满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.Why is it difficult fo...


1.Why is it difficult for many people to make good coffee in the morning?

A.They have the wrong kind of machine.

B.They are too sleepy.

C.They have little time.

2.What is true about the Morning Miracle?

A.Its coffee is better than Starbucks’.

B.It takes half the time as other machines.

C.It can be controlled with your voice.

3.How much does the Morning Miracle cost including shipping?

A.$114. B.$99. C.$84.

4.Where does the talk take place?

A.On the phone. B.On TV. C.On the radio.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 Hey, folks. Don’t change that channel. You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and you need that cup of coffee? Not so fast! You’ve still got to pour the water, measure out the coffee, turn the machine on, then pour in the milk and sugar and stir the whole thing, and that takes up valuable time when you could be doing something else, like sleeping! And most of the time, you make a so-so cup of coffee because you’re so tired in the morning that you can barely open your eyes. You could go down to Starbucks and get that coffee made to order just the way you like it, but those costs add up pretty quickly. What if I told you there was a product out there that could make your coffee for you and automatically add the right amount of milk and sugar, and do it in a quarter of the time as regular coffee makers? Would you be interested in that? Of course you would! It’s called the Morning Miracle. And the best part is that you can control the machine with your voice, so you don’t even need to get out of bed! What are you waiting for? Just send $ 99 to the address on your screen, plus $ 15 for shipping. Don’t wait! Get the new Morning Miracle now!


1.Why is the woman frustrated?

A.The man is rude to her.

B.The restaurant is missing many items.

C.The man told her to hold for too long.

2.Which of the following is NOT included in the Greek Salad?

A.Cheese. B.Lettuce. C.Olives.

3.What does the woman order in the end?

A.Pizza. B.Salad. C.None.




1.Which collisions happened much more often?

A.Those between cyclists and people crossing the street.

B.Those between people crossing the street and motor vehicles.

C.Those between motor vehicles and bicycles.

2.Where were the 15 people on foot killed?

A.On the main roads.

B.At the intersections.

C.On sidewalks and other off-road areas.

3.Who was the main victim of the accidents?

A.People on foot. B.Cyclists. C.Car drivers.




1.What did the man think of the ending of the play?

A.It was a surprise.

B.It was too good to be true.

C.It was a mixture of happiness and sadness.

2.What did the producers do?

A.They put huge amount of money into the play.

B.They did a good job on a modest investment.

C.They invited the speakers to write reviews.

3.What does the man say about the play’s fate?

A.It might be a hit.

B.It will only be shown in small theaters.

C.It’s good but won’t be reviewed well.




1.What do we know about the man?

A.He has just arrived in China.

B.He’s applying to a university.

C.He’s a student from China studying abroad.

2.What will he do first?

A.Go to the registration office.

B.Find his academic advisor.

C.Let the woman show him around.



What is the woman’s advice?

A.Not to eat candies any longer.

B.To give up tea and coffee.

C.Not to add sugar to drinks.



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