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Disease spread in many ways. An infected...

    Disease spread in many ways. An infected person can cough or sneeze on someone nearby, or they can spread germs through a handshake. But sometimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick person might leave behind bacteria or viruses when they touch a door handle, for example. But what if those surfaces could clean themselves?

Two teenagers from Hong Kong asked themselves the same question. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can kill germs on contact.

The idea is simple. Every time the door is opened, the movement creates power that starts a germ-killing reaction on the handle. In lab tests, their system killed about 99.8 percent of the germs that they spread onto lab dishes covered with their material.

Research by others has shown that door handles in public areas are often home to lots of bacteria and viruses, notes 17-year-old Sum Ming(“Simon”Wong. He and schoolmate Kin Pong ( Michael ) Li, 18, wanted to design a covering for door handles that would kill germs.

After doing some research, they learned that a mineral called titanium dioxide(二氧化钛)is known to kill bacteria. It’s already used in many products, from paints to desserts. To make their covering, the teenagers made the mineral into a very fine powder.

Titanium dioxide kills bacteria best when lit by ultraviolet(紫外线的)light, says Simon. UV light is found in sunlight. But UV light does not naturally shine on indoor handles or any used at night, so the teenagers light their door handle from within.

To make sure the light reaches the coated surface, the teenagers made their door handle out of clear glass, Each end fits into a bracket (托架).Inside one of the brackets is a strong light-emitting diode(LED). From it comes UV light.

And here’s the interesting part: The power that makes the UV light shine comes from opening and closing the door. The power from the door is then carried by wire to the LED inside the door handle.

The door handle system, Michael and Simon say, might cost no more than about $13 (about 81 yuan) to build.

1.The ways diseases spread are mentioned at the beginning of the text to .

A.demonstrate how most diseases are spread indirectly

B.remind readers of the importance of cleaning their hands

C.explain how to kill bacteria or viruses effectively

D.help to describe a new invention that prevents diseases from spreading

2.Michael and Simon’s door handle      .

A.is too expensive for ordinary families

B.is powered by the movement of its users

C.works better at night than in the daytime

D.is made of a metal that can take in UV light

3.The LED is placed inside the brackets to     .

A.supply enough power to the handle system

B.produce titanium dioxide to kill bacteria

C.provide UV light to help titanium dioxide work better

D.direct the UV light in sunlight to the coated surface

4.What is the author's attitude toward Michael and Simon s door handle system?

A.Cautious B.Critical

C.Enthusiastic D.Disappointed


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 【解析】 本文是科技说明文,介绍两位香港青少年发明自动消毒手柄的文章。 1.推理判断题。第一段“Disease spread in many ways. An infected person can cough or sneeze on someone nearby, or they can spread germs through a handshake. But sometimes we pick up germs indirectly. A sick person might leave behind bacteria or viruses when they touch a door handle, for example. But what if those surfaces could clean themselves?” 疾病以多种方式传播。感染者可以通过对附近的人咳嗽或打喷嚏,也可以通过握手传播细菌。但有时我们会间接地感染细菌。例如,一个生病的人可能会在接触门把手时留下细菌或病毒。但是如果门把手的表面可以自我清洁呢?然后在第二段“Two teenagers from Hong Kong asked themselves the same question. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can kill germs on contact.” 来自香港的两名青少年也问了自己同样的问题。现在他们发明了一种门把手,可以杀死接触的细菌。由此可知,开篇主要是引入为什么要发明这个自动消毒手柄,即帮助描述防止疾病传播的新发明---自动消毒手柄。故选D。 2.推理判断题。第三段“The idea is simple: Every time the door is opened, the movement creates power that starts a germ-killing reaction on the handle.” 想法很简单。每次门被打开时,这种运动都会产生能量,导致门把手产生杀死细菌的反应。由此可推断出迈克尔和西蒙设计的门把手是由推门的人的移动来驱动的。分析选项可知B项(由使用门的人的移动提供动力)符合题意,故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据第六段“Titanium dioxide kills bacteria best when lit by ultraviolet light, says Simon. UV light is found in sunlight. But UV light does not naturally shine on indoor handles or any used at night, so the teenagers light their door handle from within.” 二氧化钛在紫外线照射下最能杀灭细菌。阳光中有紫外线。西蒙说。紫外线是在阳光中发现的。但是紫外线不会自然地照射到室内把手或任何夜间使用的把手上,所以这两个青少年想从室内照亮他们的门把手。第七段“To make sure the light reaches the coated surface, the teenagers made their door handle out of clear glass, Each end fits into a bracket (托架) Inside one of the brackets is a strong light-emitting diode (LED). From it comes UV light.” 为了确保光线到达涂有粉末的表面,这两个青少年用透明玻璃制造出门把手,两端各配备一个支架。 其中一个支架内是一个强大的发光二极管(LED)。它发出紫外线。由此可推断出,LED被放置在托架内是为了提供紫外线帮助二氧化钛更好地工作。故选C。 4.推理判断题。文章第一段最后一句“But what if those surfaces could clean themselves?”第二段“Two teenagers from Hong Kong asked themselves the same question. Now they’ve developed a door handle that can kill germs on contact.”来自香港的两个青少年问了自己同样的问题。现在他们已经开发出一种能在接触时杀死细菌的门把手。第三段中“In lab tests, their system killed about 99.8 percent of the germs ....” 在实验室测试中,他们的系统杀死了99.8%的细菌;第五段“After doing some research, they learned that a mineral called titanium dioxide(二氧化钛)is known to kill bacteria. It’s already used in many products” 他们发现一种矿物称为二氧化钛杀死细菌。它已经被用在很多产品中;第八段“And here’s the interesting part: The power that makes the UV light shine comes from opening and closing the door.”有趣的是:紫外线照射的能量来自开关门。根据文中的用词“killed about 99.8 percent of the germs ”、“It’s already used in many products”和“And here’s the interesting part:”这些字里行间可推断出作者对这项发明的态度很热情。故选C。

    Pamela Simpson is 53,“not sporty” and has suffered from asthma(哮喘) all her life. Two years ago her son Jay-Teale, now 10, took up BMX(自行车越野赛).“I enjoyed watching him and thought I'd like to try it,” Simpson recalls. “But I didn't want to embarrass myself. I hadn't ridden for over 40 years.”

Then she noticed a session for women and girls at Burgess Park BMX Track in Peckham, south-east London, where Jay-Teale trained. This season Simpson raced at the London BMX series and finished third in her category.

“It was the most worrying experience of my life. But it was also exhilarating,” she says cheerfully. “My son is proud of me. We now share a real love for the sport. It has brought us closer together.”

Since becoming part of the Olympic Games in 2008, the popularity of BMX has risen. A program introduced in London in 2011 by the sports development charity Access Sport has seen tracks built in several London regions, backed up with investment in coaching, and the program is being rolled out to Bristol.

Mavolwane Wright's children Skye,11 and Xander,10 are sponsored riders who have represented Great Britain in every world championship since 2014. Mavolwane Wright says she was motivated to start BMX herself out of an interest aroused by watching so much of it. “It's an eye-opener to share your children's interests,” she explains. “You comprehend what they go through in a much more direct way. It adds another dimension to your relationship.”

It is also a high-impact sport and the risks are fairly obvious. “I totally get the fear,” says Emma Budgens, 51, a BMX exercise coach and cycling instructor. “It's the fear of doing something new, of getting hurt. But I say, ‘Come and give it a try.’ The chance of having an accident is slim, and you can spend time on the flat to improve your confidence.”

1.What can we learn about Pamela Simpson from the first two paragraphs?

A.She tended to be inactive. B.She performed poorly in the race.

C.She used to feel awkward in public. D.She trained at Burgess Park BMX Track.

2.What does the underlined word “exhilarating” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Annoying. B.Inspiring.

C.Thrilling. D.Challenging.

3.What benefit did Simpson and Wright get from BMX?

A.More life skills. B.Stronger will.

C.More confidence in themselves. D.Better parent-child relationships.

4.What does Emma Budgens think of BMX?

A.Risky but actually secure. B.Demanding but open to all.

C.Competitive but instructive. D.Pleasant but time-consuming.



    The most famous war movies reflect the American public's continuous fascination with World War II and the Vietnam War. Many movies of this kind have been well-received when they were first shown, but few of them have enjoyed lasting fame and popularity. The films on the list of the five most famous war movies still remain fresh and are popular among many people.

The Longest Day

An all-star cast recreates D-Day and the Normandy attack, the greatest landing and aerial(空中的) invasion in history. This is probably the most famous war movie because of the large number of big stars who have roles in the film.

Apocalypse Now

This is a famous war movie because of its description of the Vietnam War and excellent performance from Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen and Robert Duvall. The film, full of memorable scenes and quotes, is widely viewed as a masterpiece of movie making.

The Dirty Dozen

Lee Marvin, playing an officer who thinks and acts independently, is appointed to train twelve prisoners, most of whom have been sentenced to death, to go on a suicide mission to kill several Nazi generals. If any of the men makes it back, they may get a pardon. This is one of the most popular war movies ever made.


This famous war movie is the fictional account of a platoon() in Vietnam that is divided into two competing groups. The plot is partly based on the director Oliver Stone's real life experience.


This is probably the most famous war movie ever made about navy. It's based on the battle between Japanese and American aircraft carrier groups near Hawaii in World War II that resulted in a decisive American victory.



1.What are the most important themes of the movies mentioned above?

A. World War II and the Vietnam War.

B. Competitions in the Vietnam War.

C. Fights between Nazi generals and soldiers.

D. D-Day landing and the Normandy attack.

2.The text is meant to ________.

A. describe five most famous movie posters

B. choose the best war movie among the five

C. introduce five masterpieces of American films

D. celebrate the success of the five American films

3.What can we infer from the underlined sentence?

A. The prisoners will be punished if they fail.

B. The prisoners might be willing to have a try.

C. The prisoners might be scared and run away.

D. The prisoners have to take Nazi generals back.



    In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it away and buy a new one. The _________ is that countries around the world have growing mountains of _________ because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.

How did we _________ a throwaway society? First of all, it is now easier to _________ an object than to spend time and money to repair it. _________ modern manufacturing and technology, companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and _________.

Another cause is our _________ of disposable(一次性的)products. As _________ people, we are always looking for _________ to save time and make our lives easier. Companies __________ thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates, plastic cups, and tissues, to name a few.

Our appetite(胃口)for new products also __________ to the problem. We are __________ buying new things. Advertisements persuade us that __________ is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we __________ useful possessions to make room for new ones.

All around the world, we can see the __________ of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting bigger. To __________ the amount of rubbish and to protect the __________, more governments are requiring people to recycle materials. __________, this is not enough to solve our problem.

Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions __________ throwing them away. We also need to rethink cur attitudes about __________. Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best ways to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.

1.A.key B.problem C.project D.reason

2.A.debt B.gifts C.products D.rubbish

3.A.become B.change C.face D.observe

4.A.control B.hide C.replace D.withdraw

5.A.As to B.Except C.Regardless of D.Thanks to

6.A.cheap B.funny C.powerful D.safe

7.A.division B.lack C.love D.prevention

8.A.brave B.busy C.kind D.sensitive

9.A.friends B.jobs C.places D.ways

10.A.donate B.preserve C.produce D.receive

11.A.adapts B.contributes C.responds D.returns

12.A.ashamed for B.addicted to C.tired of D.worried about

13.A.higher B.larger C.newer D.stronger

14.A.hold onto B.pay for C.pick up D.throw away

15.A.advantages B.consequences C.functions D.purposes

16.A.decrease B.measure C.record D.show

17.A.brands B.consumers C.environment D.technology

18.A.However B.Meanwhile C.Otherwise D.Therefore

19.A.in favor of B.instead of C.or rather D.other than

20.A.advertising B.collecting C.repairing D.spending



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Dear Andrew,

I’d like to invite you take part in the Christmas party in the dining hall. It was the celebration for the Christmas Eve. But you are welcome to make the short speech. After that we will enjoy us. Then we will have a candle light dinner, which are our favorite part. Finally, members of the English club will exchange gift. I am sure it will be a warmly get-together. I would appreciate it if you could join us. The party will start at 6 pm and we’ll meet you at the school gate at 5:50 pm on this evening. We look forward to receive your earliest reply.



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