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The Campus Bookstore Bookie’s , the cam...


The Campus Bookstore
Bookie’s , the campus bookstore is located at the Campus Activity Centre , main floor .
Bookie’s is the only place in Kamloops to buy your course textbooks . There is a booklist in the bookstore listing the books required for each course . If you need help in finding your course textbooks , ask any of the staff in the bookstore .
There are more than just textbooks at bookie’s . They carry a wide variety of stationary , art supplies and gift items . You can also buy telephone cards , postage stamps and bus passes . You must show your student card to get a discount for the bus passes .

1) Do I need my receipt to return books ?
Yes .
2) How long do I have to return books ?
Books purchased must be returned within ten
working days of the date of the purchase .
3) What if I wrote my name in the book ?
Unfortunately , we cannot give you a full
refund for books not in mint condition as
publishers will not accept this for credit .
4) What happens if I miss the last day for return ?
We may purchase the text book as “ used ” in
accordance with our Buyback program .
5) What if I discover that my book has missing
Pages half way through the semester ?
We will replace thedefectivebooks , new or
used , for a like copy of that title . Cash
refunds are not given for defective books
returned outside the normal return dates .

1) What books do you buy back ?
We buy back all current edition textbooks .
If we do not use them at UCC , we buy them
2) How much do I get for my books ?
If bookie’s is buying the book for use at
UCC , you will receive 50% of the current
new retail price . In order to receive optimum
buyback price , discs and supplements must
accompany the book .
3) What happens to the books that I sell ?
Books for bookie’s are processed by our
staff and sold to students at 75% of the new
retail price .
4) What condition do my books need to be in ?
Books should be in good condition , meaning
that the cover is still attached and all pages
intact . Highlighting , notes and markings on
the pages are perfectly fine . Workbooks and
study guides are generally not purchased
back unless they are free of all markings . No
sales receipt is required for these books .

Bookstore Hours
Monday—Thursday 9:00am—6:00pm
Friday 9:00am—5:00pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed


1.The intended readers of this passage are __________ .

A.Book dealers B.University students

C.Publishers D.Campus staff

2.The underlined word “defective” can best be replaced by __________ .

A.faulty B.adapted C.new D.latest

3.Bookie’s will not buy back your used textbook if __________ .

A.you have lost the sales receipt

B.there are markings and notes on the pages

C.the cover of the book is missing

D.you miss the last day for return

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage ?

A.Bookie’s is a place for students to buy their course textbooks .

B.Student cards are needed to get a discount for the textbooks .

C.Books bought in bookie’s can be returned within ten working days .

D.Books bought back are processed by the staff and sold to students .


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题本文是一篇说明文,文章介绍了Kamloops大学中的书店Bookie的优惠信息以及开业时间等等。 1. 2.defectivebooks , new or used , for a like copy of that title .中的defective就是指这些有缺页的有问题的书。所以A项faulty“有错的”正确。 3. 4.

    Chinese Ministry of Education (教育部) is changing its traditional policy of encouraging schools to give special admission (入学) opportunities to those students with special talents in sports, music and art, even though their grades didn’t reach the standard.

The policy was flawed because some parents expose their not-so-talented child to plenty of expensive and demanding training courses in order to improve their child’s slim chances of approaching a good school. And then there was the problem of corruption (贪污腐败), which means some local officials selling the talent certificates (证书) and medals to those ambitious parents. According to a press conference held by the Ministry of Education in March, 2018, the “special talent” policy is expected to be completely called off by 2020.

Although the policy is ending, it should not imply that students should give up developing their talents and interests. These extracurricular (课外的) activities may not have a direct effect on academic performance, but they are ways for students to begin building a “talent stack” that will help them in their future careers.

The idea of a “talent stack” comes from the American cartoonist Scott Adams. According to Adams, people shouldn’t focus on the goal of becoming the best at something because very few people are actually the best. There are not many Michael Jordans or Albert Einsteins. Instead, people should cultivate a variety of skills that work well together.

Jack Ma (马云) is a typical example of what Adams is talking about. Ma liked English and became an English teacher. He learned some business skills by operating an English language training school. He also had an interest in computers. On a visit to the United States, he discovered the internet and the way it was being used to buy and sell things. Although Ma wasn’t the best English speaker or a computer expert, he was able to “stack” them —to put them together—to learn about internet trading and then start Alibaba, the world’s largest online trading website.

Although you may not realize it, you have already begun building your talent stack by learning English. If you have other interests like art and sports, you should continue to develop them. They will add to your talent stack and give you an advantage in the job market. Your unique set of skills, even if you may not be the best at any of them, may also lead you into new careers you may not have previously considered. Having a talent may no longer give students a shortcut in getting into a good school, but developing that talent will have long-term benefits as part of your “talent stack.”

1.What does the word “flawed” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.perfect. B.complicated. C.imperfect. D.pointless.

2.Which of the following statements about the “talent stack” is NOT true?

A.It was carried out by an American cartoonist.

B.Michael Jordan and Albert Einstein has one of the best talent stacks in the world.

C.Studying a foreign language is an effective way to build one’s “talent stack”.

D.The power of talent stacks may be beyond your imagination.

3.Why does the author take Jack Ma’s personal experience as an example?

A.To prove that Jack Ma is good at running a business.

B.To show that one’s “talent stack” has nothing to do with his academic performance.

C.To tell the readers that mastering English is the most efficient means to build one’s “talent stack”.

D.To point out that “talent stack” can helps a person take advantage of benefits from different professional fields.

4.What can we infer(推断) from the article?

A.Students with special talents will have fewer opportunities to study in good schools in two years.

B.Having talents and interests doesn’t help a student’s academic performance at all.

C.Developing a talent in sports, music or art is certain to cost a lot of money.

D.The author holds a negative attitude towards the newly-launched policy.



    The ancient art of opera can be brilliant entertainment; it is a(n) _________ of music, drama, and sometimes dance, staged with elaborate(精心制作的) sets of costumes. Opera is often _________ by many, however, partly because of some of the stereotypes(成见) associated with it. Some of its critics say that the narratives are too complex. Others complain that operas cannot be understood because they are often performed in _________ languages. Stereotypes aside, opera is an art form enjoyed by many _________ lovers. Operas can be comedies or tragedies or stories taken from history.

The story of an opera is generally simple so as to avoid  _________ the audience from the music. The libretto, or script, sets each scene and describes the action in both words and stage directions. The music of an opera—the way it advances the action and the feelings it inspires in the listeners—is _________ important. The three principal musical _________ are the overture(前奏曲), the recitative(朗诵调), and the aria(咏叹调).

The overture is the instrumental introduction to the opera, the purpose of which has been _________ over time. During the nineteenth century, the overture began to combine snippets of melodies from arias, ballets, and other musical elements in a medley of the opera’s musical themes.

A recitative is less a song than a monologue(独白) that is sung rather than _________. A recitative is an element, older than the overture, which was invented at the beginning of the seventeenth century as a means of telling__________ in music; the first operas were actually a series of recitatives joined by musical interludes. Because an opera is basically a play set to music, the recitative is a means of telling the __________ what is going on and what is about to happen.

An aria is a solo performance—often one of the highlights of the opera. Arias can be declarations of love or __________ of hope, happiness, sorrow, or anguish. Many composers have written arias to __________ the vocal gifts of singers; some sopranos(女高音歌手) were indeed famous for the very high notes that they could sing. __________, arias are not the only songs in opera. Duets, compositions for three or four voices, and large-group numbers are also common. These diverse musical elements, __________ visual elements in costumes and sets as well as the dramatic content of the story, make the opera the complex art form that it is.

1.A.exploration B.mixture C.research D.experiment

2.A.unappreciated B.composed C.enjoyed D.favored

3.A.local B.native C.foreign D.official

4.A.gossip B.history C.movie D.music

5.A.releasing B.separating C.distracting D.disappointing

6.A.particularly B.rarely C.originally D.historically

7.A.tastes B.elements C.skills D.talents

8.A.stated B.described C.lacked D.evolved

9.A.imagined B.reminded C.spoken D.written

10.A.stories B.news C.jokes D.lies

11.A.musicians B.audience C.directors D.performers

12.A.rights B.reasons C.expressions D.expenses

13.A.improve B.show C.involve D.practise

14.A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.However

15.A.broken into B.applied to C.combined with D.matched with



Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

I used to hate waiting in line, thinking of it as a big waste of time and a test on my patience, but 1.(live) in Israel for three years, I have changed my attitude toward it.

Probably because the country is not very big, with limited resources, 2. you’re at the bank, the post office or the bus stop, you’ll always find a straight line of people waiting. But instead of worrying or hurrying some are drinking hot coffee; 3. are chatting to each other, even though a minute ago they were just strangers.

4. seemed to me that they were enjoying queuing and taking the chance to relax.

Gradually I came to realize that 5. (obey) rules, which can be clearly seen in queuing up, is an important part of their culture. Once I saw a young foreigner trying to jump the queue and be shouted at by an old Israeli man, with others joining in. The poor guy was so ashamed6. he slipped away as fast as he could.

But don’t think Israeli people are cruel. If you have to leave for a short time, 7. the person behind you agrees, you can always come back and stand in front of him or her. However, if you miss him or her, you’ll have to start over. If you wait next to the basketball court or tennis court for more than five minutes, someone on the court will definitely offer 8.(switch) places with you. This has become part of the culture in Israel.

Their culture 9. (reflect) Israelis’ belief in equal opportunities, which may have played a role in helping Israel to stay on its feet in the world even after the cruel Holocaust.

Compared 10. Israel, our way of queuing up is much more casual. People always go out of their way to get the “privilege” of a shorter wait.












1.Did you report the l_____________of your jewelry to the police?

2.Music is the u________________language of human beings.

3.He p______________to be doing his homework when the teacher came in.

4.She was very glad to receive an i_____________to the party.

5.We have a lot in c____________, so we often have a lot to talk about.

6.Even though the work was difficult, he m___________to finish it himself.

7.The thief was s___________by police boarding a plane for London.(发现)

8.This kind of food _______________(含有) a lot of fat.

9.I will tell him the news on his _________________(到达).

10.Smoking is not p___________in the office.



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