满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I feel ashamed to admit this, but in muc...

    I feel ashamed to admit this, but in much of my past life, I pretended I knew what was going on when I didn’t, for fear of being “caught out”. In the school cafeteria, when people talked about TV shows, which I didn’t have the channels for, or on MSN Messenger, when I read unfamiliar song lyrics my friends had shared, I felt upset and I’d pretend to be calm and recognize what they were talking about, like everyone else.

I did this, as I didn’t want to be seen not to understand some things that people, I respected were good at. I thought that if I didn’t know what was going on, it betrayed a moral failing and exposed me as a boy who was deeply uncool and actually, a bit stupid.

And so I nodded along silently. I prayed I wouldn’t be found out what I really was, or I would feel embarrassed. I would follow up each incident with some diligent homework on the subject, trying to disguise myself. Unsurprisingly, it all became far too much and recently I’ve found myself overwhelmed by the number of things I didn’t know about. From politics to pop culture—even Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. I just felt exhausted by it all.

And so I made a decision. I decided to stop nodding frequently at the pub while crazily searching the relative information under the table. Instead, now I’m embracing saying what is really true when I don’t know what the other person is talking about. Instead of hurrying to make up some funny opinion about a show I’ve never seen, I’ll say something like: “I’ve heard of that show but I haven’t watched it yet” Saying “I don’t know” is such a simple thing. I’m sorry that it took me so long to start saying that. I’ve changed my attitude towards something I don’t know in life. I’ll never get caught in an embarrassing lie again.

1.What does the author tell us in paragraph 1?

A.His fear of making mistakes. B.The ways to make friends in the past.

C.School activities he and his friends loved. D.His sense of shame about lying in the past.

2.How did the author feel when he didn’t know about the topic m conversation?

A.Confused. B.Anxious and awkward.

C.Unconcerned. D.Calm and relaxed

3.What does the underlined word “disguise” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Hide. B.Beat.

C.Expose. D.Fool.

4.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To show disadvantages of being ignored.

B.To show some embarrassing learning experiences.

C.To tell us what to do with the case of being “caught out”.

D.To tell us how saying “I don’t know” changed his life attitude.


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文是记叙文,主要讲述了作者因担心被人认为像个傻瓜而假装什么都知道,最后由于身心俱疲,下定决心说出“不知道”,从而改变了他的生活态度的故事。 1.主旨大意题。根据第一段中I feel ashamed to admit this, but in much of my past life, I pretended I knew what was going on when I didn’t, for fear of being “caught out”.可知我很羞愧地承认这一点,但在我过去的生活中,我假装知道发生了什么,而实际上我并不知道,因为害怕被“逮住”。由此可知,作者在第一段告诉我们他对过去撒谎的羞耻感。故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句In the school cafeteria, when people talked about TV shows, which I didn’t have the channels for, or on MSN Messenger, when I read unfamiliar song lyrics my friends had shared, I felt upset and I’d pretend to be calm and recognize what they were talking about, like everyone else.可知在学校的自助餐厅,当人们谈论我没有频道的电视节目时,或者在MSN上,当我读到我的朋友们分享的陌生的歌词时,我感到沮丧,我就会假装冷静,像其他人一样明白他们在说什么。第二段最后一句I thought that if I didn’t know what was going on, it betrayed a moral failing and exposed me as a boy who was deeply uncool and actually, a bit stupid.可知我想,如果我不知道发生了什么,这就暴露了我的道德缺陷,暴露了我这个非常不酷,甚至有点愚蠢的男孩。和第三段第二句I prayed I wouldn’t be found out what I really was, or I would feel embarrassed.可知我祈祷我不会被发现真正的我,否则我会感到尴尬。由此可推知,作者过去因不知道别人谈论的话题而感到焦虑、尴尬。故选B。 3.词义猜测题。根据上文I would follow up each incident with some diligent homework on the subject, trying to可知,作者对每一件事都认真做功课,是为了试图掩饰自己的无知。由此可推知,画线词“disguise”意为“掩饰”。A. Hide.掩饰,隐藏;B. Beat.打败;C. Expose.暴露;D. Fool.愚弄。故选A。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中Instead of hurrying to make up some funny opinion about a show I’ve never seen, I’ll say something like: “I’ve heard of that show but I haven’t watched it yet” Saying “I don’t know” is such a simple thing. I’m sorry that it took me so long to start saying that. I’ve changed my attitude towards something I don’t know in life. I’ll never get caught in an embarrassing lie again.可知与其急着就一个我没看过的节目编一些有趣的观点,不如这样说:“我听说过那个节目,但我还没看过。”说“我不知道”是一件很简单的事情。我很抱歉这么久才开始这么说。我改变了对生活中一些我不知道的事情的态度。我再也不会被逮个正着了。结合文章主要讲述了作者因担心被人认为像个傻瓜而假装什么都知道,最后由于身心俱疲,下定决心说出“不知道”,从而改变了他的生活态度的故事。由此可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是告诉我们说“我不知道”如何改变了他的生活态度。故选D。

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1.What can the “Facial” experience gift help you do?

A.Build up your muscles. B.Have a new look.

C.Relax your body completely. D.Reduce blood pressure.

2.Who may prefer the experience gift “Massage”?

A.Artists who want to meditate in nature.

B.Elderly women who want to live longer.

C.Businessmen who want to get rid of pressure.

D.Actresses who want to have a fresh appearance.

3.Which of the following can best improve mental health?

A.Facial. B.Massage.

C.Personal training session. D.Private meditation session.




D-daughter                  M-mommy

D:"Mommy,are you leaving home again?"

M:"Yes,honey.Mommy is going to fight a monster!"

D:"A monster?Is it scarier than a big roaring tiger?Oh my!”

M:"Well...yes!A lot scarier!It's called Virus.Many people are working hard to defeat the monster."

D:"Who are they?”

M:"They're the scientists who are working on new medicines to cure the ill and the construction workers who are building new hospitals for patients as fast as possible.They are the delivery people who are delivering masks to everyone in need,risking being caught by the virus monsters,too...They are all ordinary people,including volunteers,but now they are also powerful soldiers;they are the bravest fighters and they are heroes!"

D:"They are so brave!But mommy,are you scared?"

M: Yes,everyone is scared.Mommy's too.But if no one goes to fight the monster,there will be more monsters,and the monsters will be even more aggressive,and they may defeat us all.”

D:"But mommy...I don't want you to leave me.”

M:"Baby,mommy doesn't want to leave you either.Sweetie,do you know what"to be brave" means?To be brave is to do the right thing even if you are really scared.?

D:"Mommy,I'll be brave,too.I want to be a doctor when I grow up,and I will fight the monsters together with you.”








3. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;








“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...” That is the signal for half a dozen people braving a humid morning at Kamezuka park in Tokyo to bend, stretch, jump, and run on the spot. The group's personal trainer is a portable radio fixed on the top of a children's slide. A male voice’s simple instructions, issued to a lively piano accompaniment, have become a necessity of daily life in Japan since the broadcasts, known as Rajio Tais(radio calisthenics, first hit the airwaves almost a century ago.)

In 2003,the most recent year for which data is available, 27 million people said they took part in morning calisthenics more than twice a week, whether at work, at home in front of the TV or with Neighbors in the local park. Children perform Rajio Taiso before school sports days or during special summer holiday sessions ,earning credits that can be exchanged for snacks, stationery and other gifts.

Regular participants cover a broad cross-section of Japanese society: construction, factory and office workers including the 10,000 employees of the Tokyo metropolitan government, who are encouraged to leave their desks and start moving at 3 p.m. every weekday.

There are two standard routines-the second slightly more challenging than the first-each involving arm rotations, forward bends, straddle jumps and other aerobic exercises designed to move every muscle and leave participants slightly out of breath. In 1999,a routine was added for people who use wheelchairs or have other mobility issues.

“Studies show that people who exercise this way for just a few minutes a day have improved bone density, reduced risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack, and are generally in better physical shape than other people their age who don't exercise,” says Yasuo Fukusnl, secretary general of the Japan Radio Taiso Federation.

“There has never been any pressure to modernise the programme, because people have grown up with it and know it off by heart,” adds Fukushi, who believes the routine helps explain the impressive lifespan of Japanese people.

“We even do this when it rains,” says Tomomi Okamoto, a company director who joins the Kamezuka park sessions in all weathers. “It gets the blood pumping and I always feel much better afterwards. It's a great way to start the day,” she says. “But it's not just about the exercise- it is a way of communicating with your neighbors and getting to know people.”


●Radio calisthenics have won a 1. in Japanese daily life.


●Children performing radio calisthenics to earn credits in 3. for gifts.

●Adults from all walks of life encouraged to participate 4..

Different routines


●Two standard routines 5. various aerobic exercises, leaving performers a bit 6.

●In 1999,an extra one was designed for those 7. challenged.

Potential benefits


●Compared with those who don't exercise,people who keep exercising per day are in better 8.,with bones and hearts strengthened.

●People who make it a habit to exercise are likely to have their lifespan 9.

●Some individuals consider Radio calisthenics an exercise as well as a way of 10.






    In 2010, after six years of training and further six years on the wards, I resigned from my job as a junior doctor. My parents still haven’t forgiven me.

Last year, the General Medical Council wrote to me to say they were taking my name off the medical register. It wasn’t exactly a huge shock, as I hadn’t practiced medicine in half a decade.

It was, however, excellent news for my spare room, as I cleared out box after box of old paperwork, tearing files up fast. One thing I did rescue from the jaws of death was my training portfolio (档案袋). All doctors are recommended to log their clinical experience, in what’s known as reflective practice. On looking through this portfolio for the first time in years, my reflective practice seemed to involve going up to my hospital on-call room and writing down anything remotely interesting that had happened that day.

Among the funny and the dull, I was reminded of the long hours and the huge impact being a. junior doctor had on my life. Reading back, it felt extreme and unreasonable in terms of what was expected of me, but at the time I’d just accepted it as part of the job. There were points where I wouldn’t have stepped back if an entry read “had to eat a helicopter today”.

Around the same time that I was reliving all this through my diaries, junior doctors in the here and now were coming under fire from politicians. I couldn’t help but feel doctors were struggling to get their side of the story across (probably because they were at work the whole time) and it struck me that the public weren’t hearing the truth about what it actually means to be a doctor. Rather than shrugging my shoulders and ignoring the evidence, I decided I had to do something to redress the balance.

So here they are: the diaries I kept during my time in the NHS, verruca’s and all. What it’s like working on the front line, the consequences in my personal life, and how, one terrible day, it all became too much for me. (Sorry for the spoiler of my book beforehand, but you still watched Titanic knowing how that was going to play out.)

Along the way, I’ll help you out with the medical terminology and provide a bit of context about what each job involved. Unlike being a junior doctor, I won’t just drop you in the deep end and expect you to know exactly what you’re doing.

1.Which of the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph 2?

A.But I found it a hard job to pick up my practice of medicine.

B.But I found it an easy task to turn over a new leaf in the long term.

C.But I found it a simple act to get involved in self-reflection as a junior doctor.

D.But I found it a big deal on an emotional level to permanently close this chapter of my life.

2.The author cleared out box after box of old paperwork so fast because        .

A.he was disappointed at being dismissed from the NHS

B.being removed from his position served his purpose

C.being rescued from the jaws of death discouraged him

D.he had promised to keep his patients' personal information secret

3.The phrase “had to eat a helicopter today” in Paragraph 4 indicates that a junior doctor has to        .

A.work hard for promotion B.equip himself with practical skills

C.look through all the portfolios D.live up to some extreme expectations

4.Which of the following best explains “redress the balance” underlined in Paragraph 5?

A.Argue with politicians. B.Tell the full story of doctors.

C.Collect more solid evidence. D.Win the support of the public.

5.What does the author intend to do by writing this article?

A.Reveal what it means to be a junior doctor.

B.Inform readers of some medical knowledge.

C.Give some background information on a book.

D.Encourage more people to practice medicine.

6.What attitude does the author hold towards the NHS?

A.Critical. B.Appreciative

C.Ambiguous. D.Doubtful.



    Although Facebook offers various privacy settings that can be improved, there is no way to guarantee that your photos will not be seen by people you didn't intend to share with. While the risk of sexual predators stalking(跟踪)children after seeing their Facebook photos is small, it cannot be completely discounted. Posting photos of your children also sets a bad example to them about privacy and opens them up to other dangers, such as identity theft.

Exposure to Sexual Predators

Posting photos of your children on Facebook could bring them to the attention of sexual predators, even if you set the privacy settings so that only friends and family are able to see the photos. Well-meaning relatives can republish the photos, with less strict privacy settings. This practice can be dangerous if there are easily recognizable landmarks or information that can pinpoint the location of the child in the photo. Many Facebook games and apps encourage you to increase the size of your friend list, but doing so can expose your personal information to unwanted strangers. This information, in tune with status updates revealing your whereabouts and photos of your children, can make it all too easy for someone to stalk your family.

Set a Bad Example

Young children should be taught from an early age about the dangers of revealing too much information to strangers. With smartphones and other electronic devices making it easy to post photos online, it is important that children understand the dangers of uploading the wrong kind of pictures. If you upload lots of photos of your children to Facebook. they may draw the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with sharing images online. For example, many parents post photos of their children in the bath or in their swimwear. Unless children are taught boundaries about sharing personal photos such as these, it can have a negative effect on them later in life.

Identity Theft

After you post photos of your children online on sites such as Facebook, you no longer have any control over what the images are used for. Even with strict privacy settings these photos can be viewed, downloaded, modified and uploaded elsewhere by other people if they are determined enough. Photos of your child could be used for advertising, as many website owners use photos they find on the Internet to promote their sites. Someone could even use photos of your child to create a fake profile on a teen site with the intention of getting close to other teens.

Open Children To Bullying&Intimidation(恐吓)

While posting embarrassing photos of your children on Facebook might seem like harmless fun, it can expose them to bullying and intimidation. If someone distributes these photos to online forums and websites as a joke it can cause a lot of emotional trauma for your child. In some severe cases, teens have committed suicide after threats and bullying online.

1.Paragraph I is to tell readers that_____

A.the sense of identity can be built by sharing online

B.you're likely to be stalked with your photos posted

C.posting children's picture online has become a trend

D.uploading children's photos may invite potential trouble

2.What does the author advise people to do?

A.Set the privacy settings before uploading photos.

B.Teach children to post conservative photos online.

C.Claim controls over children's photos posted online.

D.Avoid circulating children's photos containing privacy online.

3.What does the underlined word"trauma"in the last paragraph mean?

A.gain B.change

C.injury D.loss

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A.Posting children's photos online-a Pandora's Box

B.Posting children's photos online-a Herculean task

C.Posting children's photos online-a good Samaritan

D.Posting children's photos online-a God's Eye View



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