满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

请根据下面的写作要点和要求写一篇100字左右的作文。 (写作要点) 1. 英语是...



1. 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一,是许多国家的官方语言。

2. 纵观历史,英语已经经历了巨大的变化。可以肯定的是这一变化过程还将会持续下去。

3. 学习英语的好处(不少于二点)。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 注意表达连贯,不要逐字翻译;

3. 不必写标题。



English is one of the most widely used languages in the world, which is considered as the official language by many countries. Throughout history, English has gone through huge changes. It is certain that this process will continue where people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things. It goes without saying that learning English has many benefits. With the help of English, we have access to modern science and technology from the developed countries, which enables us to make rapid progress. Besides, we can serve our country better if we have a good command of English. 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本篇要求考生按要求一篇介绍英语的文章。 体裁:说明文 时态:根据提示,时态应以一般现在时为主 结构:总分总 要求: 1. 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一,是许多国家的官方语言。 2. 纵观历史,英语已经经历了巨大的变化。可以肯定的是这一变化过程还将会持续下去。 3. 学习英语的好处 第二步:列提纲(重点词组) widely used/ be considered as/ go through/ keep doing sth./ a way of doing sth./ benefit/ have access to/ enable sb. to do sth./ have a good command of 第三步:连词成句 1. Considered as the official language by many countries. English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. 2. Throughout history, English has gone through some huge changes. 3. It is certain that this process will continue, for people will keep inventing new words and new ways of expressions. 4. There is no doubt that learning English has many benefits. 5.With the help of English, we have access to modern science and technology from the developed countries, and this enables us to make rapid progress. 6. Besides, we can serve our country better with a good command of English. 第四步:连句成篇(加入衔接词或从句) 表示并列的连词:and/but/or/so… 状语从句连词:because/ if/ though/ although… 定语从句连词:which/ that/ when/ where… 第五步:修改润色(加入高级词汇或短语)


1.Only when everyone o__________ the social rules can the society function well.

2.Now I am interested in English lessons because my teacher takes a totally new and inspiring a _______ to teaching English.

3.China will enhance cooperation with the international community over the b________ against the novel coronavirus in an open, transparent and responsible manner.

4.It is said that the new minister has been on trial because of political c________.

5.U_______, he lost his first prize in the English competition, which made him feel disappointed.

6.Can you telephone me at your_________ (方便) to arrange a meeting?

7.In the 1950s the Chinese government introduced_________ (简化的) Chinese characters and now they have widespread use in China’s mainland.

8.The twins can't be_________ (区分) from each other, who look completely the same.

9.After ten years' separation, the daughter had a great change in her appearance. Her mother glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of__________ (认识).

10.The film Titanic became an enormous critical and__________ (商业的) success, winning eleven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.




Strength of sisterhood

It’s been six years since the first Frozen movie 1. (become) a worldwide hit. A sequel (续集) was inevitable (不可避免的)—no one could let it go.

On Nov 22, Frozen 2 hit cinemas around the world. The film broke box office records 2. a $350 million worldwide debut (首映). Frozen 2 became Disney’s highest-grossing (票房最高的) animated feature yet, 3. (break) the record set by Frozen.

Frozen ‘s unusual twists (转折) are 4. make it special. It drops the prince-princess romance in favor of girl power. The prince is just a sidekick (次要角色). Different from princesses like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, 5. wait around for a prince to save them, Elsa doesn’t need a prince to rescue her. She is her own savior (救星). But the two sisters have different personalities. Anna is confident and bright-eyed 6. Elsa is a loner. Perhaps inevitably, they grow apart. In the end, though, their strong love as sisters brings them back together.

7. (like) most Disney animations (动画片), the story lacks a proper villain (反派). The main “villain” is Elsa’s icy powers. Elsa’s powers represent her 8. (sad) at not being able to fit in.

While Elsa wants to learn about her power, Frozen’s biggest message is about self-acceptance. It’s illustrated (说明) by the theme song, Let It Go. Its 9. (compose) Kristen Anderson-Lopez said that it should encourage people to forget fear and 10. (ashamed). “Be yourself and be powerful!” she added.



    In China, square dancing is an exercise routine performed to music in squares or parks. Recent years have _________ the growing popularity of square dancing among elderly people in China, _________ it provides them with a good platform to _________ and make new friends in their ordinary lives. Although the practice has roots in both ancient and modern Chinese history, today the Chinese hold _________ views towards it. Some people, the young in particular, argue that it has disturbed their peaceful lives.

As for _________ citizens, square dancing is relatively easy to learn compared to traditional _________ and thus win their _________. Moreover, practicing square dancing doesn’t need special equipment. All it needs are open ground and loudspeakers. _________, it can be found across the country.

_________, many young people have showed their dissatisfaction. They think that square dancing __________ too much space in their neighborhood and disturbs their life. In fact, it is the noise __________ square dancing that young people __________ most.

Therefore, concessions (让步) should be made by both __________ so that they can live in __________ with each other.

People taking part in square dancing are expected to dance in areas far away from residential communities (居民区), while the young are called on to show more __________ of square dancing.

They will also become old and one day may be one of the dancers they dislike now.

In addition, the government should spare more suitable areas where the elderly can do their favorite activities.

1.A.proved B.witnessed C.developed D.advanced

2.A.since B.once C.until D.though

3.A.relax B.retire C.react D.recover

4.A.unique B.general C.different D.wrong

5.A.local B.honest C.responsible D.senior

6.A.customs B.dances C.approaches D.entertainments

7.A.pleasure B.celebration C.encouragement D.love

8.A.As a result B.For example C.In other words D.In particular

9.A.Though B.Therefore C.However D.Otherwise

10.A.takes off B.takes up C.makes up D.keeps up

11.A.with B.into C.against D.by

12.A.doubt B.search C.regret D.dislike

13.A.positions B.parties C.situations D.hands

14.A.connection B.hope C.harmony D.independence

15.A.tolerance B.expectation C.spirit D.service



    During a job interview, your body language will have already given people their first impression of you before a word has even been spoken. The interviewers will not only pay attention to what you say during the interview, but also to how you say it!1.

2. Body language shows your serious attitude toward that interview. Then after the introduction you will usually be directed to take a seat. Choose a place from where you can clearly see all the interviewers.

During a job interview, try to keep a posture (姿势) that shows you are interested and relaxed. Sit up straight in your chair. What to do with your hands? 3. From these positions it’s also easy to support your words with hand gestures.

Then it is important to look at all the interviewers. When one of them explains something or asks a question, keep looking at this person. 4. When answering, you should look first at the person who asked the question and take turns to look at other interviewers as well.

All in all, body language will decide first if it “clicks”, and sometimes all it takes is just a few seconds. Everybody uses body language, but it takes place mostly at a subconscious (潜意识的) level. 5.

A.Being more aware of your body language can increase your chances of getting the job.

B.This shows that you are listening.

C.Always wear a smile from the beginning of the interview.

D.It is better to put them on your lap or on the armrests of your chair.

E.It is important to look directly into the eyes of interviewers.

F.Here are some advice on your body language during a job interview.

G.Remember to arrive in time for a job interview.



    Mrs. Strickland did not talk much, but she had a pleasant gift for keeping the conversation general. And when there was a pause she threw in just the right remark to set it going once more.

“Why do nice women marry dull men?”

“Because intelligent men won’t marry nice women.”

Mrs. Strickland had the gift of sympathy.

There was another thing I liked in Mrs. Strickland. She managed her surroundings with elegance (优雅). Her flat was always neat and cheerful with flowers. The meals in the little dining room were pleasant; the table looked nice; the food was well cooked. It was impossible not to see that Mrs. Strickland was an excellent housekeeper. And you felt sure that she was an admirable mother. There were photographs in the drawing room of her son and daughter. The son—his name was Robert—was a boy of sixteen at Rugby. He had his mother’s fine eyes. He looked clean, healthy, and normal.

“I don’t know that he’s very clever,” she said one day, when I was looking at the photograph, “but I know he’s good. He has a charming character.”

The daughter was fourteen. Her hair, thick and dark like her mother’s, fell over her shoulders, and she had the same kindly expression and untroubled eyes.

“They both look like you,” I said.

“Yes, I think they are more like me than their father.”

“Why have you never let me meet him?” I asked.

“Would you like to?” she smiled and her smile was really very sweet.

“You know, he’s not at all literary,” she said. “He has no interest in literature.”

“He’s on the Stock Exchange (证券交易所), and he’s a typical broker (经纪人). I think he’d bore you to death.”

“Does he bore you?” I asked.

“You see, I happen to be his wife. I’m very fond of him.” She smiled to cover her shyness, and her eyes grew tender.

“He doesn’t pretend to be a talent. He doesn’t even make much money on the Stock Exchange. But he’s awfully good and kind.”

“I think I should like him very much.”

“I’ll ask you to dine with us quietly some time, but mind, you come at your own risk; don’t blame me if you have a very dull evening.”

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Mrs. Strickland is a very good housekeeper.

B.Her daughter looks more like her than her husband.

C.Her son, clever or not, has a pleasant character.

D.Mrs. Strickland doesn’t love her husband because of his dullness.

2.What does the sentence “I think he’d bore you to death” in paragraph 13 imply?

A.Mrs. Strickland doesn’t think her husband is a dull man.

B.It must be boring for the guest to talk with Mr. Strickland because of different interests.

C.Mrs. Strickland fears that her husband will make the guest die.

D.The guest will finally find Mr. Strickland is a humorous host.

3.Which is the closest meaning to the underlined word “awfully”?

A.Personally. B.Gradually.

C.Extremely. D.Eventually.

4.What does the author think of Mrs. Strickland in this passage?

A.Elegant and attractive. B.Dull and unconfident.

C.Beautiful and unlucky. D.Bitter and foolish.



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