C.avoided D.accepted

6.A.continued B.changed C.happened D.remained

7.A.nearly B.rarely C.really D.probably

8.A.disturbed B.scolded C.introduced D.troubled

9.A.focus B.try C.engage D.suspend

10.A.urge B.force C.persuade D.trick

11.A.noticing B.admitting C.figuring D.deciding

12.A.fool B.angel C.criminal D.hero

13.A.relieved B.embarrassed C.resistant D.rigid

14.A.fighting against B.talking about C.caring for D.quarreling over

15.A.conversation B.discussion C.performance D.experiment

16.A.zoo B.camp C.cinema D.park

17.A.last B.best C.favourite D.first

18.A.elegant B.reserved C.modest D.thoughtful

19.A.purposes B.necessities C.tendencies D.possibilities

20.A.friend B.daughter C.teacher D.reader



    Have you ever gotten the feeling that a person you were friends with had a hidden schedule or simply couldn't care about your thoughts and opinions? Trying to tell the difference between someone who is genuine and someone who is faking (虚伪) it can be as confusing as trying to tell the difference between a work of art and a well-made copy.1. Read the advice of the following signs of fake people to determine which of your relationships is worth seriously investing in.

They only respect those in positions of power. When it comes to respect, most would agree that everyone is deserving of this sentiment. Yet, fake people have a tendency to only respect people in power. Watch out for people who aren't respectful of everyone around them.2.

3. Only those who lack real quality feel the need to criticize others to keep up appearances. Sincere individuals would rather admire and praise others, while fakers may be quick to put others down in name of making themselves look better.

They make promises they can't keep. A genuine person will do their best to live up to promises and commitments, but a fake person may talk the talk without walking the walk.4.

They're only nice if there's something in it for them.5. In comparison, genuine people are just that genuine. They're nice and helpful no matter what circumstances.

Keep an eye out for these signs of fake people and make room for more meaningful, genuine relationships in your life.

A.If not, they may be faking it.

B.They work hard to build any relationship.

C.They put others down in order to look good.

D.But thanks to some advice, the former doesn't have to be.

E.In comparison, a genuine person knows when to let others shine.

F.A fake person is one who only shows kindness when it benefits them.

G.Fake people easily make commitments, but rarely follow through on them.



    Food companies engineer junk food to make it addictive. They label their products to make them seem much healthier than they are. Their advertisements target children. All of this is according to a news report read recently by students in a Texas middle school. They were taking part in an experiment run by the University of Chicago and the University of Texas. “I don't understand how this is even legal, ” said a girl who took part in the study.

Researchers had students learn about food-industry advertising strategies. They wanted to know if learning about them would change how kids feel about junk food. All over the world, kids are eating more foods that are high in salt, sugar, and fat. That is partly the result of clever ads that make junk food irresistible. Christopher J. Bryan led the study. He says that when kids question the motives behind junk food ads, they feel like they're fighting injustice. The reward is knowing they are doing the right thing.

Junk food has been linked to health problems such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetesBut in 2018food companies spent nearly $9 billion TV ads selling unhealthy fare. Companies use varying strategies. An ad with cartoon characters may make chips seen fun to eat. A professional athlete enjoying a sugary drink may make it look cool. Advertisers                know that if kids want a product, they'll annoy their parents to buy it. Even parents don't notice the power of ads. By the time they are adults they have been used to junk-food advertising. They just don't see it.

In the Texas study, Bryan had students view ads on iPad. Their job was to write or draw on the screen, to make each ad's message true. For example, a McDonald's ad showed a Big Mac (巨无霸) and the words “The thing you want when you order salad. ” To the end of the sentence, a student added “should be salad”.

Three months after analyzing ads, students were still choosing healthier snacks: milk instead of sugary juices, fruit over cookies. Kids are becoming conscious of themselves as agents in the world. They see a chance to make the world a better place.

1.What is the purpose of the experiment?

A.To survey what snacks children like best. B.To guide children against unhealthy food.

C.To find ways to make junk food healthy. D.To teach children how to pick out legal food.

2.How do children feel about junk food advertisements after the experiment?

A.Cool. B.Legal.

C.Funny. D.Misleading.

3.Why are parents unaware of the harm of junk food advertisements?

A.Parents have never seen such junk food advertisements.

B.Advertisements have blinded them since they were young.

C.The food industry has special advertising strategies for parents.

D.Parents have to agree with their children about the junk food.

4.How did students conduct the experiment?

A.By correcting unreal advertisements. B.By offering suggestions to food industry.

C.By making up their own advertisements. D.By studying food industry advertising strategies.



    In today's world, most workers are highly specialized, but this specialization can come at a cost——especially for those on the wrong team. New research by Harvard's Growth Lab uncovers the importance of teams and coworkers when it comes to one's productivity, earning potential, and stays of employment. The research analyzed administrative data on the 9 million inhabitants of Sweden. It found that to earn high wages and returns on education, workers must find coworkers who complement, but not substitute them.

The research offers a tool to assess the right and wrong coworkers in fields of expertise. The right coworkers are those with sills you lack, yet needed to complete a team. The wrong coworkers are those who have the same skill set as you and eventually lower your value to the employer. For example, those with a degree in architecture are best assisted by workers with engineering, construction, or surveying degrees, and negatively impacted by those with landscape or interior design degrees.

“We tend to think of sills as something personal that individuals can market to a company, ” said Frank Neffke, Growth Lab Research Director “However, this vision of sills is too simplistic. One person's sills connect to another person's sills, etc. ,and the better these connections are, the more productive workers will be, and the more they will earn” Neffke adds that the benefits of working with complementary coworkers are not the same for all workers. Those with higher levels of education seem to benefit much more from working in complementary teams than workers with lower levels. Over the past 20 years, workers with college degrees or higher have been increasingly able to find better matching coworkers.

Complementary also drives careers. The research shows that people tend to stay longer in organizations with many complementary workers and tend to leave those with many workers who substitute them. These results hold true for up to 20 years of one's career.

The research also supports several well-known facts, such as cities and large firms pay higher wages. Workers are more likely to find better fitting teams in cities, and large firms often allow workers to specialize.

1.Which group of workers can make up the best team?

A.Those who can substitute each other. B.Those who come from the same place.

C.Those who are expert in the same field. D.Those who have the complementary sill

2.Who may be the best complementary coworker for an architect?

A.A landscaper. B.A house agent.

C.A constructor. D.Another architect.

3.Employers think more of their staff’s________.

A.dependence relationship B.struggling spirit

C.physical quality D.educational level

4.What can be the best title of the text?

A.What workers your employer need most

B.How coworkers impact the value of your skills

C.How coworkers get higher wages and a long-term job

D.How complementarity improves your mental potential



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