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Policies have been made to help the prov...

Policies have been made to help the province hard hit by the disaster to________economy.

A.review B.reveal C.recover D.reserve


C 【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了帮助在灾难中受到重创的省份恢复经济,一些政策已经被制定出来了。A. review复查,反思;B. reveal 揭示,透露;C. recover恢复;D. reserve预定,保留。横线后面的宾语为经济,再结合 “province hard hit by the disaster”(受到灾难重创的省份)可知,制定政策应该是要恢复这些省份的经济。故选C项。  

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.





Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.你没必要凡事亲力亲为。(need n.)

2.SARS 之后, 少数人没有吸取教训,仍以食野味为乐。(enjoy)


4.为满足人们日益增长的消费需求,出现了一系列商品和服务,懒人经济迅速发展, 其特性是省时省力便捷。(emerge)



Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

When Everything Gets Smart

It still feels magical to light up your living room by saying “Alexa, turn on the lights.” Tech companies are adding internet connections to just about everything you can imagine. Cars, door locks, toasters, refrigerators, toothbrushes, motorcycle helmets. More  and  more  technology powers are taking part in this trend — known by “the internet of things.”

There is no denying that smart technology will lead to conveniences. You can use voice commands to turn on the lights, coffee maker and music. You can get reminders from your toothbrush to brush and tips on how best to do it. Thanks to the internet of things, you could live like the Beast in the Disney movie, with animated objects around taking care of your every need. That’s the appeal of smart homes for most people, and why they are supposed to be a $27 billion market by 2021.

However, the facts are not always so rosy. The smart objects in your home can be a source of annoyance. Usually people have to download dozens of different apps to a smartphone to control everything, which means creating an account for each one of those apps. The fantasy of the smart home is that it will save us time and effort. But the trouble involved in getting various devices  from different companies to work together means that many things may take longer to do.

Worse still, there may be security risks. Smart home systems are part of a larger suite ( ) devices, apps, websites and spaces that collect and analyze personal data about users. To get the full benefits of smart home systems, users must share their locations, routines, tastes in music, shopping history and so forth. It might manage your digital life quite well. On the other hand, however, providing so much personal information benefits companies like Amazon. As they gain access to users’ personal information, they may capitalize on ( ) it in the form of targeted advertisements. Perhaps that’s why Wired magazine says, “Amazon’s next big business is selling you.”

Smartened everything comes with broader security concerns. Unsecured devices connected to the “internet of things” can be targets for hackers. Access to smart devices might provide hackers a well-spring of useful data, including information about when users are home — or not.

Considering the disadvantages, why not slow down a bit as we head toward an uncertain future?



Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

What Your “Age” Says About You

Imagine, for a moment, that you had no birth certificate and your age was simply based  on  the way you feel inside. How old would you say you are?

Like your height or shoe size, the number of years that have passed since you first entered the world is an unchangeable fact. 1.

Scientists are increasingly interested in this quality. They are finding that our “subjective  age” may be essential for understanding the reasons why some people appear to be energetic as they grow old — while others fade.

2. It is now well accepted that people tend to mature as they get older, becoming less extroverted ( ) and less open to new experiences. These personality changes are often considered more obvious in the people with older subjective ages.

However, those who feel younger than they really are also become more reliable and less neurotic ( ) as they gain the wisdom that comes with greater life experience. But it doesn’t come at the cost of the energy and vigor of youth. It’s not true that having a lower subjective age leaves us frozen in a state of permanent immaturity.

Feeling younger than your years also seems to come with a lower risk of depression and greater  mental  wellbeing as  we age. 3. Most people felt about eight years younger than their actual chronological age (实际年龄). But some felt they had aged — and the consequences were serious. Feeling between 8 and 13 years older than your actual age resulted in an 18-25% greater risk of death over the study periods, and greater disease burden — even when you control for other demographic ( ) factors such as education, race or marital status.

4. However old you really are, it’s worth questioning whether any of those limitations are coming from the within.

A.It also means better physical health.

B.One of the most interesting aspects of the research has explored how subjective age interacts with our personality.

C.Some studies have explored the potential physical consequences of this difference.

D.These findings can give us all a view of the way our own brains and bodies endure the passing of time.

E.But everyday experience suggests that people often don’t experience ageing the same way.

F.Many researchers are now trying to study how this knowledge might help us live longer.



    China has long been tipped to be the next Silicon Valley, but now the  finances  and support are in place to make it happen.

There  is a growing consensus  ( ) that while Silicon Valley  is not  about  to  disappear anytime soon, its next biggest rival is already on the verge of bursting onto the international  scene — not in the US, nor in the EU, but in Asia. More specifically, China.

This is not just an observation based on the rise of companies like Alibaba, Baidu  and Tencent. It is grounded in a more widespread move to fund start-ups in Asia to the point where more money is being invested there than in Europe. Just five years ago, Europe and Asia are neck and neck in terms of investment.

In 2013, Europe made slightly more deals, 1550 compared to Asia’s 1071, but the total value  of investment was $7bn. Just five years later, Asia is now four times the size of Europe with twice as many deals carried out.

Between 2013 to 2018, the number of deals in Asia increased nearly fivefold, and their value leapt to $81bn, compared to the $21bn raised in Europe. The Asian figure also shows that the continent is closing the gap on the US which saw $105bn worth of deals.

One of the main reasons that makes the country so attractive is not just the huge growth in investment and high education standards, but also local and national governmental support benefiting tech companies.

In fact, one of the conclusions of a recent Fortune tech conference was that China’s tech companies will soon be beating American companies on their home turf. One of the reasons is that investors believe US immigration policy is making it more difficult for the best talent around the world to find work there. Plus, Chinese companies are now able to start paying salaries that can keep pace with those on offer in Silicon Valley.

Hence, when Ian Roger, Chief Digital Official at luxury group LVMH was asked where he thought the next Facebook or Google would come from, he suggested it would be a close call between Silicon Valley and China. The latter had the investment that is needed as well as a hard work culture of a six-day week. It also has a superb education system and a huge population.

As Silicon Valley appears to be heating up a little too hard for some people, China would appear to be warming up at just the right pace.

1.What does the expression “on the verge of ” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.on the way of B.on the list of

C.on the condition of D.on the point of

2.Which of the following is NOT a reason why China attracts foreign investment in tech companies?

A.High education standards. B.Huge growth in investment.

C.Support from the government. D.Higher salaries than those in Silicon Valley.

3.It can’t be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.the US immigration policy is strict but talent-friendly

B.Ian Roger believes the next Google might come from China

C.employees of Baidu might be accustomed to overwork

D.Chinese tech companies can provide highly competitive salaries now.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The total value of investment in Asia is four times that in Europe.

B.Finances, high education standards and support make it possible for China to become the next Silicon Valley.

C.Asia attracts worldwide best talents to tech companies.

D.American tech companies will soon be beaten by those in China.



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