满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I come from a broken family that many wo...

    I come from a broken family that many would consider dysfunctional(失衡)at the very least: marriage, divorce,etc.After we grew up,my three siblings and I could go years_______speaking. And that is where this story _______

My sister Jeanne and I were born only 14 months_______.but by the time we were teenagers We had lost _______.  By age 19,I had moved away from our home in Wisconsin to live on my  father's horse farm in Virginia.We lived separate and our connection somehow ended.

Fast-forward about five years,I was 24 and on _______ with my fiance(未婚天)to New York City,a place I had never been to.

During a day of sightseeing,we were crossing a very _______ street loaded with people.I had laughed at something my fiance said,and I _______  heard my name yelled from somewhere around  me:"Cheryl! "I _______ in my steps in the middle of the road.Tears_______ in my eyes.I knew without a ____________that it was my sister Jeanne.I yelled back before even turning to look."Jeanne? It was her.

I later asked how she'd known it was me---she ____________ saw me!She said it was my ____________I wouldn't say my laugh is all that  ____________,but I guess to a family member it's infectious.It ____________your heart and resonates(共鸣)in your mind.

Since that time,my sister and I have never been____________.We both moved back to Wisconsin. We____________daily.Many years have passed,and we are now in our 50s.But our meeting ____________wasn't just a sign.I see it as more of a ____________ , a reminder not to lose touch with loved ones.It is too easy to remain ____________.After our sister-to-sister ____________,I don't plan to let that happen again.

1.A.by B.after C.without D.beyond

2.A.ends B.begins C.twists D.spreads

3.A.ago B.away C.ahead D.apart

4.A.heart B.home C.touch D.interest

5.A.team B.trip C.date D.picnic

6.A.busy B.dark C.empty D.quiet

7.A.readily B.finally C.suddenly D.naturally

8.A.fell B.froze C.struggled D.hesitated

9.A.came about B.welled up C.ran away D.streamed back

10.A.word B.break C.care D.doubt

11.A.never B.often C.seldom D.already

12.A.shape B.clothing C.look D.laugh

13.A.clear B.pleasant C.bright D.unusual

14.A.hits B.lifts C.breaks D.cures

15.A.separated B.bothered C.suspected D.united

16.A.work B.travel C.play D.talk

17.A.by mistake B.by chance C.on schedule D.on purpose

18.A.change B.result C.lesson D.coincidence

19.A.lost B.touched C.broken D.loved

20.A.circle B.theory C.miracle D.move


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者和姐姐因为家庭原因住在不同的地方,失去了联系。五年后在繁忙的纽约街道,姐姐在人群中一眼就认出了作者,两姐妹欣喜重逢之后一直住在一起。故事反映了家人之间的血脉亲情是不可磨灭的。 1.考查介词词义辨析。句意:在我们长大之后,我跟我的三个兄弟姐妹失去了联系好几年。A. by在……旁边;B. after在……之后;C. without没有;D. beyond超出。根据前文的“I come from a broken family that many would consider dysfunctional(失衡)at the very least: marriage, divorce, etc.”可知,作者的家庭支离破碎,父母离异导致兄弟姐妹分离,所以好几年都没有联系,也就是没有交流。故选C项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那就是故事开始的地方。A. ends结束;B. begins开始;C. twists扭,搓;D. spreads传播,扩散。根据下文内容可知,作者要讲述的是与姐姐阔别重逢的故事,这个故事开始于她们分离之后。故选B项。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我的姐姐Jeanne和我出生时间只相差14个月。A. ago之前;B. away远离;C. ahead领先;D. apart相隔,相距。根据“born”及“14 months”可知作者要表示的是两姐妹年龄相差14个月, 所以apart符合句意。故选D项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是到我们变成少年的时候,我们失去了联系,A. heart心脏;B. home家; C. touch联系;D. interest兴趣。根据后文的“By age 19,I had moved away from our home in Wisconsin to live on my father's horse farm in Virginia. We lived separate and our connection somehow ended.”可知,作者在19岁的时候搬去了Wisconsin跟父亲一起生活,和姐姐分开了,联系也中断了。故选C项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快大约五年过去了,我24岁了,和我的未婚夫去了我从没去过的纽约旅行。A. team团队;B. trip旅行;C. date约会;D. picnic野餐。根据后文的“During a day of sightseeing”可知,作者和未婚夫是去纽约观光,也就是去旅行了。故选B项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在某天的观光中,我们正穿过一条非常繁忙的挤满了人的街道。A. busy繁忙的;B. dark黑暗的; C. empty空的;D. quiet安静的。根据句中的“loaded with people”可知,街道上人来人往,可推断是一条繁忙的街道。故选A项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我在笑话我未婚夫说的一些事情,突然我听到我的名字从我周围的某个地方被大声喊出来。A. readily欣然地;B. finally最终;C. suddenly突然;D. naturally自然地。根据前文的“I had laughed at something my fiancé said”可知,作者当时因为未婚夫说的一些话而发笑,所以听到自己名字被喊是一件很突然的事。故选C项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在路中间顿住了我的步伐。A. fell掉落;B. froze冻住;C. struggled挣扎;D. hesitated犹豫。根据后文的“Tears___9___ in my eyes. I knew without a ___10___that it was my sister Jeanne. I yelled back before even turning to look. ‘Jeanne? It was her.’”可知,当时作者眼眶湿润,甚至都没有回头就喊出了Jeanne的名字,可见作者的激动和开心,所以听到名字的瞬间就顿住了脚步;此处的froze原意为冻住,此处延伸为“顿住,停止不动”的意思。故选B项。 9.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:眼泪从我的眼眶里面涌出。A. came about产生;B. welled up涌出,流出;C. ran away逃跑;D. streamed back 回流。根据后文的“I yelled back before even turning to look.”可知,作者在听到自己名字的瞬间就确定是自己的姐姐并且迫不及待喊出了姐姐的名字,可推断作者当时的激动之情,所以眼泪涌出来能形象地体现作者的激动之情。故选B项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我毫无疑问,那是我的姐姐Jeanne。A. word单词,一句话;B. break 破裂;C. care关心;D. doubt 疑问。 根据后文“I yelled back before even turning to look.”可知,作者很确定喊自己名字的是自己的姐姐,所以没有回头确认就喊出了姐姐的名字。故选D项。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我后来问她是怎么知道那个人是我的---她都没见过我!A. never从不;B. often经常;C. seldom很少;D. already已经。根据前文的“We lived separate and our connection somehow ended.”可知,作者和姐姐分离之后,联系也断了,可推断在这期间,姐妹两人并从未见过彼此。故选A项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说是因为我的笑声。A. shape形状,身形;B. clothing着装;C. look外貌;D. laugh笑声。根据后文的“I wouldn't say my laugh is all…”可知,作者姐姐是根据作者的笑声认出作者的。故选D项。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我不觉得我笑声与众不同。A. clear清楚的;B. pleasant令人愉悦的;C. bright明亮的;D. unusual与众不同的。 根据前文“She said it was my ___12___”可知,姐姐认出作者是因为作者的笑声,所以在姐姐的眼中作者的笑声是与众不同的。故选D项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这会击中你的心,在你的心里引发共鸣。A. hits击中;B. lifts抬高;C. breaks打破;D. cures治愈。根据前文的“I guess to a family member it's infectious”可知,作者认为家人之间是有心灵感应的,这种感应直击心底,引起共鸣。故选A项。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那次之后,我姐姐和我从来没有分开过。A. separated分开;B. bothered干扰;C. suspected怀疑;D. united团结。根据后文的“We both moved back to Wisconsin. We___16___daily.Many years have passed, and we are now in our 50s.”可知,作者和姐姐都回到了Wisconsin,生活在一起,没有再分开过。故选A项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们每天都交流谈心。A. work工作;B. travel旅行;C. play玩耍;D. talk交谈。根据前文的内容可知,作者和姐姐久别重逢后生活在一起,姐妹两感情很深,“交流”能体现这种感情。故选D项。 17.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:但是我们的偶遇并不只是一种记号。A. by mistake错误地;B. by chance偶然;C. on schedule按预定时间;D. on purpose 故意地。根据前文的“I had laughed at something my fiance said,and I ___7___ heard my name yelled from somewhere around me: ‘Cheryl!’”可知,作者和姐姐的重逢是一个偶然。故选B项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我更多地把这次重逢看作一种教训,一种不要和爱的人失去联系的警醒。A. change改变;B. result结果;C. lesson教训;D. coincidence巧合。根据后文的“a reminder not to lose touch with loved ones”可知,作者把重逢看作一种警醒,说明作者把和姐姐失去联系看作一种经验教训,提醒自己不要丢了家人。故选C项。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:失去联系是如此容易的一件事。A. lost丢失的;B. touched感动的;C. broken破碎的;D. loved受珍爱的。根据前文作者和姐姐分离可推断,人与人之间很容易失去联系。故选A项。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在经历了我们姐妹之间的奇迹之后,我不打算让这种事再次发生。A. circle圆圈;B. theory理论;C. miracle奇迹;D. move移动。在作者心目中,与姐姐的重逢是一种分离很久之后的奇迹,作者珍视这种奇迹,不想再次失去和家人的联系。故选C项。

Unfortunately,____________we should expect gratitude,we often find the opposite.

A.what B.that C.how D.where



Do you like your new place?

Yes,I do.But it's a little far from my college,and the traffic____________me.

A.killed B.has killed C.had killed D.is killing



Can you tell me how to keep my appetite_____________?

Dividing one heavy meal into two smaller ones is helpful.

A.at ease B.at peace C.in check D.in secret



Were all the articles of clothing for the models carried to the fashion show?

No,_______only some of them.

A.it is B.it was C.they are D.they were



The company is running out of its fund__________and may soon be unable to pay its bills.

A.reserves B.sources C.incomes D.collections



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