满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was at a store the other day. The youn...

    I was at a store the other day. The young woman ahead of me in _________ couldn’t pay for her items, and I _________ to pay for them. Though she _________,when she left, the cashier (收银员) thanked me for my offer. She said, “We all need to _________ each other like that. We don’t do enough of that!” I _________ agreed and walked out of the store feeling so _________.

I seem to have many kindness moments in the _________. I go there a lot to pick up _________ for my dad. The other day I was talking with the woman at the _________ and when she realized who my __________ was, she asked about him and I __________ her in. Then she thanked me for caring for him, which was so __________. Dad’s had so many health problems that I’ve almost forgotten how he was before. It was nice to be __________ of that. She was so understanding and encouraging, which really gave me the __________ I needed.

I’ve also been praying lately to be __________ with myself and my dad. Whenever I __________ to do that, our day seems much better. The other day we watched Forest Gump together. We both love that __________, and it seemed to open him up. He doesn’t __________ much with me but he did that day, and it made me __________. It really means a lot to me. That was his __________ to me that day.

1.A.place B.line C.panic D.debt

2.A.offered B.agreed C.managed D.planned

3.A.hesitated B.paused C.declined D.cried

4.A.consult with B.talk about C.compete with D.care about

5.A.unwillingly B.hardly C.immediately D.totally

6.A.good B.embarrassed C.upset D.moved

7.A.street B.supermarket C.store D.hospital

8.A.shoes B.medicines C.books D.drinks

9.A.counter B.corner C.desk D.door

10.A.colleague B.teacher C.friend D.dad

11.A.filled B.let C.showed D.took

12.A.normal B.funny C.special D.relaxing

13.A.warned B.reminded C.informed D.convinced

14.A.recognition B.suggestion C.strength D.opportunity

15.A.familiar B.satisfied C.strict D.patient

16.A.forget B.fail C.remember D.hate

17.A.environment B.movie C.atmosphere D.situation

18.A.spend B.quarrel C.talk D.argue

19.A.curious B.serious C.nervous D.happy

20.A.sacrifice B.kindness C.help D.encouragement


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。讲述我在商店帮一位女士付钱,这个善意得到收银员的感谢。随后,在给父亲买药时和这个收银员的交谈,让我感到了她的善解人意,之后,父亲和我在看完电影后的谈话使我很开心,父亲的这次谈话是他给我善意。 1.考查名词。句意:那天我在一家商店。排在我前面的那个年轻女士付不起她的东西,我提出要付钱。A. place地方;B. line队列;C. panic恐慌;D. debt债。结合句意,在商店买到东西应该是排队付款,所以此处in line在队列里符合题意。故选B项。 2.考查动词。句意同上。A. offered主动提供;B. agreed同意;C. managed设法(完成);D. planned计划。结合下一句中 the cashier (收银员) thanked me for my offer.,可知此处为我主动提出帮她付钱。选项A符合题意。故选A项。 3.考查动词。句意:虽然她拒绝了,但她离开的时候,收银员还是感谢了我的好意。A. hesitated犹豫;B. paused暂停,停顿;C. declined下降,婉言拒绝;D. cried哭。根据本句中when she left, the cashier (收银员) thanked me for my offer. 可知,这位女士没有接受我的帮助,所以选项C符合题意。故选C项。 4.考查短语。句意:她说”我们都需要这样互相帮助”。A. consult with咨询,请教;B. talk about谈论;C. compete with与……竞争;D. care about关心。结合前一句,收银员对我的乐于助人的行为表示感谢,本句中like that即表明需要像我之前的这种乐于助人的行为,选项D语意上符合语境。故选D项。 5.考查副词。我完全同意,然后走出商店,感觉好极了。A. unwillingly不情愿地;B. hardly几乎不;C. immediately立刻;D. totally完全地。前一句收银员对我的行为表示感谢,结合本句语境,应该是我完全同意,选项D符合题意。故选D项。 6.考查形容词。句意同上。A. good愉快的,好的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. upset难过的;D. moved感动的。结合前一句收银员对我的行为表示感谢,可知我的心情应该是愉悦的,高兴的。选项A符合题意。故选A项。 7.考查名词。句意:在这家商店里我似乎有很多善意的时刻。A. street街道;B. supermarket超市;C. store商店;D. hospital医院。结合上文,我在一家商店里买东西做的善事,此处再次讲到我的很多善意,应该是在同一家商店,选项C符合题意。故选C项。 8.考查名词。句意:我经常去那里给我爸爸买药。A. shoes鞋;B.medicines药;C. books书;D. drinks饮料。根据下文:Dad’s had so many health problems爸爸有许多健康问题,可知此处应该是给爸爸买药。选项B符合题意。故选B项。 9.考查名词。句意:前几天我和柜台那个女人聊天。A. counter柜台;B. corner角落;C. desk桌子;D. door门。根据语境,收银员应该是在柜台的后边。所以选项A符合题意。故选A项。 10.考查名词。句意:当她了解到我父亲是谁时,她问起了他,我告诉了她。A. colleague同事;B. teacher老师;C. friend朋友;D. dad父亲。结合上文I go there a lot to pick up ____8____ for my dad. 可知,此处是她问起我的父亲是谁,选项D符合题意。故选D项。 11.考查动词。句意同上。A. filled充满;B. let让;C. showed展示;D. took拿。本句中固定搭配fill sb. in (on sth.)向……提供(情况),结合本句she asked about him和she thanked me for caring for him.可知,我是告诉了她问的内容,所以选项A符合题意。故选A项。 12.考查形容词。句意:然后她感谢我照顾他,这很特别。A. normal正常的;B. funny有趣的;C. special特别的;D. relaxing令人放松的。结合下文She was so understanding她是如此的善解人意,这点使我觉得很特别。选项C符合题意。故选C项。 13.考查动词。句意:能想起这些真好。A. warned告诫;B. reminded提醒;C. informed告知;D. convinced使信服。前一句讲到 Dad’s had so many health problems that I’ve almost forgotten how he was before.爸爸有很多健康问题,以致于我几乎忘了父亲之前是怎么样的。同时根据 she asked about him and I ____11____ her in. 可以得出,此处我是被提醒想到了父亲的情况,所以选项B符合题意。故选B项。 14.考查名词。句意:她非常善解人意,鼓舞人心,给了我所需要的力量。A. recognition认出;B. suggestion建议;C. strength力量;D. opportunity机会。根据语境,此处是说她的理解的话语给了我力量。选项C符合语境。故选C项。 15.考查形容词。句意:我最近也一直在祈祷,对自己和爸爸要有耐心。A. familiar熟悉的;B. satisfied满意的;C. strict严格的;D. patient有耐心的。固定搭配:be familiar with对……熟悉;be satisfied with对……满意;be strict with对……严格;be patient with对……有耐心。结合上文She was so understanding and encouraging, 她的善解人意,令人鼓舞。结合本句语境,对待父亲,我也在祈祷,愿自己能够同样如此,选项D符合题意。故选D项。 16.考查动词。句意:只要我记得这么做,我们的日子就会好过很多。A. forget忘记;B. fail失败;C. remember记住;D. hate讨厌。结合后文,我和父亲一起看电影,父亲和我的交谈,让我感到很开心。这些都是生活给予我之前的善意的回报,所以此处填只要我记得对自己和父亲有耐心,生活会好过很多。选项C项符合题意。故选C项。 17.考查名词。句意:我们都很喜欢那部电影,这部电影似乎让他敞开了心扉A. environment 环境;B. movie电影;C. atmosphere氛围;D. situation情形;由前一句The other day we watched Forest Gump together. 几天前,我们一起观看了Forest Gump,可知此处指的是这部电影,所以选项B符合题意。故选B项。 18.考查动词。句意:他不怎么跟我说话但那天说了。A. spend花费;B. quarrel吵架;C. talk谈话;D. argue争论,争辩。结合后文It really means a lot to me. 这对我而言意义非凡。可知此处讲的是父亲平时不太讲话,在那天说了。选项C符合题意。故选C项。 19.考查形容词。句意:他不怎么跟我说话但那天说了,这让我很开心。A. curious好奇的;B. serious严肃的;C. nervous紧张的;D. happy开心的。根据下一句It really means a lot to me.可知,我对爸爸那天和我的谈话是开心的,选项D符合题意。故选D项。 20.考查名词。句意:那天他对我很好。A. sacrifice牺牲;B. kindness善良;C. help帮助;D. encouragement鼓励。根据前文,提到我对陌生人给予善意,帮她付钱,得到收银员的感谢。此处,父亲和我谈话,给我了开心,也是父亲给予我的善意。选项B符合题意。故选B项。

How to Care for Your Mental Health?

When you’ve been exposed to an infectious illness, it’s important to quarantine (隔离) yourself 1. While you likely don’t need to worry, spending a lot of time in quarantine may have a negative effect on your mental health.

You can participate in enjoyable activities. While you’re in quarantine, try to do things you enjoy, like watching TV or your favorite movies. You might even use this time to catch up on shows you’ve been planning to watch. However, limit yourself to a few hours of TV at a time so you don’t start to feel down. 2. Otherwise, you can have sad feelings or depression.

3. You might have days when you feel like there’s no point in bathing since you are not going out. However, it’s important to maintain good hygiene (卫生), and bathing actually improves your mood. Bathe or shower at least once a day so you’re taking good care of yourself.

4. You probably want to know what’s going on outside your quarantine space, but too much information can add to your stress, especially news about a pandemic (流行病). Set times to check on the news so you don’t get caught in a constant cycle of watching for updates. 5. So you aren’t seeing news updates there.

A.Practicing self care is vital.

B.So you don’t accidentally infect others.

C.It’s best to manage your worries and emotions.

D.Text your friends and family throughout the day.

E.Fortunately, it’s possible to keep these emotions under control.

F.Of course, you should spend time doing other activities as well.

G.Additionally, set time limits for yourself when it comes to using social media.



    Over the past decade, drug-resistant diseases have appeared as a major health threat. But where do they develop the drug resistance? One surprising theory: they may have developed the resistance on farms, and not in hospitals.

The crop protection products farmers use to control many plant diseases are almost the same as the drugs doctors use to treat infections, including fungi (真菌). Fungi are continually mutating (变异), and with a life cycle measured in days or weeks, they mutate quickly. When a mutation produces resistance to a chemical-killing fungi, fungi will jump to any host that provides a welcoming environment, such as a human body. And if the treatment for the fungal infection involves a drug similar to the fungicide encountered on the farm, Fungi may develop quickly in the human body-just as they did in the field.

An obvious solution is to use less fungicide in the field. Reducing fungicide use would not only slow the development of the drug resistance, it would help restore diversity to the fungal world. Fungicides are a must in the farming community. Plant diseases pose a major problem for farmers globally-in some crops, disease can reduce harvests by more than 70 percent-and failure to deal with the problem can mean financial ruin.

Just like Fungi-or, indeed, any living thing-plants continually evolve. This is how natural gene editing (基因编辑) works, and without it, we'd all still be single cells in a salty soup. Through natural selection, almost any plant will eventually produce resistance to Fungi. But this can take centuries, so we don't have the time to wait.

On the other hand, advances in genetics have given us an understanding of nature's gene editing process in plants, helping us develop resistance to a disease. Gene editing techniques can then enable us to produce disease resistance-just as nature would do, if given enough time.

1.What can we infer about Fungi from Paragraph 2?

A.They can treat infection sometimes.

B.They don't stop developing new forms.

C.A human body is their favorite place.

D.There are no Fungi in the fields now.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word ''pose'' in paragraph 3?

A.Solve. B.Face.

C.Cause. D.Overcome.

3.What makes a plant produce resistance to Fungi?

A.The survival of the fittest.

B.Advances in technology.

C.The use of farm chemicals.

D.A welcoming environment.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Ways to Prevent Drug-resistant Diseases

B.The Source of the Drug Resistance

C.The Popularity of Gene Editing Techniques

D.The New Theory of Natural Selection



    Road networks are expanding worldwide at an alarming rate. Although roads can promote economic development and improve human welfare, they can also have severe effects on wildlife populations by worsening habitat and human disturbance. Moreover, traffic disturbance from noise, lights, and motion reduces the quality of habitat near roads.

While roads are now everywhere across much of the earth, the construction of new roads will be concentrated in areas with high biodiversity value. Many of these new roads and highways will likely cross reserves or other highly biodiverse areas. Although roads are one of the most important impacts on global ecosystems, we know little about how patterns in road construction will affect biodiversity in the coming decades.

Here, we use a recently developed global roads data set to investigate the extent and potential influence of road networks across the 1,160,000-km,13-country range of the globally endangered tiger. In the Russian Far East, for example, roads reduce tiger survival rates due to crashes into vehicles. In some regions, tigers avoid areas closer to public roads, suggesting that roads act as important barriers to movement. The emerging impacts of road development on tigers are critical for several reasons.

We calculate road density (), distance to the nearest road, and relative mean species abundance (MSA) to characterize how road networks influence tiger habitats. These systems of measurement provide starting points for range-wide monitoring and impact assessments of road development projects, thus enabling evaluation of progress toward country-level conservation and sustainable (可持续的) development goals.

1.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The importance of creating reserves.

B.The destruction to global ecosystems.

C.The effect on biodiversity worldwide.

D.The opinion about road construction.

2.Why is road development attacked?

A.It has bad influence on tigers.

B.It causes more traffic accidents.

C.It covers too many areas.

D.It requires a quantity of funds.

3.How does the author feel about the systems of measurement?

A.Optimistic. B.Doubtful.

C.Concerned. D.Astonished.

4.In which section of a website may the text appear?

A.Entertainment. B.Health.

C.Education. D.Science.



    Recently Stiles aged 17 took her 3-year-old brother, James, to her high school. A family emergency prevented her parents from being able to pick up James. So they asked Stiles to step in.

''This was a one-time event; we have never had her get him from school other than this day But it was an emergency, '' her mother said. ''I figured she had gone to get him and taken him home Later that day I saw the picture online and realized that she had taken him back to school. ''

Little James quickly fell asleep in his big sister's arms at the high school.

She didn't want to be counted absent or miss any work. Stiles was studying to be a nurse. She was in her class, and the teacher gladly welcomed her little brother in. He was so tired from his school that he slept most of the class. She not only helped her family out but returned to her responsibility at school.

Her teacher was very supportive and didn't mind him being in the class at all. He slept most of the time and if he had become a problem she would have taken him out. She attends an amazing school that clearly sees the value in family and education.

Her mom said she can now put to rest any worries she's had that the 14-year age gap between Stiles and James would keep them from being close. As a mom, she was thankful that they had this kind of relationship, and she prayed it would always stay this way.

1.Why did Stiles' parents ask her for help?

A.Her family had an emergency.

B.Her parents couldn't collect James.

C.Her brother refused to attend school.

D.She was close to being an adult.

2.Where did Stiles want to work when she grew up?

A.In a hospital.

B.In a school.

C.In a factory.

D.In a shop.

3.What was Stiles' teacher's attitude to her act?





4.What once made Stiles' mother concerned?

A.Stiles' identity of being a senior high student.

B.Stiles' terrible relationship with her classmates.

C.The age difference between Stiles and her brother.

D.Stiles' bad performance in the key school.



    Spending time outdoors can reduce stress and increase overall health. Stuck inside? You can still connect with nature with a virtual visit to a national park. Four of the most visited national parks in the nation offer creative ways for visitors at home to explore its beauty.

Grand Canyon National Park

On a Grand Canyon virtual archaeological tour, armchair travelers get an inside look at the first major archaeological site along the Colorado River in nearly four decades. A series of interactive 360-degree photos show the archaeologists (考古学家) at work, with insight into their tools and methods.

Yosemite National Park

Few national parks have more natural wonders than Yosemite. Visitors can see water pouring down from Yosemite Falls or look up at Half Dome from the floor of Yosemite Valley.

Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park protects a rainforest ecosystem (生态系统) largely untouched by human habitation. It also protects an incredible range of habitats and impressive biodiversity (生物多样性).

A set of beautiful interactive wall paintings appeals to those with an interest in plants and animals. Click through the images to learn more about what’s growing in the park.

Yellowstone National Park

America’s oldest national park is also one of the easiest to tour virtually. You can watch Old Faithful erupt in real time or send an audio postcard featuring the sounds of springtime, the barks and howls of wolves at Blacktail Pond.

1.What is special about Grand Canyon National Park?

A.It provides a wide range of photos for tourists.

B.It offers travelers chances to act archaeologists.

C.It makes visitors understand archaeological tools.

D.It has a history of approximately forty years.

2.What attracts tourists most in Olympic National Park?

A.The rainforest ecosystem.

B.Attractive wall paintings.

C.Various amazing habitats.

D.Impressive natural wonders.

3.Which park do you choose to hear nature in spring?

A.Grand Canyon National Park.

B.Yosemite National Park.

C.Olympic National Park.

D.Yellowstone National Park.



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