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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 People ...


People of all ages are concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, and teenagers, as a group, tend to experience intense fearfulness. Accordingly, their growing anxiety should be taken into1. (consider) seriously. Adults can help by making sure teens don't overestimate the dangers2.underestimate their ability to protect themselves.

Anxiety can be 3.(health). But not all teens know that it typically acts 4. a useful and protective emotion. Adults can encourage teenagers to channel their discomfort into useful action, such as learning about and following the 5.(recommend) health guidelines.

We can also remind teenagers that we should wash our hands and follow other heath recommendations not only6.(protect) ourselves, but also to help to ease the stress. Adults can note that7.(make) personal sacrifices(牺牲)- such as postponing a vacation or staying home if we're not feeling well helps to reduce the chance of carrying illness into our own communities.

Teenagers who are feeling8.(high) anxious about Covid-19 should 9.(encourage) to take a break from seeking, or even accidentally encountering, information about the virus. 10. we can do is to encourage finding distractions, such as doing their homework or watching a favorite show, to protect them from noticing the increasing virus figures.


1.consideration 2.or 3.healthy 4.as 5.recommended 6.to protect 7.making 8.highly 9.be encouraged 10.What 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了如何来处理年轻人间因新冠肺炎导致的焦虑。 1.考查固定短语。句意: 因此,他们日益增长的焦虑应该被认真对待。take sth. into consideration 译为“将……考虑在内”是固定短语。故填consideration。 2.考查连词。句意:成年人可以通过确保青少年不高估危险或低估他们保护自己的能力来帮助他们。分析句子,don't overestimate the dangers 和 underestimate their ability 之间表示选择。故填or。 3.考查形容词。句意:焦虑可能是健康的。分析句子,be动词后用形容词作表语。故需将提示词改为形容词。故填healthy。 4.考查固定短语。句意:但并不是所有的青少年都知道它通常是一种有用的保护性情绪。act as 译为“担当,作为”。是固定短语。故填as。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:成年人可以鼓励青少年把他们的不适转化为有用的行动,比如学习和遵循推荐的健康指南。分析句子,分句部分缺主语,故提示词需用非谓语动词。又因为recommend和逻辑主语health guidelines 表示被动关系。故填recommended。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:我们还可以提醒青少年,我们应该洗手和遵循其他健康建议,不仅保护自己,也有助于缓解压力。分析句子,提示词protect所处的句中已有动词follow。故提示词需用非谓语动词。根据句意,此处表示目的译为“为了”。故填to protect。 7.考查非谓语动词。句意:成年人可以注意到,做出个人牺牲---比如推迟假期或者如果我们感觉不舒服就呆在家里---有助于减少将疾病带入我们自己社区的机会。分析句子,去掉中间的插入语(such as postponing a vacation or staying home if we're not feeling well)后可知,句中除了提示词外,还有动词helps。故make需要用非谓语动词。又因简单句部分缺主语,所以用doing形式充当主语。故填making。 8.考查副词。句意:对新冠肺炎高度焦虑的青少年。分析句意,根据词性相互修饰,副词修饰形容词。anxious(焦虑的)是形容词。high也可做副词修饰形容词,但high强调的是具体的高度。而此处强调抽象的高度。故填highly。 9.考查情态动词的被动语态。句意:对Covid-19感到高度焦虑的青少年应该鼓励他们休息一下。分析句子,情态动词should后应该用动词原形。但该提示词的逻辑主语是teenagers,它和动词encourage之间表示被动。故填be encouraged。 10.考查主语从句。句意:我们所能做的就是鼓励人们寻找干扰因素,比如做家庭作业或看自己喜欢的节目,以防止他们注意到病毒数量的增加。分析句子,划线后面出现了两个动词can do 和is,所以此处需填引导词。划线处属于名词性从句中的主语从句。主语从句部分缺can do 的宾语。所以此处需填连接代词。分析句意,此处缺“什么”。故填What。

    As a child, I lived on a college campus with my parents. Their students often visited and did jigsaw puzzles (拼图) with me, for which I quickly discovered my_______.I would sit alone for hours_________building a puzzle. My college “friends” would be_________next time they came.

Soon I_______ up from 500-piece puzzles to my highest _______:a 3,000-piece one. I was so_______at the thought of tearing it apart that I moved the finished puzzle_______ onto a large board and kept it as it was until we moved away and I _______ playing with puzzles.

Recently I can't help but_______my old days, when I could spend hours looking at small, oddly shaped cardboard pieces and ________them into appropriately spaced positions, enjoying myself.

I now live in a world of divided________, constantly jumping from one form of entertainment to another.________I dislike it when I open my phone to send a quick text, but only to find myself, an hour later, clicking on countless YouTube videos that leave no impression on me. I miss being someone who didn't________ to be bombed with so many flashy external stimuli to be ________ .

I think a puzzle or two would force me to be another version of myself, a less impatient one. When I get home this summer, I'll________ the box of old toys somewhere in our basement. Maybe I'll find what I'm looking for.

1.A.concern B.destination C.balance D.love

2.A.dreaming of B.concentrating on C.complaining about D.hesitating about

3.A.embarrassed B.impressed C.confused D.relieved

4.A.leveled B.mixed C.showed D.sped

5.A.challenge B.design C.achievement D.champion

6.A.guilty B.light-hearted C.silly D.heartbroken

7.A.at random B.with care C.on occasion D.step by step

8.A.quit B.continued C.escaped D.forbade

9.A.analyse B.regret C.recall D.doubt

10.A.placing B.rolling C.pushing D.dragging

11.A.attention B.communication C.information D.opinions

12.A.Thankfully B.Honestly C.Additionally D.Interestingly

13.A.fail B.afford C.need D.offer

14.A.admired B.connected C.disturbed D.entertained

15.A.take over B.breaks up C.search through D.put away



    Ever since the University of Bologna in Haly was founded in 1088 as the first modern university, most people have associated great universities,with major cities.1.

Colleges and universities in the U.S.,though, have followed a different pattern. To be sure, leading universities such as the University of Chicago and Columbia University in New York City call major urban centers home.2.In some cases, the university is, for all practical

purposes, the whole town.

3. Many early colleges and universities were founded by religious (宗教的) groups that sought to educate students far from the distractions of city life. When Harvard University was founded in 1636 by Congregationalist Church ministers, Cambridge, where the university is now located, was quite separate from Boston. Moreover, when the U.S. began building a network of public universities in the 1860s to bring agricultural and technical research and know-how to the westward- spreading frontier, most were located in small towns. 4.

Given the huge diversity of U.S. higher education, the message for international students shopping for a great university is doubled.5.Don't be put off if you have never heard of the city or town where a school is located. Top-rated colleges and universities located in lesser

known places may amaze you in an unimaginable manner with their high quality and a significant number of their international students.

A.Bloomington is also a great college town.

B.Think the Sorbonne in Paris or Peking University.

C.Set your sights beyond the most well-known schools.

D.One reason: there were no major cities there at the time.

E.There was no better recipe for popularity than small campuses.

F.Part of the explanation for this lies in America's distinctive history.

G.But many are located in cities and towns most people have never heard of.



    Over the last 25 years, psychologists have found that personalities center on five basic traits(特性)the Big Five: agreeableness, conscientiousness (责任心), neuroticism, extroversion and openness. Contrary to common belief, people just aren’t organized into certain personality types. Every trait is a continuous dimension and everyone can be described as having varying levels of each trait. A new research has also found animals from ants to apes all have the Big Five and that the universality of personality points to an evolutionary (进化) origin.

Animals and humans have common problems of survival, which are spelled out beautifully in the Big Five, and that’s why there’s so much continuity in human personality and animal personality. For example, conscientiousness involves behaviors like planning and consideration, which are important among animals for taking care of their young, selecting mates and living in groups. Being neat and orderly — aspects of conscientiousness-also has evolutionary superiority. Bees that like to keep clean and remove more dead group members reduce risk of disease, gain more weight and reproduce more Spiders that make tidy webs catch more insects. Birds that build neater and solider nests attract more mates.

These behaviors may seem primitive, but they’re nevertheless indications of personality. Personality is the expression of all of the behaviors that humans and animals exhibit that allow them to function adaptively in the world.

Evolution can also explain why personalities vary so much. Depending on the situation, each of the Big Five can be advantageous. For example, agreeableness is great for relationships. But if a lion were charging at you, you’d be better off with a less agreeable and more aggressive personality. Because the world is so unpredictable, every aspect of each personality trait could be useful at different times, so instead of evolving a single type of personality that’s best for every situation, we’re left with a wide variety.

1.What do people generally think about personality types?

A.Different personality types have respective strengths.

B.Everyone falls into a particular personality type.

C.People with common personality types gather,

D.Everyone has mixed personality types.

2.What’s the purpose of mentioning some animals in Paragraph 2?

A.To illustrate the advantages of being conscientious.

B.To analyze survival chances of cooperative animals.

C.To explain why they are tidy and orderly.

D.To throw new light on their behavior.

3.Why do we display a certain personality in a specific situation?

A.To be free of trouble.

B.To be adaptive to circumstances.

C.To compete for equal rights.

D.To gain advantages over others.

4.What does the text mainly focus on?

A.Personality and behavior.

B.Categories of Big Five.

C.Contradictory facts on personality.

D.Diversity and variability of personality.



    The Tokyo Summer Olympics is going green. The 5,000 medals Japan has made are more special than most.

One novel focus of the Tokyo Olympics is to be“sustainable”—to avoid using too many natural resources, so that the games are easy on the environment. As part of this goal, the organizers decided to make all of the Olympic medals out of metal recycled from old electronics.

Almost all electronics are made with small amounts of "precious metals", like gold and silver. But collecting enough of these metals to make 5,000 medals was a huge challenge. That's because the amount of metal in each device is tiny. It would take about 20,000 cell phones to get just 1 kilogram of gold.

Beginning in April 2017, the organizers placed collection boxes around the country, and asked people to turn in their old electronic devices. Soon people began to respond to the initiative, turning in smartphones, digital cameras, hand-held games, and laptops. At first, collection went slowly, but soon more and more areas began to take part. By the end, 1,621 local governments had helped out with the collection process.

Then came the job of breaking those devices down into smaller pieces. After being taken apart and sorted, the small electronics were smelted (熔炼) to get all the gold, silver, and bronze elements. This is a tricky job, which calls for careful attention and good skill. It's also dangerous, because some of the metals and other things aren't safe for people to touch or breathe.

By the end of March, 2019, the organizers had hit their targets of getting enough metal for the medals. They had collected around3xkilograms of gold, 4,100 kilograms of silver and 2,200 kilograms of bronze. And now all the 5,000 medals are available for the would-be winners.

1.What can we know about the Tokyo Olympics medals?

A.They are hugely valuable.

B.They are of high quality.

C.They are designed uniquely.

D.They are made from e-waste.

2.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?

A.The difficulty of making the medals.

B.The process of collecting old electronics.

C.The initiative to recycle used smartphones.

D.The classification of the collected devices.

3.The underlined word “tricky”in Paragraph 5 means“      ”.

A.creative B.well-paid

C.demanding D.time-consuming

4.What's the purpose of Tokyo's way of making the medals?

A.To advocate sustainable use of resources.

B.To promote the spirit of Olympic Games.

C.To introduce a new technique to make medals.

D.To call people's attention to environmental damage.



    The unique ocean animals were discovered by a team of scientists led by Dr. Christine Dudgeon from Australia’s University of Queensland during a 12 year global conservation study.

The newly-found sharks have evolved (进化) to survive in low oxygen environments, enabling them to hunt during low tides. The researchers believe their ability to use their fins () to walk affords the sharks a remarkable edge over the smaller animals they try to hunt. “While they are super hunters in their shallow habitat, the tiny sharks present no threat to people,” says Dudgeon. “At less than a meter long on average, they’re incredibly cute little animals that do not look like sharks at all,” she adds.

A DNA analysis of skin samples from the live fish suggests that walking sharks broke away from their original population and became a distinct species about nine million years ago. Though that may appear to be a long time ago, it is relatively recent given that sharks have been around for more than 400 million years. In fact, Dudgeon and her team believe walking sharks are the youngest kind of sharks on Earth!

The researchers say that the sharks’ small numbers and small habitat make them extremely vulnerable (易受伤害) to natural disasters and overfishing. They are currently on the Nature Red List, which lists species at risk. Dudgeon and her team believe sensible conservation management plans are urgently needed to protect the walking sharks and other endangered animals from further threats.

1.What is the most noticeable feature of the newly-found sharks?

A.They are cute and harmless to humans.

B.They can survive in their shallow habitat.

C.They walk on their fins across the seafloor.

D.They are the youngest kind of sharks on Earth.

2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The evolution of the shark.

B.The behavior of the sharks.

C.The population of the sharks.

D.The DNA samples of the sharks.

3.What should be done without delay according to Dudgeon and her team?

A.Adjusting the methods of fishing.

B.Putting the sharks on the Nature Red List.

C.Changing the sharks’ living environments.

D.Adopting necessary measures to protect the sharks.

4.In which column of a website can we read the text?

A.Environment. B.Nature.

C.Education. D.Geography.



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