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Directions: After reading the passage be...

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Nook’s arrival, Good or Bad?

Booklovers, most of them, will tell you 1. a pleasure it is to lend a favorite read to a friend – the novel you stayed up all night to get to the end of; the travel book that made you feel 2. you yourself were on a train ride through India. For a while it seemed that e-book users were to be denied this pleasure of lending to friends. You could buy a book or magazine for your reading device, but you couldn’t lend it out.

But now, with the Nook, the US book chain Barnes and Noble’s response to Amazon’s Kindle, electronic readers will be able to have their latest literary enthusiasm 3.(press) on their friends, just like readers of physical books can. You simply email the book from your Nook and your friend can read it for two weeks, 4.(use) any device with the Barnes & Noble e-book reader software. It’s a big improvement from previous e-book readers.

The Nook offers other features too. You read in black and white on the main screen, just like with Kindle. The difference is 5. on the lower part of the device there’s a color touch screen, 6. allows you to browse through a book or magazine, but goes black when you’re not using it so that you save power.

7. exciting thing about the Nook is that it offers Wi-Fi, arguably a big advance on previous e-book readers. Customers in the United States can use the Internet connection 8.(read) whole e-books at Barnes and Noble’s hundreds of bookstores for free. None of Barnes and Noble’s competitors can come close to this.

But the Nook, ironically, 9.(turn out) to be a money-loser for Barnes and Noble, or at least a job-loser for Barnes and Noble’s employees. According to Marian Maneker at The Big Money Website, 10. the Nook is successful it might take sales from the company’s bookstores, eventually forcing their closure and the loss of thousands of jobs.


1.what 2.as if/though 3.pressed 4.using 5.that 6.which 7.Another 8.to read 9.has turned out (turns out) 10.if 【解析】 本篇是一篇说明文。主要说明Barnes and Noble推出的Nook的优点和缺点。 1.考查感叹句。句意:大部分书迷都会告诉你,把一本最喜欢的书借给朋友读是一件多么愉快的事情——你整晚熬夜读完的那本小说。分析句子可知,___1___ a pleasure it is是一个感叹句,对名词a pleasure进行感叹,故填what。 2.考查表语从句。句意:让你觉得自己仿佛是你自己坐着火车穿越印度的那本旅游书。分析句子可知,____2____ you yourself were on a train ride through India是一个表语从句,接在feel后面作表语,根据语境,表示“似乎;好像”。故填as if/though。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:但现在,随着美国连锁书店Barnes and Noble推出Nook,回应Amazon的Kindle,电子读者将能够像实体书读者一样,把自己最新的文学热情传递给朋友。分析句子可知,后面句子为have sth. done 的结构,意为“让某事被做”,故填pressed。 4.考查非谓语动词。句意:你只需把这本书从你的Nook上电邮,你的朋友就可以用任何带有Barnes & Noble电子书阅读器软件的设备阅读它两周。分析句子可知,___4___(use) any device with the Barnes & Noble e-book reader software作伴随状语,use和它的逻辑主语your friend为主动关系,故填using。 5.考查表语从句连接词。句意:不同之处在于,在设备的下部有一个彩色触摸屏,可以让你浏览书籍或杂志,但当你不使用它时,它就会变黑,这样你就能省电。分析句子可知,___5___ on the lower part of the device there’s a color touch screen作为is的表语,是表语从句,从句中不缺少成分,意思也完整,应用that起连接作用,故填that。 6.考查定语从句引导词。句意:不同之处在于,在设备的底部有一个彩色触摸屏,可以让你浏览书籍或杂志,但当你不使用它时,它就会变黑,这样你就能省电。分析句子可知,___6___ allows you to browse through a book or magazine为非限制性定语从句,指代前面的句子,在从句中作主语,故填which。 7.考查不定代词。句意:Nook的另一个令人兴奋之处是它提供Wi-Fi功能,这可以说是比以前的电子书阅读器的一个大进步。根据上文描述了Nook和其他电子书的不同,可知这又是一个不同的地方,并且空中用来修饰名词,故用不定代词“又一个,另一个”,故填Another。 8.考查非谓语动词。句意:美国的顾客可以通过互联网在Barnes and Noble的数百家书店免费阅读整本电子书。分析句子可知,___8___(read) whole e-books at Barnes and Noble’s hundreds of bookstores for free在本句中作目的状语,表将来,故填to read。 9.考查时态。句意:但具有讽刺意味的是,Nook却成了Barnes and Noble书店的输家,或者至少是Barnes and Noble书店员工的输家。分析句子可知,空中缺少的是谓语动词,描述一般事实或者是表示已经存在的结果,故用一般现在时或者现在完成时,故填has turned out (turns out)。 10.考查状语从句。句意:据Big Money网站的Marian Maneker说,如果Nook获得成功,它可能会抢走公司书店的销售,最终迫使它们关闭,数千人失业。分析句子可知,___10___ the Nook is successful为状语从句,前后是条件关系,故填if。



Li Jiang: Have you heard this? Our school will set up a selective course, teaching students basic techniques for making a kite.

Su Hua:Yes, I have.The course is meant to inherit (传承) the kite-making craft.

Li Jiang: It's really exciting. I've always been interested in making kites. I want to enroll(报名)in the course.

Su Hua: I want to attend kite-making classes too. But I'm afraid the craft is too difficult for me.

Li Jiang: Don't worry about it.We can learn together.

Su Hua: There is another problem. My parents won't permit me to take part in such activities.They want me to spend more time on my subjects.

Li Jiang: By making kites we can be innovative, which is good for our study. I think they will support you.

Su Hua:Yes, that's right. I'll think about it.















In the course of researching my book, I asked people on five continents, “Who listens to you?” and the response was usually a long, awkward pause. Even those who were married and claimed vast networks of friends struggled to come up with someone who they felt truly listened to them.

It's fueling what public health officials are calling a worldwide epidemic of loneliness, which increases the risk of dying young. Indeed, studies link loneliness with heart disease, stroke, dementia and poor immune function.

To fight loneliness people are told to “Get out there! Join a club, take up a sport, volunteer, or invite people to dinner.” How do you connect with people once you're “out there” and “face-to-face”? Truly listening to someone is a skill many seem to have forgotten or perhaps never learned in the first place.

Listening goes beyond hearing what people say. It's also paying attention to how they say it and what they do while they are saying it, in what context, and how what they say resonates within you.

Listening is not about simply holding your peace while someone else holds forth. Quite the opposite. A lot of listening has to do with how you respond-the degree to which you elicit clear expression of another 's thoughts and, in the process, express your own clearly. It starts with an openness and willingness to follow another person's story without presumption or getting sidetracked by what's going on in your own head.

Good listeners ask good questions. Everyone is interesting if you ask the right questions. If someone seems dull or uninteresting, it's on you. Good questions don't have a hidden agenda of fixing, saving, advising, convincing or correcting. They don't begin with “Don't you think...?”or “Wouldn't you agree…?” and they definitely don't end with "Right?" The idea is to find out more about the speaker's point of view, not to influence it.

Also avoid asking appraising questions like “What do you do for a living?” and “What part of town do you live in?” and “Are you married?” These are not honest attempts to get to know people so much as rank them in the social hierarchy. It makes people strongly defensive and is likely to reduce the conversation to a CV recitation.

Instead, ask expansive questions such as, “What's the best gift you ever received?” and “If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?” Listening to people in this way is also essential to reaching compromise. You might not agree with them, but you gain understanding about their background and influences.

Listening is a skill and, like any skill, it degrades if you don't do it enough. The more people you listen to, the more aspects of humanity you will recognize and the better your judgments. To listen poorly, selectively, or not at all, will stop you from having a better understanding of the world.

Passage outline

Supporting details


People today find it hard to have a true1..

It can increase loneliness,which probably causes an2.death.

People are advised to be actively3.in various social activities and truly listen to each other.

How to listen

4.on the speaker as well as what is being said.

Follow another person's story5.without presumption and distraction.

Ask good questions meant to6.the speaker's point of view.

Avoid asking appraising questions that will make people quite7.to have an open and deep conversation.

Listen to people by asking expansive questions to8.gaps and find common ground.


Listening is a skill that needs constant9.

Good listening will improve our judgments,while poor listening will 10. our understanding of the world.





    I'm Dina Asher-Smith. Growing in Orpington, southeast London, I love being the hunter. The one in pursuit. In training, I'll latch on to the boys and chase them down. Even when I was younger, I tended to race girls who were older than me-at 17 I was racing 30-year-olds. It's where I'm comfortable. But the hunter can go on to become the hunted. And this year at the World Athletics Championships in Doha, Qatar, I won gold in the 200m. At 23, I became the first British woman to win a world championship sprinting (短跑) title.The morning after the race, I was in the media tent and was told that I'd been mentioned in the Parliament.

Track and field is a mental game.You're in your own little world, competing to be the person who can run the fastest in a straight line. My job is to take my body to a place where I think it can't do any more and then keep going. To do that, I need to know my strengths and weaknesses. People get caught up in embarrassment or shame when they're not good at something, but I just don't have that in me. I do have a voice in my head that tells me if I'm not good at things, but it doesn't make me feel negative about myself. I use it to identify where I can improve and then I just keep going to training every day.

I've inherited personality traits from my parents that help me in my career. My mum is excitable and when I'm on the track, I have her fire-wanting to go for everything. I always know when I finish a race that I can turn around and find her in the front row, jumping up and down. My dad is more reserved. He has a cool exterior and that's useful for me when I need calmness. I know to look for him a few rows behind my mum. They gave me opportunities to try whatever I was interested in. When I wanted to try golf, my dad bought me cut-down clubs and had me attempting to putt balls (推球入洞)in the back garden. My mum used to play hockey with me outside the house. They took me to so many clubs and classes.

I started training with my coach, John Blackie, in my mid-teens. We met when I was eight as he ran the kids academy at my running club. Along with my parents, the three of them always emphasized that they just wanted me to be happy. They never pushed me too early. And, as I've got older, I've realized that's unique.When running became serious, I knew that if it all stopped being fun for me, I could stop doing it. They put Dina the person before Dina the runner. Yes, the public might be disappointed and the newspapers might have a pop (抨击), but my parents and friends are still going to love me, and my coach is still going to be there. That knowledge allows me to stay relaxed under pressure.

Being as prepared as I can be is crucial as it keeps me calm and able to deliver in the moment.When I was studying history at university, I'd choose exams over coursework because I knew I could put the work in and perform under pressure. I was studying heavy things every day, like people facing prejudice because of their skin,or women sacrificing their lives for others to have the right to vote. It made me realize how lucky I am that the thing that gets me most frustrated is somebody beating me on the track.While, yes, I make sacrifices-some easy, such as not drinking and going out, and some harder, like restricting the food that I eat-ultimately, what I do is entertainment.

Everyone's asking me about Tokyo Olympics, but I'm more focused on today. It's important for me to keep my hopes and dreams separate from other people's. I'm grateful everybody wants me to do well, but my next step has to be for me, not anyone else.

1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.Asher-Smith is the victim of the sprinting world.

B.Asher-Smith becomes the focus of media coverage.

C.Asher-Smith now runs faster than those she chased.

D.Asher-Smith is no match for older racers in competitions.

2.How does Asher-Smith deal with her weakness?

A.She keeps reminding herself of it.

B.She keeps training to overcome it.

C.She chooses to ignore it completely.

D.She often gets caught in a dilemma.

3.In Asher-Smith's growth, her parents       .

A.changed their personalities

B.coached her in various sports

C.strengthened their family status

D.helped her explore her interests

4.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 indicates that Asher-Smith's parents and coach       .

A.prioritize her personal well-being

B.justify her failure to continue running

C.put her interests above the other runners

D.shelter her from the criticism of the media

5.What impact does her university life have on her?

A.It makes her lead a cosy life today.

B.It allows her to face prejudice bravely.

C.It enables her to be better prepared as an athlete.

D.It inspires her to fight for women' s human rights.

6.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.What it takes to be a gold medal sprinter.

B.Why it is hard to rise to fame in sprinting.

C.Who one can turn to in pursuit of the dream.

D.How parents discipline a sprinting champion.



    Birds use vocalizations to attract mates, defend territories, and recognize fellow members of their species. But while we know a lot about how variations in vocalizations play out between populations of songbirds, it's far less clear how this variation affects birds such as penguins in which calls are inherited (遗传). A new study from The Auk: Ornithological Advances examines differences in the calls of Little Penguins from four colonies in Australia-night-time birds for whom vocalizations are more important than visual signals-and finds that differences in habitat, rather than geographic isolation (隔离) or other factors, seem to be the key driver of variation in the sounds these birds use to communicate.

Diane Colombelli-Negrel and Rachel Smale of Australia's Flinders University recorded calls from four Little Penguin populations across a small area of South Australia, one of which had previously been shown to have slight genetic differences from the other three, and used playback experiments to test penguins ability to distinguish between calls from different colonies.They found that agonistic calls, which are used in pair displays and aggressive situations, varied among the four populations, and that the calls' characteristics appeared to depend on small-scale differences in the habitat where the penguins lived. However, birds did not discriminate between calls originating from different colonies, which suggests that agonistic calls don't seem to play a role in isolating the two different genetic groups.

Penguins living in open habitats produced lower-frequency calls than those living in habitats with thicker vegetation-the opposite of the trend typically observed in songbirds. The authors think that agonistic calls may be subject to different selective pressures because they're used in close encounters with other birds rather than to communicate across distances, and could also be influenced by variation in the noise level of wind and surf.

“I was excited to find that in seabirds, as most of our knowledge in this area comes from studies on songbirds," says Colombelli-Negrel. "This new research suggests that many factors influence call variation in birds, which also depends on the function of the calls. This study highlights that many questions remain and that studies need to investigate more than one factor in conjunction with the function of the calls to fully understand call variation in seabirds.”

“This work tells an interesting story of vocal diversification in Little Penguins, and gives insight into how individual and micro-scale variation effects behavior," according to Stony Brook University's Heather Lynch, an expert on penguin calls who was not involved in the study. "Non-vocal-learning birds are relatively understudied in terms of vocalizations, and it is great to see penguin vocalizations being studied in such a way."

1.What does the new study find?

A.Penguins are born with their calls.

B.Penguins communicate by various calls.

C.Penguins' calls are influenced by their habitat.

D.Penguins' calls can help isolate genetic groups.

2.What are the findings based on?

A.The test of penguins' responses to recorded calls.

B.The data collected from penguins across Australia.

C.Controlled experiments on penguins and songbirds.

D.Similarities between the calls of penguins and songbirds.

3.From the passage we can learn that       .

A.open-space songbirds tend to lower their calls

B.environmental noises may affect penguins' calls

C.birds use agonistic calls in distant communication

D.songbirds' agonistic calls vary little between species

4.We can infer from Colombelli-Negrel's words that researchers       .

A.will keep track of penguins to preserve them

B.have investigated a lot in penguins' calls before

C.will have a broader look at differences in penguins' calls

D.have determined the function of various calls in penguins



    In their book, Nine Lies About Work, Buckingham and Goodall make a surprising claim: they argue that giving people feedback (反馈)in the sense of telling them what you think they're doing right or wrong, and how to do it better-is never worthwhile. This runs counter to a current corporate trend for "radical candour", for example at Netflix where, according to recent reports, employees' failings are cruelly "sunshined" in front of others. When someone is fired, hundreds of their former colleagues might receive an email, cataloguing their flaws (缺陷). But it also contradicts an assumption most of us bring to our lives as parents and friends-that it's helpful, at least sometimes, and providing you do it nicely, to explain to people where they're making mistakes.

Buckingham and Goodall don't just claim you should keep that knowledge to yourself: they claim that you don't possess it, and that, in fact, you probably don't know how a failing employee could most effectively change. It's an old cliche (陈词滥调) of marital advice that you should use "I-statements"rather than" you-statements", telling the other person how their behaviour makes you feel, rather than attacking them for being selfish and incompetent. The standard theory is that you-statements cause people to respond defensively. But another is that you're a terrible judge of whether someone is selfish or incompetent. As Buckingham writes: "The only area in which humans are an unimpeachable (无懈可击的) source of truth is that of their own feelings and experiences."

Plenty of research shows we're particularly bad at rating people against abstract criteria, which means one common feature of workplace performance reviews- assessing whether an employee is, say, a strategic thinker or team player-is essentially pointless.We should replace this sort of judgment with "reactions". Don't tell others what you think of their skills, or how good you think they are; instead, focus on describing your experience of their work. You're no good at judging how someone else should change their approach to delivering presentations. But you're the authority on whether a given presentation was persuasive or boring to you.

And positive reactions, they show, work better than negative ones: we excel "when people who know us and care about us tell us what they experience and what they feel, and in particular when they see something within us that really works". There's a deep point here- that the best kind of praise focuses on how someone made you feel, not on evaluating their talent. Praise them for inspiring you, persuading you, or helping you grasp a complex issue. You really are the only objective judge of that.

1.The underlined word"it"in Paragraph 1 refers to"_______”.

A.giving people feedback

B.cataloguing colleagues' flaws

C.contradicting parents’ assumption

D.keeping that knowledge to yourself

2.Feedback is never worthwhile in that_________.

A.people tend to defend it

B.it is based on theory and truth

C.it is subjective and lacks uniqueness

D.people will effectively change themselves

3.Which of the following is the most appropriate to comment on others?

A."You have done a good job in the mid-term exams."

B."I am inspired by the creative ideas in your presentation.

C."You just think of yourself,but never care about others."

D."I'm sorry to say you have failed to meet my expectations."



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